@tcoren1 24 күн бұрын
I feel like for energy drain on SCH to go away they need to have a button that you can dump aetherflow into when the party is full without feeling bad (it doesn't need to be the strongest button, just something you can press ahead of time with no cooldown). Maybe like it gives you a buff that give the next 5 embraces +60 potency, and you can use it again and it stacks up to 15. Would be low impact enough (half of lustrate's potency) that you wouldn't actively use it, but wouldn't feel bad to dump aetherflow into
@heyimbilliejean Ай бұрын
I really dislike this attitude of "It's a video game, so accessibility for people with disabilities isn't important." This game is really lacking in some very basic accessibility features that would help a lot of people. Obviously, there are some things that are just going to be harder, but having things like a color blind mode are bare minimum things.
@tcoren1 Ай бұрын
I think the current system of cast based snapshots is perfectly fine. They just need to have the animation start a few seconds before the cast ends so the snapshot coincides with the "hit" part of the animation
@tcoren1 Ай бұрын
Of course, this is assuming that is even literally possible the way things are coded, for all I know they have no easy way to make animations start earl
@tcoren1 Ай бұрын
I think it's kinda cool that ultimates not being max level is giving people a reason to care about lower level opti
@tcoren1 Ай бұрын
I took a break in EW and just recently came back, so I haven't watched your channel in a while. Weird seeing you play something that is not MCH Did you switch to DNC because you felt MCH is too weak? Or is MCH just not fun to play in DT
@Serenaya 8 күн бұрын
Group wouldn't allow it in prog. Will play it on main once I have the weapon.
@tcoren1 8 күн бұрын
@@Serenaya oh that's sad. Is it just because it doesn't have enough dps?
@Serenaya 8 күн бұрын
@@tcoren1 When your group is actively going for the fastest clear they possibly can, MCH is unfortunately going to fall short due to its personal damage not holding up over a gear-fed melee and a ranged with buffs to be fed by that and the rest. Despite the inevitable mistakes that SE carry on making with MCH to this day, it's perfectly viable to prog, even week 1 and many MCH's did, but I obliged and played something different this time around since there's no harm in doing so. No point being stubborn about it when I can just play MCH in my spare time, on alts or on subsequent clears.
@CrimsonRayne Ай бұрын
ff14 is just square piggy bank for square other failed projects
@kevineureka6996 Ай бұрын
Looks like DNC 2 min is stronger than MCH 😢
@mhimhi2754 Ай бұрын
Dude compared to some of these players I could be considered older and the only thing that's deteriorating for me is my depth perception. But I solve that by tilting my fucking camera. It's not that hard lol
@dumpsterfyre278 Ай бұрын
I consider myself sort of a hardcore casual. I don't savage raid but I do run current EX's and Unreals with my FC mates. I ran the new EX 2 for the first time yesterday with my mates and after about 5-6 wipes we had it on farm. The content's not difficult! I think they're just mad they can't faceroll content anymore and they actually have to pay attention, and I love it! The Arcadian is the most fun i've had in a couple of expacs.
@xiaocheng6643 Ай бұрын
It's kinda funny to see this pop up again in every MMO. People get used to everyone being overgeared to the point they can just stand in mechanics as a dps without dying while the rest of the party carries them, only to get a major reality check with the new expansion. As a casual boomer myself, I say, welcome to the new learning and gearing curve! If you don't want to deal with this, wait about a month or two after the new content comes out and roulette will carry you once again. Otherwise, pull up your big girl panties, prepare for some wipes and have fun actually learning stuff by paying attention!
@AaronWOfficial Ай бұрын
Based. Pharos Siruis normal (ironically is harder than hard mode XD) is harder than any of the dawntrail dungeons. Go do that first boss as a first timer, and tell me you can figure out why you wiped.
