@RedIron914 2 сағат бұрын
Your system of sorting the tactics deck is awesome.
@imperialminis857 Сағат бұрын
Thanks, I’m glad you liked it! I wanted to find a way to capture the theme of the deck in a way that made sense but wasn’t overly complicated.
@fortu392 5 сағат бұрын
Boltons getting Ls after Ls :(
@imperialminis857 3 сағат бұрын
They’re still one of my favorite factions to play. They’ll remain a flex faction for now. If you win with them against an experience opponent, you’re flexing your ASOIAF skills. I’m confident that they’ll continue to get tweaked with each balance patch.
@fortu392 2 сағат бұрын
@@imperialminis857 i love them too, imho they need a big frontline unit, a hero box 2 with more ncus, and tweaks to their existing units (different stats when used in factions) and to a couple of cards (remorless example LOL)
@imperialminis857 Сағат бұрын
I agree, they need more work. The Bolton/Neutral units need to be a little stronger in the Bolton faction. They could definitely benefit from a line-breaker type of frontline unit, like a Kings Men style of unit. Remorseless Examples should either get removed or reworked completely. It’s almost always just tossed out between rounds.
@dariostabletopminatures 6 сағат бұрын
Thanks for this ONE! Great that the Game has a new Faction! I hope one day the Army of the Dead will join the Game!
@davidgordon2801 6 сағат бұрын
Gonna be interesting how powerful the NCUs are versus attachments or commanders. Stoneheart i anticipate to be strong NCU.
@imperialminis857 3 сағат бұрын
For sure, I can’t wait to see the NCUs and attachments from the starter and HB1. I really hope Stoneheart adds a totally new take on the BwB. A commander can only do so much to change the flavor of a faction, but if any commander can do it, I think it’ll be her.
@ethantaylor9613 10 сағат бұрын
I’m glad that they are bringing out new abilities again. Earlier versions of the game weren’t nearly as well balanced, but they had so much more flavor.
@imperialminis857 3 сағат бұрын
It is great to see, right? If I remember correctly, I think the Bolton base deck had only two or three new cards. This faction definitely has a pretty clear flavor and design direction that feels cohesive across the units and cards we’ve seen so far.
@MrMaxamumdes 10 сағат бұрын
"Bolton players will also not be happy about this, but Bolton players have plenty of other things to not be happy about" Ow. True but Ow But the Realms Remain is an awesome card. I mean never getting conditions, being able to restore wounds. Plus the sheer flavour from it. Considering every BWB list probably has a couple peasants I'd say you'll usually get at least 2 tokens, unless the opponent focuses that unit, but in that case that's damage not going to the rest of the army. Probably my fav card out of the set, though Take up the Sword and Regroup and Reform also are very fun. I think what I really enjoy is just the theme of them. It really feels like these mini factions stick strong to a theme, even more so then the Major factions. I feel like they definitely learned some lessons from the Bolton release coming into this. Shame the brotherhood box got pushed back to December, but still excited to see what else is coming. I'll be curious to see what goods they have in the Hero's box, or when they start showing off some of the NCU's.
@imperialminis857 Сағат бұрын
Yeah I agree with all that. The theme is very strong here. I love the semi-Bretonnian vibe the faction gives off. I also like this contrast between the peasant chaff and the knights who fight with them. The unit line-up is strong, the tactics deck is strong, and hopefully the NCUs, attachments, and remaining commanders will be strong as well. It’s shaping up to be a top faction.
@rampantrambling 10 сағат бұрын
Note that "But the Realm remains" only targets on the turn you attach it, just like Nights watch cards, so the unit later being saved by six times to many would not stop you from benefitting from a previously attached realm remains.
@imperialminis857 3 сағат бұрын
Good to know! Targeting is always a bit confusing.
@obyiscushobbyandgaming 10 сағат бұрын
I think it's the second best quest card. Rhoynish Vengeance attaching to the enemy makes it better in my opinion
@imperialminis857 3 сағат бұрын
Good call out, Jordan. Personally, I try to block out Martells from my mind, as there’s just too much pain associated with that faction, but Rhoynish Vengeance is definitely a strong quest card.
