@VerissimaProductions 12 күн бұрын
I am no expert, but weren't there ameliorative measures early astrologers prescribed when they saw disastrous aspects similar to the ones you are describing? In the Bible, Joseph had a dream ( perhaps he was an early astrologer), and he advised Pharoah about how to weather the "seven lean years." so that the people would not perish. What about now? Knowing what we know, might it not be possible to at least soften these blows for our country ?
@JewelOnlyLoveIs 22 күн бұрын
would you like to take a look at some of the other possible Dem candidates? Whose chart is strong??
@MsMustela 25 күн бұрын
This is the most informed and detailed prediction on youtube. I hope you will post again in light of the political events happening now.
@CurtisTaylor3813 Ай бұрын
2 words that no one else seems to innerstand when comes to tropical and those 2 words are: Latitude and Direction I'll end it there!
@Kiguru100 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the information
@shanes8721 Ай бұрын
Does this prediction change if its Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump? According to vedic astrology, she has better dashas than Trump.
@blossomwithlotus 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video!! :) Thank you!!
@MasekoConverse 3 ай бұрын
Excellent elucidation
@cindyjohnson4272 4 ай бұрын
What was your 2020 analysis of who would win?
@kennethbowser6783 4 ай бұрын
Biden. You can see my prediction on my Facebook page. I called it for Trump in 2016. You can read about it here: www.westernsiderealastrology.com/trump-election-news
@161157gor 5 ай бұрын
Very Convincing Explaination. Does Ophiuchus fit in between Scorpius & Sagittarius or is this Superfluous ? Is it diplomatic to circumvent the issue by including adjacent adjacent zodiac signs as a hybrid embracing characteristics of both...
@kennethbowser6783 5 ай бұрын
I don't consider Ophiuchus as a sign because almost all of it is very far north of the ecliptic, that is to say, far outside the bounds of the zodiac The southernmost part of it does graze the ecliptic but covers almost entirely the same territory as Scorpio in right ascension. The argument has sometimes been advanced that most of Scorpio is south of the ecliptic, which the proponents of Ophiuchus contend contravenes the north-south argument; but most of Scorpio is much closer to the ecliptic - though south of it - than Ophiuchus, which is radically north of it. Scorpio has the brighter stars as well, among the stars nearest the ecliptic, which easily trumps Ophiuchus . One of the stars in Ophiuchus (the theta star in Ophiuchus, called Garafsa rendered as 26° Scorpio 40' in terms of SZ reckoning) was part of the Babylonian pantheon because it's close to the ecliptic with only 1° S 50' 38" of south celestial latitude, but it was not accorded sign status. When the Babylonians were laying out the zodiac toward the end of the 2nd millennium BCE, constellations that were more equatorial than elliptical were dropped as astronomical/astrological emphasis shifted from the equator to the ecliptic, which, until the Babylonians, nobody had really mapped out or worked out.
@venuscazimispicarising2527 6 ай бұрын
Dear Mr. Kenneth Bowser, I suggest you take a look at Gavin Newsom's natal chart as well as his return charts, and then you might realize who the real "Embodiment of cruel dictatorship and tyranny (USA's Pluto return)" is. Enjoy. Cheers.
@melissaklar5839 3 ай бұрын
@migdaliarosillo5029 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, great information 😊
@bjanderson2707 6 ай бұрын
This just can't happen
@astrogumbo 6 ай бұрын
1st off thanks for posting. 2 the personal politikal bias is obvious, staining the analysis even more so after watching you reckon astrology charts mostly through "outer planets." 3 astrologers do that do astronomy is the only way forward. For that I salute you 4 Will be contacting you soon
@kennethbowser6783 4 ай бұрын
Since I'm an obvious leftie, which you note in my video, I would display bias if I found some excuse to overlook glaring symbolism to predict a Biden win.
