Women Protests in Iran
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@albertseabra9226 5 күн бұрын
Interesting Summary of Portugal under Salazar. The German Histhorian Walter Theimer analysing Salazar vis-a-vis Franco stated: Franco was truly a Brutal Dictator, a second rate general. Salazar was a prestigious Coimbra University Professor of Economics, and Public Finance as well. After the Military Revolution of 1928 he became a powerful Minister of Public Finance. Balancing the National Debt and bringing the National currency value out of a long Comatose Condition. In 1932 the Army elected a General to the Presidency of the Country. And Salazar became the Prime Minister. However, the President was just a "decorative figure" on the Political Stage or Podium. As stated in this video, Salazar managed to prevent Franco from joining the Axis Powers in the war. Frsnco was indebted to Hitler and Mussolini for their decisive support during the Spanish Civil War (1936 tô April 1939). According to a draft, German troops would enter Spain, taking Gibraltar in Spring of 1941. Salazar convinced Franco that remaining neutral was an ideal solution.
@TheIrtiza Ай бұрын
What a ducking war hawk. This guy is justifying a confrontation with China by saying essentially what the US is currently doing China is also doing. The first guy's question was brilliant because these kinds of conflicts do eventually devolve into ethno nationalist type conflicts. Which is not so important according to this guy. What a moron
@teddydavis2339 2 ай бұрын
These people want to paint Salazar as a nice monster. Portugal as a nation has committed so many atrocities around the world. People are always trying to paint the Portuguese as these kind and humble, when in fact they were very cruel and brutal in their colonies. European heroes are mostly murderers. I don't know why they praise such people. The native Africans were still living in slave like conditions in 1974, when they were kicked out. Good christians don't do what the Portuguese did, no mstter how many church they build.
@johnperrin6341 2 ай бұрын
Karen is an absolute disgrace to her profession
@thoth1999 3 ай бұрын
Bought the book recently going to do a deep dive💕🇦🇺Thankyou
@yowten8994 4 ай бұрын
China grew an army to take taiwan.
@yowten8994 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely 💯 ratsinger was the first of what.
@yowten8994 4 ай бұрын
Mate sky news Australia.
@MrKrakonos001 4 ай бұрын
Moral rubicon has been crossed before... 'Nice justification' of the greatest US war crime. Father should listen to his Church a bit more...
@gtagide 5 ай бұрын
Salazar was a dictator, a brutal one, he is resposable for 10 000 killed in Africa wars, more then 200 in prisons, more then 700 kills in the fluds on Lisbon in 1967.
@adelinomorte7421 5 ай бұрын
***I used to say that Salazar was a dictator of "artesanato" not like Mussolini or Hitler, he was a great diplomat and economist, but saying that, he was modest in himself and weak in his decisions for his caracter of a strong idealist. His greatest mistake, in my opinion off course , he made many improvements, never finished during his time, he trusted many people to help him to run the country, but they just cared for own benefit. Salazar had a secret police but not so secret, the economy being good was only for the rich. He had a dream not possible to come a reality, not because of him but those he trust (his greatest mistake) including the friendly and allied nations that were against his dream, that was the colonies being integrant part of the country by the Portuguese Constituition, but many of them had colonies and kept it even today, namely:Holland, Denmark, France, England, United States. Those countries made a fierse cold war in th UN against Portugal and some not so cold due coveting the richness of the Portuguese territories, To finish that as a democrat I would say, Salazar was as I said before a "dictator of artesanat" he was not that bad, but the worst was "the small dictators" that made the life for, the so called, lower classes, in Portugal miserable, the same ones that still do it after 50 years of that kind of democracy of Portugal. For all that I said, I left my beloved country of origin 55 years ago.***
@hegemonersmith1048 6 ай бұрын
Until 1922, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic was a separate country. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), also known as the Soviet Union did not exist until the 30 December, 1922. It is very important to get these details right in discussing these matters, especially when you are posing as an “expert”. Even if you are an “expert” with very little in the way of academic publications, and even more importantly, citations in the literature (as assessed according to Google Scholar)!
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 6 ай бұрын
Separation of Church and State! @KatyYoder-cq1kc 0 seconds ago Cease and desist all malicious use of AI: harassment by lesbians and WOKE terrorists, neonazis, vandalism, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Supremacists, Terrorists, and Communists. I am not your property and the world needs to know what you are doing. High Tech / Global Supremacy. DEMOCRACY NOW!!
