Halo is Not an Arena Shooter
Elden Ring and the Gatekeeping Myth
How to Save Halo Infinite
2 жыл бұрын
Halo Infinite - Utterly Underwhelming
How to Rebuild the Halo Community
Thoughts on Halo's Weapon Sandbox
Why Halo Struggles to Evolve
5 жыл бұрын
Games Don't Need an Easy Mode
5 жыл бұрын
The Future of the Battle Royale Genre
How to Balance Dual-Wielding in Halo
@punk_noodles Күн бұрын
4,000 players lol its dead make halo great again
@caulshivers1029 Күн бұрын
This is a fantastic video, and everyone complaining about the SOuls community being toxic needs to see. Bloodborne was my "click moment". I had tried Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 before, but it wasn't until Bloodborne that I figured out the mechanics of FromSofts formula and it all just clicked for me.
@makoshark17able 2 күн бұрын
To solve the issue go back to grouping by ping not this sbmm BS! Funny how most of the people who complain about sbmm live next to servers therefore having low and consistent ping; whereas people why don't have to deal with ping which can range from 50 to 150 due to having a great match then punish in the very next game.
@alexanderherd2973 4 күн бұрын
2yrs on and this is still based AF
@kanden27 7 күн бұрын
Im still disappointed across all halo games we've never got a multiplayer version of the elephant in any other game outside of 3 and Sandtrap.
@dawgglorydays 8 күн бұрын
Halo 1-3 will forever be my favorites, but what we have now is a complete mess. The game is not easily playable anymore. It’s too complicated. The equipment, abilities, and just the general movement speed of the game is so intense that it’s just too hectic to enjoy for me now. Halo was at its best when it focused on skill with weapons and grenades, combined with teamwork and social interactions. I login now and play a game or two and I’m done. It’s just not fun, it’s too wild and too fast to play casually. And that is why the vast majority of players never got invested. Halo is a game that everyone should be able to easily pick up whenever and enjoy.
@marcels.4774 9 күн бұрын
Nah i think sbmm shoudlnt be a thing. Look at bo2, there was some sort oft sbmm but way softer. There were always 2-3 players in lobby which were really good, the mojority was mid and also some noobs. And thats totally fine.... i started as a noob and got destroyed for the first 10-20 hours. But after spending enough time i got better and with better K/D´s in matches. Eventually after hundreds of hours I was one of the best in the lobby. It should be the JOURNEY to get better and dont get destroyed, thats the reason i wanted to get bettter in bo2. Now its just que into a match were everybody is the same. No need for improvement bc the lobbies willl forverever be the same.... Your Video does not inlcude this at all..... Thats what gave people the desire to play more and get better ---> To be ONE OF THE BEST in the lobby.
@infamousSneakattack 10 күн бұрын
waaaaaaa i have to actually try to win? omg this is terrible, i just want to play against sucky peeps who lay down for me. waaaaaaaaaa
@beetee4262 12 күн бұрын
Op is indeed a sissy. It IS. They are. There's no perhaps.
@thisistheoutlet 15 күн бұрын
i’ve deleted MW3 a total of 4 times since it’s release, i’ve never had such a toxic relationship with this games system, mw1 was so fun to kill and i used a stock p90
@DraftyMood 16 күн бұрын
Well, i'm sorry but i refuse to watch video with a lie in a title. Even if it's some form of clickbait "for the greater good". Gatekeeping in the community is not a myth. This is something you can litterally watch yourself in any conversation about this game, and even expieriecnce on your own skin if you so wish. And no, i'm not some rando from outside, i play this games from DS1. Do you want to look how "git gut" works? Look: ELDEN RING HAVE THE WORST BOSS DESIGN IN THE SERIES!!!
@FavynTube 16 күн бұрын
You already clicked my guy
@DraftyMood 16 күн бұрын
@@FavynTube and? When youtube pay for clics? In 2006?😂 Dude, it's critisizm of your title. It's not litterally about how you die in poverty without my mighty views and likes.
