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@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 38 минут бұрын
Apologize for the stream locking up as i didnt know about it when i went live. Might have to minimize my stream time with games to just an hour.
@gojira851 Күн бұрын
Awesome review.
@KL-TEHQ Күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it 😊
@saveriovinci1212 Күн бұрын
(1:32:32) If she ever does decide to come back to the fandom or at least continues making Godzilla related videos on her channel again, then I honestly hope she takes your offer in doing an interview or a panel with other people. Not in a heated argument obviously but a mutual debate as to why exactly she doesn't like the MonsterVerse and then everyone else would give they're reasons as to why we disagree or don't see it the same way she does. I said before in the comments section of her good bye video that its fine that you don't like the MonsterVerse but at the same time I hope she realizes that the opposite thing has happened over the years of Toho purist bashing on people that legitimately like the MV. 🤔📕💻🦖🤷‍♂ (19:18) Why thank you. My profile picture is actually an obscure Toho monster called "Maguma" from a forgotten movie. 🚀🦭☄
@RAMON-nm2tn Күн бұрын
@DeeFilmFanatic 3 күн бұрын
I'm a fan of the original. I agree with u guys, I'm not too sure on this one, but I'll still check it out because of Ridley Scott.
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 4 күн бұрын
Apologies for the lack of audio, im still new to the streaming with this stuff but ill get it sorted going forward.
@the.watcher.84 4 күн бұрын
Don’t go after Conan you will add wrong material and kill it like Star Wars 💀💀oooh tooo late noooo,,,girls have their own stuff why ruin it for ALL why ?
@philippeisnel4115 5 күн бұрын
Bonjour : J'ai vu les émmissions sur la bête du Gévaudan. 3 hybrides . Lettre du comte de Tournon. « Mr Antoine et moi nous étant séparés pour tenir plus de pays, j’envoyais mon piqueur au bois avec mon limier, il détourna le vrai loup avec sa louve » (entendre par là la vrai bête avec sa compagne). « Je fis avertir Monsieur Antoine d’être sur ses gardes, ce qu’il fit, je fis donc attaquer le fusil de Bruasc, ce jeune homme que je voulais procurer à Dupond, lui rata dessus à quatre pas, c’est-à-dire sur le mâle, voyant qu’il avait passé l’enceinte, je lui donnais mes chiens à deux heures après midi, qui le suivirent jusqu’à cinq avec une chaleur qui nous fendait, enfin ils se rebutèrent, le quittèrent et nous rejoignirent à 6 heures, le loup vint pour attaquer des petits bergers qui gardaient des vaches ; il trouva en sentinelle un nommé Rainchard, allemand, garde de Monsieur le Duc d’Orléans, qui lui lâcha un coup de carabine qui entra par la cuisse gauche et s’arrêta à l’épaule droite entre cuir et chair ; le loup gagna le pays et alla mourir à deux mortelles lieues de là, on le chercha trois jours inutilement, enfin un paysan le trouva sentant déjà mauvais, le porta à Saint-Flour, reçut la rétribution du Subdélégué » (Monsieur de Montluc), « dépouille son corps à la diable, lui coupe la tête et les oreilles jette son corps dans l’eau et s’en va faire la quête de village en village nous le savons. On y envoie deux gardes, on rapporte la tête et les oreilles, on pêche son corps tout infecté, on oublie pas la peau » (sans doute obtenue par les perquisitions signalées par le rapport Magné de Marolles), « enfin tout nous parvient au Besset » (château du… où Antoine et ses hommes sont en résidence), « nous nous bouchons le nez, nous fouillons ce vilain corps, nous trouvons la balle, nous reconnaissons son pied, nous voyons que le gauche est usé en dedans (l’animal) ayant été blessé jadis à l’épaule ou à la jambe ; nous trouvons le côté du pied en dehors tout neuf. Nous l’avions reconnu pour être blessé en ce qu’il a appuyé à faux dans les endroits où nous pouvions en revoir, nous trouvons que son col est aussi gros que sa tête, que ses oreilles sont petites et larges, que son poitrail est prodigieux, que son poil est court et de la couleur d’un veau » (c’est-à-dire roux comme le confirme l’abbé Trocelier pour les vaches du pays), « qu’il a une raie noire sur le dos large d’un doigt » (10 à 11 cm environ), « que son pied est rond comme celui d’un mâtin » (chien mastiff, molosse, dogue) ; « enfin