Ranking Beauty Trends
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@zhidaz 3 күн бұрын
Good thoughts! I thought you would go in the opposite direction, actually. In this day and age, doesn't it seem like sometimes, "beautiful people" are actually seen as more immoral? That's how pretty privilege works, isn't it?
@oluwadamilolaakinbo9836 4 күн бұрын
Insightful video. I love the way your mind works❤
@roccafille 4 күн бұрын
My view of beauty has shifted so much over the last decade. When I was in my teens and twenties I was so concerned about looking attractive. A health issue during my second pregnancy caused me to have a paralysis on the face for over two years. To be honest it was such a blessing in disguise. I found my innerchild again who did not care about all of those things and just wanted to enjoy life. I can really say that having that experience made me a lot more empathetic to people who aren’t deamed attractive and so much more chatty with everyone. One golden rule I have is be kind to everybody unless they gave you a reason not to. What also shaped my change of thoughts on beauty is that in my thirty pulse years I have met a couple of people who were very attractive on the outside but had horrible personalities. Then the façade of “beauty” just really faded for me. I’ll see how you are and behave before putting you on a pedestal lol 😅
@sapphirecarter_ 5 күн бұрын
It’s worrying that my first thought when you said “beauty” was a body, a body type, not even a person or face, let alone anything else 🥴
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Interesting right!
@logophile2504 5 күн бұрын
I see your general point but I honestly think it is wishful thinking. I think people will always have beauty standards regardless of the motivation. There are beauty standards even in the most homogeneous of societies and cultures. As much as I agree with your points of how they come about I also disagree because people always look for paragons. Whether it be people or things, we as cultures and society's look for the best example to pattern everything after and I don't think it will ever change. Also I think not liking people is the reason people don't like people, I could argue people also attack conventionally attractive people about their looks when they don't like their politics, personality etc. Concerning theatre, the ship has sailed, I think it is disingenuous to say how people look should not matter when "beauty" has been a part of entertainment since its inception so I don't think it is an invention of our time.
@Terika_Chantal 5 күн бұрын
Incredibly incredibly well expounded upon! 👏🏾 👏🏾 Always thoroughly enjoy your offerings!
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!
@bebeth9833 5 күн бұрын
I was feeling down but just seeing the thumbnail gave me dopamine. I love the way you articulate things. You are so smart 💖 and btw you are sooo beautiful 🤍
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!! 🥹
@jubiterr 5 күн бұрын
We love critical thinking! My therapist told me we tend to operate on a subconscious level 95% of the time, which is scary in many ways. Thanks Adella <3 Please release the "building people up to bring them down" phenomenon, i ain't forget!!!
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Oh interesting stat! I had a feeling it was high but 95% is crazy when you think about it! Yess haha I am working on something very exciting and i will cover that topic xx
@serinat2181 5 күн бұрын
We saw it with One Day(the TV series), and Romeo and Juliet (the theatre show)... It is so sad...
@serinat2181 5 күн бұрын
This! It is exhausting, especially as a curvy woman of colour... Someone I know was saying how they see obese people as "promoting an unhealthy lifestyle"... I found it so sad she thinks like this... It is hard to stay friends with people that have such opposing views...
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Alot of people have that take!
@theetherealshaye 5 күн бұрын
This is extremely true. I saw a video recently on a channel discussing a viral post where a woman wore her short natural hair to her wedding, seemingly uncombed/shrunken. The video and the creator who made it was very supportive of the woman's hair and her choice, but the comments... People were saying she looked mentally ill, slow, or like a man, and saying that it was bad natural hair representation. The creator of the video has replied to these comments disagreeing and stating the beauty she sees in the woman in the picture, but the comments just kept coming. The beauty standard of today leaves no room for individuality or imperfection. We say it does, but when people actually take that into account, we bully and vilify them for daring to look outside of what we deem acceptable.
@aimee9478 5 күн бұрын
I don't wear makeup by choice, and I decided against wearing it at my own wedding (it was an extremely casual, light-hearted affair). If my fiancé could be seen without makeup, as a man, then so could I! Still got a lot of comments on how 'inappropriate' this idea was (obviously from people who weren't invited in the first place lmao).
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Wow I didn't see that but that's crazy! How she chose to show up on HER wedding day is being critiqued??? Make it make sense
@jayjayesailor 5 күн бұрын
I missed these videos! I personally don’t agree with people being mean to people that have unhealthy bodies (in this case I mean being overweight) but unhealthy is unhealthy. I personally would not comment on a post that promotes this and obviously I believe in correcting people in love. But, I don’t think people that comment on people’s unhealthy lifestyles don’t care about how their body looks. As much as I agree that people can live however they want, a problem arises when for example people “empower” other people to become unhealthy. There are so many young people that are heavily influenced by the internet. There are longterm health risks associated with being overweight and so I do believe that sometimes something should be said about these things. It should be said in an empathetic way but it has be said.
