Bow Down to worship Judah?
6 жыл бұрын
Devotion: What and who is righteous?
Just me dropping knowledge
6 жыл бұрын
@kimberlythomas2296 7 күн бұрын
APTTMH for bro Louis his teachings are still blessing his most devoted listener his dear wife! ❤
@DisInfoWars 2 ай бұрын
I still miss my brother and teacher 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@1THETUFFGUY 2 ай бұрын
APTTMH you're still listening! You're not alone words cannot express how much Bro.Louis is missed!
@hardway523 2 ай бұрын
@hardway523 2 ай бұрын
@hardway523 2 ай бұрын
@EchadLevShtim 3 ай бұрын
Something they dont tell you in school is that Blue Eye are a new human that came about during the bible timeline. But they also dont want you to know an actual Ultra Violet light is exiting the eye, the only eye that emmits light. The only eye that can refract infraRed when light is shined at it. They have a photo editing to take red eye photos out of blue eye people. When we purify gases and oils and set it on fire it emmits a blue flame. The Blue Eye is responsible for Ollive Skin from a 2nd mutation called the hercules gene.
@michaelc.schettinomd2889 3 ай бұрын
Adam and Eve were NOT created simultaneously. Adam was created FIRST! Eve was created to be a helpmate ie to serve Adam. Ephesians 5:22-24 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. This is self-explanatory but yet millions of “Christians” won’t acknowledge and accept and practice Christ’s TRUTH. Satan again has convoluted the message and these “Christian”pussies in the pulpit refuse to tell their congregation the TRUTH. So fucking sad!
@hardway523 4 ай бұрын
@hardway523 4 ай бұрын
6:54 Matthew 13:30, Revelation 18:4
@1THETUFFGUY 4 ай бұрын
APTTMH, i hope you and your family are doing well!
@hardway523 4 ай бұрын
@@1THETUFFGUY we’re good, I pray the same for the Thomas family
@VLADPowder 4 ай бұрын
The Neanderthal heritage of Europeans and non Africanoids by be the source of that mutation. My theory would be that this separation of genetics via mutation had to have occurred even before the Neanderthals, Denisovans, Cro-Magnon and Africanoids had emerged as differing entities. Before we could even call ourselves a Human, but a common ancestor that we all have. I think some people might misinterpret this as meaning: that via racial admixture is how White people came to exist, which isn't accurate as Africanoids also descended from the same common ancestor that the fair skinned aforementioned groups had spawned from. So yes, we all come from a common ancestor IN AFRICA, however this isn't the same thing as all people being descended from the modern Africanoid. I find this stuff very fascinating, and I wish I would've made it my college major! But oh well
Same here watching in 2024
@misssodelish 7 ай бұрын
Hi prophet 🙂 Still listening to all of your content and sharing this gospel bless you and your family. Your channel is truth and my favorite ❤️
@AnonymousUser568 8 ай бұрын
@thehebrewlife4050 9 ай бұрын
Man I miss My Brother RiP ✊🏾 #legend
@1THETUFFGUY 9 ай бұрын
you and me too! APTTMH
@kimberlythomas2296 10 ай бұрын
Yeah he clearly isn’t listening to the question, the more you listen the more ridiculous he sounds!
