Polemics in Newton's General Scholium
Isaac Newton, philosopher
11 жыл бұрын
Joe Howe Symposium Day 01   Broadband
Joe Howe Symposium Day 2 Round Table
Joe Howe Symposium Day 02 Afternoon
Joe Howe Symposium Day 2 morning session
@rustyshimstock8653 8 ай бұрын
The talk seems to be for a very small potential audience of phd level historians of science who ha e a deep understanding of Newton's works. Every time the speaker gets to something interesting, she says "I won't bother to explain, you all know what I mean."
@michaelgonzalez9058 Жыл бұрын
U see god once will explain
@Chicken_Little_Syndrome Жыл бұрын
Newton didn't quite understand the projectile physics he claimed to use as basis for his orbital idea. And many of us appear to fail to notice the fundamental problems with Newtonian orbits. In other words, we collectively still do not understand motion. Most of us think physics capable of fantastic and impossible feats of the imagination. Pages 512 and 513 from Newton's mathematical Principia contain an illustration of Earth that fails to show scale. When we use the math we use to model demonstrable projectile motion, we can easily see that Newton's imagined cannonball can do nothing but fall. The cannonball cannot fall around Earth's curvature. You have to make believe an object can fall from a height it never reached over and over again, on an endless magical loop, to buy into Newton's cannonball-thought-experiment explanation for orbits. Some textbooks explain Newton's orbits by claiming that a motorcycle jumping over a ravine is the same thing. But this explanation neglects to mention the need for an angled ramp that allows the motorcycle to gain altitude (what goes up comes down again) during the jump, preventing a fall. Other textbooks show the straight-line path light would take, the gravity-free path, and erroneously claim the cannonball is falling from this higher altitude, an obvious mistake. Demonstrable projectile physics logically explains that falling, an accelerated phenomenon does not have an impact on any relative horizontal velocity. The perpendicular motions are independent of each other. Falling is always toward Earth's center. Earth is shaped like a globe. Altitude is measured in terms of rings that expand out from Earth's center, not up and down based on the printed page or an illogically-premised flat-Earth model. Newton's Principia is Mathematical, not Mechanical. This is part of the problem. And this issue evolves into a quantum problem. Mathematics replaces logical and demonstrable physical explanations. This is why modern cosmology is a mess. Newton wasn't a scientist. The term was coined after Newton died. Newton spend the rest of his life working for the Royal Mint. He was more interested in money and alchemical and superstitious ideas like Solomon's Temple, than he was with demonstrable physics. By the way, there is no experiment (with or without magnets) that can demonstrate Newtonian orbits. Newton's orbital work is not an example of a logical application of the scientific method.
@Chicken_Little_Syndrome Жыл бұрын
Newton's work deserved criticism. Newton's work is far from perfect. It contains errors and logical fallacies. For example, pages 512 and 513 from Newton's Principia contradict and ignore the projectile physics Newton claims to embrace. Objects cannot fall around Earth's curvature. Demonstrable projectile physics explains why. Look it up if you do not believe me. You have to make believe an object can fall from a height it never reached over and over again, on an endless magical loop, to buy into Newton's cannonball-thought-experiment explanation for orbits. Some textbooks explain Newton's orbits by claiming that a motorcycle jumping over a ravine is the same thing. But this explanation neglects to mention the need for an angled ramp that allows the motorcycle to gain altitude (what goes up comes down again) during the jump, preventing a fall. Other textbooks show the straight-line path light would take, the gravity-free path, and erroneously claim the cannonball is falling from this higher altitude, an obvious mistake. Demonstrable projectile physics logically explains that falling, an accelerated phenomenon does not have an impact on any relative horizontal velocity. The perpendicular motions are independent of each other. Falling is always toward Earth's center. Earth is shaped like a globe. Altitude is measured in terms of rings that expand out from Earth's center, not up and down based on the printed page or an illogically-premised flat-Earth model.
@Chicken_Little_Syndrome Жыл бұрын
Newton's Principia is Mathematical, not Mechanical. This is part of the problem. And this issue evolves into a quantum problem. Mathematics replaces logical and demonstrable physical explanations. This is why modern cosmology is a mess. Newton wasn't a scientist. The term was coined after Newton died. Newton spent the rest of his life working for the Royal Mint. He was more interested in money and alchemical and superstitious ideas like Solomon's Temple, than he was with demonstrable physics. By the way, there is no experiment (with or without magnets) that can demonstrate Newtonian orbits. Newton's orbital work is not an example of a logical application of the scientific method.