@zamboozle3741 Ай бұрын
if they're gonna lie about medical shit, at least make it believable. for example: i caught a nasty case of covid-19 two years ago that left me with screwed up reflexes, chronic fatigue, and severe enough brain fog that caffeine supplements are now a medical necessity to make it through BASIC daily life (think nasty white pellets you drink with water, not sugar-ridden energy drinks as the sugar makes the brain fog worse once the caffeine wears off). even with all that, i can still comfortably clear dawntrail msq dungeons WITHOUT those supplements in my system.
@kimfry4019 Ай бұрын
I"ve been left for dead by few healers cause I died too much due to harder content, I guess some healers didn't like it when you die too much.
@darklorty Ай бұрын
I just hope PF "geniuses" don't lock out MCH this time...
@idkidc12333 Ай бұрын
I don't think the DT content is too hard, but maybe it's just because I had practice. I participated in EW EX's --not necessarily on current iLVL, but still current expansion. I also participated in some older savage raids that had us see a few mechanics to resolve else we could still die instantly. Sure, they were unsynced savage, but there's stuff you have to resolve so you don't die instantly--E4S is still a good example. What's amazing about the DT dungeons is that these mechanics are hardly new from what I've learned in simply doing extremes. Sure, there are some exciting new spins on mechanics and a couple things to be tricky, but they're not supposed to be savage level mechanics. My point on this is that it *forces* players to learn these mechanics and get good, rather than skipping them as optional. They're supposed to learn to read the boss to figure out where to go, to see mechanics and react to them, and heck --somtimes *die* and repull. I still fucked up and died sometimes during the dungeons. I had a personal challenge to try not to die at all, but that's hard short of tank privilege on new content. The first boss in Tender Valley killed me a couple times before I figured it out. Same thing with the third boss, as well as the first boss in Strayborough. Each time, I came back and learned, and now I can see myself cruising through each of these in farm mode with minor difficulties and inconveniences, meaning I just can't fall asleep during them.
@Strummingintheshed Ай бұрын
Shit like this winds me up because I'm a filthy casual. I'm old, got kids and shit and don't do savage/ultimate etc. However these people crying about how hard these dungeons are must be some kind of toxic and it paints people like me in a bad light. Not everyone who isn't bleeding edge is completely useless. I'm whm main and yeah I've died a couple of times to mechanics or getting caught out by aoe etc I should have dodged in the new dungeons. It happens, it's new stuff with new mechanics.... Guess what? You get up, laugh it off and try again. No content should let you just faceroll everything. People are levelling, going into this stuff with min item level mismatched gear etc. It's going to be harder. I suddenly had to think about and focus on healing a little more but it's so much more fun this way. Yeah it's a little tricky at the moment if you're not running stuff all the time and focusing on the MSQ but it's not so hard that you can't figure this out in a few pulls. If you're struggling, ask people, look up a guide or watch a KZbin video. So... Could the hyper casuals stop moaning it's making us normal casuals look bad lol ..
@Lyu-Phy Ай бұрын
"Is this how you function in Reallife as well, something's too hard - quit" Yes this hits the nail on its head, these turbo casual threads etc are just bizarre to say the least. There are some people that would benefit from more accessibility like disabled people (some even clear savage and ultimates), and perhaps a handful of uber turbo casuals, but other than that a lot of people are just entitled beyond the abyss. It's hard to imagine how some of them can use a few braincells to score it in candycrush or every other game but the moment they turn on ffxiv they want to turn off their brain like it's an idle game. Whatever suits people, as long it's not at the expense of everyone else, it's why difficulty options would be helpful for both sides. Btw based post 16:30 , many of us experienced that shock once we entered ex and savage, the jump from normal content was astronomically high, with Dawntrail this difficulty curve already feels a lot smoother, and new people already dabbled into extreme and felt the progression is more natural.
@AgentRedShirt Ай бұрын
Well. The first couple sentences I could see the issue. “NPC” party. Part of the reason why I say the trust system shouldn’t exist. For dungeons. I understand it’s a cool idea to go through the story dungeons with people you go through the story with, but part of the fun of an MMO, is learning things. Talking with your team and devising ways to figure it out. Get good. In a sense.