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@cher9422 Жыл бұрын
Well Steven has passed away. I never new him like that. Very sad to hear that. I pray that he made it right with the father and the son. God bless
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
My brother always challenged us to be critical thinkers and be ready to give an answer. All praises!! Very rich teaching
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
Malachi said that Elijah _the prophet_ will be sent before the day of the Lord (the Second Coming of Christ) and will the turn the hearts of fathers and children. Elijah _the prophet_ refers to Elijah _the Tishbite_ who was translated. The scribes said that Elias (Elijah) had to first come before the arrival of the Messiah. Jesus took the _name_ of Elias/Elijah and turned it into the _title_ of a forerunner that prepares the way of the Messiah. Jesus said there would be two titular Eliases: a restoring Elias who would come before _the Second Coming_ of Jesus Christ and prepare the way of the Lord by restoring _all things_ . (See Matt. 17:10-11.) He also said there was another Elias who already had come and who had suffered. The disciples understood that that Elias was John the Baptist. (See Matt. 17:12-13.) So, John the Baptist was the titular Elias forerunner who prepared the way of the Lord's _First Coming_ . John _restored nothing_ , let alone "all things." During the last days, another end-time Elias forerunner will appear prior to the Lord's _Second Coming_ and will prepare the way of the Lord by restoring not just one thing, or a couple of things, or a few things, or many things, or even most things, but _ALL THINGS_ . Now, in addition to Jesus' prophecy of the appearance of the restoring Elias of the end times, Malachi's prophecy of the prophet Elijah (the Tishbite) being sent will _also_ be fulfilled. So, _both_ Elijah the Tishbite (the original Elias) and a new Elias (Elias the Restorer) will appear before the Second Coming. The Tishbite's end-time mission is _limited_ in scope: turning the hearts of the fathers to the children. The restorer's mission is _unlimited_ in scope: he must restore _all things_ . Thus Malachi's Elijah and Jesus' end-time Elias are _two different people_ . The one who does the most work (all things) is the one who is in charge. Therefore, during the end times, the restoring Elias will be the one in charge of all of God's end-time work.
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
15:03 The man clothed with linen who had the writer's inkhorn by his side, mentioned in Ezekiel chapters 9 and 10 is the end-time restoring Elias that Jesus prophesied would restore all things prior to His Second Coming. This same "man clothed with linen" is also mentioned in Daniel 10:5-9 and Daniel 12:5-7. So, both Ezekiel and Daniel were shown the end-time restoring Elias in vision. (Ezekiel also saw the four angelic helpers and two witnesses of Elias, too, who were the six slayers of men that were with the man clothed with linen in Ezekiel chapter 9, whereas Daniel only saw Elias' two witnesses in Daniel 12:5-6). John the beloved apostle of Jesus Christ also saw the end-time restoring Elias in vision: in Revelation 7 (the angel ascending from the east who wrote on people's foreheads) and in Revelation 8 (the eighth angel at the altar who cast fire down, just as the man in linen did in Ezejiel 10.)
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
John also saw Elias in Revelation chapter 9 (the angelic king Abaddon), chapter 10 (the mighty angel) and chapter 11 (where the mighty angel introduces his two witnesses). Elias performs the restoration/restitution (see Acts 3:19-21) of all things. Every word _and_ work of God requires two or three witnesses. This is according to the law of witnesses. So, as Elias will be performing the "all things" mission, there must be two or three men to be eyewitnesses of all he does, so that they can testify that they saw him do it with their own two eyes and heard with their own two ears. So, Elias does the work, whereas his two witnesses _observe_ him doing it. So, he will appear on the scene with two other men by his side. This is why Daniel saw two men in Daniel 12, and Ezekiel saw them (as two of the six slayers in Ezek. 9) and John saw them in Rev. 11 and Zechariah prophesied of them as two olive branches in Zech. 4. They are called "the sons of oil" in the Hebrew in that Zechariah chapter, indicating that they will likely be Elias' _sons_ .
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
Jesus said that the reapers during the end times would be _angels_ . These would gather the wheat and bind the tares. Now, the angel in charge of all the other angels that participate in the end-time work will be the restoring Elias. He is said to be both a man and an angel. But which angel? John gives us the answer in Rev. 9 by stating his name: Abaddon/Apollyon. These names mean Destroyer/Destruction. So, then, who is the end-time restoring Elias? _It is the very destroying angel himself._ Now, the angelic king Abaddon is a _divine_ angel, _not_ a demonic angel. He is God the Father's personal angel. He is the angel God sends to deliver a message of _destruction_ . He delivers _the wrath of God_ . Whereas the other angels are _saving angels_ . This is the individual Isaiah spoke of in Is. 28:2, who God calls His "mighty and strong one." This angel's appearance causes destruction and curses to go forth, so Zechariah mentions the candlestick (Elias) in Zech. 4, along with two olive branches (Elias' two witnesses), and then the _very next chapter_ (Zech. 5) speaks of _curses_ going forth. Nevertheless, although the destroyer has been sent before (see 2 Chron. 21:14-30), this time the destroyer (who was made by God _specifically_ to destroy and curse) will be tasked with _restoring_ all things.