@datalink7 20 сағат бұрын
I think they look pretty solid. My first preliminary list doesn't include them, which tells you how good BWoB starting options are :P
@imperialminis857 16 сағат бұрын
It definitely says something about the relative strength of the starting line-up when you’re doubting whether to take the in-faction ranged unit!
@matthewmutton 23 сағат бұрын
I want to replicate this with my newly acquired Stark Starter set, can you recommend a good blue paint that would compliment the style?
@imperialminis857 23 сағат бұрын
Some blues I like as a base would be Scale 75 “Caspian Blue” or AK “Anthracite Grey”. These colors can then be brightened up with some greys. If you want to start off with a brighter grey/blue, you could jump to Citadel “Russ Grey”, which is a light blue/grey. For fewer shading steps, the Russ Grey could be hit with a wash, then highlighted with the base color again and then highlighted with a bit of lighter grey added to the base color. It’ll be a desaturated blue/grey. You could add some more blue to it in the base if you wanted to brighten it up some more.
@matthewmutton 5 сағат бұрын
@@imperialminis857 that's superb, thank you so much, I'm excited and also nervous to get started, I'm not the best miniature painter by a long shot, but want to be proud of these when they hit the table
@bernhardeisl7382 Күн бұрын
"alternating activations" should be the first and most important point haha Games workshop "I go you go" system is tedious at best.
@bernhardeisl7382 Күн бұрын
Also the app and the cost haha
@imperialminis857 Күн бұрын
Alternating activations is definitely one of the most important points. It’s so common in game design today that it’s hard to fathom why some GW games still use “I go, you go”, except for pride or nostalgia?
@danh945 2 күн бұрын
Renly Lord Paramount really is the perfect commander for Stag Knights. The Boisterous Charisma means they are almost impossible to shut off, and the Stalwart removes their only real weakness - a 5+ morale save. But you kept forgetting the other perfect synergy; the only thing the Stag Knights don't gain in Precision, which Renly has!
@imperialminis857 2 күн бұрын
Since the Season 05 update, Boisterous Charisma isn’t at all what it once was. It still has value, but it can’t hard-counter certain lists anymore. You’re right though I forgot about Precision for the entire game. I’ll blame it on the fact that this was the very start of Season 04 I think, and I hadn’t studied up enough on the changes prior to playing this game.
@danh945 2 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 Oh no blame at all, I think you guys did great. So many things to remember! Really loving these battle reports; great to hear your thoughts before and after.
@imperialminis857 2 күн бұрын
@danh945 I’m glad you’re enjoying them and find value in the pre and post-game reviews!
@art840412 2 күн бұрын
As a stark player ,it break my heart every time I see stark bowman being compared with other range units …… .Probably has the worst value/cost among long range units😂
@imperialminis857 2 күн бұрын
I guess that’s the problem with being one of the first ranged units in the game: every other one gets power-creeped up slightly. The Stark Bowmen could definitely use some help, like giving out the weakened token when shooting engaged enemies or something, instead of only when an enemy rolls a 1 on a defense die.
@art840412 2 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 yeah your right ,don’t need the LOS ability, give them auto weaken or precision would be nice. Btw the speed your pumping out these update videos is crazy 👍🏻 loving it.
@HitsAndCrits 2 күн бұрын
It's a pleasure to see such valuable content for the community, especially with its impeccable timing.
@imperialminis857 2 күн бұрын
Thanks man, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
@danh945 2 күн бұрын
I like the diagram showing that they could fire into a unit in a wood as they'd have line of sight, but would not the reverse be even more powerful, where this unit would hide in a wood and force enemies to have to go around to charge them? And if they did that then could you just use the shift to push the other side? That means you'd need to threaten from both sides at the same time, or cav from a flank!