@rainboweclipse9249 Ай бұрын
These people are either just super bad or lazy.
@akatsuki20113 Ай бұрын
Or retarded, I’m leaning towards retarded.
@alchemi8085 Ай бұрын
It's just the forums. I wouldnt think too hard on it. I've run the expert dungeons over 20 times each with randoms since DT release and not once have we failed to clear. Square has actual metrics on clear percentage and base decisions on that - they dont browse the forum and do as Generic Catgirl #142353 commands.
@akatsuki20113 Ай бұрын
“ it’s just the forums “ HELL. FUCKING. NA. Square listens to these people, I mean, they actually listen to these people 😐, so they need to be addressed or square will just go backwards again using their “ feedback “ as justification for the “ change “.
@kennys6288 Ай бұрын
Square needs to just make a visual novel version of 14 for these people because clearly they don’t even want to play the game
@anteprs7908 Ай бұрын
the HARDCORE AND MIDCORES in the comment section dont understand us causal palyer we do not play to IMROVE OR TO BE CHALLANGE we play to relax and have fun that what casuals are we arent here to suffer or learn this is s game NOT A SCHOOL and we dont ask for muc hbut to LEAVE THE MSQ FOR US IT OUR CONTENT YOU GET ALL THE REST ANYWAY. MECHANICS NEED TO BE CLEAR AND DOABLE NOT SPEED UP AND REQUIRE STRESS DOING SOME REMOVES THE RIGHT OT BE CAUSAL CONTENT . if you all want more difficult content ask for it but dotn ruin the content THAT NOT MADE TO BE THAT no other expantion had suck bad dungs like dt . if you cant understand why MOST PLAYER DONT WANT OT BE DOING DIFFICULT CONTENT that a YOU PROBLEM not a excuse to ruin our content i bet oyu wouldnt like if the casual all gather up and demanded savage to be made easy you be pissed as helll to but we dont we have our nomral dung and we enjoy them the mechanics that are clear and easy or for you tryhards "BRAINDEAD" we do not seek to suffer or have the time to wipe 5 time before we learn this bosses mechanics becuase they arent clear and are bs. This game need ot devide it content to the player it want to cater to and dt already offer jack shlt to casual beside the msq (that been ruined ) and beastmaster and i hope it keep the difficult of ew ally raid otherwise that too otherwise causla have nothing to do AND WE ARE 80% OF THIS DAM PLAYERBASE.
@vaan_ Ай бұрын
No, you're not 80%. The majority of casuals have no issue with the current dungeon/trial difficulty. People like you are the exception. Cry about it.
@anteprs7908 Ай бұрын
@@vaan_ how you know you only talked with the midcore playees casuals dont talk about the game they get bullied of the net to fast. Let see how you do in 3 expantion when ffxiv has no casuals left and it becomes irelavant
@vaan_ Ай бұрын
@@anteprs7908 Because I've been playing this game since it came out, doing roulettes almost daily, and I can probably count the number of players who actually couldn't clear content on my fingers. You think people like you are a majority: you're not. You're actually almost non-existent. Sorry, the game's just not for you.
@MrCarlWax Ай бұрын
I cut of a muscle in my hand from a work accident and had to wear a cast. I was in a heroic/mythic raid group in Shadowlands. I rerolled beast mastery hunter and made giant clickable buttons on my screen to do my rotation and clicked both mouse buttons to move forward.
@YoSoyConando Ай бұрын
I'm the Hrothgar that said Leonogg is annoying. I don't actually agree with the people saying it's too hard. Dungeons have been boring for years, so I'll take 10 seconds of the dunce cap if it means casual content feels more like a game then a chore again. Also it's hilarious that M2 does a similar mechanic with actually fatal consequences.