@jayjayesailor 5 күн бұрын
The same goes for skinny people and bodybuilders that promote unhealthy lifestyles. I think people also sometimes attack overweight people from a moral place because the influencers use aesthetics and morality as a basis for their negative empowerment. But, I do agree that looks shouldn’t make us favour other people over other people and comment negatively just because we find them unattractive.
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Thank you !! I hear you but I believe there are way too many people who are mean to fat people and pretend it's concern. They're not concerned in the slightest. Those people are different from those who are genuinely concerned and I think you can often spot the difference
@kelellostephens2472 5 күн бұрын
Adella please come back
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
I'm coming!
@CamilleGrundy 5 күн бұрын
such a topic worthy of our attention, thank you for speaking on this.
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
@jimx45 6 күн бұрын
I'm not sure what you're talking about
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
That's ok
@coffeewednesday553 6 күн бұрын
Actually, I experienced this one day during the pandemic. I walked to the supermarket, 5 minutes from my house. On my way there.. a middle aged black woman stopped me to tell me "you need to brush your hair." The fact is that I left my house WITHOUT COMBING MY HAIR! I did that purposely, because I needed to get to the supermarket to fill up my fridge with the 20 minutes spare time I had... before starting a day of meetings during a pandemic role. I just did not care about what my hair looked like, it was not a priority. Of course, I laughed, as the woman had a rats nest looking weave on her head, so I just branded her a bitter masculine aunty, and went about my day.
@heyerikan 5 күн бұрын
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Imagine 😂
@Guyomar 6 күн бұрын
I think more women who actually have a functioning brain need to ask: why do I care so much if this person who is a slave to advertising and so uncomfortable with themselves they are in debt (usually) to truss themselves up thinks I am "unkempt" for not covering my face in make-up, not coating my nails in chemicals, all of which is objectively worse for my skin and health than doing nothing? Why do I care if they feel sickened by my body hair, which is natural and serves a function? I'm so sick of women making themselves slaves to inconsequential people or acting as if they only way to make money/be financially self-sufficient is to be "pretty". That might be true if you're a model, an actress, an influencer, but there are many jobs that do pay well and are available to those who don't spend all their time on costly procedures.
@Guyomar 6 күн бұрын
Beauty has always come with more than just the aesthetic implications. It's always been associated with purity, goodness, divinity, a noble heritage and gone well beyond the surface traits. You see it in literature and historical manuscripts. Women can choose not to do their nails and wear "professional" make-up. I don't do either most of the time because I know that paint cannot change my genes and people with discernment can see that. There has always been a cost to not meeting the beauty standard, or rather, privileges you don't get. I can live without those privileges. It seems that most women who feel they "have" to participate just want the approval and privileges. It takes a bit of courage to go against the grain and I feel like people have lost that edge.
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Very good point!
@merveille.o 6 күн бұрын
The title itself made me like the video before I watched it 👌🏾
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
@GuidetteExpert 6 күн бұрын
So true, same thing with the "pick me" movement, these women are basically saying "how dare she have the confidence to talk to a guy that I do not have". :'D
@girlthattalkstoomuch9425 4 күн бұрын
that's definetly not what a pick me is. Pick me is just someone who put's other's down to get ahead in males attention.
@theyoo27 6 күн бұрын
The ‘Miss World’ beauty pageant exemplifies this blend of beauty and virtue, it seems it’s not just about physical attractiveness but also about the power of representation-it’s the idea of “she is us.” This space is distinctly feminine and prompts the question: why isn’t there an equivalent for men? The answer might be in another real of ‘representation’: politics, where a handsome man is often perceived as a stronger leader. But also, and more recently, in the new ‘IG/TikTok gym culture’ - why are 16 years old kids hitting the gym religiously? Why is my algorithm feeding me 55% fitness coach content? My theory is that this reflects a meeting of instinct and capitalism: evolution has primed us for survival through mating with beautiful (therefore healthy) women and powerful (therefore protective) men. Marginal communities living beyond the typical nuclear family model may feel less bound by these societal standards, since they already existing at the edge of mainstream expectations. Such an interesting topic!
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Such interesting points!!
@lamide_J 6 күн бұрын
Critical thinking 👸🏾 🙌🏾
@rocklynax5580 6 күн бұрын
I missed your voice of reason ❤️
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
@ayotal4u 6 күн бұрын
i agree Adella! because why does beauty (in women esp) have such a high value over everything else in life, how we value their intelligence, gifts, talents and other contributions?? ya lets dig deeper!