@imperialminis857 2 күн бұрын
The Cover keyword actually won’t prevent a unit from charging the archers who are sitting in a forest. Only terrain with the “Blocks Line of Sight” keyword (palisade) would work this way. Now, technically an archer unit could snug up against a palisade and pop out 2” to the side to shoot at enemies, while keeping their own front completely unchargeable by the enemy. It leaves their flank open, but it has strategic advantages in certain situations. There are lots of fun ways to use this unit though with that 3” Maneuver and 2” shift before shooting!
@nachtalb8394 2 күн бұрын
Nice man, very fast Service +1
@imperialminis857 2 күн бұрын
Thanks dude, glad you enjoyed it!
@seanhiggins5154 2 күн бұрын
Great video! I had not realized how underwhelming the LOS rule was outside of the forest. I still think this unit… and army for this matter will be a riot to play!
@imperialminis857 2 күн бұрын
Thanks Sean! Yeah the volley ability looks good on paper, but the situations where you really need it are few. It does give you one less thing to have to consider when shooting with your archers though, so it’s easy on our overloaded minds. 😄
@AnodyneRain 3 күн бұрын
Can you bring Rose Knights in BWB? I know they can bring a Stark or Baratheon unit but can they bring the units that have loyalties for Stannis or Renly?
@imperialminis857 3 күн бұрын
It appears that you can bring Stannis / Renly loyalty units in addition to the standard Baratheon units. So you could bring the Rose Knights in! Rose Knights might be quite good in this army since it looks like what the BWB will be lacking is a solid frontline defensive unit.
@MadMax-el2el 4 күн бұрын
This just makes my irritation with boltons and s5 in general grow... Between this and my brothers stark nonsense... i really don't get how Flayed men are 8 points anymore. The umbra's great axe, is strictly better and on the high potential of being on a 8 attack profile, with sundering, vicious and panicking your opponent... all for 7 points and who cares if your defense is trash that 6 movement is great and you want to be down a rank for maxium punch... Or the lances on tully cav, 2 attacks and sundering on the charge vs flayed mens crazy crit blow on the charge... and vicious and maybe something from a failed moral check... Ugh... maybe i should just go play mcp until s6. Because my brother is adding this to his collection... it's ordered, he has penciled himself in on my painting project list...
@danh945 4 күн бұрын
Great batrep!
@HitsAndCrits 4 күн бұрын
I´m soo hyped for this faction! Great content buddy! As Always! Can´t wait to do the Starter with you!
@davidgordon2801 5 күн бұрын
Excited as well. Just what i needed... a ninth faction. Only ones i do not have are NW. Im loving loving those peasent sculpts. Any thoughts on what color scheme u might use? Muted blues/greys/yellow/green. Tying in poor folk n starks n baratheons
@imperialminis857 5 күн бұрын
I think I’ll go with natural colors: browns and greens mostly, with a couple of splashes of muted blues / yellows perhaps, to represent Stark/Baratheon. But I think the focus for me will be on colors consistent with dyes that historical peasants had access to in the medieval period.
@brentr926 5 күн бұрын
Great rundown Randall, can’t wait to see some batreps with these guys!
@imperialminis857 5 күн бұрын
Thanks Brent! That makes two of us. These guys look super fun to play. I can’t wait to get my hands on them!
@marshallbravestarr2117 5 күн бұрын
I always enjoy your ASOIAF videos. Thank you!
@seanhiggins5154 6 күн бұрын
Def excited about this faction! Great analysis as always. Let’s hope the tactics deck is stronger than the Bolton one to give them a fighting chance.
@imperialminis857 6 күн бұрын
Thanks Sean! Yeah a lot will depend on that tactics deck, but I’m pretty confident that it’ll be well constructed. 🤞
@dariostabletopbastelecke4846 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for this One!
@MichalMolenda82 6 күн бұрын
Excellent analysis (as always). Thank you.
