Commander Set Review New Capenna!
New Capenna Ranking Every Commander!
@Klyle06 11 күн бұрын
The LGS is the real loser of this ban
@HighlanderHipster 11 күн бұрын
@@Klyle06 I mostly agree with this. They are the ones that lose the most from this, as their goals are financially based. It's important to remember that the magic market ebbs and flows. Some other cards are starting to soak up the market share these banned cards gave up (mana vault as an example). There's money in the market people are willing to spend. It will level out in a more diverse way, rather than big ticket items. Which I think is more healthy. However, LGS's should already be considering how they approach MTG singles from their mass printing that has been going on for the last several years with product overload. If they were over leveraged into these cards in a way that dramatically hurts them financially, I think that's more on them.
@xxhellspawnedxx 12 күн бұрын
I think there's an issue here that isn't discussed nearly enough: The fact that the format is supposed to be, or at least have been for the longest time, a diverse format, where there's room for every stripe of player. With these bans, the RC seems to signal that that no longer is the case. And another thing: People keep claiming that the format is better now that these cards are banned. The question becomes: Better for whom? Completely aside from monetary value, high power and cEDH players have been deprived of part of their decks now. And for what reason? Because some people can't or won't do sufficient rule 0 convos? I think it's uncontroversial to say that pubstomping will continue, and no amount of bans will address that. And to tack on to that point, these bans essentially say "We don't trust the community to do rule 0 discussions anymore". That is rather problematic, imho.
@HighlanderHipster 12 күн бұрын
@@xxhellspawnedxxThe RC said directly that the point is to make rule 0 conversations have less strain. Players could also do the inverse and rule 0 these cards in. I've already played a game where we have done that. Not sure what level of experience you are, but players are VERY bad at assessing themselves as players, the capability of their deck to win, and the delta between those things and how they represent it. That's the whole rule 0 conversation, and playerd are terrible at it. It will continue to happen for sure. The goal of these changes is for it to happen to a lesser degree. A more manageable level of people surfing past others while the other three play archenemy. cEDH players (at least the ones that are experienced and have a good understanding of the format) want to play within the commanders rule set with whatever tools are available. Check out Play to Win's video. Personally, I think you don't have to assume much intent from the RC. They stated their purpose. The people you could ask instead are Wizards and yourself. If these changes shake your faith in the format that strongly, is it a format for you? Why did wizards intentionally inflate the price of these cards, rather than giving them meaningful reprints? The RC has stated that these are the biggest problems in the format time and time again. I really don't know what anyone would be surprised that these cards would catch a ban. I'm just surprised it's all at once. Which I think is a poor way to handle it, due to the banning cadence we've had.
@xxhellspawnedxx 11 күн бұрын
​@@HighlanderHipster I've got 10 years of playing under the belt, so I'm not some greenhorn. But yeah, sure, some people don't know how to do rule 0 in a way that avoids bad blood after the game, or simply don't want to, for fears of giving the game away, or because they're some variety of socially awkward. My point is, that is where the rules committee should've put their energy: On guiding the community towards better ways of doing this. As it stands, they have just cost the community an estimated 150 million dollars, probably made more than one LGS consider whether it's worth it to sell singles, and for no tangible improvement. It, in no way, addresses the issue of bad rule 0 discussions, which is at the core of most bad blood scenarios in the format, or intentional pubstomping, which is the lion's part of the rest. For my part, I've tried to lead by example, when I end up in a pod with players who, for one reason or another, just says "I'm playing X" or simply puts their commander on their mat, and thinks that it's good enough. I ask questions, I give constructive post-game feedback, and so on. But I'm just one singular player, and my impact on the greater whole is minimal. It would be a lot better if the rules committee did this instead. They have a lot more resources to pull from, and a hell of a lot more reach than yours truly. And, they have the capacity to not cause the community a lot of grief and upheaval, by doing this instead. Wizards has their share of the blame for making these cards as expensive as they were, absolutely. But I feel like that's a separate issue. You can pubstomp 7 ways from Sunday, intentionally or through ignorance, with any one of several hundred deck that runs neither fast mana nor "problematic" card draw engines like Rhystic Study (Which I would argue is just a minor stax piece, that greedy and inflexible opponents turn into a problem, but I digress).
