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@rainblue8005 9 сағат бұрын
I played a lot of mmos and i stumbled across this one like half a year ago. I can say i enjoyed gw2 the most because of open world and horizontal progression. The game feels alive. And you get rewarded anything you do. You can litterally roam the world while lost and get rewarded
@fufu1405 Күн бұрын
1:15 bullshit. Yes the game runs well, but if you're trying to do the most popular end game activity which is meta events, you need a very strong CPU or you'll be playing at horrible framerates.
@itsnanablitz Күн бұрын
Well to be fair, that’s a problem for any mmo under the sun
@fufu1405 Күн бұрын
@@itsnanablitz Definetly not like Guild Wars 2.
@zxzx24th 3 күн бұрын
I am pretty hyped for it as well.
@henrymedina4504 6 күн бұрын
I did that level boost let me tell you I would never buy another one. I hit 80, a bunch of skills never used and I got all confused like a lost chicken lol. Never again
@RicardoSantos-oz3uj 8 күн бұрын
Congratulations on learning something new on your own.
@dupazbita6103 9 күн бұрын
I think WoW players have some unhealthy "endgame obsession". It's not a race, FF14 offers so much on every step of the journey, that you can take your time with all the MSQs and enjoy the cutscenes, as they are usually fun and well written. Good writing is a major factor that makes people love the game.
@JamesKnox3502 10 күн бұрын
its giving 3ds legend of zelda ngl
@JamesKnox3502 10 күн бұрын
specificly orcarina of time/majoras mask
@zxzx24th 10 күн бұрын
Damn that town looks BEAUTIFUL
@dragonblade7195 14 күн бұрын
Cuz they are the GOATs
@zxzx24th 17 күн бұрын
Heya! What a nice video! A pleasure to see it.
@Neocharm 18 күн бұрын
Horizontal progression, "to some it's actually a positive"? I played WoW for years and GW2 isnt just a new chapter in a book of MMO's but a whole new book upon itself. All people I spoke from WoW who switched to GW2 told me a whole new world opened up to them. Just, when you start playing GW2, forget everything you know and think you know about MMO's and start exploring. No boosters, just watch your character evolve and learn to play it. "Just spamming dps" isn't quite the case without the support classes in your team. Healing and Cleansing is done in Strikes and/or WvW when you encounter other groups.
@baaz6968 19 күн бұрын
wait I’m confused why wasn’t mastery or legendary gear mentioned? cause hmmm with how you described the professions “the three good ones, and everything else” just kinda comes across as you haven’t tried everything. that’s really just a shame cause you aren’t taking advantage of the alt friendliness of the game. and as you collect more alts, you will start to see the value of character slots as they are much higher value per gold than every other gem store item. and then you’ll see why legendary gear is really nice, convenient, reasonably attainable and a good long term goal. so like saying you have nothing to work towards is just like wrong. of course play the game how you want to, spend as much time you want to into the game. but I get the sense that you are missing out on a lot of the more “challenging” (cms aren’t hard just knowledge checks which through focus can be surpassed) content. and this is just one example I could keep going tldr, if ur not gonna play all the content, aren’t you always not gonna have something to work towards? if you are a casual player and don’t want to do that stuff THATS OKAY but at that rate doesnt saying “you don’t have anything to work towards” apply to like every game in general? like by the end of the video you are mastery 40, there is ALOT of the game you haven’t seen
@itsnanablitz 18 күн бұрын
Having a box to check off doesn’t count as stuff to do, stuff to do only really counts if one cares about the content to be done, my issue with the boxes in gw is that there is too many and none of them seem individually important, I like pvp so that’s what I play, I just don’t well have a want or need to play anything else because I find that content to be less fun. Though this is not a gw2 issue tho, MMOs as a whole have this problem, I play wow, d2, eso, ff14, and many others and ALL of them do have an issue of having a checklist to complete with no individual boxes that I care about, if that makes any sense. But I do get what your getting at, the videos I make are largely opinion based on how I come off so I don’t shy away from saying what I think, I like to think that my input as a lil twat who talks in the interwebs with his own silly lil opinions is what gets people to stick around
@BOOSTEDLASER 22 күн бұрын
@itsnanablitz 22 күн бұрын
Short bow go pew pew
@RicardoSantos-oz3uj 25 күн бұрын
Since it requires PSN. I pass. I don't want my steam account locked because I didn't follow Sony orders.