@starguy1o163 6 күн бұрын
God id love to play more song games but barely anyone I know plays it, it was like dropped dead after a while and I have like a army for each house except free folk and Nights watch
@AlexanderGiraldez 6 күн бұрын
It slowed down in my local area but some folks made a larger region discord and now I can always find games or tournaments. I’m moving to a new area and hope to be a local ambassador as I really enjoy the game.
@imperialminis857 6 күн бұрын
Hopefully you can rekindle local interest by finding one person who’s interested in trying it, then playing a game at a LGS during a time when other folks are there playing other games. I always find that when people see ASOIAF on the table, they’re intrigued and end up standing by and watching. Sometimes all it takes is a couple of passionate local players to breathe life into a local Song community.
@starguy1o163 5 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 oh hell no I can't, I saw one dude on the store discord asking "does anyone want to buy my Nightwatch army" followed by "does anyone wanna buy my Bolten army"
@belisarius7880 6 күн бұрын
Great video Randall, very thorough coverage of the unit.
@imperialminis857 6 күн бұрын
Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it!
@MrMaxamumdes 6 күн бұрын
As someone who has been subscribed since the Boltons came out, I'm excited to see more BwB stuff!There's this special energy it feels when these mini factions come out thats just exciting. BwB are looking a bit better then Boltons on release so far, excited to see what else is there. Also love the hypothetical between Boltons and BwB, seems like an interesting matchup. Have to wonder if peasants can hold out against the panic long enough for other Brotherhood units. But as a Bolton fanboy, I'm a bit biased. Excited to see more!
@imperialminis857 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for the support, and I totally agree about the energy surrounding these mini factions. Since they’re not as major as the main factions, it seems like the devs can have a bit more fun and maybe take some more risks with them. I think it’s safe to say these guys will launch in a better state than Boltons. It felt pretty exciting drafting that what-if battle, as if it was a battle report video. Stay tuned and you’ll see the real deal in a few months!
@spookrockcity 6 күн бұрын
Top 4 faction out of the gate it looks like.
@imperialminis857 6 күн бұрын
It’s definitely looking that way so far, but the base tactics deck will determine whether that’s a reality or a dream.
@brotherhelix 7 күн бұрын
Thanks to this video I am looking forward to Brotherhood.😀
@imperialminis857 7 күн бұрын
Me too, they look like a lot of fun so far!
@JohnLopez-kr6cu 7 күн бұрын
So is it true you can bring Stark and Baratheon units?
@imperialminis857 7 күн бұрын
Yep, you can bring one Stark or Baratheon unit!
@TheMannis 8 күн бұрын
My first foray into tabletop war games was with Warhammer fantasy battles when I was like 12 or 13. From Warhammer, I transitioned to playing 40K, Battlefleet Gothic, and Lord of the Rings when the movies came out. Some games were better than others, but looking back at all of it, in every case, more time and energy was spent working on models and *dreaming* of fully painted armies clashing on pretty game tables, than *actually* playing the games. Even though we had lots of free time back then, no one ever finished anything. Every army was a never-ending project and that limited gaming opportunities. Then when we did play, most games lasted several hours because all of the aforementioned games required regularly flipping through various books, charts, and reference sheets to resolve rules interactions. This was also true of Dystopian Wars, which I played briefly after moving away from GW games. ASOIAF:TMG is really the first game I’ve gotten into that broke the mold here. With its preassembled models and board game-sized rulebook, it was the fist tabletop game I’ve played (aside from star wars armada) that enabled me to start playing legitimate games the same day I bought the product. As a result, I have probably played as many games of asoiaf in 5 years, as I have all those other games in the past 20 years. That’s not insignificant. Sure, the game is really just a board game masquerading as a *true* miniatures game, but I don’t really care. It still offers most of what I enjoy about the tabletop gaming experience, but without all the crunchiest bits that I feel like I’m too old to deal with now. I personally don’t even want to go back to the old Warhammer/Old World; it’s too much. I know a lot of asoiaf players feel the same way. Now if only it were easier to find players…
@TheMannis 9 күн бұрын
Seeing the comparison here between Sworn Knights and Champions of the Stag, I feel the last adjustment to the Champs went just a little too far. The reduction to 6 attack dice at full ranks was fair, given they’re not really supposed to be a heavy damage dealer on their own. I would have liked to see a 6/5 attack profile, but at 8pts, they should have at least kept their old 5+ morale to preserve their long term sustain. Their 2+ armor on its own is being overvalued, especially given how much of a drag speed 4 is for a cavalry unit. If they had been bumped up to speed 5, then all of the other detuning would make more sense. Also, they got another indirect nerf with the change to Stannis’ “Tactical Approach” card, the second copy of which was often played on Champs to boost unimpressive damage output. Not so much now. As it stands, I’d never pick CotS over these Sworn Knights if that were an option.