que c’est notre loup dévorant » (la vraie bête du Gévaudan), « nous ignorons si sa louve » (sa femelle aperçue par les piqueurs) « à des inclinaisons aussi meurtrières, c’est ce que le temps nous apprendra. » (Lettre du comte Hugues-François de Tournon-Meyre, veneur réputé du Vivarais étant venu au cours de l’été 1765 renforcer l’équipage de François Antoine pour ses chasses à la bête du Gévaudan. Transcription P.P.L. BERTHELOT 5/07/2021.) Nous pouvons voir sur son site Facebook : Amis qui aiment la Bête du Gévaudan de P.P.L. BERTHELOT, que le texte original écrit avec la plume, est bien scanné.Cette lettre se trouve bien aux archives nationales (Archives Nationales, Chartrier de Tournon, papiers personnels, 513AP/19, dossier 1).Les archives du comte de Tournon tout comme le rapport Magné de Marolles (BNF-Paris) confirment qu'il s'agissait bien de la vraie bête du Gévaudan et que ce n'était pas un pur loup puisqu'elle avait un pied de chien. Il y avait donc bien plusieurs Bêtes tueuses avec du gène d’un chien mâtin, car un pur loup ne peut pas avoir un pied de ce style. « Dans cette lettre-rapport du comte de Tournon, ce sont les louvetiers (valet de chiens et valet de limier de l'équipage de la Grande Louveterie Royale voire les gardes-louvetiers) qui parlent. Ils donnent leurs avis sur ce qu'ils connaissaient le mieux ; autrement dit la comparaison, non pas avec un chien de ferme (un matin), mais avec un chien mâtin de leurs équipages dont la race était bien fixée à cette époque. Ils chassent un loup, le porte-arquebuse François Antoine en a décidé ainsi, alors ils désignent logiquement cet animal ''loup'', mais son pied est comme celui de leurs mâtins d'équipage, celui d'un chien, pas un pied rond de loup » (Propos de Patrick Berthelot sur le site facebook : Amis qui aiment la bête du Gévaudan). Les propos qui suivent entre guillemets, sont également de Patrick Berthelot sur le même site : « Les autres témoignages provenant des chasseurs comme ceux de François Antoine, et qui étaient venus chasser des loups, n'y voyaient logiquement que des empreintes de loups. Quoi de plus normal que de trouver des empreintes de loups autour d'un cadavre dans un pays où il en existait autant ? Ensuite, il y a cette archive que j'ai retrouvée et décortiquée du rapport de l'équipage d'Antoine repris par le comte de Tournon, où les louvetiers (gardes et valets), évoquent la patte de la bête du Bois Noir (officiellement reconnue comme la Bête du Gévaudan) dotée d'un pied rond semblable à celui des mâtins qu'ils utilisaient à la vénerie. A l'ensemble, il faut ajouter un pelage roussâtre et court. Celui qui voit un simple loup là-dedans serait bien éveillé d'aller changer ses verres de lunettes de toute urgence ! » Après que Rainchard a tué ce chien mâtin croisé avec un loup, ou on peut éventuellement comprendre pourquoi Antoine a voulu par la suite tué également un loup, car c’était un loup entier et empaillé et non découpé en morceau qu’il devait ramener à Paris (pour être certain de toucher une prime). Mais ce loup des chazes empaillé en y regardant de plus près avait des côtes différentes des loups, ce qui permetté à l annimal de ce retourné sur lui même : seul les chiens du style Dog ont ce genre d'anomalie, donc c'etait encore une fois un chien croisé avec un loup, idem por la bête tué par Chastel. Et oui la science moderne répond à beaucoup de question. L'annimal de Chazes avait également provoqué quelques attaques car des blessures causé par l’homme sur l’animal étaient également présente et quelques personnes l’ont reconnu). Cette analyse MODERNE du rapport Marin qui suit, a permis d’établir la nature exacte d'une derniére bëte du Gévaudan. «Nous avions confiés ces notes au Museum d’histoire naturel de Paris, afin d’étudier la morphologie de la bête et de la comparé à celle du loup. Cette analyse complètement inédite, nous a permis d’établir la nature exacte de la bête du Gévaudan. La bête n’est ni une Hyène, ni un singe, ni tout autres animal exotique. » Sa formule dentaire montre que cette bête est un canidé : « C’est un mâle de 109 livres (le poids normal d’un loup adulte.) Mais son museau est plus court que celui d’un loup, et sa tête plus large. L’Arcade zygomatique surdimensionné laisse deviner une mâchoire particulièrement puissante, la crête du crâne et la taille des dents