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
After Elias the Destroyer/Restorer appears on the scene with his two witnesses, others also appear on the scene, specifically, four angelic helpers, 144,000 sealed men, the seven angels in heaven who blow the trumpets and pour out the vials of God's wrath and John the apostle of Jesus Christ who will also have a mission. Although only the destroyer is a destroying angel, when other angels or men operate under his authority and direction, _they too become divine destroyers_ . Thus his four angelic helpers _will kill men_ . And his two witnesses _will kill men_ . And the seven angels in heaven will pour out wrath that curses and harms and kills men. These angels and men normally would be seeking to save men, but because they operate under the direction of the destroyer, they gain power and authority to destroy, as well. If Elias will perform the infinite "all things" mission, why will others participate in the end-time work? Because the others will have desires to _save_ as many men as possible, by getting them to repent and exercise faith in Christ, whereas the destroyer will be intent solely on destroying the wicked. So, God binds some helpers to him so as to save as many people as possible before the destroyer completes his salvific/destructive work. (The righteous get saved by his work, whereas the wicked get destroyed by it.) Thus, Isaiah's prophecy in chapter 49 of his book is about the end-time restoring Elias. When it says (in verse 6) that he will be God's "salvation unto the end of the earth," it's referring to him and his "all things" mission, which saves everything that is created and approved by God, but destroys all the rest. His mission is to "establish the earth" (verse 8), etc., which is part of the restoration of all things, both of men, animals, plants, this planet earth, and everything else in existence. The Son of God got to perform the atonement and resurrection, through His infinite suffering and His death and resurrection, whereas Elias gets to perform an infinite amount of restoring _work_ . Both the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus, _as well as_ the restoration of all things, is necessary for our eternal salvation. The one is performed by the Savior, whereas the other is performed by _the destroyer_ . This is why God here calls him his "salvation unto the ends of the earth," even though He's speaking to the very destroying angel himself! Thus God does the impossible: He takes a being that He created only to destroy and causes him to save everything He wants saved. And the angels He created to help save mankind, He puts under the authority of the destroyer and voila!, they become destroyers, too.
@ArchangelGavriel 9 ай бұрын
@@bartercoins These are very interesting pieces of information. I will have to look this up myself. Very interesting point of view. Thanks.
@FilipeWaqatabu-yb7fg Жыл бұрын
You gay or what
@a.lavernefilan1888 Жыл бұрын
There is only 6 hours in the evening and there are 6 hours in the morning which makes up one day. The 'day' is spent when darkness falls. The 'day' begins when it starts to get light. If a 'day' starts at 🌃 night, where does a night 🌃 start, at the beginning of the next day 🌞? YHWH called the Light 'Day' and the Darkness He called night 🌃 and the 'afternoon' and the morning were the first day.
@a.lavernefilan1888 Жыл бұрын
6 night's shalt thou labor and do all thy work and then you get a night off, right? An afternoon/evening and a morning are a 'day'. An evening to a 🌅 morning is a night 🌃. YHWH called the Light 'Day' and the darkness He called night 🌃. There are 12 hours to a day 🌞 and 12 hours to a night 🌃. YHWH worked the 'Day' shift, not the night 🌃 shift and after working 6 'Days' He took the 7th 'DAY' off and set it apart as a special 'DAY'. Where is the middle of the 'Day'? With equal amounts on both sides of mid day a calendar date starts and ends at midnight 🌃 and a 12 hour 'Day' starts at Dawn 🌆 and ends at Dusk 🌆. A 'bible' 'Day' ends at Dusk but doesn't start at Dusk 🌆, a night 🌃 starts at Dusk 🌆 and ends at Dawn 🌆. Johah was in the belly of the big fish, 3 'Days' and 3 'nights' which span's 3 calendar dates or 4 depending on whether you are calculating the Roman or the Babylonian way.