@anuragsinha2013 6 ай бұрын
China is the new Soviet Empire, has all the hallmarks of Imperial Japan and China has the ambitions like Mongol Empire.
@anuragsinha2013 6 ай бұрын
China is the new Soviet Empire, has all the hallmarks of Imperial Japan and China has the ambitions like Mongol Empire.
@billguse8042 2 ай бұрын
Mr Colby assumes China will continue as an export economy, thus will be able to continue to invest in growing its military. China's economic conditions that support military expansion are already falling away. Also, demographically, China is collapsing. It will continue to incrementally be consumed with domestic problems as it's population is rapidly declining. The numbers are not adjustable. Presently, each generation is smaller than the one before it. It is also dependent on importation of calories ( food) and energy because it has significantly urbanized. Yet it's navy, presently, is unable to project power to protect its own trade routes. The decision by a Chinese leader to invade Taiwan would most probably cause a faster decline than any useful gain in security or status. If China invades Taiwan its leaders will need to confront more isolation and the strengthened resolve by other pacific successful countries to ally with others. There are not many upside potential outcomes for China if it invades. And party leadership has evolved into a leader for life type authority structure. Single person authority models fail or get into deep distractions because there is no one remaining to give the leader dependable information. These are few facts that need to be factored into assessing China's threat to U.S., pacific and global stability. Food for thought.
@Sleerush 6 ай бұрын
If only we could bring him back
@teddydavis2339 2 ай бұрын
What for? To continue to oppress his own people?
@mango2005 6 ай бұрын
I think China may be experiencing what Japan started to experience at the end of the 1980s as its labour was no longer as cheap, so the export-based growth model needed to change
@grandmarkdc6298 7 ай бұрын
Both these sincere men might want to learn from South leaders -- at the time. Ironically South leaders -- like Jeff Davis, like Senator David Rice Atchison, like Robert Toombs, like Alexander Stephens, taught the history best -- meaning, the most honest, the most factual. They taught the candid and awful truth -- UNTIL THEY LOST Until the lost, for example Jeff Davis was clear, loud, proud and official. Slavery he claimed, was a "Divine Blessing." An "Divine Blessing" God Himself ordained slavery . Slaves were happy -- content. They loved their masters, Davis claimed. Not just loved their masters, but slaves "were the mosted contented laborers on earth" They had " affection for the their master." Davis would also claim that blacks were not human beings, but "inferior beings" ordained by God to be enslaved The great "moral truth" of the CSA was that blacks are inferior - inferior beings-- not human. They could not be seen as human. Could not be treated as human. That was -- remember this -- their "GREAT MORAL TRUTH" Based on their "GREAT MORAL TRUTH" and based on the Dred Scott decision, Davis claimed a duty -- a constitutional and biblical duty - to violently spread slavery. He did not just have a right to violently spread slavery -- he claimed a DUTY to spread slavery to all of the US, and to much of Latin America. All by force. 95% of Kansas citizens for example, as Davis knew exceedingly well --sent several groups of paid men, mostly from Texas, to invade Kansas. Davis needed paid men because --95% of Kansas citizens were against slavery, as Stephen A Douglas told him, and as Kansas citizens proved by vote. That did not matter, said Davis. Davis famously said the "intolerable grievance" against the South (and against the bible) was the "resistance to slavery" in Kansas. That was "intolerable" And as such, Davis had to sent the groups of paid men to invade Kansas and there terrorize tortured and killed those who resisted slavery. Even that did not work as Davis planned, even his paid killers did not sway Kansas citizens. Davis then sent US troops -- he was Sec of War -- to invade Kansas to protect his paid men. Even that did not work -- though Jeff Davis promised it would. Davis promised that he could personally pick up all the blood in his war to spread slavery with "a handkerchief" Even after Davis surrendered -- he would claim to crowds that he "sacrificed more" than anyone for their cause. Remember, Davis bragged the cause was to sperad slavery -- it was his duty to God and the Constitution (meaning -- Dred Scott decision). Davis was quite insane. And quite a coward, as his wife would prove in her letter to the Blairs and her book, published after his death
@victorantunes8763 7 ай бұрын
Salazar ❤
@OranutYatthaisong-y7g 8 ай бұрын
Danke Jan,And family Schneider 😂😂
@OranutYatthaisong-y7g 8 ай бұрын
@Saber23 9 ай бұрын
Lol as always evangelicals promoting the most delusional and pathetic people 😂
@ellenflores6915 9 ай бұрын
Sit down and shut the h up
@UnderRebelControl 10 ай бұрын
You sure he was a Dictator and not a Liberator? Maybe learn History from the vanquished side and you will find out the reality that the winners hide.