appartiennent au loup, mais la hauteur du profil et le stop du museau évoque incontestablement la morphologie du chien. De manière générale, l’avant du corps est proche de celui du chien, et l’arrière ressemble à celui du loup. Loin d’être une contradiction, la coexistence des deux morphotypes nous permet d’être affirmatifs. La bête du Gévaudan est donc un hybride entre un loup et un gros chien. Sans doute d’un chien Mâtin : ces conclusions sont confirmées par la tache blanche sur le poitrail de l’animal, et la grande longueur des griffes qui trahissent la domestication » (Fin des commentaires orales dans le grand documentaire de David Teyssandier : « La bête du Gévaudan autopsie d’un mythe
@kasaibouF29 6 күн бұрын
1:29:54 I remember Alyssa uploading a video explain why she thought Godzilla Final Wars had funnier jokes than Godzilla vs. Kong, and she also uploaded a short skit about her responding to someone's take like GVK is better than 1954.
@saveriovinci1212 Күн бұрын
I don't remember that video at all, and honestly I think "Godzilla vs Kong" (2021) has funnier jokes than "Godzilla Final Wars". While I do admit there are some funny moments in Final Wars (at least from what I remember, its been a little while since I watched the movie) I don't remember the jokes being as funny as the ones from GvK. 👩💥✋🤔💀🕺 As for someone saying that GvK is better than 1954, it doesn't surprise me. Plus you never know, that person might have his own reasons as to why he likes GvK over the original 54 film (unless he's just trolling lol). Like me for example, I respect the hell out of the 1954 film and understand the importance of that movie. But I wouldn't put it in my top 5 list of my favorite Godzilla movies of all time, not even my top 10. 🕳🦍🤖🤷‍♂☢🦖🔥
@kasaibouF29 7 күн бұрын
Video starts 6 minutes in.
@saveriovinci1212 7 күн бұрын
(19:54) On the one hand I don't think she's necessarily wrong, there are a lot of toy review channels out there on KZbin (and I don't mean that in a bad way iver because I like watching a lot of them lol). But at the same time I don't think she realizes that those people that make the toy review channels, maybe they don't feel like making in depth reviews of the movies like she does with her own videos. Maybe they just prefer to make figure reviews instead. 🤔💻🤷 (32:23) Thats true, you're right about that Anubis. Speaking of which DangerVille posted a video earlier this year saying that one of the producers from Toho came out and said that they didn't really have any plans on bringing Godzilla back after "Final Wars". They might have just let the franchise die after that. And this recent resurgence to the series is a blessing because not only did it revive Godzillas popularity to the main stream. But also by the time they do decide to reboot the series again (wether it's from Hollywood or Japan) who knows if it will be as popular as it is now. 📸🦖📈 By the way Anubis I have a feeling this video is gonna blow up (and I don't mean in a good way lol). I think some of the people that watch this (especially the ones that are supporting her and wanting to make changes to the fandom), are gonna try to call you out or say things like "This guy is the toxic side of the fandom we need to get rid of" or "This dude is clickbait". Just a bit of a heads up in case that does happen. 😅💣😬
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 7 күн бұрын
Yea, i dont care if they want to call me toxic cause that only tells me 2 things, 1) They didnt bother to watch the video/videos because i addressed that any of the sexual predator stuff is not kosher and she in no way deserved any of that stuff. 2)They must feel that she (or women in any fandom) have no responsibility about her own toxic behavior like in this case with smaller creators. If people think im trying to hate on this chick its not really what im doing. Im just being honest and straight about her own behavior and how that probably lead to some of the backlash she received. Just because you are girl in any fandom space doesnt give you a pass to be a complete asshole to other people and then turn around and play victim because of it. In the end if she feels that she needs to leave the space due the pushback i support her decision 100%. In the end its about one's piece of mind and mental health. She needs to do what is best for her.