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
@PrimeCayes 6 күн бұрын
I love so much of what you had to say. Very well done. However, I DO have a disagreement! At the end you brought up the example of the nearly topless news caster and you said beauty should have nothing to do with how much we engage with the news. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the logic seems to be that consuming the news (or enjoying an actor's performance) is categorically different from their aesthetics. But I feel this is incorrect. Beauty is complimentary to these other things. I'm an AVID consumer of Leftist news. I consume hours of it per day. The people delivering it are all across the traditional beauty spectrum. But it would be a lie to say that I don't enjoy the experience more when its delivered by a gorgeous woman (I'm a cis heterosexual Black male, btw). True their looks aren't involved in their ability to analyze and present the news, but its natural to want to engage with people who are easy on the eyes (especially in a visual medium). Its human nature and not a construct of the media or the beauty industry. I have more to say on this, but I'll wait for a reply first. But again, great work on the video.
@SpiritVines 6 күн бұрын
Not to be rude but I don’t think this video was meant for you
@PrimeCayes 6 күн бұрын
@@SpiritVines Clearly her audience is primarily young women, but does that mean others shouldn't engage in a respectful manner? And the subject of her video is the beauty standards in which both men and women uphold and enforce. Her goal of dismantling the current paradigm won't happen if men aren't involved in it as well. Or do you it see it differently?
@aimee9478 5 күн бұрын
If a beautiful, almost topless lady newscaster was consistently bad at her job, would you still prefer her show to an average looking middle-aged male forecaster who was doing a great job? That's the rhetorical question. We need to keep in mind that beauty and attractiveness can occasionally make us leap to wrong conclusions about people and what they do. Never did Adella say that we're not supposed to enjoy others' beauty or that it's purely a result of social standards. Right at the start of the video she mentions that it's a natural phenomenon to a big extent.
@PrimeCayes 5 күн бұрын
@@aimee9478 Would I prefer a beautiful woman who is bad at her primary job? Well, no. But these aren't the choices we are usually faced with. For instance, lets go back to the Romeo & Juliet performance Adella brought starring the Black actress. I don't know what that Juliet might have looked like, but lets just say she is squarely average looking, but a very competent actress. In that case, my actual choices are between her and a VERY long list of drop-dead gorgeous Black actresses who are also equally competent. I vaguely remember this story, but if I recall correctly, that Juliet was heavily harassed. I would never engage in that disgusting behavior. But if you asked me, as a casting director, to choose between two similarly competent actresses for the starring role, then yes, I'll almost always choose the more attractive one unless there was some other overriding consideration. I think most people would do the same, and I don't think they are necessarily wrong to do it when dealing with a visual medium. If we were dealing with radio, then I would find some other discerning factor to make my decision. Do you think that's unreasonable? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
@aimee9478 5 күн бұрын
​@@PrimeCayesBrother, if I may be so blunt, I'm not so sure why you write so many paragraphs just to state that pretty privilege exists. We all know that, and there's not much to do about it, because most of us are indeed attracted to those we deem aesthetically pleasing, regardless of our race and gender. Going back to your example: cinema is way more than just beauty. Depending on a character that an actor is supposed to play, as a casting director I'd go for a certain 'vibe' rather than pick the most 'beautiful' one. At the end of the day, beauty is not that easily defined. One of my co-workers thinks Keanu Reeves is 'bland' when I think he's one of the most handsome actors I've ever seen. Many would call Adam Driver's looks, um, disharmonious, yet the way he played the character of Kylo Ren had made tons of young women crazy about him in an instant. Would a more stereotypically attractive actor have been more successful? Well, we don't really know. An example of Juliet is ultimately boring because sorry not sorry but it's a very one note character. This is not necessarily the case with many other characters in our media. As for the forecast lady example, personally I feel like getting too s*xy in a setting inappropriate for that is, well, inappropriate, but I'm kinda conservative, and I wouldn't necessarily blame people for eating the eye candy. I just think it's tacky, but s*x does sell.
@RogueRideRomance 6 күн бұрын
I’m watching an thinking “I like her”. I go to subscribe, I’m already subscribed 😂
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Haha love that!
@talisha5863 6 күн бұрын
A lot of people who are not considered conventionally attractive are the most critical about beauty standards and say the meanest things about others’ appearance🤷🏽‍♀
@tessy28 6 күн бұрын
MEN especially. Lots of unattractive men around with the MOST to say about women
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Oop! You're not wrong. I think there's a deeper reason behind that (that I don't have the brain capacity to unpack haha)
@exteriorarchives 6 күн бұрын
i LOVE the way you articulate things
@yvonneoshevwe2334 5 күн бұрын
I love it too
@Ihavemadeit999 5 күн бұрын
She keeps it cute and simple
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Thanks so much!