@HighlanderHipster 11 күн бұрын
@@xxhellspawnedxx I like your sentiment, but I'm confused if you want them to have an off or on approach. This seems to me like they are moving towards a more hands on approach and directing the rule 0 conversations (or maybe getting people to think about it for the first time. ie "can I play mana crypt in this game") which should have been happening the whole time. It's not a big issue in my local group in Nashville TN. Most of the surrounding stores know what we are about even (I like to think that's because we have good communication). There will be bad beats when new players to the group (often from out of town since Nashville is a tourist destination) stroll through and "pubstomp." We try to curve that as much as we can, but some people can't be helped. During and after the game, as you said, it's important to let them know what you're about. Adjusting your gameplay as the alarms bells go off in your head in a political way is also a valuable tool. Based on your experience, I'm sure you know what I mean. That being said, the RC is making a guideline to better steer this conversation and facilitate it. As far as the dollar amount, that seems rather sensationalist. These cards have lost roughly a little less than half their value. That's not making or breaking a game store or player. If that is, you were over leveraged and should look inward at the decisions that led you to that position rather than blaming others. LGS's should already have been considering their singles inventory based on the Secret Lair and quantity of sets as it is. It is, and has been, more volatile than ever before. It's important to scale back as a business (and players) from those things if you want to be sustainable.
@xxhellspawnedxx 11 күн бұрын
@@HighlanderHipster I definitely want them to address the issues within the format, but not do so unilaterally. To make a simile, saying "I want politicians to take a firm stance on crime" does not automatically mean "I want broken window policing and a surveillance society" and so on. Ideally, I would want to see the community given a more active role in the decision making for the format. Commander is, after all, as much theirs' as the RC's, and as a collective, the community outside of the RC has a hell of a lot more ownership of the format than those 5 people in the RC does, simply due to being millions of times more people. Maybe the RC could consult the community through videos and polls (seeing as 2/5ths of the RC are content creators) and if a suggested ban didn't get a 60% or 2/3rds majority of support for the ban, it wouldn't happen? Another thing is the concept of the "banlist" should change, IMO. A banlist denotes a hard and unyielding "You can't play these cards", while the RC says that they are mere suggestions for you to work out with your playgroup. But for the large part of the community who don't have a limited playgroup, who play with different opponents every week at their LGS, the banlist is still treated as final, as it would in any tournament format, so it effectively is a classic ban list, which is an issue, as a card's "problematicness" is context sensitive. IMO, as part of this more active guidance to rule 0 conversations, they should abolish the banlist and instate a "Not suited for [ X type ] of game" list instead. Obviously Mana Crypt and Dockside Extortionist aren't suitable for a precon table. They are suitable for cEDH and high power pods though. Put them down as that instead. Active guidance, but without telling people what to do, to put it in a way. Granted, this last part may cause a certain amount of controversy in sections of the cEDH community who thinks that cards need banning to keep the meta fresh. But leave that for them to figure out on their own. They are, overwhelmingly, already enfranchised players with lots of experience, so I'm sure they won't have too hard a time to come to some sort of consensus on the matter, or set up their own system for handling this issue.
@HighlanderHipster 11 күн бұрын
@@xxhellspawnedxx Good points. I share your sentiment. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. It's hard to get a meaningful conversation around the topic as I'm sure you've experienced. I think the goal of the RCs banlist is to protect the most vulnerable (new players or players that don't know better) from bad actors and from themselves. In that regard, I think the ban list is moving in the right direction. For people like you and I, we may not need a banlist. I didn't play these cards anyway because they don't facilitate the play experience I was looking for. The knock on effect of this is far beyond the RC, so I think it's important to remember the scope they are looking to make these changes through, and the part they truly play in this. The format has outgrown them for the most part. They want to be shepherds of the format, and for that I think they are moving in the right direction.
@jay_crist 13 күн бұрын
Love to hear what you think! Very insightful, as always.
@jbell6259 14 күн бұрын
Epic video mane. Couldn't agree more
@HighlanderHipster 14 күн бұрын
Yeaaa man. Preciate it.
@xxhellspawnedxx 15 күн бұрын
Great deck, have most of the pieces for it but never tried that strategy, so this is definitely a future build for me to tool around with! :)
@danielharrison2383 27 күн бұрын
pretty solid deck
@RainbowRandolf Ай бұрын
Assemble the Players just feels like a worse Elven Chorus here. 2 mana is cheap for the enchantment but everyone being Birds feels way better than 2 mana do nothing most turns.
@GraysonFink-i3v Ай бұрын
The overrun doubling is awesome i never caught that! I'm currently switching my Slogurk into Jyoti to power it down.
@Ritogamer-Na1 2 ай бұрын
Good deck but I heard you mention you left out a lot of good cards because you are making this deck of off 25$ but how would you change this deck or what cards would you add if you had 100$ or something like that without just adding the dumb multilands lol?