@FavynTube 16 күн бұрын
@DraftyMood it's called engagement my guy. In fact....you're still doing it lol
@MCPunk55 18 күн бұрын
Let Me Solo Her died between 250 to 300 times to Malenia and had to resort to cheesing her with completely broken weapons to achieve his 1000 wins record. Impressive, sure, but no boss should require 250 tries, minimum, plus exploits, to actually beat. Elden Ring has a buttload of potential, but it's wasted because From Software is making games for the Let Me Solo Her's. And it shows. I did beat Malenia with my brother, but we had to edit the files of Seamless Co-op to make her actually manageable. I'm numb, not in love with Elden Ring... it's like going on a few dates with an amazing girl, then a year later she accuses you of rape because you refuse to let her be a housewife and are arrested with false accusations in your public record - a disappointment. I did not come to this game expecting it to be a walk in the park. But I did not expect to be abused and faced with game mechanics that don't actually work in a video game with literally millions of possible build combinations but the only viable ones are magic and bleed. BAD game design.
@MCPunk55 18 күн бұрын
Fall in love?! I wanted to uninstall the damn thing after dealing with all the bullshit boss fights and overpowered grunt enemies. My brother kept me playing through seamless co-op, but I've little interest in the game. I was in love at first... then it faded away around the time regular enemies started to deal boss-level damage and bosses became even more ridiculous. Even Mogh, a boss that's supposedly easy, was getting the best of me... I was just not into it anymore. Then again, his Nihil attack is impossible to dodge, so that already atrocious game design that, for anyone with a brain, would mean the game would be green lit. Same with Malenia and having to defeat her twice back to back and deal with her stupid Waterfowl Dance, vampiric sword, stupid health pools... if you want to make a fast vampiric boss, that boss cannot have a gigantic health pool, much less two. If you want to make powerful attacks like Nihil, they cannot be impossible to avoid. And for the love of video game design, you don't put two boss fights back to back, like Malenia and Raddagon. Besides, the Elden Beast is complete idiocy, even in the context of the game itself... not only is the fight poorly made, with a dozen overpowered impossible to dodge moves, not only does it come right after a boss with an obotuse move set, but also is lacking Torrent. The Consacrated Snowfields were the straw that broke tha camel's back for me, though I had plans to give up a bit earlier. I mean, you arrive at a place where you can barely see, then you get ambushed by a giant undead spirit that one-shots you rather easily and you can barely see. Then, you get assaulted by overpowered snipers riding overpowered wolves on extasy. Then you reach a ruined city whose puzzle requires you to deal with literal invisible enemies that, unless you can use a Spirit Ash or land a lucky hit, will not show themselves outside the critical hit they land on you. "Git gud!" Oh yeah, find the Torch of St. Trina in the middle of fucking nowhere at a completely random place for no good reason and without a hint of a clue... Retro games are the strict parent - tough but fair. From Soft's games are an abusive alcoholic stepmother who moghlests you whenever she's on the juice.
@MCPunk55 18 күн бұрын
Yes... the "Git gud" mantra is used when there's no refutation for legitimate concerns with a From Software game... Gate keeping isn't necessary. People left Elden Ring of their own free will. Less than 50% finished the game and even less remained for the DLC... and the complaints about the abhorrent ballance and difficulty just kept piling up. If MIyasaki wants to make games for a tiny nieche of people who exploit poorly designed games, he's free to do so. Just as normal people are free to call it out. If you want to "git gud", you can start by finishing Oddworld Abe's Exodus with the good ending.
@Weeshon 19 күн бұрын
Give me those upcoming videos STAT. You’re making me want to care again..
@PSNMirru 19 күн бұрын
In a game where Mastery camos are unlocked by using EVERY GUN in a specific category there should not be such a strict matchmaking system. Remember when we used to get on the game and run around and knife when we got bored of playing with guns? Remember before YT when people didn’t look up META WEAPON LOADOUTS and content creators weren’t constantly posting that shit? Also don’t weapons have to be leveled up to unlock attachments? Don’t you have to level up to unlock perks/gear etc.? So why does SBMM/EOMM have to be so strict? There’s too many systems at play in the game that make the matchmaking system infuriating to deal with. A quick example is I played my very first BO6 match during open beta. I was the ONLY LEVEL 1 PLAYER in the match. In fact I was the only player with single digit level. What do you think I had to deal with? A bunch of level capped sweats that knew the maps, knew the movement, had the gun setups and perks. I was at such a severe disadvantage and I hated every moment of it. If the matchmaking wasn’t so strict and the lobbies were balanced out with players of all skill levels the games wouldn’t feel like such a chore to play. SBMM/EOMM should exist but it should not be implemented the way that it is.