@imperialminis857 9 күн бұрын
I totally agree. Champs just look really sad compared with the Sworn Knights. They need an adjustment in the right direction next time.
@TheMannis 9 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 Yeah nothing crazy even. 6/5 attack and 5+ morale could be fine. Idk they used to be sort of intimidating (as they should be) but now they’re not.
@imperialminis857 9 күн бұрын
@TheMannis 6/5 and 5+ morale would be solid but not broken imo. I’d happily accept either of those if I could only get one.
@DayofWednes 9 күн бұрын
Like the format! 👌
@imperialminis857 9 күн бұрын
Thanks! It was a very easy format to throw a video together quickly. I might do similar videos for future BwB reveals.
@ruthnik 9 күн бұрын
flayed men really need some love..
@imperialminis857 9 күн бұрын
The house Bolton version at least needs some bonus over the neutral version.
@ruthnik 9 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 FM should just t get sundering with out the Charge requirement
@imperialminis857 9 күн бұрын
@ruthnik well, they have Crit Blow on the charge, not Sundering. I’d be cool with them just having native Crit Blow, and then getting something else on the charge, like giving their target a Panicked token.
@ruthnik 9 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 they definitely need something to give them more oomph, they look like the real thing but feel like a wet noodle
@imperialminis857 9 күн бұрын
@ruthnik Yeah right now they mostly feel like a unit that, if it fails to pull off an impressive charging attack, just contributes Intimidating Presence and presents a somewhat tough plug of wounds for the enemy to chew through. But with so much sundering and precision out there, and a 6+ morale, they can get whittled down quite quickly.
@dennisvogel5982 10 күн бұрын
while not playing eighter (playing 40k and battletech) i would say there is pros and cons to both games. In General i would say ASOIAF is insane design - Everything is done to make the entry easy, from costs, rules, app support - having everything in the unit boxes and so on - basically everything that i always thought was bad on the more classic tabletop design of the GW games is fixed here. Drawbacks being in a way, that the more streamlined ruleset does not have the room for much nuance. I watched a ton of gameplay for ASOIAF but it seemed to me, that the relatively low number of units, the relative big size of the movement trays, and the lack of unit customizeability lets you only do so much with the product you have. For example - lets say you just have the 2 player starter box - i watched tons of games from that and they all looked a bit "samey" - while there is room for tactics, especially with the cool ncu system and the cards - there is a common strategy tied to the faction and it seemed (!) to try and stick to that is the way to go. Since you cannot really customize the different units their value in battle is way easier to determine as usefull or useless. So for me that looked like repeated games with the same units would get stale faster than in a GW game. while i am only deep into 40k i think i can still say that a 200 page army codex gives you more options than a small unit card could ever give - from the subfaction you choose, to army wide agendas, to different war equipment, to leaders, to items, to spells - like in 40k a space marine captain can be 50 different things depending on what you equip him with, what unit you pair him with, what subcation rules you use and so on. While it seems that in ASOIAF the unit roles are more determined and you "just" decide if you want it or not. So while you pay way more (and lets face it, i think too much) for Warhammer - you will at least get more out of single units most of the time. I still like ASOIAF approach though, modernizing many of the systems that GW still holds onto, that could be simplified - Full unit rules with each unit box, yeah please? Full Game Rules for free? Yes! A working App, that updates and can be used for easy army building - almost needed these days. That said though i think ASOIAF is fantastic especially as a first Tabletop wargame and unless you absolutly want the hardcore experience (for your hobbying, your wallet AND your Rules) does a fantastic job at being a tabletop with the convenice of a boardgame almost, while loosing only minor complexity. Now if you ask me - If this game would be scaled down in miniature size, so that it would play on regular tables - this would be an instant buy for me. Thats a niche that is only covered by smaller independant Tabletop systems, or skirmishing games - But a full rank and file tabletop that i can play on the kitchen table with this complexity and convenience for that price (or even cheaper possible due to smaller miniatures) ...... That would be my absolut dream - being something that could be a banger on your Tabletop gamenight but also can be set up in minutes if a friend comes over to drink some beer..... Someone out there, make it happen!
