Round table of all speakers
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@EsatBargan 5 күн бұрын
Wilson Sandra Wilson Joseph Robinson Ronald
@damaryfriedrich9325 28 күн бұрын
No one can survive alone,but many people are alone in middle the distance Herensignifikantensystem of the Perversion
@jenniferc.2514 Ай бұрын
Wow!! 90!!! This was a special & enlightening treat for me. Thank you for sharing!! What an honor to be able to sit at wisdom feet!! ✨🙏🏽✨ Society's as a collective humanity are genuinely and dare I say tragically "missing" the transference of seasoned wisdom... -Old soul who absolutely just adored my GPA!!
@jennyqian2801 2 ай бұрын
brilliant interview
@Zguty 2 ай бұрын
Great interview 🥰🙏
@GnosisMan50 4 ай бұрын
I love Emmy dearly. She is the mentor I never had in my life. I am enormously grateful to all that she has shared, with books, lectures, and wonderful music. And while she continues on her mission, there is only so much she can do. In this respect, I really believe that if we truly want transformational change tantamount to a civil rights movement, we must understand just how dire our situation really is regarding those in power and especially the 24/7 news media. We vastly underestimate the enormous damage we do when we are unaware of just how sick or society really is. If we knew the hard cold truth, rest assured we would have a revolution of the likes we have never seen. But the truth is not for the fainthearted as Dr. Everett E Allie shows in his book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction: The pathology of Cultural Delusion" . Says he, *The Media as a Vector of Delusion* *_"In the support of cultural delusion and fantasies requiring distorted reasoning, the mass media constitutes one of our chief culprits. The mass media invariably serves the institutions and is the carrier of institutional propaganda. The reality distortions and misinformation which streams from the various media consistently supports the delusions. Most media types appear to have an affinity for reality, like oil has for water. They instinctively abhor the real nature of things and opt for distortions, opinions and fantasies, putting their own twist of sensationalism and/or contention on every story. Their primary focus is upon generating emotionality, especially the stronger emotions of fear and anger. They fan the embers of conflict"_* *_"Their underlying agenda, of course, is upon maximizing to the society market share, regardless of the damage they do to the society. It is a rarity, if not an impossibility, to find a news story that has not seriously distorted the facts. The various media manipulate your emotions, at the expense of your reasoning. Too often truth is not only not required, it is not welcome or even tolerated. Populations demanding the truth would cut drastically into the ability of the media to sensationalize and distort. Its detrimental effects would be largely neutralized. Under the present rules of the game, however, ultimate reality must not be recognized"_* *_"Modern humanity has embraced the social philosophy of Relativism, wherein existence is seen as nebulous, where everything is tenuous and the idea of the absolute is not tolerated. Within our cultures, all are deluded to some degree, this especially includes the deluders. For any action there will be a rationalization. In every sector, every institution, the sources of power patronize the fantasies at the expense of truth and human effectiveness. Nowhere in our controlling institutions does one find leaders who recognize the fundamental nature of existence or of our species. All ascribe to the magic universe delusion and labor to maintain the cultural delusions and the systems that spawn them"_* So the burning question I have is this: for the love of God, how are we going to fight this utter madness? The above quote is only a small snippet of the pervasive madness Dr. Allie has revealed in his 300 page book. Maybe I'm beside the truth but it seems that the only way to awaken the masses from the *Vectors of Delusion* is through transformational narratives. By transformational, I mean stories made with film that have profound existential and philosophical meaning yet narrated and revealed visually in a way that the average person can understand. I say this because most people are not inclined to read books on the perennial problems of human existence even though it would benefit them in ways they never thought possible. Look at it this way, if propaganda can be used to deceive, then surely it can also be used to enlighten the masses. I mean, if movies like "gone with the wind", The Heiress, Citizen Kane, the 10 commandments, and 12 angry men (to name a few) resonated with millions of people, imagine what films could do with stories that are written specifically to awaken the sleep millions of people are in, in their waking state. The urgency to do this is staring right in front of us as yet even those who know better such as our educational and mental health institutions are just as asleep about it as the common person on the street. We can't go on as we are. Our leaders are not going to save us....not even God can do it! We must save ourselves FROM ourselves by taking HEAD ON the truth of our present existential reality living in a sick society that we think is normal... its not!! There is no such thing as being normal!
@The_Mindful_Mototorcyclist 4 ай бұрын
@eroceanos 5 ай бұрын
@juliecord5409 5 ай бұрын
This is a great gift to the world.
@wirmutew 7 ай бұрын
What a wonderful interview. I’m so blessed I can read both: English and Lithuanian and can learn from both those wonderful minds.
@bellakrinkle9381 7 ай бұрын
This is a lovely who who instills positive thinking, concern for others, and kindness to everyone, etc. Certainly there is much to reflect on and to achieve better habits,. Yet, she does not say how to arrive at freedom from our psychological issues, stress and anxiety, or worse. Show me one person who has mastered life.
@drogaprzezmost 8 ай бұрын
My favourite doctor! Thank you!
@GilmarMattos2015 10 ай бұрын
What a brilliant mind….👏👏👏👏👏
@zohrehbahmani9167 11 ай бұрын
Er ist ein fantastischer Professor ❤
@ronaldoferreira594 Жыл бұрын
(e rozalialuks) Answering the question: What to do about relieving the pain after the death of someone as important/central in our lives as Marilyn was in Yalom's life? --- WORK. Any kind of work one is Absolutely in Love with/taking by it. The pain caused by Losing half of myself - in my case - is ALWAYS here - but when I'm working... I do not know how - he - my twin brother - re-incorporates in my soul as it was before his death - and for moments/hours: I do not feel like a half but like a whole. That is why - Education is - before all - the best Present we can give to a child as a preparation to "survive" life's pains. Abraços aos dois, do Brasil!
