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@hiyoo9768 9 күн бұрын
disimu pake asp ya bang, kok pake iis ?
@sharingilmubarengibnu 9 күн бұрын
Acunetix menggunakan server built-in yang berjalan pada port 3443 secara default (Acunetix menggunakan server built-in sendiri, bukan ASP). cuman Untuk menghindari kemungkinan dan mencegah konflik port dengan layanan lain seperti IIS, disarankan untuk mematikan layanan tersebut sebelum menjalankan Acunetix bang, sorry jika ada kesalahan 🙏
@sharingilmubarengibnu 9 күн бұрын
from rich.console import Console from rich.panel import Panel from rich.text import Text from rich.table import Table from rich import print as rprint import re import sys import os console = Console() def clear_screen(): os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear') def show_banner(): banner = Text() banner.append("╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗ ", style="cyan") banner.append("║ IPv6 Extractor Tool v1.0 ║ ", style="cyan bold") banner.append("║ DNS Enumeration & Analysis Tool ║ ", style="cyan") banner.append("╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝ ", style="cyan") console.print(Panel(banner, border_style="cyan")) def show_author(): author = Table(show_header=False, border_style="cyan") author.add_row("[cyan]Developer[/cyan]", "[white]:[/white]", "[yellow]Ibnu Rusdianto[/yellow]") author.add_row("[cyan]Version[/cyan]", "[white]:[/white]", "[yellow]1.0[/yellow]") author.add_row("[cyan]Github[/cyan]", "[white]:[/white]", "[yellow]github.com/ibnurusdianto[/yellow]") console.print(Panel(author, title="[cyan]Author Information[/cyan]", border_style="cyan")) def show_description(): desc = """ This tool is designed to extract IPv6 addresses from DNS enumeration results. It processes MassDNS output format and cleanly extracts only the IPv6 addresses. Features: • Clean IPv6 extraction • Duplicate removal • Formatted output • File handling """ console.print(Panel(desc, title="[cyan]Tool Description[/cyan]", border_style="cyan")) def show_usage(): usage = """ [cyan]Usage:[/cyan] 1. Place your input file (output_ipv6.txt) in the same directory 2. Select option 1 to process the file 3. Results will be saved to 'extracted_ipv6.txt' [cyan]Input Format:[/cyan] domain.example.com. AAAA 2606:4700:20::681a:804 [cyan]Output Format:[/cyan] 2606:4700:20::681a:804 """ console.print(Panel(usage, title="[cyan]Usage Guide[/cyan]", border_style="cyan")) def process_file(filename): try: with open(filename, 'r') as file: content = file.read() # Extract IPv6 addresses using regex ipv6_pattern = r'AAAA\s+([0-9a-fA-F:]+)' ipv6_addresses = re.findall(ipv6_pattern, content) # Remove duplicates while preserving order unique_ipv6 = list(dict.fromkeys(ipv6_addresses)) # Save to output file with open('extracted_ipv6.txt', 'w') as outfile: for ip in unique_ipv6: outfile.write(f"{ip} ") # Show results result_table = Table(title="Processing Results", border_style="cyan") result_table.add_column("Description", style="cyan") result_table.add_column("Count", style="green") result_table.add_row("Total IPv6 addresses found", str(len(ipv6_addresses))) result_table.add_row("Unique IPv6 addresses", str(len(unique_ipv6))) result_table.add_row("Output file", "extracted_ipv6.txt") console.print(result_table) return True except FileNotFoundError: console.print("[red]Error: Input file not found![/red]") return False except Exception as e: console.print(f"[red]Error: {str(e)}[/red]") return False def main_menu(): while True: clear_screen() show_banner() menu = Table(show_header=False, border_style="cyan") menu.add_row("[cyan]1.[/cyan]", "[white]Process IPv6 File[/white]") menu.add_row("[cyan]2.[/cyan]", "[white]Show Tool Description[/white]") menu.add_row("[cyan]3.[/cyan]", "[white]Show Usage Guide[/white]") menu.add_row("[cyan]4.[/cyan]", "[white]Show Author Information[/white]") menu.add_row("[cyan]5.[/cyan]", "[white]Exit[/white]") console.print(Panel(menu, title="[cyan]Main Menu[/cyan]", border_style="cyan")) choice = console.input("[cyan]Enter your choice (1-5): [/cyan]") if choice == "1": clear_screen() show_banner() console.print("[cyan]Processing file...[/cyan]") if process_file('output_ipv6.txt'): console.input(" [green]Press Enter to continue...[/green]") elif choice == "2": clear_screen() show_banner() show_description() console.input(" [cyan]Press Enter to continue...[/cyan]") elif choice == "3": clear_screen() show_banner() show_usage() console.input(" [cyan]Press Enter to continue...[/cyan]") elif choice == "4": clear_screen() show_banner() show_author() console.input(" [cyan]Press Enter to continue...[/cyan]") elif choice == "5": clear_screen() console.print("[cyan]Thank you for using IPv6 Extractor Tool![/cyan]") sys.exit(0) else: console.print("[red]Invalid choice! Please try again.[/red]") console.input(" Press Enter to continue...") if __name__ == "__main__": main_menu()
@sharingilmubarengibnu 10 күн бұрын
Saya juga ingin meminta maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam video ini, karena saya juga sedang dalam proses belajar 🙏
@sharingilmubarengibnu 12 күн бұрын
def remove_duplicate_subdomains(input_file, output_file): try: # Membaca file subdomains.txt with open(input_file, 'r') as file: subdomains = file.readlines() # Fungsi untuk melakukan penghapusan whitespace dan duplikat unique_subdomains = set(subdomain.strip() for subdomain in subdomains) # Menyimpan subdomain hasil penghapusan duplikat ke file baru with open(output_file, 'w') as file: for subdomain in sorted(unique_subdomains): file.write(f"{subdomain} ") # Jika berhasil, akan menampilkan output print(f"Subdomain duplikat berhasil dihapus. Hasil disimpan di '{output_file}'.") except Exception as e: print(f"Terjadi kesalahan: {e}") # Input file adalah nama file dari hasil subdomains (yang belum dilakukan penghapusan duplikat) # Output file yaitu nama file output ketika berhasil melakukan penghapusan duplikat input_file = 'subdomains.txt' output_file = 'unique_subdomains.txt' remove_duplicate_subdomains(input_file, output_file)
@JYBZSS 17 күн бұрын
ada sql hehe
@wkwkw-land 17 күн бұрын
ngga tau ini buat apa, tapi kayaknya dalem juga ilmunya
@wkwkw-land 17 күн бұрын
masnya berbakat. tapi kenapa channelnya sepi ya? padahal potensi masnya jadi youtuber itu keren ketimbang mereka yg cuman bisa re upload. kalo boleh saran coba bikin topik lain mas, hal yang simpel tapi banyak di cari orang, pasti lebih rame
@wkwkw-land 17 күн бұрын
maaf ya mas bukanya menggurui, sayang aja sama bakatnya, soalnya lebih berkualitas dari pada konten re upload, konten re upload aja bisa monet apalagi masnya yg punya bakat
@JYBZSS 17 күн бұрын
ini malah kemungkinan banyak 6ang nyari mas
@wkwkw-land 17 күн бұрын
@JYBZSS di pencarian yt yg topik sama viewnya ga ada yg 1jt view mas topik ini
@salwahilyasabila4921 2 ай бұрын
@sharingilmubarengibnu 2 ай бұрын
I love you yang 💐🫶🏻
@salwahilyasabila4921 2 ай бұрын
@@sharingilmubarengibnu love u more beb❤️