@ExplosiveWerewolf 7 күн бұрын
Great in-depth overview video
@TokusatsuActionAnimeLand01 7 күн бұрын
We do the same thing as the sci-fi society review break down movies tv shows just difference is covering tokusatsu and anime
@KL-TEHQ 7 күн бұрын
Also, that fake British accent she put on at the beginning of the video was very condescending. Don't do that shit!!! It did not come across funny or jokey just annoying as fuck!!!
@KL-TEHQ 7 күн бұрын
I think the kaiju community is like any other community, even the LGBTQ. We ment to all like what we like and share are love of it, but their is always a secret divide in every community. You have what people think are the cool crowd, and the outcasts or the ones they don't think deserve to hang with them. Even in minority groups are still a division, and instead of coming together, we end up having in fighting or a secondary divide, and her video can be taken in many directions. I am a content creator of under a year and do kaiju content both discussions and toy, statues reviews. If she doesn't like that kind of content, that's fine, but should not bash other kaiju creators who do that kind of content as it actually is bashing the very fandom she clams to enjoy. I also feel imagine if your a fan of her channel and look upto her and enjoy her content and are thinking of starting a channel, and hearing her views it may actually discourage people to be come creators. Just allow people to create what they want if its their passion, and if its for the Kaiju community, then more the better. I also don't think she is gone from the community. it's just a matter of time. She will return when she is bored and has something to say. I actually think she created this video to create controversy on purpose. Also Gfest is a great fan event where you can have these conversations with people or your friends thats she is talking about. Also the dealers room is one of the biggest part of the event so dose that mean all them dealers and fans are stupied for being there?. I think the collector's are one of the biggest part of this and every fandom. Marvel, DC, Pokemon etc. Get a grip !!!
@anthonyjordanmoviesandmore2470 7 күн бұрын
And let's not forget one of the reasons toy reviews for Godzilla have become so prevalent Godzilla toys haven't been this widely accessible with the exception of the trendmasters toys but you said they didn't get those in the UK so that's not even a good comparison
@saveriovinci1212 6 күн бұрын
It's funny you mention the dealers room because when she went to G-fest her self back in 2022, she was selling her books at the dealers room that year. I wonder if that had any effect on her lol. 🛫📚💸🏨
@lautaroasis60 8 күн бұрын
I didn't feel her video was elitist at all, it was just a reglection on the lack of diversity and it wasn't meant to be taken personally. Also taking what a (at the time) 15/16 year old thinks in a defensive way is a choice once you are above a certain age. For example it would be nice if some people made videos on how to improve the narrative of certain godzilla movies, or stuff like that but not many (if any) people do it.
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 8 күн бұрын
Its all about perception, you see it as one thing but myself and some others see it kind of differently. Furthermore, some of the people who are more in the know than me have said she is not quite the innocent victim as she portrays in her goodbye vid.
