What is a seer?
21 күн бұрын
Letting go to gain control.
Tarot and discernment.
2 ай бұрын
The part I forgot.
2 ай бұрын
A story.
2 ай бұрын
Are you a twin flame?  video 2
Are you a twin flame?
8 ай бұрын
Message Time
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Grief as a male and female
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Spirituality/Death?/Twin Flame/Grief
2 жыл бұрын
A friend's passing / realizations
Anniversary and Trauma
2 жыл бұрын
@CrystallineAlchemist 2 ай бұрын
Hey Evan!! ✌🏽
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 2 ай бұрын
@CatsEyeScry 3 ай бұрын
Don't ever put on a mask just to please others. This prevents you from being able to process what you are going through which usually requires you to step back into your own energy. When you allow yourself to sit with your anger, you can break it down into smaller parts that can be addressed. When you put on a mask, it only bottles up the issues to outburst in destructive ways. Even if you don't snap at people or break stuff, you are vibrating at that frequency and effecting your environment by those vibrations when you bottle them. Take time when you are not feeling angry to sit and meditate and tap into that anger in order to ask it if there are any personal under causes to why her death makes you angry and what you need to focus on instead. Myself, I lost my twin flame. He dumped me because he's dying of cancer, still processing through a divorce, and is also a drug addict. But he was the best partner I have had in my entire 40 years. I don't know if we will end up getting back together, but my Spirit guides want me to remain celibate and I don't plan on trying to date anyone else until 2026 and when I do I just want to make friends and take it really slow and find someone who makes me feel seen and adored the way he did. I want a best friend, so that's what I'll be looking for, not a partner but someone I adore as a friend and perhaps it will become more perhaps not but I don't want to cross any boundaries and merge my energy with anyone else unless I know for sure that they are the one. I have a very powerful connection with the etheric realm, so i look at death very differently.
@CatsEyeScry 3 ай бұрын
Have you written a letter to her lately? I do burning release rituals. You will always love her. You never fall out of love, you only fall more deeply. Never settle for anyone just to ease loneliness. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, vulnerable soul. Anger is a natural process of grief. 🫂 What stage are you in right now?
@CatsEyeScry 3 ай бұрын
She meant two years. Men just process things slower. My prayers are with you.
@CatsEyeScry 3 ай бұрын
I tried replying to the comment you left, but my comment kept disappearing. Just wanted to say that you are here for a reason. Take as long as you need to grieve. And, my email is listed on my channel if you need someone to talk to.
@CatsEyeScry 3 ай бұрын
144k descended masters to help elevate the collective vibrations of Earth. 2000-2100 is an important stretch. We are coming into a True North of what used to be called the Phoenix Star as our North Star. The last time our planet had a True North (spiritual alignment and direct contact with the cosmos) was during the days of Babylonian Egypt.
@CatsEyeScry 3 ай бұрын
Very accurate description of time. *subscribes* I see you haven't posted anything new in a couple months. How long ago did you experience your loss?
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 3 ай бұрын
@@CatsEyeScry i think it's been almost 5 years. I honestly prefer to not speak of it. It still hurts deeply.
@CatsEyeScry 3 ай бұрын
You created this two days before your birthday. I'm watching this two days before my birthday. 😅💗
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 3 ай бұрын
@@CatsEyeScry happy birthday to you. I hope it is grand. 😊
@kittystjohn4356 5 ай бұрын
This is so crazy I thought I was the only one that says any who. And I never say it like I thought it nice to have been directed towards your channel
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 5 ай бұрын
I picked it up from a drill instructor I had during boot camp for the Marines. I'd never heard it before that and it comes out now and again. Thank you for stopping by. Hope you stay a while. 😊
@CrystallineAlchemist 5 ай бұрын
Hey Evan!!
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 5 ай бұрын
@@CrystallineAlchemist 👋
@lisamarriott4732 6 ай бұрын
Sorry, I got cut off. Yeah, society makes us think we can not survive on our own that we are only half a person without a partner. I have raised 3 amazing children on my own, I am a complete person, I have everything I need within me. My twin flame is a guiding light because the shared fantasy dream I had with him I can achieve for myself. The life I want and deserve was reflected in him so I have something to work towards. It's extremely tough but better than living a fake reality just to keep up appearances.
