The Canadian commentator said:”The start was disastrous,bone-chilling.The rest of the way is nothing short of spectacular.” “She just racked up the points with great quality of skating.Beautiful spins and steps.A total complete skater.” “The recovery from the fall into the boards is complete. She has the lead.” All hail the great Japanese champion,Mao Asada.
@성d름5 күн бұрын
0:56 it's a definitely 3F without turning
@성d름11 күн бұрын
0:49 겨드랑이로 돈 쓸어담냐?
@alemm540829 күн бұрын
15年程前なのに今のフィギュアより高難度なのおかしい👏 練習させても現役選手誰もできないよ...
@danielaamgc3184Ай бұрын
I’ve always hated this commentary. Going on and on about Yuna during Mao’s skate is so disrespectful. Looking back at the rivalry, it’s like Mao always got the short end of the stick with people not deeming her good enough. It’s perhaps why I can’t look back on the rivalry fondly, because they genuinely treated Mao like shit. “Yuna is unbeatable and Mao is just trying to catch up” only for Mao to win this event. LOL.
@lupinlun20155 күн бұрын
I agree.Mao’s real talent and accomplishments are rarely appreciated enough by the skating world.
She is very elegant yet gutsy on ice. Not everyone likes the music choice,but I think she does it justice. I would like to see skaters try to do more unique programs like her in the competition.
@_MAOTA956 ай бұрын
Mao is just trying her best to speak English, which she is not very good at, but the comment section here is filled with comments that have nothing to do with the video, such as Mao's competition results, jumps, Kim, etc., rather than the video. Kim's fans have been watching her constantly for decades.
Mao,brilliant as usual. Her skating over the ice comes with a lot of flow,and her jumps are effortless here.That lutz is wrong edge for sure,but her 3F3Lo is solid as a rock,could be recognized.Her dance with and between each element including the step sequence is even more breathtaking. Though there are some other small flaws that she needs to hold her spiral or spin for longer, she still deserves higher PCS for the whole presentation.
@lupinlun2015 Жыл бұрын
A very heroic and stunning performance from Mao.The fall on the triple Axel was scary;however,she turned around quickly at 1:02 and did everything else in this difficult program completely and beautifully.She had good flows and heights on her jumps here.I like her 3F3T,3Lo ,2A here particularly. Her skating skill,carriage,arm position , spins ,and footwork also matched the choreography of this program very well.This free skate together with her fantastic SP,Ladies in Lavender,just helped her won her first world title.Not only me but the audience there and many commentators truly appreciated this performance,as everyone can see.
@bamboozlea8347 Жыл бұрын
Why is it lower than her score at the Olympics? That’s strange
the reason the tech score is so low is because she had several underrotations in this program and the scoring system penalized URs much more severely back then
@whatisyoung Жыл бұрын
벤쿠버 끝나고 되게 힘들었을텐데 세계선수권에 돌아와서 클린한 게 그냥 피겨를 다 떠나고 한 사람의 시점에서 대단하다고 생각함 마지막에 뿌듯해 하는 표정이 참 좋다… 슬럼프 겪지 않았다면 더 좋았을텐데.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
도덕성으로 되는 것이 통했더라면 일본의 부강함은 아마 없을 것이다.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
도덕성으로 되어야 할 것을 안되게 하는 존재감이 되는 것도 아무나 하는 것이 아니다.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
일본은 도덕성으로 되어야 할 것을 안되게 만든 것으로 존재감을 만든 나라이다.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
친하지 않는 대상이랑 친해지는 것은 그냥 묵인하거나 묵인시키는게 최선일지 모른다는 생각이 든다.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
지금의 한일관계를 생각한다면 일본한테 도덕성을 따지는 것은 그냥 일본하고의 관계를 부정하는 것으로 밖에 느껴지지 않을 것이다.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
일본은 친하지 않은 대상이랑 친해지는데 성공한 나라이다. 일본한테 도덕성을 따지는 것은 친하지 않은 대상이랑 친해지는데 방해만 될 뿐이다.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
도덕적인 것이 결여되는 정도로 끝나는게 아니라. 아예 도덕적으로는 비난을 받을듯. 어디 내놓기가 참 겁이나는 내용이 아닐 수 없다.
@sunghunkim9676 Жыл бұрын
일본이 내 구세주라고 하는 것은 순전히 자존심적인 의미 이지 도덕적인 것은 결여된 의미이다.