@alariaaurora8456 21 күн бұрын
So many wrongs in this video A) the souls community IS a terrible community because they don't accept criticism even if those criticisms are from elite souls players. You assume that those people who criticise these games are all casuals who haven't beat these games before But many KZbinrs who have done no-hit runs of many souls games have criticised the elden ring yet the community still tells them to "git gud" even though they Are better than 99% of the community B) these games aren't deep actually at all. The combat is simplistic AF. You're treating them as some ultimate video games which they aren't. The click moment only happens when you're a casual and only a casual can get satisfied by a click moment from these R2 spam games. You know what a real click moment is? Try playing DMC games on the hardest difficulty and learn the ins and outs of combat in those games. Try mastering weapons in monster hunter Try mastering nioh 2 Or maybe try other genres that actually require skill For example RTS games like StarCraft or moba games like dota2 which you need thousands upon thousands of hours to master Not just spending 20 hours for a shallow mechanic to click These games are deep games This is why i despise this community They don't accept criticism even from their own elites & they think these games are somehow above other video games and are somehow deeper than other games Which they aren't Literally every single RTS‌, moba, racing or fighting video game ever is infinitely deeper than any souls game Souls games are casual games actually but the community is so full of itself that thinks these are deep hardcore games
@FavynTube 21 күн бұрын
@alariaaurora8456 lol. You gotta relax man. Naturally if we are talking about the Souls games and you don't like then then we aren't going to agree. I love a lot of the games you mentioned but the quality of a game is not just about how deep a set of base mechanics are. There's more to it. I think as you get older you'll see that a bit more. Good passion but just keep an open mind. Thanks for watching!
@alariaaurora8456 21 күн бұрын
@@FavynTube I'm old enough buddy I've played literally every single sony, xbox, Nintendo exclusive since 4th gen of video games, I've almost beat all famous indie games from celeste & hollow knight to ori &... & I have beaten every single souls game & almost all souls-like games (from nioh franchise to lords of the fallen, lies of P, code vein, mortal shell, salt & sanctuary &...) The thing i despise about this community is exactly that You guys think other gamers haven't played anything but generic AAA games and souls games are somehow something beyond that. You speak of clicking like it's something special specifically for souls games Is learning to dodge a slow boss a special moment for you? Then maybe play harder games with ACTUAL deep mechanics to see what a "real" click moment is. And that community aspect you mentioned is present in many games. You need a huge amount of communication and cooperation while playing any multiplayer E-sport game which is certainly more interactive than beating a boss using summons. Also the summoning aspect has been in video games since MMORPG games have been a thing (which i bet the souls community don't even know what mmo is at this point lol) And among 3rd person action games, monster hunter franchises implement this feature way way wayyyyyy better than any souls game. Of course for gamers who have played only assassin's creed or ubisoft, Sony or Xbox games then the soulsborne games are some untouchable games that Are best in everything But for experienced gamers like myself who have played tonnes of games from many genres and platforms These games aren't that masterpieces you guys claim they are Soulsborne games aren't even in the league of deep games in terms of the gameplay depth They aren't among the best co-op games The only thing they're unbeatable at is lore & soundtrack which you clearly count as "fluff" in video games in this video Oh they used to be unbeatable in the level design department but then the elden ring even ruined that
@FavynTube 21 күн бұрын
@alariaaurora8456 ok buddy. Well I'll let your comments speak for themselves.
@ChevyRedneckGFX 22 күн бұрын
Love that you use the OG Halo 2 music
@luissosa320 23 күн бұрын
So basically, the guy was told to get good, he got angry, played the game and got good? 😅😅😅
@CafeCreativeYT 26 күн бұрын
You argue we cant have a system where high skilled players can dunk on lower skilled players Yes we freaking can, we had this for a literal decade of fps games on 360, ps3 era and it was great. So many of those titles barely had SBMM and it was a climb to get better. It was normal to have a high kd and such. And it was normal to be really bad and struggle to break 1.0 We have games today like Escape from Tarkov which are popular which you hop into q match with literally anyone from bad players to great, to cheaters. Its just a melting pot All gamers want is to match based on ping or maybe match based on level and enjoy the randomness and magic of shooters again
@FavynTube 25 күн бұрын
@CafeCreativeYT you misinterpret what I'm saying. If you have playlists with SBMM and then make a Playlist without it then low skilled players will just play the sbmm Playlist for protection. You'd end up with only sweats in the no sbmm playlist so when I'm saying you "cant" I mean it literally won't work.
