※ 現在、作曲、歌唱、声とイラストのご依頼を承っております。ご依頼はメールまでお願いします。(詳しくはHPにて)
[email protected]☆---------------------------------
I perform, arrange and compose music for different media such as games, film, and animation. In this channel, I create anime, game-related content, and all the things that I like both musically and artistically.
I want to share the happiness that the 2D world has given me through using my voice, music and drawings with all the people around the world. Please have fun!
※ Currently accepting musical compositions, singing, voice over and art commissions. Please contact me through email for commission purposes. (Please see my HP for details)
For other purposes (PDF of piano sheets, messages etc):
[email protected]★ --------------------------------