@xXxOrdoxXx Ай бұрын
These dungeons ARE NOT HARD But I can UNDERSTAND why people struggle with the newer dungeons. However when you are PARSING and not PAYING ATTENTION to the mechs it is obvious. These two things are not the same. I can tell you I've wiped on every dungeon tanking this expac, I died to the mechs 3 times. Dungeons have always been a good measure of challenge and what to expect since I started in SHB and I expected these to push challenge to another tier. They're exactly where they need to be to push us another step forward in the next expac. It is always designed to be beaten, the challenge is learning to beat it, stop crying over a skill issue.
@Cocytus127 Ай бұрын
I had a hard time with the 3rd raid in Arcadion. You know what I did? I kept doing it until I got good.
@ngwoo Ай бұрын
I feel like casuals get flustered and upset every time they die because they think death is failure. It leads to this cycle of death -> upset -> worse gameplay -> death. They don't understand that fights are supposed to be puzzles and every death is a clue to solving the puzzle, not a failure.
@avellinkaira Ай бұрын
My first clear of the lv100 dungeon was done with 3 seconds remaining. /cry
@Miafoxie Ай бұрын
Won't lie, the new dungeon can feel "savage" for all the wrong reasons, it's my first expansion not playing healer cause I wanted to play picto first. I'm rushing to get my sch leveled cause if I load into a dungeon and it's not a war tank I'm so terrified of all these healers that are just standing still and dieing
@mugen3603 Ай бұрын
People will spend days, even weeks, trying to clear a savage fight. This person spent 1 hour in a dungeon (with NPCs no less), and thinks their experience is comparable.
@hazardyoutube1121 Ай бұрын
i would not be surprised that the op uses catbot and got no call outs so there confused with new mechanics
@PGAnubis Ай бұрын
My favorite posts are always the "everyone should be able to enjoy content the way they want" because it always comes with the subtext 'unless you're asking me to respect your time and enjoyment because you're bored/want to push yourself, in which case fuck you'
@papyrus9761 Ай бұрын
I guarantee that if you opened up PF and just asked for help, or asked in your FC or even just straight up /shouted in a city you’d find people to carry you
@providencebreaker1558 Ай бұрын
If anything the dungeons got way too easy in EW. Tower of Zot was a betrayal of promise with how unforgiving it was and then everything after that was a breeze.
@cerebaaa Ай бұрын
I wonder if these people thinking the reaction speed is coming from the orange telegraph that appears AFTER the tell from the boss/mechanic and they think that every mechanic is just wait for orange and move... like they complained about the first boss needing fast reaction times but all of the circles and plus markers are on the floor for like 10 seconds...
@nomnomnom298 Ай бұрын
One can literally go through dungeon very easily: queue in as dps. I did this when I first joined the game and realized that I was too bad as a player to get through the vault as a healer. I instead queued in as dps instead. Died a stupid amount of times and still we managed to clear. Nobody pointed me out, healer rezzed me and I was on my merry way to the next part of the story. No need to make things braindead simple for everyone when an easy option already exists if we are being completely honest.
@25xxfrostxx Ай бұрын
These people have played their jobs for 100 levels. They made it through Shinryu, Tsukuyomi, and Seat of Sacrifice. There is no excuse for not being able to handle an MSQ dungeon. The 100 dungeons are harder than the ones in the past (thankfully) but they are in no way the difficulty of even the easiest trial.
@papyrus9761 Ай бұрын
From what I see all these people having trouble are playing with trusts. Trusts suck in multiple ways. if you die its an auto-wipe. they have pre programmed positions for mechanics which often means they’ll spread on top of you. They do low dps, they dont do wall to wall pulls, they’re bad at reaction healing when someone needs extra mit cause they got hit by something. Just que with real people. They’ll explain mechanics, if you die, you get rezed its not a big deal. Sometimes the tank can solo the last 10-20% if everyone else dies etc
@akatsuki20113 Ай бұрын
40:24. I too was also gonna give up on this game and play something else. The content was just getting way too easy for me to enjoy and get fulfilment out of it. For example. The endwalker 24 man raids you literally do nothing in them, there is 0 challenge, you just stand there do dps and occasionally stroll out of the telegraphed aoe that takes 5 mins to actually do anything, I just got sick and tired of how easy the shit is.
