"The gateway for sharing Indonesian food and culture with global friends, one vendor at a time."
by LUVMYFISHES special thanks for give motto to my channel .
my email is
[email protected]hi Ladies and Gentlements :)
thanks for always support JSF modest video
best regards
Amri Wibowo
ps : Utk yg tny cr nonton live streaming, sbnrnya gk ush subscribe jg bs ntn (sy kdg nonton tnp log in jg), tp subscribe aja ya biar si Amri seneng :) terus masuk ke channel MatKiding, klik di Videos terus ada pilihan salah satunya Events. Nah, kl udh masuk Events jam 10 kurang dikit, ada tuh thumbnail utk yg live. Plg nggak itu cara sy ya. Gak tau kl ada cara laen. Tp kl udh subscribe, biasanya stlh log in YT ada deh thumbnailnya.
special thanks to ZETTASNOWYTORA / GRACE di Batam atas bantuan/petunjuk cara nonton Jakarta Live Streaming .
NB if you let me know your email ,
i will be very happy to invite you in FB and Twitter asap ,thanks for your understanding :)