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@MiamiahMelchizedek Күн бұрын
Quick Mariah lets U and I go for a walk through Graceland's... at night, no one will see us Babe..
@MiamiahMelchizedek Күн бұрын
Elvis didn't die on that day.. that's why there is a under ground tunnel too a side road... and a photo too match, see if u can find that photo, i did, regards Dusty Slim..
@MiamiahMelchizedek Күн бұрын
One just doesn't die a couple days before a concert, it just doesn't work that way, He wanted out... Thanks for your music Elvis, will see in heaven, Regards Robbie*Mariah.
@steemerxaxon1643 4 күн бұрын
The AMISH are Amazing people... HOWEVER..They are just luke All HUMAN they are not perfect...But they do have a BETTER LIFE
@dougscott9524 25 күн бұрын
I worked in a veneer panel shop and run the molder , run a cross a walnut crouch board 9" X 8' and the crouch right in the middle. I made a table to sit behind the couch ,haven't found a buyer yet. 38 years building custom furniture. Grand Rapids, MI
@PatriciaStorey-v9u 26 күн бұрын
@ddaniels8107 Ай бұрын
Crazy how people celebrate a crackhead
@Graham-mv6zo Ай бұрын
You are a good man Mosab. God bless
@thebadger674 Ай бұрын
Elvis is the Antichrist, he is the book of revelations "the beast from the sea" and is Lucifer incarnate. Donald Trump is his image and is the book of revelations "the second beast" "the false prophet". He is the Antichrist in the flesh. Elvis = El (God in hebrew) vi (6 Roman numerals) s (more then 1) Elvis = God of 6's Also El (God) vis (power violence, strength in Latin) Elvis = God of power and violence. Revelation 13:18 states, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six" Satan is a counterfeiter and he copies and inverts everything from the Lord God. A quick rundown on it all, Elvis was born a twin, which plays an important part of things that are played out. For instance the reason trump had two terms and why the twin towers were destroyed in the big apple, it was about destroying the twin. So you will find many things happen in twos or revolve around the number 2. The cause of Elvis death was said to be because he had heart disease, essentially he died from a bad heart, a diseased heart in essence. Compared to our Lord Jesus Christ who was perfect with a blessed sacred heart. The reason the Antichrist died already is quite simple he needed to die, so Satan can copy what our Father and Lord Jesus Christ did. His plan is to make a counterfeit resurrection. With Trump playing the part of Lord Jesus Christ who was God on earth, in the flesh. Elvis in hell is playing the part of God the Father who was God in heaven when Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected. And lastly Satan's version of the holy spirit comes in the form of (El)on musk's ai supercomputer named 'Colossus'. If you don't know El means God. That's why fallen angels have given themselves names like Elon Musk or Elvis, Adele, Nelson Mandela, Ellen DeGeneres, Michael Jordan and even Michelangelo. Trump will receive his head wound on 4th of August and then be resurrected 3-4 days later. Then Elvis will return and cause destruction as he comes up from the sea as the beast from the sea in Seattle king county Washington, the apple state. Half of Washington state will be destroyed on the 11th of june. Elon Musk is a key player behind it all, he created the ai supercomputer that is housed in Memphis called 'colossus' which will be known as the idol of the beast. He is also behind the mark of the beast and how the mark will operate in conjunction with starlink, it will work together with drones and be able to identify who does and doesn't have the mark of the beast. The deception you hear about when satan deceives all the nations is referring to the manipulation and mind control incorporated by all the politicians, actors and musicians, who all worship lucifer as the god of this earth. Some of these people the public literally worship are the fallen angels they didn't go anywhere and are still present on earth. 