What is Stax? | Card Kaiser
@krispyhappy 24 күн бұрын
Tyrite sanctum is a land opponents will destroy on sight or stress about lol (especially if you're playing green)
@RudestKaiser 23 күн бұрын
Rightfully so! A good land is meant to garner that type of attention!!
@andrewpark78 27 күн бұрын
inga and esika being in the "cool kids" club is clearly written by someone who has never experienced mana dork bro-storm
@RudestKaiser 27 күн бұрын
The cool kid table is for legends that are interactive and engaging. Inga and Eskia are both.
@andrewpark78 26 күн бұрын
@@RudestKaiser i promise you they are not... the play pattern is find haste enabler -> immediately storm off to draw your whole deck and win however you want. I made a quick deck when she came out to play augmenter pugilist // echoing equation with kamahl, heart of krosa to turn my whole board into overrunners, and realized it accidentally wins on turn 5 every game. Extremely degenerate solitaire deck.
@FredrickTesla 29 күн бұрын
You could have just named this "Cards that will get you kicked out of the pod."
@RudestKaiser 28 күн бұрын
Not a bad title but we don't want people to think these cards shouldn't be used.
@100legodude Ай бұрын
Blue is the best colour in Magic, easily. It’s not even close. The best cards in the game are all blue cards and artifacts, with the occasional black card throw in. Ancestral Recall, Time Walk, Tinker, Mana Drain, Force of Will, etc.
@chasingsunset9801 Ай бұрын
Oh well,thanks to removal spells my angry RDW worshipper friends never played with me again 😆...
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
This sucks but ngl you're probably better off without people like that in your life.
@deetay59 Ай бұрын
Im gonna say it glissa shouldnt count as a commander because shes not a legendary creature, she specifically says elf legend, not Legendary creature
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
A strange hill to die on but we respect the view.
@uni_mochi Ай бұрын
the calamity beasts aren’t all big bad monsters. Maha for example was only on a rampage throughout the plane because her egg was stolen. beza can actually be seen helping small critters get away from the red elemental wolf. then the dragon hawk is suggested to not be from this plane therefore not really a true calamity beast although very much acting like one. eluge seems like the best defined as a calamity beast as it just seems like he floods places over and over. lumra is the only one never really spoken about or shown in any other form other than card art. So some of these calamity beast are like their names suggests while others are more like protectors or neutral in their ways
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Thank you for the comment, this was very insightful!!
@cloudeon3468 Ай бұрын
Yea they're more like seasons or forces of nature. Not all good or bad, just kinda there. Idk if id even call it a cycle other than it's a mythic of each color
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Even if only barely, they are still a cycle
@superjumpchump7182 Ай бұрын
These videos are really good and your presents style is refreshing. Please make a new channel for mtg, the algorithm is working against you really hard rn. Good luck either way!
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Is that the problem? Well we can try, we just didn't know it was really necessary. Thank you for the comment. You've given us a lot to consider.
@MoneySandwich Ай бұрын
Elenda has always been my fav commander. She was in the 99 of Edgar Markov but I ended up searching her up all the time so I just decided to make it the commander. It's fun and fair, if a bit slow starting
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Fun and fair are what we're all about
@MoneySandwich Ай бұрын
@@RudestKaiser for sure. I like mechanics that take one metric and convert it into something else. Like life into mana or in this case, power into tokens
@soloman5967 Ай бұрын
spell pierce is actually an incredibly good counterspell though, as most people will try to bait the counterspell out of your hand early in the turn or early in the game, you can easily leave 1 up almost every turn and get their finisher countered and bounce back and kill them with draw or just poke them to death with your tiny creatures
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Ah yes, the ol' Pocket Sand
@scheikundeiscool4086 Ай бұрын
The play patern i find wierd is that ppl whit just fair or stompy decks do not play something against my control deck when i have 2 mana up. Because while getting your spells countered might suck. Leaving the control player whit mana open at the end of your turn so they can play a draw spell is even worse. Playing into the counters to keep the card advantage even is often a good idea. If your deck can not bluff flashing in a threath just burn the mana and card instead of going to card disadvantage. At least that is what i find works for and against me.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
A very insightful take I wouldn't have expected from the control player but this is all too true. A lot of decks can brute force or bait out counterspell but they tend not to be piloted by players who are well versed in these types of tactics. Fear really do be the mind killer.