@hitemiller3743 2 ай бұрын
Psyched to build this.
@mrporkgaming7226 2 ай бұрын
Brain surge is great! I can't believe it's an instant
@mrporkgaming7226 2 ай бұрын
Did anyone else get triggered when urban evolution came up and the black speck was on the card? I was tripping for at least 3 min trying to clean my screen off!
@HighlanderHipster 2 ай бұрын
I legit thought it was on my screen too. It was in the card image I guess 🙃
@jay_crist 2 ай бұрын
Tribute summoning in Magic, brings me back to 2001. Looking forward to getting wrecked by this one!
@LogoMotive11 2 ай бұрын
I never thought of using the threaten effects to have both ramp and removal, love that suggestion. Also love the Sol Ring disclaimer, think more deck techs need to include this in their videos. Not sure if every single card needs a full description/reasoning within the video. Could have a more concise video by grouping cards together more, would make for an easier listen. Great tech! Might build this myself
@HighlanderHipster 2 ай бұрын
@@LogoMotive11 Thanks for your feedback. I have considered shortening the video, but in my head I include every card for a reason, so why not express it for the viewer to interpret.
@mrporkgaming7226 2 ай бұрын
love this concept. it def has power. i cant wait to see this in action!
@ErikTheRedd1 2 ай бұрын
Artisan of kozalek is essentially free with herighast because you can sacrifice herighast to pay for the emerge cost of artisan and then put herighast back into play with the cast trigger
@mrporkgaming7226 2 ай бұрын
oh hell yea, sure can!
@HighlanderHipster 2 ай бұрын
@@ErikTheRedd1 That's true. I better like the idea of just letting it go to the command zone and getting something else back in case you need to refuel a bit. It's never bad to have options though.
@RomanoZattoni 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the deck tech! Just wanna point out that one cannot cast both halves of Wear and Tear out of Sunforge, cause fusing is only possible when casting from your hand.
@Calicos1717 5 ай бұрын
If you were planning to upgrade the deck past budget, what examples would you look at adding/removing to stay on theme?
@mrporkgaming7226 5 ай бұрын
Always here for chaos wand!
@mrporkgaming7226 5 ай бұрын
Hipster here! Brew looks fun!
@jbell6259 5 ай бұрын
Octavia looks hella nasty in here
@HighlanderHipster 5 ай бұрын
Yeaaaa man
@jay_crist 5 ай бұрын
I've never seen this blue overrun. Time to put it and a rogue's passage into mizzix as an alternate wincon 🤔
@HighlanderHipster 5 ай бұрын
It is VERY effective in spellslinger decks if you have incidental tokens around.
@mrporkgaming7226 5 ай бұрын
Build 🤌
@jhonnatanmartinezcabral7851 5 ай бұрын
@HighlanderHipster 5 ай бұрын
@TheEchoscapes 6 ай бұрын
I love Wayta. I've built mine more Dino heavy but also some token stuff with saber ants, hornet nest, vrondiss rage or anchients and acorn catapult. I first put acorn catapult in just for fun but it actually does a fair amount of work pinging my creatures and making squirrals. Especially with seedborn muse and Wayta out. The card I'll be adding after this video will be saving grace as it's good on brash taunter and toski (like you mentioned) but also hitting hornet nest with it and making a heap of 1/1 fliers could turn a game around.
@MagicwithMikie 7 ай бұрын
I haven't finished the video at the time I commented on this. I wanted to build Sophia and Tiny, and you just helped me out !!!! Thanks for the help, man.
@HighlanderHipster 7 ай бұрын
Yea no problem! Have fun!
@Buffalo93 7 ай бұрын
I respect the idea for the deck, but generally I think that, if you have to include any tutors to make deck work, then that it's a bad idea for a deck. The entire point of having big, 100-card, singelton deck is to make the game quite random. It ruins competitiveness, but makes for a great casual experience. If you want to place same cards every game, then why bother? Just make a house rule to allow 50-cards deck, or multiple copies of the same card. Yeah, obviously you can play anyway you like, and I don't try to tell anybody how to live their lives, I just want to point out, what I think is really great about this format.
