5 ай бұрын
GW2 Power Mesmer Roaming in 2024
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Ele working as Intended
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Extreme Boredom
2 жыл бұрын
6 months of GW2 Roaming Leftovers
Frὲsh Aῖr Roamẕ
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M E S M E R Roaming in 2022
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GW2 Multiclass 1v1s
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GW2 Glass Harbinger Solo Roaming
@ferretguildwars2 18 сағат бұрын
Im wet
@xioh171 23 сағат бұрын
any advice to get better on mesmer?
@sylver4494 Күн бұрын
So many sin moments
@misfire3859 Күн бұрын
@XmantiX Күн бұрын
"Short but sweet" type of video xD
@itssobalanced Күн бұрын
Honk honk
@justice_1337 Күн бұрын
Was this posted 3 hours ago or 3 years ago.
@OmniElite Күн бұрын
It's a few months old, might make another one of these with clips I got a few days ago. Haven't been playing much.
@DabargaMesmer Күн бұрын
the biggest of oofs
@Osmosis909 6 күн бұрын
coming back to the game and I suck lol used to be OK on Mesmer, but never had the balls to run full zerk. What do you recommend for gearing if you're learning/re-learning the class or want to be a bit tankier until you're comfortable with the playstyle. I only solo roam, so a marauder/demolisher mix be ok? Obviously, I am going to lose out on damage, but I want to relearn the move set. Also did they heavily nerf mirage? Always used to be my fav spec!
@lasthope703 7 күн бұрын
Amazing video. That starting clip was clean ask fk
@KarlStradlin 21 күн бұрын
Hello, I'm returning to the game after several years, only with HoT and PoF, I would like to try your builds for roaming, any free replacement or what can I get with the expansions what do I have for the Midnight King's Relics and the Claw Relic?
@OmniElite 21 күн бұрын
@@KarlStradlin do you have access to isgarren, probably not. Otherwise it's thief, which almost doesn't feel worth it. if u are unable to run midnight king run infiltration runes over scholar on Chrono, ideally always with severance on gs. Could run adventurer relic on mirage
@KarlStradlin 20 күн бұрын
@OmniElite Thank you very much for the response, I will investigate this in order to execute what you recommend to the letter. Just to clarify, in the Chrono build, replace the Midnight King's relic with the Thief's relic, right?
@Hollts 21 күн бұрын
just watching this again, that first clip is perfection
@lammoth8356 24 күн бұрын
I'm sorry Mr Elite but I see no BM or exposes in this vid. I don't wanna live in a world without wvw drama!unsubscribed
@OmniElite 24 күн бұрын
@@lammoth8356 the 1v2 vs NT, and the other 1v2 vs Oath doesn't count?
@lammoth8356 24 күн бұрын
@@OmniElite you're right, I guess that does count but next time I wanna see at least 3 sieges being thrown and spacebar spamming please. Thank you!
@kaspi6161 25 күн бұрын
god i love low resolution mesmer
@OmniElite 25 күн бұрын
aspect ratio*
@LightsOut_101 25 күн бұрын
@RawLastHopeGaming 26 күн бұрын
Mesmer meta roaming is strong
@neoliticus2199 26 күн бұрын
whats the main difference between chrono and mirage in playstyle? Chrono is more bursty-one shot oriented? Im looking for pros and cons of each.