@Chambelona59 10 ай бұрын
What a joke.
@tchai91 10 ай бұрын
In what respect?
@Bob31415 2 ай бұрын
We know you are.
@carlsmith8815 11 ай бұрын
This is a very item.. Firstly one should compliment the civilised way in which these two gentlemen carry on the discussion. Second one does wish that they had a director to align the film frames, to their and our advantage. It's like we are at the bottom of bucket ! But having said those things what Dr Gallagher has to say is extremely interesting. about Olivier. Salazar's approach to Portugal's. problems. If. l remember he went home each night to mother. It's not the picture of doctoral rule as is normally understood. However despite a lack of charisma he obviously didn't lack political skills and above insight. He died in office and was succeed by a complimentary successor. As an historian l would like to know more and will seek out Professor Gallagher's book. among others.
@vanmalaphongsavan1331 11 ай бұрын
, Thank you Rebeccah Heinrichs for your sharing and Expertise...Christianity & National Security Conference...
@anibalfernando3027 11 ай бұрын
I was born in the fifties and the part of Portugal where i was born was very much dominated by the Powerful riches the own the Land..u was a child and by the age of 12 i went to work in some farms and the way they treatead you no one unless had that type if experience.. After reading some comments...i wonder if they ever eaten hard bread and olives for supper... But viva Salazar..,,whatever next Viva Hitler
@vector_Hoffnung Жыл бұрын
pelo o brasil,anauê
@mito88 Жыл бұрын
traditional order..... pffff
@manuellopes3690 Жыл бұрын
What about his crack down on political disedennts?
@important5movements Жыл бұрын
Not true USA was an isolationist completely. USA people did not want to be in another European war but we're very involved in international degrees, treaties and punishment of bad actors by economic reaction like cutting off oil supply to Japan for invading China before WW Ii.
@severodalma6090 Жыл бұрын
Why dictator, poor monkey? He was a paramount leader in Europe in 20 century. Behave yourself.
@olabashanda Жыл бұрын
“It’s a Grace, to help an enemy know when they’ve been defeated by defeating them.” 🤔
@letdaseinlive Жыл бұрын
Such an expert or "some of" (-the brains) view of the Kosmos. 😊
@leslieadkins5774 Жыл бұрын
Mitchell's understanding of identity politics is the most original and elegant that I have found,
@samcalvinist4986 Жыл бұрын
TURN THE OTHER CHEEK and LOVE YOUR ENEMIES These were TEMPORARY COMMANDMENTS given By Our Lord Jesus Christ to his EARLY FOLLOWERS in order to prevent REBELLION against the EVIL PHARISEES and their Mighty Roman allies. See Majority of Early Jesus followers were all POOR And Downtrodden People and people from Humble Background who had NO MILITARY TRAINING OR MILITARY EXPERIENCE. Our Lord knew that if his followers REBELLED against the Pharisees and their Roman Allies then almost all of his followers WILL BE KILLED, and Lord Jesus did not want that to happen AT THAT TIME. Instead Lord Jesus had a Larger Grander PLAN of SALVATION for all the GOOD People of the World. Lord Jesus wanted his followers to learn Better and True Theology from HIM and then Spread the Gospel all over the world after his Death and Resurrection Thereby saving Millions of good People all over the World. Otherwise Lord Jesus had No Problem using Violence against EVIL PEOPLE. FOR EXAMPLE: 1: When Lord Jesus Visited the Temple he DID NOT TURN HIS OTHER CHEEK to the Moneychangers Instead Jesus Whipped the Moneychangers Out of the Temple. 2: Lord Jesus CURSED many cities, IN THOSE cities He Performed Many MIRACLES but the Shameless People of those Cities did not Repent and Refused to Accept Jesus as their Messiah despite WITNESSING so Many Miracles, HENCE OUR Lord Jesus did not Forgave Them and also showed these Wicked people NO LOVE or Compassion INSTEAD Our Lord Jesus CURSED THOSE cities and Its wicked Inhabitants. 3: finally Our Lord Jesus DID NOT TURN HIS Other CHEEK while Dealing with the wicked Pharisees Instead Jesus INSULTED these WICKED people by calling them Children Of SATAN, SNAKES, brood Of Vipers, Lawless, Fools, Hypocrites Etc.. Jesus DID NOT showed these Evil Pharisees Any LOVE instead Jesus INSULTED them Whenever he got the Opportunity, Because the Evil Pharisees Truly Deserved it. Therefore These Actions of Lord Jesus prove that ITS OK to USE VIOLENCE against EVIL PEOPLE.