@TheSciFiSentry 8 күн бұрын
I'm gonna be REAL like I always am brotha. I'm gonna be as respectful as I can also. Of course I respect woman but the word pseudo intellectual! It's like your calling everyone else who does figure reviews Neanderthals. Of course she's gonna say the names of two or so people she enjoys watching because she doesn't want to insult them. I'm sorry I'm gonna say my opinion rather anyone likes it or not. Yes everyone is entitled to there opinion. She also puts people in categories and says she has no use for people. Well some people dont have any use for her. Oh how come other content creators she knows leave out the pseudo intellectual part when breaking down her videos or posts. She's fake and you guys know I can't stand people like that. I know her and it sucks that it has to come to this. She also looks down on people and that's another thing about people I can't stand. Some of my closest friends do figure reviews and she calls it unintellectual that's just whack. It's pretty much saying even the people she knows who make that content are stupid!! I don't care what anyone thinks. IDGAF what opinions people have of me either. Another thing is she can dish out the opinion she has on everyone but can't take the backlash says alot about her as well. It's like she only accepts what she wants to hear. Yes the sexual harassment and her being preyed on by sick men is totally unacceptable. But like you said if she's gonna voice her opinions on things but can't take the heat then it's better that she left... I always keep it real and I know im gonna get flack for my words but like l said IDGAF.. 👊
@saveriovinci1212 7 күн бұрын
I don't think she's fake, granted I don't agree with some of the things she said in the video but I don't think that makes her a bad person. I do hope she dose see this and considers taking on Anubis offer for an interview so she can at least elaborate on what she meant in certain parts of the video and if she still feels that same way or not. And listen Sci Fi century don't take this the wrong way man, I love you and your channel, and I cant wait to see you collab more with Rob (from E.T.N) and Phat Samurai Guy in the future. I understand that you don't care what others might think of you and thats fine, I respect that. But at the same time I hope you respect mine or other peoples opinion (even if you don't agree with it). I also don't think we should automatically shun her or be like "good riddance she left the fandom" all because of this video. All im trying to say is if she does decide to come back and apologizes, or is willing to come back briefly to Anubis's channel for an interview then great, I think it's needed. But if not and she just wants to move on with her life and not have to deal with anymore drama then oh well, thats her choice. 🤔🚪🔚🤷
@TheSciFiSentry 7 күн бұрын
@saveriovinci1212 I understand my man and believe it or not I hold no ill will towards her. I appreciate your words and support for the channel. I'm just one of those individuals who calls certain things out. I am just straight up REAL and dont hold my tongue for anybody but thats just me. Yes She's a woman and I totally respect that as well. But like I said some of my closest homies do figure reviews and someone who says that's not intelligent content really rubs me the wrong way. Looking down on people really shows the character of a person. But I definitely hear you brotha and I got respect for you. I don't press issues cause I don't got time to bleed haha... I harbor no animosity but whatever she tries to do in the future is her choice. Of course as brutally honest as I am I'll just leave it at that and I respect you for speaking your mind my man and for the support for mine and Anubis channels. 👊
@jedigrandvelle8844 8 күн бұрын
Well, now you know, brother. Some may not Grasp things like others do. And I could say it's because she's a young individual. But of course, that's just a lazy excuse.
@anthonyjordanmoviesandmore2470 7 күн бұрын
The shield of youth can only get you so far
@anthonyjordanmoviesandmore2470 8 күн бұрын
Just put yourself in the shoes of someone that considered her a friend at the You watch this video to support your friend and basically get told you and your content isn't good enough because it doesn't measure up to some imaginary measuring stick
@anthonyjordanmoviesandmore2470 8 күн бұрын
What really irks me about this video of hers is how she's talking out of both sides of her mouth And the tone of her voice just gives it so much more arrogance
@anthonyjordanmoviesandmore2470 8 күн бұрын
@rjva161 8 күн бұрын
0:50 royce gracie tap out
@spaeciiraidsagain 8 күн бұрын
Just now noticed y'all mentioned me in the description, y'all do have a good point about the suit actors having a hard time moving in those old suits, definitely something I should've mentioned in the video, just kinda went over my head. But anyways, I appreciate the feedback & criticism + just checking out my video in general! This was one of the first videos I did so it's not my best but I appreciate it nonetheless. There are definitely some more actual hot take hot takes I have that I should've included, but eh, that's what part 2's are for right 🤣
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 8 күн бұрын
Its all good man, we all love talking Godzilla and Kaiju so the more creators the merrier. Keep up the good work. \m/
@nitrofurano_ 9 күн бұрын
pioneers! from Belo Horizonte! \m/
@gojira851 11 күн бұрын
Well done everyone. 🤘🤘🤘🤘
@saveriovinci1212 12 күн бұрын
Another example as to why this year is not the year of the dragon but the year of "MONKE!" instead lol. 🐒🦍🗓🦧🐵 (18:07) Well thats good to know, im getting tired of these woke (or agenda driven) films honestly. I said in the past that I don't mind if they do put a gay, trans, or whatever type of person in a new movie (or show) unless its not genuine and feels extremely forced in. Not to mention also being overly preachy about it too. 😑🤦‍♂
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 12 күн бұрын
@@saveriovinci1212 yep, agreed
@KL-TEHQ 12 күн бұрын
Am intrigued but like you do we need it.