@laytonjr6601 Ай бұрын
Mana tithe always gets people
@juliosierra2241 Ай бұрын
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
No one ever expects the white counterspell
@EvangeliqueG Ай бұрын
Rebuff the Wicked is my personnal favorite... So good for 1 white mana
@eduardood 28 күн бұрын
one of the best edh matches i was the mono white player used mana tithe on an izzet finisher of another player, they conceded imediately (of course they were all tapped, they were the only one using blue at the table)
@Laevateinn- Ай бұрын
Chalice of the Void is the best cs 🙃
@Virtualstreamerr Ай бұрын
Chalice, FOW, Daze.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Chalice is amazing but these are all excellent choices!!
@themorellonomicon2757 Ай бұрын
Just throwing some interaction your way to give the algorythm a thumbs up: Who do you think wins the ''best counterspell'' crown? Is it force of Will? Mana drain? Daze? Flusterstorm? Pact of Negation? Mana Tithe? Or my personal take: Mental Misstep? My reasoning is that Mental Misstep being free and playable in any colour makes it a mandatory 4 of in any deck even if it is just to counter the opposing Mental Misstep. Let the comment section know down below why 0:)
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Amazing comment!! We have to go with Pact of Negation since its interaction with Hivemind.
@TheRicardobtc Ай бұрын
It's very hard for any counterspell to even compete with Mana Drain. As long as what you're countering costs 2 mana, you get your mana back (albeit colorless). Anything more expensive, you just accelerated your next turn. It was a double-edged sword when mana burn was a thing (lose 1 life for each unspent mana), but it's all upside now. An argument could be made about Force of Will, since it doesn't require mana to counter anything, so it can come out of nowhere.
@AnonymousHuman-ku5wh Ай бұрын
Force of Will no contest. Its format-defining basically everywhere its legal, and few other cards even come close to filling its role.
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
Stax is only a problem if you're trying to play to win. I play so that no one can interact with me. In the end, it becomes a 1v1v1 with me playing solitaire, and solitaire wins every time. Pillowfort for the win.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
What we don't get is why play something like stax if you aren't being a tryhard. Just seems disrespectful towards your fellow planeswalkers.
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
@RudestKaiser sometimes it's not about winning. Sometimes, it's about sending a message.
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails. He says "NO" to interaction. Also overall, a great video
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
8.5 tails is stronger than most!!
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
@RudestKaiser probably my favorite card ever.
@Keyozen Ай бұрын
Been playing for 4 years now and just figured out what stax means lol thank you!
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We are happy to have helped!
@MilfHunter42069 Ай бұрын
I just came to get cards to ruin my Pods night. Like. Thats it. Nothing else. I live to be the wrench in my friend groups machine. Also, subbed.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We love people like you but we sure hope your friend's strategies are worthy of constant disruption!
@MilfHunter42069 Ай бұрын
@@RudestKaiser Fuck'em they like to bully me out of the game early cause they don't like my spicy Mexican food (Ojer Axonil mono red)
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Then they mad deserve it, Ojer is cool as heck. Mess 'em up, king.
@sayntfuu Ай бұрын
Monstrous Vortex.
@egoalter1276 Ай бұрын
Is the rock paper scissors really reversed in commander or os the video just wrong? Aggro generally murders control, because it wins on turn 4, and control cant stabilize its recursive boardwipes and fogs yet, and control murders combo, because it does have recursive countermagic and hand disruption, meanwhile combo cant afford to dilute its combo pieces and tutors with utility options too much, so it always loses the counter war.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
You might be right and we might be an idiot, but you spoke up against something that you knew was wrong and we're very proud of you for that.
@robertterrell7057 Ай бұрын
0::10 I can tell the video is more jokey but the comp player in me hard disagrees with "green" being the best color in comp. It is arguably one of worse it plays fair magic compared to the stupid bullshit other colors do. Green and Blue is definitely one of the strongest tho.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
The best thing about the game is that there is no best anything. Everything loses to something else. We're glad you can understand that.
@oopdoop9115 Ай бұрын
LOVE the tactic of putting goldfishing footage with the voiceover to keep eyes on the video. Laughed so hard when I realized what was happening. It did confuse the hell out of me at first because I thought it must be synced to the audio. But no. I'm just being Subway Surfered 😂
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We kind of flip back and forth between art slideshows and gameplay since we don't really know which people prefer. Thanks to brainrot, it is easier to put unrelated footage behind a VO but we really don't want either to distract from the other. Striking a balance is tough, but you all are more than worth it!!