@wibblywobbly391 26 күн бұрын
Everyone wake up! Koji posted!
@utopiandystopia1383 26 күн бұрын
@zxzx24th 26 күн бұрын
Your hair is off the chain. Also oh no q-q 🫂the timing kinda fucked ya.
@itsnanablitz 26 күн бұрын
Thanks lol, I try to take good care of it. But yeah I’m not as confident that the video will perform well with the Sony bs going on
@nobodyj-pf8uk 26 күн бұрын
@@itsnanablitz It might honestly perform way better now that there are so many eyes on it due to the controversy
@itsnanablitz 26 күн бұрын
That is a more positive way to look at it lol! I might make a quick vid tonight on the whole pan nonsense cause I do think both sides of the argument are in the wrong to an extent, Sony moreso but the players are not blameless
@CheemsIsGod_ 26 күн бұрын
this came out at a VERY bad time
@itsnanablitz 26 күн бұрын
Yeah I’m aware, I was browsing Twitter as I was waiting for it to upload when I saw the shit going down-
@pyerack 26 күн бұрын
Yeeeah but might as well post it now. A lot of work was put into the video.
@pyerack 26 күн бұрын
@INDAREVISH 28 күн бұрын
Man, healing in gw2 can be fun, just as any other build, just gotta find the one that fits your style
@curtis5799 Ай бұрын
The game is pretty great. The only reason I don't have charr and asura characters IS because the clothing modeling is abysmal. That's wild about getting the game to start.
@Dakota56 Ай бұрын
I honestly don’t know why this guy isn’t more popular. His videos are good
@itsnanablitz Ай бұрын
Cuz I have the time management skills of a pumpkin and get sidetracked by new hobbies. In this case it’s Tekken 8 and Blender. So videos never get done in timely manners-
@zearcjustice7837 Ай бұрын
1 sentence for this game amazing game , shit marketing team
@ploik21 Ай бұрын
Cele Ele gang gang
@Lazarus_ReSpawn Ай бұрын
Furry opinions are generally invalid. But it was amusing to watch a furry say things like "human clothes on charr are ridiculous". Y-E-A-H, you don't say.
@ruslana5350 Ай бұрын
I hope one day this game comes to console too
@Casual.Gamer_0000 Ай бұрын
i have good news, and bad news for you. - the good news: there is now "safe seas" mode, witch puts you in a private world, so you can fall sleep more effectivly. - the bad news: i think, you missed the point of the game. this game is more fun with friends. its a sea sandbox. you need to make your own goals. for me, its fishing. i like fishing in this game. you should try it too.
@twilightoblivion Ай бұрын
I love celestial, I always have (even before they added expertise and concentration) Is it good for instanced content like raids/strikes/fractals? Generally no, with a few exceptions. Is it good for Open World/ Story Mode? Yes it absolutely is. It’s also really good for learning to play the game. Builds that focus ENTIRELY on the damaging stats are pretty damn squishy, which means if you dodge wrong you’re going to end up on the floor. A LOT of skills have incidental boons and conditions. Making those more potent can go a surprisingly long way.
@justcynical6590 Ай бұрын
what i took from the video is... the dude likes the game, but has no clue abt it lol
@justcynical6590 Ай бұрын
you don't have the best gear until you are fully legendary. so no you have much more to do lol, way more. ur complaining about ''no more gear to get" when you are not even full ascended is just criminal.
@coridulou Ай бұрын
2:14 - Lost interest the moment you said only 3 classes are good.
@krissparrrow Ай бұрын
lowkey, he should try all classes xD
@bluefacestan1826 Ай бұрын
I lowkey wish msg guild wars 2 had more players it a really good game if want to play the expansion story’s by yourself and a good mmo
@diannahimi7822 Ай бұрын
Horizontal progression is the main thing that makes me 'quit' every now and then. Sometimes I specifically make a new character, just because of the verticality during leveling, armor being stronger, with better stats, new visuals to it, same with weapons. Once I reach 80, I feel stuck and glued in place in terms of progression, and at the same time it feels like I am placed on a different type of treadmill, which seems more collection oriented, rather than RPG-ish character development. I actually prefer vertical gear and spells progression, because it gives me the illusion of character growth. The system that GW2 utilizes seems stuck on a dead end in terms of strength gain at level 80 and everything shifts into mostly fashion and visuals, while my character remains the same, stats-wise, for years..