@michaelgonzalez9058 2 жыл бұрын
Liebniez went to war he was not the same
@michaelgonzalez9058 2 жыл бұрын
I am Newton,Issaack
@michaelgonzalez9058 2 жыл бұрын
There was a time of power satin messed it all because of the spirits of amblugerty which is the refusal of giving God amaseus
@michaelgonzalez9058 2 жыл бұрын
I am
@michaelgonzalez9058 2 жыл бұрын
The angels taught what I wanted
@michaelgonzalez9058 2 жыл бұрын
Omega minus joined to the experiment of isaack newton in element combination is adequate
@nibiruresearch 2 жыл бұрын
Isaac Newton predicted that the disaster that we know as "the end of days", Armageddon or doomsday will occur again between the years 2060 and 2370 . This means that he was convinced that there is a recurring natural disaster battering our planet. That information can be found in several ancient books that claim that there is a cycle og seven natural disasters. Such a disaster can only be caused by a ninth planet in our solar system. Planet 9 is a frightening planet, therefore it is very well known for thousands of years in the history of mankind. And it is seen in broad daylight with the naked eye, just before our era. We even have pictures of this event. We are walking in the dark as long as we ignore ancient texts, like the Indian Mahabharata and the Mayan Popol Vuh, that tell us that our planet Earth is suffering from a cycle of seven natural disasters. Those disasters are causing a huge tidal wave, massive floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and a bombardment of fiery meteors every few thousand years. Several animal species become extinct and mankind hardly survives. The only possible natural cause of this cycle can be a ninth planet in our solar system, orbiting our sun in an eccentric orbit. We have pictures of the approaching planet, ancient sources show us the orbit of planet 9 and its whereabouts. Just east of Pisces. And it looks like LL Pegasi, the spiraled cloud, also just east of Pisces. Coincidence? To learn much more about planet 9, the cycle of recurring floods, the recreation of civilizations and its timeline and ancient high technology, read the eBook: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". You can read it on every computer, tablet or smartphone. Search: invisible nibiru 9
@elsiesingh3733 3 жыл бұрын
It is annoying hearing to much amm amm ammm ammm and clearing the Throat
@MakeAllThingsBeautiful 3 жыл бұрын
I love Isaac Newton, all the more so as I learn how apparently difficult to like he was, he believed in One God, Jehovah and recognised with humility divine wisdom, that incredible, often undiscovered forces and qualities were at work, he was like a child on the beach discovering a stone of great beauty and appreciating that quality, whether it be optics or the effect of gravity, but recognised that the beach was full of precious stones as well as the ocean, which really glorify his God. He probably realised early on that 'scientists' and 'philosophers' were people who would waste his time, he wasn't forceful or even trying to make a name for himself, the audience for his incredible passions? Of 1700 works of Newton, very, very few published in his lifetime, so who was his audience? Most of his work has only been made available in the last 15 years, since around 2005? From what I can see and I have only skimmed the surface is that he enjoyed searching for and finding his God in the scriptures and in science. Everyone wants to own Isaac Newton but noone can put him the boxes they want, I don't think he would care if some idiot said he wasn't a scientist, he would just discreetly chuckle to himself. None of the religions can really 'own' Isaac because virtually all the churches of christendom have adopted false teachings, like the trinity, which Isaac in a very thorough way proved to be the case in classic detailed fashion. I have found Isaac Newton's '2 Notable Corruptions of Scripture' it is addressed 'to a friend' maybe it is you? www.newtonproject.ox.ac.uk/view/texts/diplomatic/THEM00261
@craigcampbell7638 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting thought. Thank you for it.
@michaelmelling9333 5 жыл бұрын
I'm just a simple and lowly nobody that was, in fact, with Jesus Christ in the world before I came into this world and, too, I saw The Lord Jesus in the sky when I was very young ... . I mention this because there are many people that falsely think that Jesus Christ wasn't who He said He was. And while my little comment doesn't prove anything, I do feel a bit of an obligation to say it anyway since I'm now in the last stretch of my life and, thus, wish to state my "truth" because I know it's true and sincerely wish for others to also know it for themselves (by God's power and will, of course). The reality of Jesus Christ is that He is the Son of God and is, no doubt, the second member of The Holy Trinity. Now, with regard to Science ... I have had over the course of my life a number of mystical experiences. One of these experiences was a 15-minute-long event that occurred back in 1997 in which I was informed of this: "Science is the false religion mentioned in the Bible's Book of Revelation." Feel free to laugh at my post if you like, but I know I have spoken truthfully (and so does The Lord). 11/1/2019
@jesuscortessantacruz5757 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent talk
@louiswilliamson5937 5 жыл бұрын
Intriguing talk but the audio needs work. I am hard of hearing as it is, so the audio quality is very abysmal.
@davesalera5757 6 жыл бұрын
@alice7m3g 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry, English is not my 1st language. Which one is the "1st person to be called scientist", in the minute 9.17? Thank you!
@louiswilliamson5937 5 жыл бұрын
Mary Sommerville
@johncalvert2232 6 жыл бұрын
Why does the professor bring Kuhn into this? It's like the vicar citing L. Ron Hubbard in a sermon about Jesus. He quotes Kuhn's assertion that "these men were scientists". Says who? Only Kuhn himself and he's welcome to his own opinion but that's all it is. It's not worth much. If Feynman (say) had said it, it might carry more weight because Feynman was himself a scientist of considerable hands-on achievement and first-hand experience of doing top-level science, whereas Kuhn was not.
@Osama30061989 7 жыл бұрын
He is right. There is no textbook of philosophy. This is why I quit studying philosophy.
@gary8022 8 жыл бұрын
Of course Newton was a great scientist - he set the scientific method for all Science in general. He discovered light and its fundamental make up for the first time - just because he didn't fully understand it does not make him less of a scientist. Much of his work was pioneering and he motivated the scientific minds of the future into asking the right questions which led to our current understanding of light. I am sure we will change our views on light in the future but this does not make all the past scientists since newton including Einstein philosophical also.
@Katovanroey 4 жыл бұрын
It's funny that you use light as the example in stead of his way more methodized ('scientific') elaboration on universal gravitation. It's curious to know that Newton's theory on the heterogeneity of white light didn't meet his own criteria for proper natural-philosophical research as he put them in his Principia. And even though we all agree Newton contributed greatly to our scientific method as we know and use it today, it is still wrong to call him a scientist. Science did not exist in the 17th century, only natural philosophy; so it's not like we started calling him a philosopher after we found out he was wrong or something. So just like Newton will never be a scientist, Einstein will never be a philosopher (in this particular sense). It's all about looking at things in their specific, temporal context. :)
@bryan3dguitar 9 жыл бұрын
Right audio channel only.
@jjason6911 11 ай бұрын
mine is left only lol
@therusher8 9 жыл бұрын
@krapster2000 10 жыл бұрын
need better audio!!!!
@AriAllenby 11 жыл бұрын
Луч света в темном царстве