@KL-TEHQ 12 күн бұрын
Gives me Fall Of The House Of Usher vibes but more predictable.
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 12 күн бұрын
Thats what Missy said. lol
@mariomoreton7850 13 күн бұрын
Show na zona leste-SP. A Casa chamava-se 'HEAVY' Show de lançamento do Split com o OVERDOSE, que abriu o show
@ELPCOTILLION-SD1970 15 күн бұрын
Classic SEPUTURA...
@user-zk1bk6wb7v 16 күн бұрын
Reliquia !!
@anascimento 17 күн бұрын
Público sem celulares, sem preocupação em ficar gravando postando nada, só energia pura!!!
@JPGuitar-mo3tq 16 күн бұрын
Ai é? É quem fez esse vídeo?
@anascimento 16 күн бұрын
@@JPGuitar-mo3tq verdade né, foi gravado com um celular, como tem centenas entre o público né amigão??? Como eu não percebi isso? E gravado com celulares em pleno 1986, certo?
@saveriovinci1212 17 күн бұрын
(1:06) Yep, it was a silent film (from 1922). Dang that movie is old lol. 📆🎞🎥🦇👤 (5:10) The poor pigeon. 😱👄🕊🩸😭
@eduardo0796 17 күн бұрын
While the Norwegian kids were going to school in their safe Scandinavian suburbs with no trouble whatsoever, these dudes were rocking real extreme metal in the slums of Brazil, full of murder, drugs, and other shit typical of South American cities.
@saveriovinci1212 18 күн бұрын
(58:58) I like that Rob is acting like they cant introduce Anguirus into the Monsterverse just because they show a skeleton in "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" lol. They can introduce a new version of Anguirus that might be somewhere in the Hollow Earth that hasn't been discovered yet (kinda like what happened to Mothra). Or like what happened with Dagon, he's a member of Godzilla's species but it's obviously not "THE" Godzilla. ☠🛕😆🦔🕳 (1:30:21) Also are you gonna get other Spider species or are you only sticking with Tarantulas? 🤔🕸🕷🤷‍♂
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 18 күн бұрын
Yea, sorry i didnt get to your question last night. I had planned on doing more interaction with people in chat than what actually transpired but i didnt realize i would have so many panel guest like i did either. Lol As to your question, im just sticking with tarantulas. I know other keepers tend to collect other spider species but im not really interested in all that personally.
@saveriovinci1212 17 күн бұрын
@@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio Its alright, tends to happen when theres multiple guest on a stream (especially if you were a bigger KZbinr that had like thousands of people in chat watching you, then you would have been missing questions left and right lol). Besides theres always next time for another Q&A stream for more questions. Regardless it was a fun stream yesterday and it was cool to see Rob back on the channel. 💻🤷‍♂📄 Also how come? Is it because other spider species are more hard to take care of then Tarantulas? or are Tarantulas just more your style? 🕷🤔🕸
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 17 күн бұрын
@@saveriovinci1212 - Its more that tarantulas arent native to my area or even in the US. Some people collect black widows and other "true" spiders that are just natural to the environments so it doesnt seem that special to me in that regard. Plus, some spiders like the Brazilian wandering spider or Austrailan funnel web are very dangerous to humans and i dont want to mess with that personally. lol
@saveriovinci1212 15 күн бұрын
@@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio Yeah screw that. Trying to have a Black Widow (or any poisonous animals) as a pet sounds very risky to me and I wouldn't take that chance of it biting me. 😬🦷🕷☣🪦
@fauziozzy2210 19 күн бұрын
the best trash metal band in Brazil
@ParanoidGoblinoid 19 күн бұрын
This movie seems to follow the Edward Levy novel “The Beast Within” (1981) much closer than the 1982 film of the same name. It wasn’t a werewolf.