@ZackAurelius Ай бұрын
Imagine having hands
@akatsuki20113 Ай бұрын
Also it’s incredibly toxic to say shit like “ I’ve retired in such and such mmo and now I just wanna take it brain dead easy “ while making shit dull and trite for the everyone else. Also the people saying “ my friend has this disability therefore the entire game should be dumbed down so that my friend could play “ is incredibly selfish and stupid. Your friend has a disability therefore the entire game should cater to it?, are you insane?.
@Lyu-Phy Ай бұрын
That's what they dont get, it's one thing to say/complain about something but when it's at the expense of everyone else it becomes a problem. Not that they care much. It's why I am a huge advocat for more difficulty options, solves everything.
@Lyu-Phy Ай бұрын
DT dungeons are really fun already. You actually have to use 2 braincells and the faster pace is welcomed.
@shaggydaddy2224 Ай бұрын
Age has bothing to fo with it. I turn 41 in a few days. I had my character at level 100 in less then 12 hours. Cant remember if we wiped at all during the msq. If we wiped it was 1 time. Then nm raids come out. 2 shot 3 of the bosses 1 shot one of them. And these where with random pf groups. The game isnt hard. And i for 1 am getting tired of the intitlement of some of these players. If u refuse to get better and take advice then gtfo, u ruin the game for alot more people that think like you. They already dumbed down the game for them already. Donpeople remember HW when everyone had to watch there own aggro, do they remember the ti.e where accuracy for a fight was a thing. Time to take our game back
@luvithdrevis Ай бұрын
People using anxiety as an excuse makes me go nuts. I have severe social anxiety, I already had a panic attack playing as a killer in dead by daylight (you against four players), I used to get it playing ffxiv. All because a traumatizing experience trying to play wow when I was like 11/12 (plus other stuff related to me being neurodivergent ). I couldnt play any dungeon if a friend wasnt there with me. Thought I would NEVER do a job with more responsability like healer or tank. I was legit afraid of playing those two. But I insisted. Tried little by little. This amazing community had patience with me as well and made me felt welcome. Now I am a all rounder for all content, I live on pf with nice and toxic random people all the time and dont need a friend online for me to play the game I adore so much. Maybe ffxiv is not the game for you. Just like wow is not the game for me (I tried playing when older and didnt liked the gameplay as a whole). And thats OK. But dont blame the game basic content "being hard" because it is not. Just because now you need a little more caution, it is NOT that hard. And can we PLEASE stop using dark souls as a exemple? You people clearly havent played any soulslike, because I did and BELIVE ME I never stayed 3 days stuck with a high-end duty like the Abyss Watchers made me hostage. I did on savage prog tho, but is savage. You can call it soulslike because the mecanics are merciless 😂 But the msq content? Stop.
@juggtuggler361 Ай бұрын
I just had a streamer pop up on my recommended the other day, he's a quadriplegic and still runs content. I mean come on man
@FroggyQC23 Ай бұрын
Are they noticibly harder than in previous expansions? Yes. Are they TOO hard? No. I think the difficulty is just right. You just have to pay a little attention instead of just going in braindead.
@qster4 Ай бұрын
There is a story mode for the game though. It's simple: If putting in the bare minimum is too much for you, watch a KZbin recap. Don't make me fall asleep while playing just because you refuse to learn from your mistakes. I'm actually super happy with the fight design this expansion. There is just enough pushback for me to be entertained and for fights to be memorable. The times where I die are usually because I get too greedy (Like the first and 3rd bosses in Strayborough Deadwalk). I'm not a Savage raider by a long shot, but I'm tired of people wanting to make the game even easier because they refuse to try and learn from their mistakes. Same with people who find Dark Souls and games like it to be too hard, just keep trying. If you refuse, that's when you've lost, not when you die. Pick yourself up and try again.