@tobiasstamenkovic9628 2 ай бұрын
Regarding progression: Keep playing for a bit, your crafting skills and/or a focus on what your supposed to do will emerge once you get into legendary crafting. Ofc they arent any better than your ascended stuff, but since you can make infinite copies of them it makes being an build-/alt-a-holic alot less painful. Masteries are a big part ofc and then theres achievements that give you nice stuff like the Fractal Reliquary. This game has enough stuff to keep you entertained for years, its pretty insane.
@nobodyj-pf8uk 2 ай бұрын
Eyyy awesome!
@RicardoSantos-oz3uj 2 ай бұрын
Is also the gear you get when you skip to level 80.
@phiishstix5051 2 ай бұрын
Mag dump mercy
@krisztheenderslime7671 2 ай бұрын
Nice! (mercy main? Nah, i'll call you medic main)
@SnowvyDragon 2 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, the title made me doubtful, but it was indeed an important announcement
@tedhodge4830 2 ай бұрын
A few things, one, your target dummy scenario is pure power vs celestial with a pure power weapon. Celestial has condition damage and expertise, which increases condition duration. All weapons with a condition damaging effect also have a power damage effect. Ergo, with a condition weapon, you would dip into all five stats (Precision, Power, Ferocity, Condition Damage, Expertise), thereby gaining a higher stat distribution. For example, a legendary helmet with Berserker has 63 power, 45 precision, and 45 ferocity, or a stat allocation of 153. With a Celestial legendary helmet, you have 30 to all stats. 30x5 = 150. If you take into account Condition Damage and Expertise, I'd actually like to see how that performs with raw DPS numbers. Also, I think the point is that Celestial is way overbudget on stats, since you get another 4 stats baked in for 120 additional stat budget on a legendary helmet, with vitality, toughness, healing power and concentration. So it's scarcely invalid for every pure DPS build. In addition, it significantly increases your survivability. Second, your argument is essentially that pure DPS build does more DPS. Yes, it does. But that also brings into question why you would build any of the other affixes that scatter your offensive power, for example, Knights, which has ++Toughness, +Power, + Precision. Why on earth would you take that over Celestial? Isn't every other gear affix in the game also trash by your logic? Why pick out Celestial when it's far more balanced and effective than, for example, Bringers, or Commanders gear affixes. The other problem to consider is that healing power has exactly one stat affix that governs its effectiveness, whereas power DPS has three. How does one optimize for that? There isn't exactly an effective generalist "support" affix outside of Celestial. Regarding WvW, roaming is a thing. Celestial gives you an equivalent distribution of both offensive and defensive stats. Yes, your raw DPS number might be higher against the same target dummy, but is it going to be higher relative to another player that has drastically more hit points, more power damage reduction, more healing power, and even higher boon duration to boot? I suspect you would find that your power DPS would be reduced by the Celestial players toughness, and he would be healing more on a higher base HP pool to cushion your burst....meanwhile you would be squishier and less versatile. Put another way, there's a reason that Celestial stat allocation and budget don't exist in structured PvP.
@annarowlinson7154 2 ай бұрын
Celestial is literally the best choice for elementalist in most cases, swapping between elements gives more specialised buffs and building might stacks pushes DPS. The fact you have high toughness on earth, really nice healing on water and the concentration+expertise (you hardly get these outside celestial) helps your burn and vulnerable conditions stay active while swapping out of fire and air, great for relic of the aristocrat. I genuinely don't know why you think celestial is bad, you really don't have to minmax in this game. Arms crossed furry avatar giving us dogshit gaming hot-takes, how original.
@dragonfangalexander 2 ай бұрын
Celestial is the better exotic-ascended gear you can get. It puts you midway to Legendary gear that for many many many players is not as simple to get. As much as you want to think this game does have a trinity, still isn't a role trinity but a trinity spectrum. No matter how much DPS you think you are, you will still do some buff, some healing, some something else, and thats where the overall stats of celestial come into play. Traits and weapon choice have a lot weight too, you could argue a pure healer heals more than a celestial healer. Yes, but the celestial healer can also do a lot more. And you can go less heal but more DPS if you want just moving traits and weapons arround instead of having to craft another whole set. And the we have the skill issue, having the knowledge and experience with your class is a lot more important than the funny green numbers. Then again, there is people that loves overly tunning and min-maxing everything, and theory crafting too, so fun. But for daily do log in, do your thing, log out, Celestial gear is just so much better than anything else.