@ronaldoferreira594 Жыл бұрын
Eu tenho um imenso respeito e profundo agradecimento a este Homem! And I wish him the Best! Thank you 2 for the interview.
@מריםכהן-ט7ה Жыл бұрын
What a great mind and such a mentsh. Thank you for being who you are dear proffesor Yalom
@ramintemua Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much for interview
@VladyslavKL Жыл бұрын
@frankie555 Жыл бұрын
"Beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field. I will meet you there." ~ Rumi (1207-1273)
@Novapsihoanaliza Жыл бұрын
Totally different from Atwood & Stolorow. Dialectics vs Dasein, Hegel vs Heidegger.
@olgabelo-marques1117 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, Doctor Yalom ! You are such a great human being and writer and psychotherapist ! So inspiring ...
@magdaberg197 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful words of wisdom Thank you! Book ordered. Can't wait to read it!
@chrisnielsenjr6608 2 жыл бұрын
Such a great human being that you are Professor Yalom. Thank you for everything that you have done for the humanity. I feel so lucky that we are living in the same age. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@ssofianos 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you Irvin. Your work is such a comfort for many people.
@zdenkapantic9300 2 жыл бұрын
I am listening now presentations from the conference. Thank you all, espec. Prof Pritz for your efforts since 90-ies from the last senctury ater war in former Yugoslavia. I remember your visit to Zagreb. All idea to restore broken professional network was and re-construct meaning was of atmoust importance
@space_hamster 2 жыл бұрын
@kotrynastupnianek4862 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for this unique opportunity to watch such a moving and inspiring interview.
@DmitryShuldeshov_SchemaTherapy 2 жыл бұрын
Dear colleagues! So much to write. But still, I will not tell my entire biography. Although, I really want to. I would like to share with you the experience of several weeks of your colleagues from Moscow, Russia. I learned about the beginning of the war on Thursday 24 February. Chat with colleagues. Colleagues began to write that they condole with everyone in Ukraine. I told them that condolences to those in Ukraine is an arrogant position. Since this war will be a disaster for both the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia. I like to think to myself that I am a collected person. And I was in control that morning. I wrote to my brother. We rarely talk to him. He lives in Kyiv with his wife and children. While I was texting my brother, I discovered that I was half an hour late for a meeting with a client. For the first time in 14 years of practice, I forgot about meeting a client. The next morning, I got a message from my gym that they wanted to switch to pay by credit. This upset me. After all, I understand that I cannot now build any long-term plans and take loans. Playing sports really supports me, and, apparently, I have to leave the gym, which I really like. And look for other options. I correspond with my brother almost every day. We had never spoken to him so often before. We have a rather cold relationship in the family, it so happened. I don't write to him about my feelings. I'm just discussing the facts with him. Because I don't fully understand what I feel. Brother with his wife and children often spend the night in the underground parking. Since sometimes they hear explosions not far from their house. I am writing that they need to leave Kyiv. But my brother writes that there is a traffic jam from Kyiv. Leaving is difficult. Yesterday, while corresponding with him, I realized that they might not even dare to leave. And it's not just traffic. I haven't gone to the protests in Moscow yet. And I am afraid to go to them right now: if I am detained, my clients will not receive from me the help and support that they need so much now. I did what I could. Signed petitions and open letters. I made a video in which I explain why it is wrong for psychologists to be neutral now. Because now the situation is not about "political opinions". Now the situation is about war, violence. "Ethical" neutrality now is support for violence. Which is completely incompatible with the humanistic values ​​of the professions of a psychologist and psychotherapist. I am very sorry that not all psychologists in Russia understand this. I openly criticize the war and Putin on my social media. And, perhaps, I am threatened with a prison for this, according to the new laws. From 3 to 15 years. A serious blow for me: the neutral position of my friends in Moscow. Of my 4 close friends, only one takes an openly negative stance towards the war. This means that my circle of contacts has decreased: it is difficult for me to communicate with people who broadcast me propaganda points of view on the war, although they criticize it (these are points of view about NATO, nuclear weapons, Nazis, etc.). I'm at a loss. And I don't know what to do. Run or stay. Now I am internally leaving Russia and staying. I have long wanted to leave Russia. Since I have been feeling severe psychological consequences from living here for more than a year. However, it turns out I don't have time to plan the move right now. I am threatened in Russia with hunger, a prison term, conscription into the army for war. But I also understand that when I move, it will be very difficult for me at first: for now, I receive a salary in rubles. And, also, I understand that I will have to give up working as a therapist for a long time: since I receive payments from my clients in rubles, and I will not be able to survive in another country on this income (the ruble will become cheaper every month). I'm at a loss. I just froze and do nothing. I was very pleased to receive an invitation to participate in the Congress for free. I've had enough of my education right now. And I'm not sure I would attend all the performances. But it was nice to realize that someone understands that I am not to blame for the war. That someone understands that it's not easy for me. And yesterday I was shocked by the denial of free participation for Russians in Congress. I don't give a fuck about your Congress. But I felt rejected and used. Used for narcissistic purposes. Also, I understand that the idiots in your board are judging me, a man they don't know! Fuck you, you morons! Heal yourself please. Do not bring this moral ugliness to your clients, please. I want you to know that you are destructive in your actions. To anyone who ever says a word about your organization, I will tell this story. I translated this using google translator. Although I know English, I did not want to spend extra time for you. Burn in hell. Thanks for understanding.