Wow, I looove this instrument. Admire intensely. XOXOJANE
@DancingEagle4 күн бұрын
Well I guess I’ll just leave a comment since there are none. 👍
@tedmerr7 күн бұрын
nicely done
@EdwardPootchemunka-jm6uw9 күн бұрын
The 4th video was my people from AURUKUN western side of Cape York Peninsula Qld Australia it was taken in 1962 the Crocodile dance 🐊 Rest In Peace my people🙏🙏🙏🙏
@wigri19469 күн бұрын
Good to know Edward and thank you very much for this feedback. I spent three years in Australia and tried to see as much as possible of Aboriginal Australia. However in 1968 it was a difficult tusk. A lot has changed by now fortunately. There is still a lot of reconciliation to be done however. I came back to Switzerland in 1971 and try to be an ambassador for you mob. Spent some time in Arnhemland, got to know the Yidaki and pull it ever since! Bless you people, Willi
@dojorichАй бұрын
Oh, I missed the event :(
@ventoeclissareАй бұрын
Very good 👍👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@manfredscheffknecht2013Ай бұрын
Hey super. Yidaki von Beni. Danke und Gruss an Patrick, Willi und Nadja
@horsthuckstadt1369Ай бұрын
👍👍👍Yidaki Power ❤
@DancingEagleАй бұрын
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
@alexwagner9356Ай бұрын
Wo kann ich mich informieren wann dieses Klangbad auch mal in meiner Umgebung zu genießen ist?
@wigri1946Ай бұрын
wir haben eine Mailingliste zB. Aber welche Gegend ist für Dich angesagt?
@ferdinandvonkulmer18422 ай бұрын
Saugeil ! Krass was das an Vorbereitung erfordert. Chapeau !
@wigri19462 ай бұрын
danke für deinen Kommentar Ferdinand!
@franklied50902 ай бұрын
Das ist mal ein episches Stück. Willi Grimm hatte großes Glück zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort... Und, was so unfassbar genial ist, er hat es für uns alle hoffentlich für alle Zeiten festgehalten! Vielen, vielen Dank dafür, und allzeit Freude an den eigenen Wundervollen Projekten (dreiklang...) Alles Gute aus dem Norden, Grüße, Frank Lied.
@wigri19462 ай бұрын
Danke Frank für deine Rückmeldung und herzliche Grüsse nordwärts....!
@petergallehealingarts2 ай бұрын
The absolute master of the didgeridoo. The clarity and complexity is awe inspiring. Thank you Dubravko for your great spirit!
@petergallehealingarts2 ай бұрын
Absolute wow.... The clarity, power, and precision of his articulations and individual sound is out of this world. Not to mention his beautiful construction of sound across musical language, leading us into an earthly cosmic interstellar journey. Galactic nights, deep caves, the depths of the ocean. How lucky we all are.
@DuendeDidgeridoo2 ай бұрын
So grateful to have been a part of this and to have a family this BIG!
@horsthuckstadt13692 ай бұрын
Hallo Willi schönes Video und erinnerungen. Bruce auch noch dabei 👍🙏❤️
@RonanSkillen82 ай бұрын
Great memories. So happy to have been part of this festival on two occasions :) Hope it will come back again one day in future.
@DancingEagle2 ай бұрын
They should set up the biggest sound systems and get some awesome didge players to blow the socks off an arena full of people. It’s already extremely powerful in small venues. I want to see it on the big stage. Great job Agustina. You’re one of the great ones.
@dojorich2 ай бұрын
Wann gibt's das nächste? 🙏 Ich helfe gerne mit...
@easyportugiesii2 ай бұрын
Herzlichen Dank Willi für diesen tollen Rückblick. Schön durften wir Bruce Rogers in diesem Erdenleben hören und erleben.
@papajoe12612 ай бұрын
Wow wäre toll wenn's wieder ein Swizzeridooo geben würde ❤❤❤
@danielbarden86642 ай бұрын
Very Cool!
@peacetoyourlife2 ай бұрын
@faoliver.2 ай бұрын
@DancingEagle4 ай бұрын
Next to Ondrej and Augustina this is the best didging I have ever heard. Deserves so much more recognition and play. Thank you. I feel special to know I’m of a small number of people who have heard and enjoyed this masterpiece.
@grahamvoght92944 ай бұрын
What no one burning gum leaves?
@VladiZarov4 ай бұрын
Не грустно, молодец!
@RoseLaynbalaynba4 ай бұрын
Could we have more of them from Arnhem land northeast Arnhem land please if anymore we would be happy to here more traditional songs
@winny47654 ай бұрын
Sehr beeindruckendes Schwelgen in Tönen. Vielen Dank.
@alexgabriel54234 ай бұрын
Vielen Danke für posting und für deine Arbeit! The fujara is a unique intrument, a long tube that produces harmonic overtones. It is found in Slovakia. I m wondering if it did not originate in ancient the Carpathian Mountains the tulnic and bucium can still be seen...these tube wind instruments produce overtones as well...
@alexgabriel54234 ай бұрын
An image can be held on the screen and then another can be made to appear gradually from the previous image. Thus the music track will be in a better rhythm with the image change. The image change won't be brisk anymore...just a humble suggestion..
@wigri19464 ай бұрын
thank you Alex. I tried but because the camera was not allways on the same spot and position it became rather disturbing for me....
@alexgabriel54234 ай бұрын
The Title maybe should be changed to something more simple to make it easier to find. Many Thanks for posting this Great Production. Vielen Danke Willi Grimm☆☆☆
@wigri19464 ай бұрын
Thank you for your remark Alex!
@alexgabriel54234 ай бұрын
Me again...maybe some filming can be done and do some superimposition with Kokopelli s playing. The gray walls are monotonous... just a suggestion @wigri1946
@stronkter5 ай бұрын
@peacetoyourlife5 ай бұрын
@ShashankShingh6 ай бұрын
Bahut bahut bhanyabad
@paolamarti62746 ай бұрын
@manfredscheffknecht20137 ай бұрын
Danke für die Stimmung. Tut einfach gut.
@franklied50907 ай бұрын
Sehr schön, einfach genießen!
@afrigal24207 ай бұрын
love it!!
@Manuel-pe2xd7 ай бұрын
Lieber Willi, liebe Menschen welche dabei waren. Vielen Dank für das Video, so gerne wäre ich dabei gewesen und schade hat sich mein Zehenbruch dazwischengedrängt. Hoffentlich gibt es den zweiten Didge Day im Klangkeller bald wieder! Eine Frage an dich Willi, was spielst du ab 16.15 für ein modifiziertes Didge Flöten Ding ?? Das klingt echt super schön und möchte ich auch haben ;). Herzliche Grüsse und hoffentlich bis bald mal, Manu
@PhilipBurton-dn3ce7 ай бұрын
Why aren't they wearing European clothes?....They wear snorkels, flippers, masks and wetsuits and metal divers knives for "cultural fishing"...
@y274Ай бұрын
In what part of this video did they do that?
@marylou39957 ай бұрын
Not much dancing ,is there
@y274Ай бұрын
Well there is, if you weren’t so fat your eyelids would reveal the screen
@marylou39957 ай бұрын
The boys doing that leg dance- looks like something we do today.
@Gez7348 ай бұрын
Amazing Willi, thank you for sharing. Only Now finding this
@horsthuckstadt13698 ай бұрын
Schöne Erinnerung 😢
@alpenjon9 ай бұрын
Oh whow, ich muss auch mal in den Klangkeller, danke!