@HighlanderHipster 7 ай бұрын
Commander is a format of "bad deck ideas." Commander is here to give people a place to use all the dumb strategies that aren't welcomed in other formats (because they aren't competitive). I don't agree that because you need tutors in your deck then you shouldn't bother. If you have a problem with tutors, you have to understand tutors aren't created equal. A demonic tutor is not the same as a very narrow tutor like Spellseeker. This deck in particular has a lot of narrow tutors that massively change my build in order to make those tutors more toolboxy and useful. I think that makes decks less samey and even more interesting. If you are playing tutors to go get one particular card always, I don't think you are making good gameplay decisions. The gameplan of this deck is far from "turbo out the mirror box." That doesn't even do much for you and leaves you very vulnerable to interaction for the already fragile plan. It is our closer/endgame. Meanwhile, we play more reasonable game using our card draw ramp and tutors to get to a stable board situation. Then when the cost is clear and we have some insurance, we go for the mirror box effects. The point of tutors is to remain flexible in an impossible to predict environment. As a side note, from my perspective, I am here to offer a list to the viewer that they will find has a satisfactory way of actually doing the thing my video suggests. I'm not here to click bait people or tell them to "rule 0" a bunch of shit. That seems like a waste of a viewer's time. I want people to look at a list, think "that's really cool I want to try that," and take it down to their LGS to try it.
@Buffalo93 7 ай бұрын
@@HighlanderHipster That's a good take!
@ilove2pillage 7 ай бұрын
This is literally the same type of build i was working on. Spark Double is really good also.
@HighlanderHipster 7 ай бұрын
It's in the deck. Guess I missed it in the video somehow 🙃 Glad you enjoyed it! I've enjoyed the build a lot so far.
@mrporkgaming7226 7 ай бұрын
nioooce! love relic - cant wait to see u initiate the end game with an army of unblockable good bois/gurlz
@Kararch 9 ай бұрын
What I struggle with in this deck is the flavour. Donna Noble, Arwen Mortal Queen, The Red Terror and Stuffy Doll are amazing in this deck, but the flavour is just a mess😂
@HighlanderHipster 9 ай бұрын
Honestly, Magic isn't really about flavor anymore. At least for me, the high fantasy aesthetic was one of the big draws since I began playing. Now with universes beyond, magic has gone to real world places, put real people into the "universe", and has brought historical/science fiction. I think having Optimus prime get countered by Samuel L Jackson is just part of the game now. It's not something we can stop, so you might as well play cards that work with your strategy for the sake of optimization.
@GlobeofBeauty 10 ай бұрын
No pariah or pariah's shield, nemesis mask? "All your creatures must block stuffy doll" lol
@HighlanderHipster 10 ай бұрын
Yea it's a quite fun trick for sure. I felt like if I'm at the point where I'm doing stuffy doll things, I'm already really happy. I don't want to have to rely on having a stuffy doll at to make one of my pieces work. I look at it like that is my end goal and not even further past that. But it would lead to some sick stories, and I definitely see why it's appealing.
@TheEchoscapes 6 ай бұрын
​@@HighlanderHipster doing this at instant speed with saving grace seems like a much better and more flexible trick to.
@sable-eyesonixdragon8642 10 ай бұрын
this is a brilliant deck idea.
@HighlanderHipster 10 ай бұрын
Much appreciated 👍
@matthewthomas3964 10 ай бұрын
Great tech great presentation noice
@tims.9955 10 ай бұрын
This deck could use a Roaming throne to triple Wayta
@HighlanderHipster 10 ай бұрын
Are you suggesting naming Wayta's creature type allows her effect to happen again? I don't believe that's the case. "If" abilities are almost always replacement effects. Both are worded as a replacement effects. In this instance, Wayta doesn't ever trigger, she simply causes the effected permanent to trigger again. Meaning you would need to name the creature type of the Stuffy Doll or whatever to duplicate it again. Since the damage dealers are all different types, I don't think it is worth it.
@mrporkgaming7226 10 ай бұрын
Can't wait to to see this deck in action at my LGS! Great suggestions and even better plays!
@mgarton5000 10 ай бұрын
Looks real powerful. Thanks for sharing!
@jay_crist 11 ай бұрын
This deck is sweet! I bet it really feels like you have the win locked up once you get your mana and sunforger but it's hard for your opponents to see that haha
@HighlanderHipster 11 ай бұрын
Thanks I appreciate it! I definitely feel really safe once I can start sunforging. I'm definitely very careful the first time around or two of the table as to not go shields down on protecting my Sunforger. But after protecting it for a turn or two, it's locked in!