@miketomlin6040 2 ай бұрын
@@kennethbowser6783 Biden is classified as Centre Right by Political Scientists. Folks left of centre vote Green, although one can argue 'tactical voting' is valid here.
@kathleen.muste.no.nonsense 6 ай бұрын
Wow! I'll be watching this whole thing unfold from Australia. Hold fast my American friends and take care of each other
@jessieadore 6 ай бұрын
Neither of them will be on the ballot.
@inquisitive8903 2 ай бұрын
They are going to be in all probability
@anamatva 6 ай бұрын
your work is impeccable... thank you very kindly for sharing!
@maryonnabode5581 6 ай бұрын
What about RFK as a possibility. He is strong in the polls.
@kennethbowser6783 4 ай бұрын
RFK only takes votes from Biden. He may be strong in the polls, but my impression is that he's not nearly strong enough to get major traction. Too many people think he's either weird or nuts. The last third party candiddate who got significant traction was Ross Perot in 1992 who got 19% of the vote, which made it possible for Clinton to beat Bush.
@chanmom5330 6 ай бұрын
Well done, Ken. Not happy with the outcome, yet the information shared toward the end of this lecture makes perfect sense, and brings to mind the adage, be careful what you wish for.
@colleenguenther4149 7 ай бұрын
So well done. I can't believe even one person is in favor of the terrible person that is Trump.
@kennethbowser6783 4 ай бұрын
It's hard to understand for me too since Trump is so awful in every way. You have to leave all that at the door, however, when you interpret symbolism.
@joshuavanderplaats 7 ай бұрын
If the democrats had stopped focusing so much on trump and worked on providing a better presidential candidate, who can talk and not shit his pants in public, we may have had a chance. Its a sad fact. Hard to kick against the goads.
@astrogumbo 6 ай бұрын
@merriannmessenger8773 6 ай бұрын
Thank you.. sadly you have confirmed my own conclusions.
@kennethbowser6783 4 ай бұрын
There is no better candidate among the Democrats. Biden hasn't muscled out anybody who has a reasonable chance. It's just regreattable that he's so old.
@KathleenEsse Жыл бұрын
Brilliant presentation. Highly recommended! I am a convert and have been since first reading your excellent book “An Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology” several years ago, after 15 years as a tropicalist. Your recent workbook was incredibly insightful and I look forward to your next book with great eagerness.
@pinkyshushu Жыл бұрын
Crystal clear and superbly informative as always Ken, I know I will refer back to this again and again. I will also recommend anyone confused by the differences between the two approaches. The historical,context is invaluable.
@robertcorre3010 Жыл бұрын
.A very clear and carefully done discussion on the astronomical foundations that differentiate Sidereal vs. Tropical Astrology. An excellent orientation for those not only new to astrology but also a refresher for those long immersed in this perennial tradition ... Nicely done. Thank you.
@bodhisattvaFM Жыл бұрын
I want a ziggurat.
@OneSkyAstrology 2 жыл бұрын
wonderful teachings Kenneth, thank you so much!
@marilynmazzotta6403 3 жыл бұрын
Steve I agree, he is truly one of the best. I will never forget, as an astrologer who uses a different chart for Canada. He has been the first astrologer to actually look at this and much to my delight, the same date as I. Hence great respect for this man. As a Canadian, never met any Canadian astrologer or any other astrologer who claim they are mundane astrologers, ever to use the March 29th 1867 chart, instead of what is the default date of July 1st 1867. I have great respect for this man and his work.
@stevereynolds-jones3523 3 жыл бұрын
ken deserves a much larger audience due to his amazing interpretation talents. A shame more astrologers cannot take the leap of faith to sidereal?
@TheFuture36520 3 жыл бұрын
Cool as historical figures
@mikaelsong 3 жыл бұрын
What was so special about the year 786 BC, such that the Babylonians chose the planetary placements during that year to define the degrees of exaltation?
@insomniacresurrected1000 10 ай бұрын
Cyril Fagan said this was the date of consecration of the temple of Navu in Babylon.