@OmniElite 25 күн бұрын
The following is based on the builds I have linked in the description. I myself mostly play chrono now a days. Chrono is far more aggressive, and you have a much easier time overwhelming and locking people down through cc and shatter vomit but you suffer from a loss in mobility and range pressure in comparison to mirage. You play alot more in melee on chrono and also more spammy. You are constantly looking for windows to land damage and often setup multiburst chains such that force opponents to use their cooldowns quickly in order to survive. You basically don't let your opponents think about trying to land damage on you as you have them panicking. Chrono is heavily cooldown reliant compared to mirage and the longer the fight goes, the more useless chrono becomes but you are often able to end fights alot quicker. Its important to note that the more defensive skills you take on chrono the less aggressive it becomes, and easier to play it becomes but you lose alot of the benefits that make chrono fun to play and also effectiveness in certain matchups. For example, versus dagger pistol thieves, I like running sword pistol / greatsword chrono with gravity well as it allows me to chain stuns and counterpressure, whereas if I ran torch, and mass invisibility, dropped mantra of distraction for midnight signet I would lose my ability to win those trades, and the thief can stealth for longer. It definitely has a higher skill ceiling and skill floor, and if you run into another mesmer thats somewhat competent, running more defensive skills, you are at an insane disadvantage. You also suck more into willbender. Hyperagressive chrono builds typically didn't do as well in 1vX until spear (as a second weapon set) came along, due to its aoe pressure and massive damage. Basically, in summary, you can drastically change how GS chrono plays, based on the utility skills. On mirage you play much more passive. You play from range more on mirage and keep your distance, rarely if ever going for mirrorblade blink bursts. Mirage, can't brute force tear through a single target nearly as well (don't get me wrong it can absolutely oneshot but its more finesse and requires precision rather than spam, which means against specs that can resustain rapidly it doesn't do nearly as well as chrono) but if multiple targets are stacked up, split surge (even with the nerfs, at least on double mantra) will rip through them (I can still occasionally oneshot 2 or 3 people with phantasmal berserkers and split surge if I have prestacked vulnerability with double mantra). Mirage may not have as much pressure, but it has a lot more sustained damage at least in comparison to normal chrono (not sure if that is true in comparison to the spear / gs chrono build but even for that I am committed to engaging in melee range for that damage, whereas mirage I can play it safer from range). In comparison to Chrono's playstyle variety, GS mirage on the other hand, generally plays relatively the same, assuming you are running jaunt, the main difference is fight duration. The more defensive / utility you run, such as signet of illusions (which I guess you could say is also offensive) and deceptive evasion, the longer you can stay in the fight (and therefore more sustained damage could be argued), but your spike is literally cut in half so it kinda evens out, especially since split surge nerfs, makes the old standard build not worth it, your split surge hits like a wet noodle. I might give double mantra deceptive evasion a try, which technically I shouldn't lose too much damage with as I have more clones. Both are relatively unforgiving but mirage's mobility and disengage gives it the edge in that respect unless you are running a ton of stealth on chrono. I guess you could also say that that also makes mirage the better roamer and easier to play but its harder to kill things as in terms of fighting capabilities, chrono outshines mirage at the moment (at least if both are running greatsword, I haven't played much spear / sword/x mirage). The spear / gs chrono mimic build seems to be a solid blend. I can disengage using a mimic blink, and mass invisibility, giving me burst mobility similar to mirage and I can hyperpressure the same way I could with gravity well because of spear, which also gives me more massive aoe damage, and allows me to chain like 4 oneshot bursts basically if I use continuum split, the pressure seems to make up for its lack of sustain, and also mimic allows me to use my port without fear. The one gripe I have it is that mimic is definitely really strong but it is often a massive waste if I get cc'd without already having used it, and if I wasn't going for a specific clip I would think about changing it out. Furthermore this build, I would imagine is not a duelist, (that said I haven't really dueled on it) and is more of a pug stomper.
@fandango- Ай бұрын
is the turnaround before mirror blade at 0:37 just about face or something else? very smooth.
@OmniElite Ай бұрын
if you aren't moving, mirror blade will automatically turn you to your target at the start of the cast unless you are immobilized.
@fandango- Ай бұрын
@ hard to believe i consider myself a mesmer not knowing that 🤣 thank you
@Kensensus Ай бұрын
You got those one shots on lock. That is so satisfying to watch.
@OmniElite Ай бұрын
just wait...
@XmantiX Ай бұрын
@@OmniElite Has he really found a way to surpass an ascended sayan? Is that possible?
@aimrob3 Ай бұрын
Casually hitting for 15k, jesus christ
@andersonchavez8306 Ай бұрын
Do you have a build with spear?