@jigstraw2809 11 ай бұрын
what do you think of Songbirds' Blessing? seems like a fun include for kellan. tutor it, enchant him, swing and grab another aura for free. which in your list that currently has no auras, could be any aura you want. Also, because you're revealing cards and putting them on the bottom without shuffling afterwards, it gives you a lot of info if it takes awhile to hit your one aura. extra knowledge of what you definitely won't be drawing. could be fun using it to stick some random curses on people, or just go for the free eldrazi conscription. lol
@HighlanderHipster 11 ай бұрын
Yea definitely. Only run a few big powerful enchantments to cheat into play. It would be a pretty fragile deck so you would want to run a lot of protection spells similar to the 1 mana one in this video. The deck would need to be designed much differently. I've been trying the card in an Eriette deck and I've liked it. Like all auras it's fragile but it's a pretty powerful engine.
@cockman8437 11 ай бұрын
Oh god
@HighlanderHipster 11 ай бұрын
@5WIM Жыл бұрын
Polymorphing Norin is not a legal move.
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
Norin isn't what gets polymorph'd. Norin is the payoff for the Polymorphs. The goal is to polymorph one of the many tokens we create in order to find something to pay off Norin and all those tokens entering the battlefield.
@itsTronBonne Жыл бұрын
I'm in the mood to rebuild Norin and was looking for something different. Love the concept here - You mention in the video that you look to close games quickly once you have a Purphoros effect in play. How do you go about doing this with so few token generators? Feels like it'd take a few more rounds of the table to output enough damage to start taking players out.
@nestornovatore2923 Жыл бұрын
this might be a dumb question, but why do basic land types matter, e.g. irrigated farmland?
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
No worries buddy. Basic land types are nice for searching purposes. There are a lot of cards that let you search or land types or give you extra effects when you play them. There are cards that have effects like "Island cycling" which normally would allow you to search up just a basic island. Now effects like those can get you other colors of mana you might need. Or cards like "Skyshroud Claim" that allow you to search for two "forest cards" and put them into play. "Valakut the molten pinnacle" will deal damage to things once you have enough mountains. The list goes on and on. I'll just summarize it as a major upside especially when you are running multiple colors. Hope that is helpful in the most brief way I can. 😅
@bibbyDK8300 Жыл бұрын
Neat list. I was looking for some inspiration for a more serious Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar EDH deck, so this was great. Have you considered adding Grinding Station to the list? It also goes infinite with Cookbook + Daredevil + Clock, even without the Manufactor, since the Food token will untap Grinding Station and then you can tap Grinding Station and the new token to untap Cookbook with Clock, and repeat. Cheers.
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
I appreciate it buddy. Obviously the deck has went through some changes since the video, but it still is the same idea. Originally I didn't like grinding station because the neutral game felt lack luster. The mill was only sometimes useful. I also didn't feel I had a lot of artifacts I wanted to lose. The food looks useless but I find it very valuable for the first creature kill or two. Nowadays I run a couple more recursive spells and cards that I can get back on their own from the yard, so grinding station looks much better. That being said, the artifact point still stands. I do like your idea so I may give it another whirl. I don't feel like I need more combos, but I am interested in it if it can get me consistent value. It seems much more likely to do that now. Thanks for the feedback
@joncopeland Жыл бұрын
this was really helpful. good build. well balanced; important for card draw. soul exchange - classic!
@jayjayhooksch1 Жыл бұрын
Nice list, plays similar to mine. The main difference is I dropped all of the madness cards except Edgar's Awakening for a few more combo enablers; metalwork Colossus is essentially ovalchase daredevil when you have a manufactor loop going and pitiless Plunderer which does a manufactor impression in the cat/oven/clock lines. Other than that, just a few new cards that weren't printed when this was posted like Phyrexian Dragon Engine and Portal to Phyrexia. They aren't combos, but they fit well with the reanimation and welding themes. I was shying away from dockside, but I really like the Tortured existence/manufactor lines with it. Its the first time I've seen a redundancy to clock of omens in these asmo lists. Now the last piece of the combo that has no redundancy for me is cauldron Familiar; I really don't like the reckless fireweaver, mayhem devil type cards as they seem so underwhelming on their own. I'm not about to play brash taunter either though. Still keeping an eye out for another good kill condition. Have you made any recent changes that enable anymore combos? Would love to see an updated list if youve made some changes and have a link. **Edit, I think I found the alternative kill condition; Bone Miser + Bitter Reunion. Make a million zombies and give them haste. Both cards synergize nicely with the deck on their own. Much better than Disciple of the vault type cards I think.