@a.lavernefilan1888 Жыл бұрын
YHWH ELOHIM's 7th 'DAY' SABBATH 'DAY' starts at Dawn 🌆 and ends at 🌆 Dusk and a Night 🌃 starts at Dusk 🌆 and ends at Dawn 🌆. YAHshua was nailed to the Cross at the 3rd hour of the day which started 3 hours earlier. He bowed His head and 'Died' at the 9th hour of the day which started 9 hours earlier. "Are there not 12 hours in a Day?" Asked YAHshua. "The New Moon 🌒 is still and the Sabbath Originally was Dependant upon the Lunar Cycle..." ("Holidays" Universal Jewish Encyclopedia p.410). Ask your smart phone: "When did Sun 🌞 Day become the first day of the week on the Julian Calendar?"
@nomorebullshit8159 Жыл бұрын
Bro, you dont even have a clue what you are talking about. I was at that ministry for awhile and saw hundreds of unclean spirits cast out of people. You want to know what kind of devils. Devils of murder, unforgiveness, hatred, racism, anger, gluttony, rejection, bitterness and all kinds of others. We did all kinds of building there and had a lot of oppertunity to learn many different skills. I left because the God complex the pastor was starting to become was becoming very hard to endure. But, many people were getting set free from spirits. Also, Jesus healed a man and the man had no idea who he was when they questioned him. As i listen to you, you kind of just sound like a self-righteous idiot.
@toiterry8798 Жыл бұрын
Brother!! Your narration is extremely misleading and wrong! Dead wrong!
@sir.confident Жыл бұрын
You know, I wonder if he ever groomed anybody.
@TroyNixon-b8k Жыл бұрын
Africa is the birthplace of civilization & mankind.
@TroyNixon-b8k Жыл бұрын
The black man is the original man, all ethnic groups come from the black race.
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@1THETUFFGUY Жыл бұрын
APTTMH hope you and your family are doing well!
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@@1THETUFFGUY we are all well, hope you all are! heavy but grateful heart on today as I remember our dear, dear brother the body of work he left with us. I’ll never forget him and continually pray for your family. Thank you as always for keeping this channel up, RoehNabi’s spirit continues on. Be Blessed!!
@1THETUFFGUY Жыл бұрын
@@hardway523 God bless
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@Hisdesire1st Жыл бұрын
You are right. Stern, mean, bullyish and nasty. I encountered him also and you are dead on. Megarude. Same no eye contact. No hello. Avoided me and tried to remove his family member out of my presence and I was like wow! I know several people who started following him and that just became strange.
@HilaryRobinson-u9h Жыл бұрын
@IanMeighan01 Жыл бұрын
I tell you one story i was a Deacon and i needed a new suit i was like 14 or 15 and communion was coming up i asked him in church to help me buy one he said Nigga i aint yo daddy and the other pastors heard and looked the other way . After that i lost respect
@sugabay Жыл бұрын
@kimberlythomas2296 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful and true
@viperstrike3827 Жыл бұрын
I used a sidewinder 5150 at that age.