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 6 ай бұрын
If it was a ' shared fantasy dream' and your so called twin flame didn't do anything, then how is that a shared dream? It isn't. Its a FANTASY as you call it. I'm glad you picked yourself up and did the work on yourself. That is hard and tough, yet worth it. But your actual twin flame will not hesitate to do thier work. They will be as adamant on being with you as you are being with them. If it's even one sided in the tiniest bit, then that wasn't your person. And as I say at the end of this video, if you go do your work then that inspires and also gets them doing the same. Sounds like you are the only one who did anything. So to me , that isn't your twin flame.
@lisamarriott4732 6 ай бұрын
My experience of the twin flame journey was extremely painful and tortuous. The person who was my mirror 25 years ago seriously put me through the hell that I had created because of loveless childhood and deep trauma. This has caused me to be committed to be the best version of myself and fulfill my potential. This guy is in my head and the love I have for him is the only thing that keeps me going, I have tried many cord cutting meditations etc to break this connection to no avail. I have been single this whole time because no body else will be so deep, I would just be pretending. Even if I never see my twin flame again until maybe in another life it still helps me to work towards that hope of union, it gives me strength to keep working on myself and achieving so much. Love is a very powerful energy and it's better to have that love in your heart even if it is for someone you will never see again. It's better than being empty with no energy feeling disillusioned and disappointed that life has tricked us or that the devil has us under a spell of wishful thinking or animal attraction and chemical reactions. I refuse to sell out and be with someone I don't truely love just because society says I am not
@UglyOldCreep 7 ай бұрын
You're beautiful
@Milla.milla23 8 ай бұрын
Music is higher than your voice, hard to hear you
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 8 ай бұрын
Sorry about that. I realized after it posted.
@laciejones5490 8 ай бұрын
18 years
@CrystallineAlchemist 8 ай бұрын
@WitchandScythe 8 ай бұрын
Love this, thank you, Evan. People also don't actually understand what a Heyoka is. The nabbing of and watering down of these cultural terms is how we lose those cultures to misunderstanding and time. Thank you for addressing this.
@CrystallineAlchemist 9 ай бұрын
❤ so many don’t even know themselves enough to even find a twin….
@SirSpaceFrog 9 ай бұрын
Love you Evan, it's great to see you. Alex Ebert - Press Play 💙
@LouziannaCreoleQueen 9 ай бұрын
Sending my condolences! I loss my twin flame on New Years Eve 2023 and we had been separated for 5 months at the time because we were still going through ups and downs of our relationship for two yrs and thought eventually we would come back together . During our separation he blocked me and changed my number but he still knew where I lived and I knew where he lived but he kept pushing me away then pulling me back and that was hard for me so I felt just giving him complete space to find himself would work but instead he died in a car crash and I’m just finding out by googling his name and his obituary popped up and I was in total shock and now I’m going through the grieving process and it hurts tsp much ! It’s off and on crying and hurting ! I hope your doing slot better now ! Hang in there she’s still with you in spirit even though you can’t see her she’s there!! Look for the signs and synchronicities that tells you she’s there like numbers in repeated patterns , 111,222,333, butterflies , flickering lights , finding random coins , feathers these are all signs she’s there with you to let you know she’s with you ! Even through dreams ! There’s many more signs you can find online ! One medium told me to write him a letter saying all I feel , meditate over it then go out and burn it to the universe ! It’s very hard ! And it’s makes you not want anyone else because all you can think about is that person !! Take care of yourself ! Be strong ! It will get better!!
@WitchandScythe 10 ай бұрын
I really appreciate the healthy approach you have to this topic and you make a very good point about this ♥ I am humbled by this message and have so much appreciation for that. Thank you, Evan.
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to watch. Hope your day is swell. 😊
@WitchandScythe 10 ай бұрын
Finally had a minute to pop over and check out your videos. Would you mind if I shared your channel in a post?
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 10 ай бұрын
Not at all, please do. 😊
@Julez108 10 ай бұрын
I watched your older video on grief. Glad to see you're doing better. This video resonates for sure. Cheers.
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you. Grief therapy is helping.