@Chinotora25 6 күн бұрын
First comment! Love your content sm ❤
@AdellaAfadi 4 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!
@SemajLogan-xf3nc 10 күн бұрын
Well if women care about looks more than us men that's just proves that we're the better looking gender obviously 🤷‍♂️
@Bobarooni 17 күн бұрын
After 54 years on earth and after having every hobby known to man I can honestly say they're a waste of time
@palesasefurutshe6832 21 күн бұрын
I find that I get bored easily in relationships because of my attachment style. I have anxious attachment traits and fear abandonment so bad. When my partner is away I already feel neglected and emotionally check out of the relationship. No matter how they beg me I still leave. Even now I'm thinking of leaving I know its a me problem more than anything else. My relationships end the same and they hardly last.
@rooslondon7113 23 күн бұрын
Your skin is on another level! So pretty😄😍
@Lizardkingmediaproductions 26 күн бұрын
Shaming people with extra weight is at an all time high because of fitness influencers and thin narcissists found a new supply and group of people they can attack with zero repercussions.
@anonhere4021 29 күн бұрын
And this is why it’s so huge for your growth as a person to become okay with people “thinking you’re stupid.” So much better to say “Oh! That’s weird, I’m the only one who got something different. What am I missing?” than to lie.
@_hunnybe Ай бұрын
Love is inconvenient! Loved this video, thank you.
@leporiaantic Ай бұрын
You are heaven sent. I know I'm 2 years late, but this is like chicken soup for me right now <3
@alcidessuarezl.746 Ай бұрын
I love your video. I am from Colombia. You are so precious.
@Shadywolf09 Ай бұрын
Most of the reasons why people want to be content creators and influencers is for the money and nothing else. They want a bunch of money for doing nothing. They don't care about anything else but being rich. That's why they do it. Easy way to get rich without having to do a single thing.
@nmaumeh Ай бұрын
This is beautiful!!!! Love it 😍
@Polaris_Real Ай бұрын
Remember you dont have to get a hobby to live, they can help you, but you can still live a happy life without one. I dont have any
@jllj9231 Ай бұрын
I love that green colour. Nice jumper
@jllj9231 Ай бұрын
That was me and my family too.... What happened? Y? LOL!!!
@yolandaatkins3317 Ай бұрын
Thin has always been in. It’s not a trend at all. There are so many people overweight that it became acceptable. The BBL was a trend that both heavy and thin girl’s aimed to have, but not anymore.
@ak.v7 Ай бұрын
Men look better than woman considering men dont even look after their skin or face , dont wear makeups and work in construction sites and all majority dangerous jobs
@TruthSayer.FreeSpeech Ай бұрын
In Western Countries, black women are badly branded, they're considered ugly.
@thetorontogirl Ай бұрын
Everytime I've tried to hustle (and I would for a good 6 months at jobs) and then I would get burnt out because I found that there was always a missing link. I'm 30 and till this day idk what that missing link is. Perhaps I always had some sort of family issues come up at the 6 month marks. I fell into the trap of thinking that my job should be everything and as a result...I would slowly lose myself. The job wasn't necessarily bad, quite the opposite actually, but I always told myself I should strive for more and hustle and as a result I made myself unhappy by thinking I'm unhappy. It truly sucks. Now, after being a SAHM for a while now and wanting to go back into the work force...idk wtf I even wanna do. I don't wanna work like a dog and not see my kid but I don't wanna do something once a week where it's not even worth paying to leave the house. I'm just so confused.
@Critique808 Ай бұрын
Some men dye hair and pluck brows but they don't like to talk about it.
@destiny2500 Ай бұрын
Honestly I think I just have like reverse body dysmorphia or something😭 because I genuinely love what I see when I look into the mirror skinny shaming is definitely a thing I experience pretty regularly but I tend to notice it’s more so from people who are unhappy with themselves and aren’t so comfortable in their own bodies so I give people grace to joke because at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter how other people perceive you as long as you love/like how you look and go about things. I think for me it all really comes to not really caring about anyone’s perceptions or opinions of me. I learned at a very young age especially as a woman that we’ll never be good enough for this world no matter what we do so we have to just be good enough with ourselves and that mindset really shifted my focus to more important things rather than what I look like on the outside although I do enjoy having a pretty neat appearance in my day to day but that’s just for my own comfort :) I really hope this helps someone because we are all so beautiful and once we start to see it who tf is gonna tell us we aren’t? It really starts with you