@anteprs7908 Ай бұрын
you aint the target audaince for causal content the casual are and the current lv 99 and 97 dung arent fun they are chaotic and anjoying
@Cheeksssy Ай бұрын
The idea the terms “casual” equates to unskilled/challenge adverse has always bothered me. I consider myself a casual, but that hinges entirely on the amount of time im willing to dedicate to gaming per week. I have other hobbies and relationships I prioritize over gaming, but when i hop on the game i enjoy being challenged. The idea that casual content should treat me like i dont have a brain irks the shit out of me. Just make it so there isnt a excessive amount of daily content, and i wont fall behind too much if i can only play like two nights a week lol. Would like to have fun when i actually do play
@user-on5dl9hc2z Ай бұрын
a regular daily that plays much harder than normal is the problem. people want to get in and get it done. now they feel raid night in wow to do a daily.
@akatsuki20113 Ай бұрын
That is true. These people want the game to cater to them and THEM ONLY, making the game worse for everyone else. I do not know why square listens to these people, and the worse thing about is that they do the content once or twice and f**k off, while we that want do this content religiously have to deal with the content being dumbed down to be for retards or morons or lazy ass f**king people while were left feeling unfulfilled. These new dungeons are so f**king good I actually enjoy the lower level content now, before I did them once and prayed for them to be over quick, now, I want them to be longer XD.
@Celis.C Ай бұрын
I was hoping you'd dissect the underlying issue. Disregarding any actual troll replies in there, I do notice two main themes that people struggle with: - Sensory overload - Reaction time At 46:55, you touch upon reaction time. There comes a point in life where people just hit a hard limit there, and for those with disabilities and possibly on console, I can imagine that the quick visual acuity and hand-eye coordination needed rotate the camera to see what's gonna happen in Arca3, on top of the simultaneous mechanics that happen during the double Lariats, is just too much for some people. The timings can be too tight. It's _not that the mechanics are difficult,_ it's that the time to resolve them is too short for them. To go out and say that _"if you're physically unable to handle this, you shouldn't be here",_ to me, sounds very tone-deaf. WoWgrandma is still able to keep up with WoW, and that game has just never really define a combat language the way XIV has. There's a reason DBM is mandatory to resolve things, because its encounters are literally designed around it existing... I also don't recall that game ever having reflex mechanics that just demand a quick reaction time. As for sensory overload, this _can_ be resolved. People feel overwhelmed because too many things happen at once for them to fully grasp, especially the first time seeing them. By staying calm and dissecting what's on screen one bit at a time, these situations can be overcome. That being said, Boss 2 in Vanguard and >that part in the L100 trial< require quick reaction time on top of the visual overload. Once you get the trick, it's quite manageable - it took me a bit to figure out and I excel at reading the combat language. It takes seeing it, failing it, then pondering it and trying a few more times to really get. For me, 2-3 times is the most I need. Some people literally need 15-20 times, if not more. I noticed this during my heroic raiding days in WoW Legion, and I'd start making mistakes on the 15th pull because I got it the 3rd pull and mess up because I'd lose focus due to boredom while everyone else was still learning. This can be a frustrating process typically associated with actual end-game content. Whether or not that should be in 'casual' or mandatory content is its own discussion. I'm sure that the developers can craft more difficult encounters that, yes, can and should be punishing, but only for being unable to resolve them in the time given. Not being given the time to resolve them, even if you understand them, is what I would call a design mistake that neglects accessibility and should be addressed, at the very least, in 'normal'/'casual' and especially mandatory content.
@pwnagraphic690 Ай бұрын
They’ve been complaining in the forums since 1.0 I bet these are the people who claimed Elden Ring is too hard while people are beating the game without hands and on DDR dance pads 😂