@Yuliya_tsu 11 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for your videos! Very valuable! Thanka
@hollymartinez3507 Жыл бұрын
Im so sorry❤ im here because this is slso my journey now
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
I feel what you feel due to my empathic core when I watch a Vid I read the energy but have a slightly differing opinion I feel
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 Жыл бұрын
This is a perfect example of having differing opinions or perspectives. Love this. Thank you for sharing. 😊
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Schuman resonance
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
We are in new earth we have shifted to 5d last week the human resonance way more love energy everywhere I keep gratitude high then no fear can exist not that I have any anyway ha the empress faces all that is dark and triumphs, ask and it is given if energies match of feel the energy or scenario with the correct corresponding energy and it appears, I feel what you feel from watching I say to all when we fully love ourselves forgive all express and be unashamedly being the being spirits in our meat suits and accepts all we all I feel only then will the universe give us what is rightfully ours even a friend of a relative at 80 years old had found their soul mate it's Never too late of we don't want it to be we are after all here to give and receive love whether romantically or friendships and relatives it's all relative to what we desire to manifest 😊
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Popped back to say 144 baby
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Off to watch my next Vid path the power of the pum cleo ra which is all true I'm of Burmese royal decent haaa
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
I got the 3rd Like the empress from my tarot it's my divine number😜
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
You have a wonderful spirit and making a Vid to sooth peeps is a wonderful idea love your voice and for those of use who like someone to listen to someone who is very considerate understanding and gentle would be lovely, I have commented all the way thru you Vid and as a long user of this platform this is only the 2nd Vid I have ever commented on and been open and honest about my journey and achievements and I think the 1 post I commented on earlier about who we would speak to of we could I chose edgar cayce twin flame auther and this is all because of you evan you moved me to share maybe as I am an earth angel with no fear of darkness I have mastered it they would be something in my shared words that is for you only you will know, welldone proud of you 😊
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 Жыл бұрын
I was kinda told to by my late girlfriend who is also my twin flame. She told me my voice helps many. I'm currently in grief therapy and it has helped immensly, so much that i was able to make this video with out getting irritated. I appreciate you taking a moment of your time to watch.
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
If emotion are high Intelligence is low
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Netflix twinflame doc, predictive txt keeps changing it to twinglame aahh annoying hahahaa
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
I have heard about the Netflix twinglame doc from gypsy cowgirl tarot and she agrees with you evan
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Cleaning up the ancestral poop with the family past 2 months spot on the truth tellers
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
111 divine ❤
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Meditation to higher self is key i am head of council on Arcturus I have done my work and been upgraded I have many skills on this world and others
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Best therapy is self love
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Somatic therapy is the best
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Narc empath paradym I found to be something else I feel it's law of attraction Abraham hicks
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm dalores canon 2nd wave
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
Ha I just posted what you are saying on the threat before watching your lovely self of who we would speak to, this is how I found you as my journey led me here obvs❤
@khopkirk2600 Жыл бұрын
❤🎉 Happy Birthday Evan you beautiful being you for Tues, love you, twin flame shamanic empress here who's devinely connected to source powerful, I see you I hear you I love ya 💕
@funkymonkey9574 Жыл бұрын
HI , Thankyou because now i see i am not the only one feeling such deep soul loss , as my twin soul died 3 weeks ago and the level of grief is unbearable, my whole life shattered overnight andd I feel crusified and literally felt my soul been ripped out. Unimaginable deep soul pain and endless tears and puffy eyes. Just wanted to pop in and say thankyou for sharing and stay strong and I will stay strong too . God bless.
@evanistrans-dimentional2092 Жыл бұрын
Allow yourself the space to feel and if anyone tries to tell you how you should be greiving( unless your bringing yourself harm) move far from that person. NO ONE HAS THAT RIGHT. You take the time you need. Find one thing to do for the day and do it. And i even mean the smallest thing, like getting out of bed, or eating or taking a shower. Move your body in some fashion even if that means stretching. It helps aid moving the energy thorugh you and out of you. Love and light to you.
@panthera50 Жыл бұрын
@queenbee_rose Жыл бұрын
💯 ❤ people have nothing better to do and know fuck all.... lmao 🤣 your funny 😁 you should do a twin flame channel 🔥🔥🔥 and no your right angels would not do that 😇 x
@queenbee_rose Жыл бұрын
Sending so much love to you ❤
@dovej3516 Жыл бұрын
You’re something! You make your body look male and have to use drugs the rest of your life to look that way! I’ve never been stopped from doing anything. I drove race cars, stood shoulder to shoulder with my fellow soldier, got an architects degree in a males field and worked as an engineer for a telephone company. You will never have the mental fortitude of a male, you are a female masquerading as a guy. That’s why your so screwed in the head! Btw…..you weren’t raised in the 70s…..you are a late 80s early 90s baby. You were a teen during the 90s.