@OmniElite Ай бұрын
Updated in description with notes.
@FruitGW2 Ай бұрын
very big mesmering
@BlueFlopy Ай бұрын
Reported for cheating. Loser lol Man I love mails like that, people are so clueless about the game 🤣 Great clips mate! 🙃
@biomagic8959 Ай бұрын
why power mirage? 🤔
@OmniElite Ай бұрын
big ranged damage
@justice_1337 Ай бұрын
I want to be you when I grow up.
@Hollts Ай бұрын
@Hossenfaus Ай бұрын
Miss your roaming videos, brother. Hope you are well. :D
@Hollts 21 күн бұрын
@@Hossenfaus <3333
@Worats Ай бұрын
the goat
@ShyeHD Ай бұрын
Holy Moley the clips.
@Gronk_Gaming Ай бұрын
@Eluaineclipdump Ай бұрын
not enough dmg tbh :D
@rektyu7035 Ай бұрын
@killerz_7306 Ай бұрын
The first clip tho xD, insane clips as always
@sylver4494 Ай бұрын
0:39 that gs4 fighting your demons bro
@OmniElite Ай бұрын
Unfortunate tab target
@HexPhoenix Ай бұрын
Great video, amazing song choice
@mashiro.5990 Ай бұрын
holy shit dude...
@DabargaMesmer Ай бұрын
I liked the part where you mirror bladed
@v8rockz Ай бұрын
epic program...
@greenhausroams Ай бұрын
continuum split my legs open 👁️🫦👁️
@XmantiX Ай бұрын
Started in downstate, ended in downstate. Poetic. <3
@FeintFate Ай бұрын
thats hot
@ferretguildwars2 Ай бұрын
What an attractive individual
@RYS_YT Ай бұрын
didnt wartch yet but goes hard
@OmniElite Ай бұрын
@@RYS_YT ...
@grouto7508 Ай бұрын
@mashiro.5990 2 ай бұрын
holy shit dude D: thats awesome! you are the chosen ones
@yada769 3 ай бұрын
Yup save your money go play another game ANET has made this game pure garbage with one shot builds
@conq1234 4 ай бұрын
do you not stream?
@OmniElite 4 ай бұрын
@@conq1234 nah, my net is horrendous but I do hang out on grouto's stream time to time, roaming or dueling.
@framinthor 4 ай бұрын
can someone explain to me what that movement is at 1:17?
@OmniElite 4 ай бұрын
i got knockbacked by revenant downstate ability and stunbroke
@framinthor 4 ай бұрын
@@OmniElite oh ok that makes sense, cuz it looked like an invis dash ability similar to blink but different animation but i couldn't see any abilities being used lol
@framinthor 4 ай бұрын
@@OmniElite what is that 1shot combo btw? GS 2 blink GS3 is crazy lol
@OmniElite 4 ай бұрын
@@framinthor the usual combo is precast mirrorblade blink mindwrack and then mindstab. However, the no hud clip is a bit different. I precasted mindstab, used mantra of pain, mantra of distraction blinked mindwrack and then weapon swapped for hydro, which is basically an unreactable burst but it only oneshot because he was full zerk. I did the same combo except I used continum split at the clip starting at 0:20
@OmniElite 4 ай бұрын
@@framinthor I would not bother going for the meme combo, especially if you are new to the game or new to mesmer, as in my experience its in the top five hardest combos to get off in the game and required extensive practice on golems for it to look smooth. I would just go for the precast mirrorblade blink mindrack mindstab combo and if you are on mirage, dont even really ever use that combo as you mostly just sit back and split surge. Its a huge investment of resources.
@tachimachima 4 ай бұрын
The no scopes are so nice to watch.
@Hollts 5 ай бұрын
this is 10./10
@OmniElite 5 ай бұрын
thx m8
@routa264 5 ай бұрын
@OmniElite 5 ай бұрын
i said that for the majority of our fights xd