1 fallen angel will play multiple roles and when a famous person dies that they are playing, they alter and manipulate their appearance and become a new character. Tupac didn't die Jimi Hendrix is still alive as Morgan Freeman, Paul Walker is trumps running mate, prince is David blane Marilyn monroe became Andy Warhol, Kurt Cobain became the lead singer in wheezer along with Dave and Chris from nirvana moved over to wheezer as well, JFK became Jimmy carter as president then onto RFK and even princess Diana is alive that Nephilim kid Trump has actually looks like if Elvis and Diana had a child, so go figure that one out and Adolf Hitler became Walt disney and the list is endless. This is done to keep a smaller net of people to control the masses. Everything you think you know is pretty much false. Tell a vision (TV) programs and broadcasting is telling you a vision to program you by casting a wide spell across the NEWS north east south west. You all have been to deceived and they want to keep U from you knowing and having a relationship with your creator. Knowing you have a purpose. Satan knows the battle is lost but all he cares about is separating the Lord God and his creation. Trying to hurt our Lord God as much as he can while he can by corrupting his creation. This is a big reason why you are taught about living on a ball even though it's explained that there is a firmament in the bible, so either you deny the word of our Lord God and don't trust him like Adam and Eve and believe in Satan's deception or start to see things for what they truly are. Lucifer was in charge of music in heaven and was covered in precious jewels when created. This is why Elvis wore jewels on his jumpsuit and had them covering his entire body. Lucifer wants his crown back that's why there is such a big emphasis on 'king' Elvis was known as the king and what better way to be worshipped by becoming the biggest music star of all time. Graceland and (holy)wood/ Hollywood are more references. Satan appears to us as an angel of light. Satan's deception, manipulation and lies is put right in front of our faces. Satan is man's accuser and has always pointed out our faults and unworthiness to the Lord God how we sin and with his deception just how unintelligent we are by being unable to pick up on his deception and lies since it's right in front of us. He pushes and tries to convince the Lord God that we are not worthy to take our place in heaven with the Lord God and his Angles. But once you finally see the truth and your eyes are opened to all this deception and you see it for what it is, you can never unsee it. They put it in codes as words and numbers. They create stories like the recent CEO murder. They use the man and son code where the names contain man and son like Thomp(son) and (man)gione from Sher(man) place and things like it was in (Man)hattan, the big apple and he had a (man)ifesto there was a (man) hunt and they add shots at God by adding he was from (Mary)land. They try to be obscene with places and names into the story like his lawyer with the last name dicky, he was a val(dic)torian fron maple(wood). There is also the (3)d printed gun. He was from (Hawaii) which is an Elvis link and he was caught at Mac(Don)alds and it was the same Hilton at which trump held his victory speech at, that's a trump link. There is so much more this is only a small percentage of what proves beyond a doubt that this truth, but I'd be a here for a week writing instead of 20 minutes. Lord Jesus Christ is King, the one and only Lord God
@brianpeck4035 Ай бұрын
I'm here for my second time in Savannah laying back outside the cemetery and sipping rum on new years eve...Happy New Years everybody!
@cheshirepat30 Ай бұрын
You rock!
@evanadams4393 Ай бұрын
@1alphasam 2 ай бұрын
feed me
@CharlesDaniels-u3l 2 ай бұрын
Right here black Africans slaves speaking in Aramaic not Arabic or yittish watch was not a language before the white man our oppressors created Arabic and yittish
@Iononso 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, most wonderful
@zoedaly214 2 ай бұрын
none other than Mrs Abigail Adams
@zoedaly214 2 ай бұрын
Colonel Prescott told his men don't fire don't fire until you see the white of their eyes
@kiznkel 2 ай бұрын
We are masons we are hebrews and so sooooo soooo much more. Chattle slavery is a very very small part of our history
@whirlbirdy 3 ай бұрын
Love ❤ Graceland,my favourite room was the Den ❤️
@JudithBrainerd 5 ай бұрын
@zoedaly214 5 ай бұрын
don't fire don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes
@dancostello6465 5 ай бұрын
The Graceland decor was really terrible. The kitchen and den "The Jungle Room" especially were hard on the eyes. The house was large but nothing special.