@kimberlythomas2296 Жыл бұрын
I get it, I don’t know another God that’s promising anything! If I’m not an Israelite I have every plan on walking out of captivity with them! APTTMH
@kimberlythomas2296 Жыл бұрын
We miss you ❤bro Louis
@a.lavernefilan1888 Жыл бұрын
Venus Day 'Night' to Satyrday 🪐'Night' is not YHWH's 7th 'DAY' SABBATH 'DAY'‼️ If a 'day' starts at Sundown 🌄 where does a 'night'start? Ask your smart phone: "What day is the 7th and Last Day of the week?" & "When did Sun 🌞 Day become the first day of the week on the Julian Calendar?" "The New Moon 🌒 is still and the Sabbath Originally was Dependant upon the Lunar Cycle..."("Holidays" Universal Jewish Encyclopedia p.410). Watch KZbin videos, 'Why was the Hebrew Calendar FIXED by Hillel II? - Lunar Sabbath' and 'The Moon Regulates the Weekly Sabbath - Lunar Sabbath' and 'When does the Day Begin in Scripture? Episode 65 World's Last Chance Radio - World's Last Chance' and 'Easter The Pagan Passover - World's Last Chance' and 'Christmas Origin History and Tradition - World's Last Chance' and 'Doctor Edward Allred by Prolife Andrew' and 'The Great Cover Up by the SDA Church - Lunar Sabbath' and 'The Story of the Sabbath series 12 videos - Arthur and Teresa Beem'. Add 'World's Last Chance Calendar' App for Bible dates transferred to Gregorian Calendar dates. Read Isaiah 66: 22-(24) & Ezekiel 46: 1-3 & Leviticus 23 & Job 17: 10,12.
@cedricjones6058 Жыл бұрын
Shalom King, Today I was watching a online live video from watchman and Deborah with a army veteran (Babylon's vet lol) & it said we should always prepare stored food and water. I recalling my recent studies of revelation 2:16-17 And REPLIED(in the online CHAT)With john4:32 and revelation 2:17& said (I do not agree with this online teaching of fear has not the Abba always provided and it is the heathens that must worry) /// they placed me in online chat timeout. Do I owe them an apology? Matthew 5:22 (I'm not angry, but I did insult them with scripture truth); his message was of fear. I have no fear only of YAH he provides for the birds and also for us, so why should I worry. I unsubscribed from that channel. Matthew 5:6 Luke 9 16-17 John 6:35 Matthew 7:11 John 4:32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about. A Father always prepares his kids with food before any journey. Boy o boy Im feel like Ja Morant without a 🔫 gun, only my swords ⚔️. The video in question link below. kzbin.infoKnMg_C2uykE?feature=share
@cedricjones6058 Жыл бұрын
Shalom King, Today I was watching a online live video from watchman and Deborah with an army veteran (Babylon's vet lol) & it said we should always prepare stored food and water.(video link below) I recalling my recent studies of revelation 2 And REPLIED(in the online CHAT): With john4:32 and revelation 2:17 & said (I do not agree with this online teaching of fear has not the Abba always provided and it is the heathens that must worry) /// they placed me in online chat timeout. (((Do I owe them an apology?))) Matthew 5:22 (I'm not angry, but I did insult them with scripture truth); his message was of fear. I have no fear only of YAH he provides for the birds and also for us, so why should I worry. I unsubscribed from that channel. Matthew 5:6 Luke 9 16-17 John 6:35 Matthew 7:11 John 4:32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about. A Father always prepares his kids with food before any journey. Boy o boy Im feeling spiritually like Ja Morant without a 🔫 gun, only my swords ⚔️. The video in question link below. kzbin.infoKnMg_C2uykE?feature=share
@kimberlythomas2296 Жыл бұрын
Hey we miss bro.Louis wish he was here to see all the craziness that the earth has been plunged into! We love you from the seen to the unseen worlds! Until we meet again APTTMH ❤❤❤
@sandrasmith1612 Жыл бұрын
You steppin fetchin boot licking coon.
@hardway523 Жыл бұрын
@michaelarchangelischristth8216 Жыл бұрын
You are a false prophet before you remove mote out of his eye remove the beam from you.
@OnlyVibzs Жыл бұрын
Wow the truth finally comes out and I love it
@sidneycoverson4234 Жыл бұрын
Not X Men