@Cris_Shatty 10 күн бұрын
The more i know about this new faction the more i like it. As a main Renly Baratheon player i think i should jump in BwB. It would be my second army (or 3rd bc i planning to build Stannis side aswell). And besides of the Neutrals Units i also could enjoy to buy some cool Starks Units ontop. F***k yes why not 🙌💯
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
I feel the same way about BwB. They look like they’ll leave the gate with a much higher power level than the last faction, the Boltons. And these guys have so much more listbuilding potential. I’m looking forward to them!
@Cris_Shatty 10 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 the only thing that I worry, bc of their high potential of power list building and aswell their strong commander cards, they could be a little overpowered and dominate the future tournaments. We will see. I hope CMON keep the balance
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
Quick style-points comment: when you add a Fortune Seeker to this unit, you can replace the banner-bearer with the Fortune Seeker model whose arm is stretching forward with a sword to have both cavalry units in the front rank extending their swords outward toward the enemy. I might have to do this even if the attachment isn’t actually in the unit. 👀
@davidgordon2801 10 күн бұрын
Love the faction so far. Great unit to make as hedge knight or even alt sculpts in some other factions. 3 peasents and 2 cav
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
Definitely great sculpts and you could easily mix these with Hedge Knight models to create two units of either. Three peasants is an interesting idea. I just hope you don’t have to buy two starters to get that many!
@noblegalifreyan4551 10 күн бұрын
Best guess is that there is going to be a point limit and probably not allow any loyalty units to be fielded.
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
It might be complicated to manage which units, particularly on the Stark side, could be taken. My initial thought was along the lines of your comment, but we haven’t seen any indication yet that there will be restrictions on the Stark/Bara unit roster, so I didn’t factor that into my analysis.
@noblegalifreyan4551 10 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 maybe but I think they would probably not want to have Tullies hit on 2+ with 10 dice that gang up includes
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
@noblegalifreyan4551 I don’t think they thought too much about Tully Cav balance when balancing this faction’s rules. Riders of Highgarden would benefit from the same gang-up bonus. If anything, hopefully Tully cav can get another minor tweak in the next patch as a result. 😄 We’ll know soon enough though what the full and final faction rules are.
@datalink7 10 күн бұрын
They have to be 8. 7 would be crazy. I think they look Solid, though potentially competing (at least one of them) against Tully Cav. I also wish they had been a bit more creative with "Rally the Smallfolk" than just being a crappier Rally Cry. Something a bit different, like 1 wound plus 1 condition token at least. But overall, a Solid unit.
@TheMannis 9 күн бұрын
@@datalink7 Honestly surprised they even gave them a unique ability, even if it isn’t that interesting. Hasn’t been much of that lately in general.
@HitsAndCrits 10 күн бұрын
Such a nice review! Thank you so much, Randall!!! Excatly what we needed right now! Thanks for keeping up this great job for the whole Song Community! I feel some content release videos around the corner ;-)
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
BwB is shaping up to be a very cool and powerful faction. I’m looking forward to all the content the community has in store!