@رعدالربيعي-ذ8م 5 ай бұрын
جماعتك اوداعتك اعتمدو على خونه وتسببو بضياع زوليتك الحرير هسه تسواله قصر شارع الاميرات
@sharoondaniel8889 5 ай бұрын
❤ Rip Elvis Presley
@lovineveryminuetofit1314 5 ай бұрын
Ok so i just went to Graceland 3 weeks ago and im seeing alot of things that were never there 3 weeks ago or just different. For one the gold sink in the airplane that we saw has a emeral green counter top, in this video ot is blue., a few others. So, how do we know if anything is even legit? In the tour they said its "original " she also says here its original, but yet they're different. Im calling b.s. onit all. I feel like yall just keep changing things and lying to us for our money. Aint that a shame
@CharlesDaniels-u3l 6 ай бұрын
So Aramaic language WOW same as the movie the passion of the Christ Mel Gibson movie wow they spoke that language wow
@CharlesDaniels-u3l 6 ай бұрын
They got caught in another white lie
@CharlesDaniels-u3l 6 ай бұрын
The gig is up
@CharlesDaniels-u3l 6 ай бұрын
They got exposed again and again see the signs of the Israelites slavery in Egypt video exposed there lies plus the video the black Joseph of Egypt video which is on the same wall 🧱 in Egypt proves that they lied this is ancient Aramaic language the same exact language used in the movie the passion of the Christ Mel Gibson used to do the movie
@CharlesDaniels-u3l 6 ай бұрын
Yes this is the same exact language they used in the passion of the Christ movie proving that the black slaves spoke in Aramaic
@Kolmogorow.G.D. 6 ай бұрын
Что побудило поставить этот ролик? Подписался.
@Cooperyorkie 6 ай бұрын
I would marry this girl. She’s amazing
@AlfonseGambino 7 ай бұрын
I went there last week and took a gold sink handle home as a souvenir. Elvis didn't need it anymore.😊
@toddavis8603 7 ай бұрын
Great woodworking skills, and shop~~~Martin and Beggins.
@zoedaly214 7 ай бұрын
uh oh the British are coming up the hill
@Ant.Ant.Ant. 7 ай бұрын
@larrysheetmetal 8 ай бұрын
@KarenRucinski-rd9kc 8 ай бұрын
I saw elviss ✈️ Airplane too. I went into his plan the Lisa msrie.
@KarenRucinski-rd9kc 8 ай бұрын
I went to Graceland. I love it very much. I cried 😢 😭 🤧 😪 When I saw his grave. It will always be in my heart ❤️ 💙. I
@roberthaizlip4057 8 ай бұрын
That's not the real plane??
@zoedaly214 8 ай бұрын
@zoedaly214 8 ай бұрын
don't fire don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes
@JohnDolan-uk6mi 9 ай бұрын
For goodness sake, someone put some oil on the shrill front door. I don't usually agree with Prince Harry on anything but his opinion of Graceland appears to be in line with mine.
@KennethFord-y7c 9 ай бұрын
She is so hot!!!!!❤ love her accent!
@timsager6153 9 ай бұрын
My daughter visited this charming area and never left. She fell in love with Tybee Island, too..... she will never leave
@cricket8438 9 ай бұрын
Love it when non-Southerners come down and are overwhelmed with the beauty. It’s like they are totally charmed by the trees, flowers, and of course, the accent. 💐
@cl759 9 ай бұрын
Col Saunders 0:41
@rezabolouri2662 10 ай бұрын
A Volkswagen was $1,800 and a Big Mac at a fast food will coast u $20 now. Those good old day.
@jacobkeppler1984 10 ай бұрын
Awesome reenactment
@smpeljas 10 ай бұрын
Sir, thank You! I cannot describe my “over the top,” you hail and thrive in Savannah! Sir, kindly know that I grought all that charm to “Forecermroe by the Bay” the South Licpves On! Thank you! God Bless you sir! Nurse Jane
@donnypuleo8167 11 ай бұрын
Let’s celebrate a fucking child molester
@JoshPatrick125 2 ай бұрын
No, that’s Micheal Jackson who molestered children.😊
@robertfields3420 11 ай бұрын
They won't tell you he was struggling financially before he died