@matthewleslie8599 28 күн бұрын
If there is so much skill-based matchmaking in the casual playlist in general, then what's the point of having a ranked play anyway? At that point, it's ranked at that it's just other ranked
@Getexposedddddd Ай бұрын
The OG creators of Halo, and founders of bungie, Alex soropian and Jason Jonas basically left the studio after Halo CE, jones came back for part of 2’s development, but yeah, halo was meant to be fun and competition came about.
@FerociousPancake888 Ай бұрын
The issue is not SBMM. The issue is EOMM. At least with Activision games. Their patented system is designed specifically to get people to spend money and this includes rewarding players with easier lobbies for buying skins. This is because they want to create the illusion to bad players that if they buy skins they will somehow get better at the game, and this is highly effective. These systems aren’t going anywhere unless they are literally banned by the government or indie studios take over the gaming space. I mean what do people expect from a multimillion dollar corporation, that they’re trying to make a game that people can have good innocent fun on? Lol
@fileuserm93 Ай бұрын
“Git Gud” toxic players get mad at people who “git smart”
@Arantirm Ай бұрын
About equipment. Whenever I don't have grapple hook, I don't even remember to use those things. That's how bad they are.
@averak7877 Ай бұрын
Im tired of being a spartan. I want to be a god damn alien
@isetbudsonfire Ай бұрын
Here 4 months later..still waiting for Favyn to finish his project
@nickymo Ай бұрын
To me, get good means persevere, have patience, believe in yourself, try again, and conquer your obstacles. I say it to myself in real life all the time if I fail at something. Don’t despair, just gottafckngetgudm8. Bloodborne was my first souls game, click moment and all. It sounds silly but it really did change my life. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it. Fuck giving up.
@mikemendoza4274 Ай бұрын
Live service kilss games - all games....are trash, hacked and always incomplete.... besides predatory algorithm for all games makes them suk
@jimbeaux89 Ай бұрын
nothing regarding 343 gets me excited..
@stevefrags3901 Ай бұрын
I just want Halo3 but with some improvements... I'm 31 years old now and have been waiting for 343i to be dropped forever. I'll give the next Halo one more try, then I give up. - Simple ranking system, not seasons. - Dedicated servers that don't prioritise US. (Being in UK, I should be given option to only play in EU as high ping) Halo 5 was ruined for me as I had to block US IPs so I wasn't playing in 200ms ping. - A working theater mode. - Forge looks good in infinite but the community browser needs an overhaul. - No sprint. - Prioritise the sandbox. - Less jarring grenades. - Balanced weapons and bring back the BR but get the time to kill right/bullet spread right. - Special abilities and pick ups are fun, but there's been a few mistakes made that ruined the series, remember armour lock? How many overkills do you think that ability ruined? 99% of abilities and pick ups should have some sort of counter attack option. - Microtransactions purely cosmetic. Less of this overall, but obviously this will never go away as that's the money maker. - Social and Ranked being simplified, not a messy game mode selection, get the basic playlists established. I also like the idea of having rankings within each playlist. - Infinitely (Pun intended) more maps and content from launch and consistency with updates. - More community features to bring people together when playing. This is what made Halo a good community back in the day. - Unlockable armor from completing challenges, not all about the money. Make things difficult to get, so that it's a status symbol to actually work hard and achieve some shiny wearable. This makes people sweat and keep playing. Anyway you get the idea, not exactly the most perfect list but just a few things on my mind. I just wish the wider gaming community could see what I seen in Halo years ago, I've never played a game like it since and what I'd do to go back in time and play like I used to!
@sonictrain1 Ай бұрын
You seem to have community twitter brain rot if your focus are the players satisfied with halo infinites end. Most people smd by the figures you showed know the game was an utter failure, and failed to recuperate any initial excitment.
@FavynTube Ай бұрын
@@sonictrain1 wut?
@dieterhorvat5176 Ай бұрын
I actually think the gameplay of infinite felt great. Some of the guns were flim flam… but yeah they made the vehicles junk and it felt empty with the free to play/ paying for items etc
@fabiopauli420 Ай бұрын
you know what would also just be really good? just show me my mm score. Just tell me where i am on the ladder. Even if its unrated
@fabiopauli420 Ай бұрын
at this point just put people into actual bot lobbys(i mean actual ai bot lobbys, not real players that play like bots lobbys) without telling them.