@juligodspeed3865 Жыл бұрын
why you jump while you talking?
@sofialencastre2538 Жыл бұрын
Salazar saved Portugal and He was honest and a REAL Nationalist . VIVA SALAZAR
@brucevilla Жыл бұрын
Thanks for Uploading.
@h.g.4890 Жыл бұрын
Another 'white boy' advocate for the Welfare Funding system given to the military budget . We see blunder after blunder with these horrible occupations since Desert Storm. War Crimes exist in every one of them and mostly all illegal . To say anyone is our enemy , why should he exclude the dinosaur cold war he is all about ? He is the problem. China is making deals, building infrastructure and loaning money to nations outside of the predatory IMF & World Bank with far better terms.. The U.S. intrudes on the entire earth with an out of control, rapacious and toxic footprint of 1,000's of military bases, bioweapon laboratories that threaten every nation as seen with their Covid 19 pandemic funded by Fauci and the NIH , and has abused the volunteer system of armed forces by poisoning them while denying any responsibility and always requires a lawsuit to address these crimes . We are in greater danger today because we keep selling weapons to the terrorists who mass-murdered us on 9-11. Saudi Arabia and Israel will do it again because the threat lives with us and around us. They are in our government. Colby is an apologist for CIA torture and secrecy . He represents the worst of our culture.
@brauliaribeiro8245 Жыл бұрын
Excellent interview. I am very curious about the book. Thank you for posting it.
@alesiswhite9010 Жыл бұрын
Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron. It does not exist in reality .
@jackjones3657 Жыл бұрын
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and 'God fearing' people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” - John Adams
@zizigulu Жыл бұрын
I just hope there is a God and an a judgement day for the sake of all those souls that have suffered because of and at the hands of shameless, lying, disgraceful, contemptible, loathsome, reprehensible, vile and despicable creatures like you. You are the real evil incarnate walking amongst us. The sight of you is inexpressibly the most sickening of sights for any honourable and decent human being. Do your evil masters work and spread your lies, fabricate and misrepresent the truth, misinform and mislead and deceive all the minds that you can, and corrupt as many souls as you can, and do as much evil as you can... As long as life feels sometimes, it's actually quite short and comes to pass before you know it... I hope you live a very long life... But your time will also arrive and when you're placed six feet under, I wonder what it must be like for the likes of you... So eat well and exercise and stay healthy and cling to life for as long as possible, because Hell awaits you...
@dr.edwardfreeman Жыл бұрын
Where was God before 1948? Was he in Auschwitz? Either the Holocaust deniers are right; and God lives, or they are wrong; and God dies.
@Mrrobackenson1 Жыл бұрын
But he did balance the books 😂
@hyperion3145 Жыл бұрын
​@@bfc3057 Impoverished? The economy slowed down near the end of his reign but the growth never stopped. Caetano might have actually accelerated its growth with his own reforms. The Carnation Revolution is largely where we see the stunted growth.
@gtagide 5 ай бұрын
What? the gold that came from the nazis were burn on the wars in Africa
@wouterjandegraaf2402 Жыл бұрын
Great book! Have been looking forward to this book. Thanks for the discussion and therewith the notification of the publication
@MarmaladeINFP Жыл бұрын
In the Anglo-American history, when Christians adhered closely to the earliest Christian teachings, they started the English Peasants Revolt, the English Civil War, the American Revolution, the Civil Rights movement, BLM movement, etc. Now if only more Christians followed such moral examples of the Christian faith.
@wesley6112 Жыл бұрын
😞 քʀօʍօֆʍ