@barbarawinkler2067 3 жыл бұрын
YOWZA! Ken! This was brilliantly illuminating. Only difficulty was slightly fuzzy Speculum visibility on my 10" Kindle. Now I'm gung ho to take a look at Mundane charts. Cheers! Barbara
@vickiebartman6553 3 жыл бұрын
Ken, over the years I have learned much (and continue to learn) from you. Greatly enjoyed this video and your Clearly Explained delineation techniques. Well done!!
@chrisknutson31 3 жыл бұрын
This was excellent. Very well-explained, Ken.
@TonyLouis9345 3 жыл бұрын
Astro.com cites historical records which indicate the Aug 15 date for Napoleon is really that of his brother. Here is the quote: "Although Napoleon's Birthday is recognized as Aug 15 - indeed, his true birthday is Jan 7 1768, Corte, Corsica. His father was going to send him to military school in France but Napoleon was too old, so his father took his brother Joseph's birthday of Aug 15 1769 and switched so that Napoleon could enter Brienne. This is substantiated by historical records in Corsica where Joseph was born on Aug 15 and the child Napoleon was actually born on Jan 7."
@kennethbowser6783 3 жыл бұрын
This has been handed around for years but it's a lot like whether Shakespeare's great plays were written by Francis Bacon: interesting and tantalizing but nothing is there. The most modern and complete work on Napoleon that I've read, "Napoleon," by Andrew Roberts (New York: Viking- Penguin, 2014) makes no mention of this rumor in 926 extraordinarily detailed pages, although it mentions in excruciating detail all sorts of minutia regarding his family life, personal life and military exploits that I was surprised to see. I didn't take issue with Worsdale's base time (9:45 am), that I think he rectified, but privately I do. That is, he rectified it to 9:51:40 am, but I think the 9:45 time was also doctored. I think Napoleon was probably born between 10:12 and 10:13 am, maybe 10:13:30 because his primary directions work so well then. For example, the neighborhood of that time makes his Jupiter rise by primary direction for 18th Brumaire when he secured control of the government of France in 1799, at the age of 30, which is outrageous and unheard of in a modern bastion of high civilization like France. For the primary direction to Neptune you get his defeat in Russia in 1812 with subsequent trouble at home; and for the primary direction to Mars in 1815 you get his defeat at Waterloo and subsequent trouble afterward. Primaries have great power for about six months; some people think longer. For a 10:13 am birthtime you get a RAMC of 7h 49m 13s. Spica, the alpha star in Virgo, rose with 7h 49m 20s. Spica is a massively auspicious star. The major point I wanted to make with this video is that Napoleon had two close paran squares between the Sun and Jupiter AND another close one between Jupiter and the Moon. I didn't carry on about the birth time because the point was somebody born that morning (8/15/1769) at Ajaccio, Corsica has those things and somebody born in mid-morning as per the Worsdale time has a close Moon-Jupiter situation in mundo; and since there is no Moon-Jupiter situation in zodiaco then, it tends in my mind to narrow the time, and the primaries and Spica narrow it still more. Alpheratz, the alpha star in Andromedae, another distinctly lucky star, set with a RAMC of 7h 49m 40s at Ajaccio that day. He was described as gloomy and morose by his teachers but brilliant as one might expect with Saturn at the midheaven and Virgo rising. Sidereal Virgo, in my experience, has by far the strongest intellect of all the signs, followed by Gemini. There is also a rumor that Napoleon consulted an astrologer in 1812 before he left for Russia and that she warned him that whatever he had in mind to reconsider it because, in her opinion, it was ill-advised. That sounds reasonable and mysterious in a tantalizing manner, but I put it in the same category as the rumor that his birth data are not 8/15/1769. K.B.
@adware44 Жыл бұрын
@@kennethbowser6783 was there any mention about Napoleon celebrated his birthday on August 15th?