@schwarzertee7586 Ай бұрын
okay, neat video. but: shallow in my opinion. Yes, Aggro, Combo and Control are the big 3 categories in any format. But edh decks rarely neatly fit in those categories. A lot of edh decks run combos as finishers, but they aren't exactly combo decks. many combo decks run a very strong control package because we're a singleton format and getting to your combo might take some time. Also you entirely ignored the value-based strategies. They don't fit anywhere really. They take their time like a control deck but usually rarely interact with the opponent. Rather commit to building a boardstate themselves. They often include many creatures or token generators but trade pressure for stability and safety unlike any aggro strategy. And finally they don't win by any combo but rather by everyone else conceding due to them taking yet another 15 minute turn where nothing substantial happens other than they recur some cards, put more lands into play, gain some life and draw some cards. They reach a point where they're uninteractable with as they have piled up so many resources they can easily undo any damage done previously.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We would love to go over midrange and battlecruise decks but we needed to cover the basics first. Thank you for the comment, we will take it as a desire for more content like this!!
@tribute731 Ай бұрын
I'd actually argue blue is the strongest but that's using the old facts of a basic island being the highest wr card played in legacy. Idk if it's the same nowadays
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Between you and ourselves, neither do we. Magic is a very fast growing game!
@dudemanbrodog1961 Ай бұрын
Dimir is the best color combination. I really dont think its a debate. Blue and black can interact at every and any point. Green is better in lower powered pods because green is supported by the social contract.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We'll take your word for it!!
@dudemanbrodog1961 Ай бұрын
@@RudestKaiser I don't think it's just taking my word for it. For example. Blue black lands are almost always the most expensive, and that's because they are the most commonly powerful colors in formats. Black tutors, blue stack interaction. Both have great unconditional card draw and unconditional removal. As you go up power levels, things like green land ramp becomes less powerful because there is better ramp at those tiers. I do think the video hits a lot of good points about the simic value engine. I just disagreed with the, simic is the best color combination
@alizard3089 Ай бұрын
Living the content so far! Very entertaining and I see you getting deeper as you go. Awesome stuff so far!
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We are elated to hear it!! Your support has ensured that we won't give up for at least one more day!!
@byronsmothers8064 Ай бұрын
My defacto boros equipment deck is Arden+Bruse, so silly to play Bruse with Arden in play, go to combat and slap a haste tool on him, and swing both as d-strike lifelinkers. And dont underestimate Tarl with field-tested frying pan, just 7 power unblocked is lethal.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We love the frying pan! Ardenn being able to slap on all your equipment is really powerful!!
@byronsmothers8064 Ай бұрын
While technically Temur because partners with, Madame Vastra is a refreshing different take on the Simic formula: force blocks, make tokens for card draw & life gain, and find a way to capitalize. Then her partner, Jenny Flint, turns those tokens into growth for Vastra so shes more likely to survive blockers, and growing by attacking alongside V so she can deliver the killing blow.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
They are a very cool pair. We have a friend that built them after seeing Night of Sweets' Revenge!!
@byronsmothers8064 Ай бұрын
@@RudestKaiser deep clue sea was my starting point of the deck, pivot out the white and incorporate red while going 'fight club', and it goes silly. MKM in general was definitely the leg-up they needed.
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
See here's what i dont get... R&D clearly saw this being busted and limited it with a once per turn clause, sure, that's balanced gameplay. Explain Nadu. Make it make sense.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
They gave the wiggle room to the simic card of all things and it couldn't have invalidated that clause faster
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
Love that outro. You're making good content, so know that this is a constructive criticism. While you did manage to cover a wide variety of strategies, if the intent of the video is to educate, then you didn't exactly do that. Most of your descriptions were full of jargon and buzzwords that a new player wouldn't intuit. For example, what's a voltron? Or what's an Anthem? I believe a little explanation of terminologies will not only make the information more digestible, your video longer( more likely to gain views) and give more opportunities for that awesome wit and prose.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Very good points. There is a chance we may try it again.
@zeekeno823 Ай бұрын
Treasure deck? Make tokens, make vampires, have mana, ability to card draw. Once per turn keeps you in first gear, but he's got some towing power behind it
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Driving in first gear but shaking the street is the kind of deck we most love to run!!
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
If only devour was an orzhov mechanic. As it stands, it's not the worst aristocrat.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Jund vampires would be rad!!
@willowdelosrios4326 Ай бұрын
It’s funny how the simic cards that aren’t just value engines tend to be the ones that are actually associated with the simic combine on Ravnica. On Ravnica, Simic cards normally have a focus on +1/+1 counters, rather than just accumulating card draw and ramp (like, they still have access to both, because simic’s component colors are blue and green, but that’s not their focus).
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Ravnica got it right, its every other plane is just doing the best they can to stay relevant...