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
Metalwork colossus seems like a reasonable idea. May give that a shot. For me, plunderer feels really clunky in the build I have. It doesn't feel like it does much for a four drop unless I have all the cards that kind of already win. You maybe right about fireweaver. Nadiers nightblade and marionette master do enough there. Those you don't really need to go infinite with to win. Bitter Reunion is just a good card so that's not a bad line. I have also put in Dogged Detective as a more general value Squee impersonation. It does go infinite but it does help with consistency for interaction. There's probably a few others. I'll actually go through the deck and update. Thanks for the input!
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
To be honest, I have probably won just as many games with the tortured existence/Phyrexian reclamation loops with dockside as I have with clock of omens combos. It's really easy to put together, and all the cards in the combo are just good efficient cards you want anyway. So I would highly recommend it.
@jayjayhooksch1 Жыл бұрын
@@HighlanderHipster I've been continuing to work on the list over the last week since I made that comment. I ended up cutting the plunderer as well once I found Ruthless Technomancer. Technomancer is basically a better tortured existence since you can entomb+reanimate it making it easier to find. It has similar combo lines with dockside and, at least in my list, provides two additional win conditions when you've gone infinite tokens with reanimating Voldaren Epicure or a sacrifice target for Lord of the Forsaken over and over. Lord of the forsaken also has finite combos with underworld breach+dockside. Even though the combos are finite, as long as you started the combo with a decent sized graveyard, you should be able to win. I also added Goblin bombardment. It's an additional wincon and sometimes removal but more importantly it's protection for Dockside, Manufactor and Technomancer. This slot may be better served with Phyrexian Altar or Ashnod's Altar though, the extra wincon isn't necessary and pinging creatures seems redundant with Asmo. Another new card you might want to consider in the land slot is The Mycosynth Gardens. Gives you a backup Cookbook or a second manufactor. I'm still not sold on the Disciple of the Vault effects; Mayhem Devil, Marionette Master, Nadier's nightblade, Fireweaver, Glinthorn Buccaneer etc. These cards all seem like such bad top decks when you're running out of steam. Thanks again for the video! I really enjoyed it and it gave me some really good ideas, hopefully I can repay the favor and give some good ideas back.
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
@@jayjayhooksch1 I definitely got gardens in immediately haha. I agree the pingers are small potatoes. However, I have found myself having to grind out more honest wind and I like that as a back up option at least for casual. If I was all in and trying to truly make the deck as powerful as possible, I would agree with the suggestions you have. I would also do worldgorger lines (easy to discard and I already run all the combo cards with it). With worldgorger you at the very least get infinite like with just daredevil. If you have anything else like the manufacturer, you just win. I really want to cut sculpting steel because it's so clunky, but it feels necessary.
@jayjayhooksch1 Жыл бұрын
@@HighlanderHipster Sculpting Steel and Voltaic Servant were cards I held onto for a long time as well but I eventually just decided that I could live with only 1 cookbook activation per turn. I did end up cutting them though when I added a bit more recursion for cookbook (I run welder, engineer, trash for treasure and Daretti). I ended up cut Sculpting Steel and Voltaic Servant for a Salvaging Station package. It's decent enough in the deck since it combos with Cat/Oven/Clock for infinite drain and as I said said it can buy back cookbook or oven in a pinch, but mostly it's just a pet card. The package is Salvaging Station, Mishra's Bauble, Urza's Bauble, Conjurer's Bauble and Lotus Bloom. Worldgorger looks sick in your list with the pingers and animate dead. I'm going to think it over and how it interacts with my list, thanks for the heads up!
@SilentGe42 Жыл бұрын
You should continue your channel. Quality is good, deckbuilding is good and you know the cards, format and interactions. I see so many channels with success out there who cant even read card names right or know how decks play out irl.
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
Hey I appreciate the kind words! I'm not done yet. I've had a lot of life stuff going on. I moved, new job, etc. I am hoping to be back on the content train soon™.
@LogoMotive11 Жыл бұрын
Love this deck idea, think it has alot of potential
@ErikTheRedd1 Жыл бұрын
Great list
@Drizzly_ssb Жыл бұрын
Great video, like the deck idea. Most of the considering cards list I refer to those as "win more cards." Cards that have potential but the clunky-ness means they don't work unless the deck is already working, but then... the deck is already working lol.
@HighlanderHipster Жыл бұрын
Thanks I appreciate it! I agree with your sentiment. It's ok to have a few win more cards in a deck in general, because in commander they can cascade into a win much more quickly than you otherwise would have. But as soon as you fall behind they are dead, as you mentioned. So if you did include cards like those, I limit it to like 2 max.