@Caprese1.0 Ай бұрын
Remember when finding an arena slayer match took 30 seconds? Pepperidge Farms remembers... Oh and on a serious note, I guess good things don't last forever guys
@obscuredtitan2841 Ай бұрын
As someone who fell out of Halo back in 2018 until sometime past 2021 when getting MCC on PC, Infinite struggles to resonate with me quite a lot. On the other hand, Halo needs a leadership where you have the right people. The ones who love Halo and make it the valuable juggernaut it once was and a fresh new storyline without needing to retcon the Original so much. We can make the future of Halo ourselves, even better. Speaking of which, I have something in the works that's Halo-related and will be coming soon. Best wishes, Favyn!
@zeehero7280 Ай бұрын
Git Gud was once a joke, but it was co opted by some very toxic players and used for evil. They do not represent the Souls community at large but have seriously caused it harm with their behavior.
@OSTATEboi419 2 ай бұрын
I hate to drop the truth bomb, but maybe the thing to take away from this is the fact that you can't create a fair system by appealing to the lowest common denominator. The best system is to allow players to influence their own game experience by investing in it.
@바보Queen 2 ай бұрын
im dam near 40 , 343 has aged me out
@trinstonmichaels7062 2 ай бұрын
2 years later and not to much chage at least forge was great.
@trinstonmichaels7062 2 ай бұрын
I haven't play a online game in like 2 years now just can't handle the stress.
@tresfordays9644 2 ай бұрын
Idk, I feel like every time 343i releases a new Halo game it’s an average/mediocre Halo experience with a solid foundation to build off of, and they they scrap all of it and start from scratch. It’s happened twice now, and once again Infinite is a solid foundation, gameplay is fun and smooth, feels like Halo, albeit a little fast paced, campaign was solid and cohesive. And they could easily use this foundation to craft an even better experience that I think could be phenomenal. Infinite now I think is a great package of a game, but it’s how it should’ve been at launch. And once again it seems like 343i is trying to distance its self from Infinite’s short comings and starting from scratch again
@theerepenterakatheecomfort277 2 ай бұрын
Ok you will be forced to play unwinnable games for eternity since you think it's fair
@theerepenterakatheecomfort277 2 ай бұрын
Your wrong don't protect bad players they need to at least face average players half the time of they get on once a week and suck oh well get average what about casual players who are great like me I get on play a few matches why do I have to struggle cuz of bums who aren't even casual it's not about protecting casuals it's about protecting bad players I see bad players who have thousands of matches and a negative KD all the time end up in high ranks cuz they play a lot with a reverse boosted bad player account
@theerepenterakatheecomfort277 2 ай бұрын
Your wrong the bottom players already have easy matches and the average players can use the noobs as a easy game and pros can use average players as a easy game your wrong the matches don't have to be sweaty and again your wrong I don't have to like having a trash team vs a sweaty team even in lose ranks your wrong wrong wrong
@thishowiplay 2 ай бұрын
I definitely have a better understanding of SBMM after watching this. My biggest issue when playing is when i get put in a good match with good connection and win, i immediately go to a bad match with bad connection. I don't care if i win a match or if i have good players on my team they're learning (hopefully) . I wish that connection was the main priority in match making. its so infuriating when you get killed before you make it around a corner then watch the kill cam and it shows something completely deferent. you go from a 30 ping to a 80 ping. I get packet burst and packet loss at the same time. This lead me to assume it SBMM issue when its most likely not. I'm on the east coast just keep me on east coast servers and ill be happy ( i wish that was an option)
@jordanjackson4840 2 ай бұрын
I had my “click” moment against the Death Rite Bird in Caelid. He was kicking my ass and I could not figure out a good strategy to go with. Then all of a sudden it hit me and I said “Wait. Isn’t he an undead type enemy?” I whipped out my Inseparable Sword and hit him with the AOW and it took a huge chunk of his health bar. I literally hollered at the screen “Oh! I got you now!”…….and that was all she wrote.
@gibbygibbstein7858 2 ай бұрын
The gatekeeping accusations largely have to do with how people play the game through builds. As a long time soulsborne fan this community is extremely gatekeepy and it has only gotten worse with Elden Ring including newer, more casual players in the community. "If you didnt beat the game using X,Y,Z then you didnt actually beat the game."
@caulshivers1029 Күн бұрын
Why do people get so wrapped up in this? It effects absolutely nothing about the actual game so why do people care so much what the opinions of the Souls community are?
@littlelw319 2 ай бұрын
"if this game clicks for you, you won't think it like other game" the glaze is real lmao. Video game isn't that deep, it's either you like it or don't.
@FavynTube 2 ай бұрын
@@littlelw319 it's true