@jersydvl Ай бұрын
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
@daemonxblaze Ай бұрын
I prefer skullclamp
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Skullclamp is a far less blatant combo piece, but needs a far more particular kind deck to really work!!
@WladcaPodziemia 2 ай бұрын
What is presented would work better as Zexara deck with that extra zombie theme.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
We don't disagree, but that is also why she stays in the 99. Just having a combo piece in the command zone seems a little too straight forward for our playgroup's powerlevel.
@WladcaPodziemia Ай бұрын
@@RudestKaiser No offense, but there are much more vaulrat-focused strategies, like clones, unblocable creatures and also infite mana combos, but focused on untapping mana dorks that scale with its power etc
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
In the video we make it pretty clear we prefer to enjoy the messiness of combat rather than make a 3 turn clock unblockable. Volrath already turns into other creatures so why run clones? And we agree about untapping mana dorks which is why we run cards like Virdian Joiner.
@nickd6303 2 ай бұрын
Given how legendary heavy the deck is you may as well go with historic pay offs.
@RudestKaiser Ай бұрын
Very true!! Historic is one of the stronger abilities in these types of decks.
@WondeR871 2 ай бұрын
Good video, looking forward to hearing about Selesnya😉
@WondeR871 2 ай бұрын
Nice video, first time i wqtched anything from you, really enjoyed it. Been playing Akiri/Bruse Tarl for years, can really punch hard, especially with Gisela present!
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
We are happy you enjoyed it and we hope you look forward to the next few as well!!
@miguelzartz9054 2 ай бұрын
Simic player knows my heart. Im all about those tokens and creature copies. Ive made pretty much all these commanders except Ivy and Kinnan.
@marshallscot 2 ай бұрын
I love Volo and he was my first commander deck, but I think the "challenge" of playing different creature types isn't really a challenge at all. Just play the two best elves, merfolks, beasts, sphinxes, dragons, etc and go to town. The challenge inherent to tribal decks is playing sub optimal cards that punch up when supported by their tribe. With Volo you can basically play the best creature from each tribe, and his ability will make a "tribe of two" from that one creature. Not to mention the potential of playing copy creatures. I've seen a merfolk tribal Volo deck that went nuts with copy creatures which usually have an illusion or shapeshifter type on cast.
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
We appreciate these commanders because they give as much as is put into them! This makes it clear who just wants to play good stuff and who wants to play sick decks like that merfolk one!!
@Roll-Penut 2 ай бұрын
You could have picked any creature that wasn't a beast and you chose craterhoof as an example of a thin the other decks clone that this one wont
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
Craterhoof is good
@daemonxblaze 2 ай бұрын
That's a good combo
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
Damage is our favorite form of interaction!!
@ServbotNumba40 2 ай бұрын
The deck isn't Green Deck wins... all I'm saying.
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
Very true but why doesn't any other color feel the need to advertise that their deck will win?
@ServbotNumba40 2 ай бұрын
@RudestKaiser If they did advertise it, that would be false advertisement.
@Snipfragueur 2 ай бұрын
Dimir is the most broken 2-color combination because of two cards : Thassa's oracle Demonic Consultation
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
True, but would you agree that being the most mechanically sound and having the highest win rate are different?
@King_Macrophage 2 ай бұрын
It sucks cuz with power creep, wotc feel pressured to make more simic value engine commanders to keep up the pace, leaving alot of actually interesting commanders like Jyoti, Omo, or Gor Muldrak feeling second class.
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
It is really sad that Jyoti is so unpopular because they are one of the most interesting simic legends... But isn't it the fault of us, the players, for always wanting to play with only the best of the best?
@NateFinch 2 ай бұрын
I don't think Ivy is really on the same level as the other Simic value engine commanders you mentioned. You reelly have to work pretty hard to make her good. Don't get me wrong, I have an Ivy deck, and it's a lot of fun, but I always feel like I am having to work for my wins, unlike when I played a Tatyova landfall deck.
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
We don't disagree but like we mentioned, the commander of these decks doesn't matter. Ivy isn't so bad that she invalidates the value engine so we felt she was still important to showcase.
@miguelfreitas5343 2 ай бұрын
I have recently purchased a Xyris deck and a Zaxara deck. With those, I now have every single combination of Simic + a color in my deck list (the other being Lagrella), along with my two actual simic decks 😌 I love this color combination and the value will never end
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
We love players that obsess over colors. That level of dedication is how one becomes a master of an art!!
@TheSpiritombsableye 2 ай бұрын
The best color is green? I don't know if I can take this channel seriously.
@RudestKaiser 2 ай бұрын
We would love to hear your take on the best color