@jurgensterckx1930 20 күн бұрын
Great to see this. I met Jairo T about 20 years ago. One of the nicest guys you can meet.
@thrashpondopons8348 21 күн бұрын
Great Deep Dive DJ! (I still miss 'Kung-Fu Theater' from when I was a kid!)
@daveslittlebeasties 23 күн бұрын
Cool video mate and thanks for the shout out ❤👍
@DeeFilmFanatic 23 күн бұрын
One of my fav films too, Anubis 💪🏼 Awesome podcast 🤙🏻
@kablopz 24 күн бұрын
@user-em2kc5ss7l 26 күн бұрын
Que bonito SEPULTURA 😊
@stevet73 27 күн бұрын
Cool vid buddy
@saveriovinci1212 27 күн бұрын
(1:16) Jesus dude, 16 different species of Tarantula. Don't get it wrong it's cool that your into this but at the same time I can imagine this being very pricy and not to mention finding enough room to put them all in (especially if you're plaining on getting more in the future). 💵😳🏠 (6:59) "Shoot its poop at you"? Gross lol. 🕷🤨😅😬💩
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio 27 күн бұрын
Yea, its not super cheap for sure but its incredibly fun and certainly a learning experience. Lol
@necrohell2850 27 күн бұрын
Saludos desde Colombia..... Interesante concierto de este clásico de clasicos... Crudo brutal enérgico excelente thrash metal
@saveriovinci1212 Ай бұрын
(12:13) Honestly I kinda prefer the Godzilla design in the "Always: Sunset on Third Street" movie over the Minus One design. I know they're both very similar (especially that Takashi Yamazaki directed and designed both versions of Godzilla) but still I kinda like the more simply/natural look in the Third Street movie were as with Minus One I feel like they kinda over did it with the design. I also don't like that lately both Toho and Legendary are giving Godzilla a tiny head (for some reason). 🗼🦖🎥 (15:56) Don't tell that to Rob (E.T.N), he hates that design of Godzilla lol. 😏🎙🖥🐀😄
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio Ай бұрын
Well, Rob is wrong and he can fight me on it. Lol
@saveriovinci1212 29 күн бұрын
@@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio lol. 😆
@saveriovinci1212 Ай бұрын
(32:47) Even though I haven't seen this movie before I can understand why some people might see him as the villain. Because it's one thing to be frustrated with the way things are and having troubles with your personal life, but it's another thing when you lash out on other people and go on a rampage just so you can prove a point. And thats why I don't necessarily agree with the "Critical Drinker" with him saying that, "Bill is everyone", maybe some people but not everyone. (Like I said before I haven't watched the movie before so maybe I need more context, but at the same time though even if I have seen the film im not so sure it would really justify some of the things he did in the movie). And I understand people that lose their job sucks and what DJ Neko was saying earlier about her work creating "A Monster" out of her (at 11:17). But for me if I was in that type of situation maybe I would consider it a blessing (especially if I don't like the job or the people im working with) and maybe this is an opportunity to find a job that I actually want to work at and maybe even improve myself. To quote a show im watching currently, "This life, it doesn't always go your way. Things fall apart. But what matters is how you choose to keep moving forward. What matters is that you keep going for the people who need you most. That's the promise we make every day we get. That despite all the hardships you never give up...". 📉💼👨‍💼🛣📈 (1:17:08) Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. Hope you weren't really hacked. 😳🖥👤📱😬
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio Ай бұрын
Nah, i wasnt hacked. Good to see you Sav!
@saveriovinci1212 Ай бұрын
​@@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio Phew, well thats a relief. Also sorry about the long comment, was just trying to be more clear with what my thoughts are on this topic.
@DJAnubisMetalTavernRadio Ай бұрын
@@saveriovinci1212 Hey no problem man, always love hearing your feedback. :)
@user-ov6zo8si3s Ай бұрын
I'm In Love With Him 😍😍