@kks557 10 күн бұрын
I agree, looks like a great unit!
@brentr926 10 күн бұрын
At 8 they’re quite good, and 7 they’d be crazy good. I could easily see running two of these with multiple Peasants supporting, a little bit of Bretonnia in the Seven Kingdoms.
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
I could easily see two in a list with a bunch of peasants. There’s totally a Bretonnia vibe in this faction and I love it!
@robboer3930 10 күн бұрын
Anyone know where to get that playmat?
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
Hi there. That’s the “Mummer’s Ford” playmat that came out with the game’s original Kickstarter. I think you can only find them second-hand at this point. But you could probably find another roughly equivalent game mat. I know the Hits & Crits guys teamed up with Playmats EU and have a cool farmland mat you could buy that even comes with special ASOIAF objective and deployment zone markings on the mat, I think.
@robboer3930 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info. Pitty its hard to get now.
@theironforest1072 10 күн бұрын
On the FB page they showed five knights, but the page on CMON shows four, I wonder if the fifth is an attachment? Plus what could that even add to the mix.
@imperialminis857 10 күн бұрын
I thought the same thing Carly, but then some British guy named Mickey pointed out on Discord that the “fifth” cav model was actually just one of the other four spun around at a different angle.
@noblegalifreyan4551 10 күн бұрын
Facebook is known for having the dumbest takes on the game
@theironforest1072 9 күн бұрын
@@imperialminis857 NO WAY hahahaha they got me
@theclash24 11 күн бұрын
It looks good but jeezoos they trying to be GW with their prices??? 100 dollar entry fee for 2 players is ridiculous. That's a no go and I can see it not taking off because of this very reason. And expansion packs are not cheap either...
@imperialminis857 11 күн бұрын
I think it’s important to remember that Moonstone is a boutique game that is produced by a very small team. Its minis and game materials are all made in the UK. The minis are resin, made in relatively small batches. There are no overseas factories involved here. No economies of scale. Everyone at Goblin King Games wears multiple hats and Tom, the founder of the studio, only gave up his full time job to focus 100% on Moonstone as a career a year or so ago. I don’t think there’s exactly an apples-to-apples comparison between GW and Goblin King Games here, but if you want to say that two Kill Team unit boxes is roughly equivalent to the 2 player starter in terms of content (the kill team unit boxes won’t give you enough to build out every option, and the Moonstone starter gives you enough to play a 4 model game, not 6 model game) we can compare costs. The kill team boxes would add up to around MRSP $120 USD and the Moonstone starter would be around the same. The Moonstone starter would also give you the game’s rules, tokens, a set of dice, and a ruler (so the rough equivalent of the kill team game essentials kit or whatever that box is called). Now, look at the net revenue of the $120 purchases from GW versus Moonstone. The GW plastic and cardboard and associated operating costs probably cost, all in, maybe $5-$10 USD? I don’t know what the Moonstone components cost, but the production quality is much higher, the company is MUCH more ethical, and the support from the company to the community is actually on an individual level, not just hidden behind community articles, preview videos, and press releases like with GW. I’d urge you to factor in the whole picture before casting judgement on Moonstone simply based on the MSRP of the Starter and unit boxes. There are more factors to the equation that merit consideration, and you’d be missing out on an incredibly fun game if you discount it so quickly.
@neuro_4385 14 күн бұрын
What I will say about Warhammer's extensive **granular** list building is how good it is for role-playing a faction of your invention. I prefer the gameplay of ASoIaF by a long shot though. It's so tactical, but is still thematic AND quick to play. Not fun trying to persuade non-wargamer friends to play warhammer on tabletop lol
@imperialminis857 11 күн бұрын
ASOIAF is definitely more approachable than Warhammer, and easier to pick up for new players. That said, it is very strategically deep, as you mentioned. It feels like you need to fill out a spreadsheet to put together any army in Warhammer. In ASOIAF, you can just lay out your unit cards on the table, or in your War Council app and you’re good to go.