Calling all Macedonian Women
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8 ай бұрын
Eliminating Macedonians
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Thank You from UMD President
@Prionokordela777 Күн бұрын
Diaspora, greek word! You’re welcome
@Koljadin 23 күн бұрын
"Cyrillic script was invented in Preslav, Bulgaria, at least 50 years after Constantine/Cyril died." There's an undeniable proof, in my opinion, that the above statement is incorrect, and I will show you a simple example, through transliteration, why: I will do a transliteration of the English word NEW into Tamil and Cyrillic script: English = NEW Cyrillic = ЊИУ Tamil = நியூ As you can see, the Cyrillic and Tamil scripts are virtually identical in this particular exercise (it's even better noticed when comparing handwritten styles). It is a well known fact that Tamil dates from 500-300 BCE. So, you have three letters from the Cyrillic alphabet in the Tamil language that dates back at least to 300 BCE. If the Cyrillic alphabet is invented 50 years after Constantine/Cyril died, how did it end up in Tamil Nadu, India, in the 3rd century BCE? We either have a time traveler on our hand, or an incorrect theory about the invention of the Cyrillic script. Awesome lecture, by the way, and greetings from Serbia!
@almol1682 26 күн бұрын
Ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria? Maybe this journalist can go to Bulgaria and make a video about them. If he can find them :D
@simeonsimeonov5205 27 күн бұрын
What slavs you are talking about! It was a Russian invention of 16-17 century to control all similar talking people?!?!?!
@ImperatorSomnium Ай бұрын
Малко сте смешни и жалки
@thegreekcat8862 Ай бұрын
What I cannot understand in all this Dr Florin is how can you use the term ''Macedonian'' to describe a people that have no links whatsoever, linguistic or otherwise with the ancient Hellenic (Greek in Anglosaxon) Kingdom of Macedon. The ancient Macedon Palaces and graves are full of Greek inscriptions and mosaics depicting ancient Greek mythology. By using this term you undermine your historical thesis in general. You totally lose your credibility.
@levezd3722 26 күн бұрын
Your history came with german Johan Gustav Droysen Read it his work Arvanites boy
@gracchusbabeuf9868 Ай бұрын
If you don't want to be Slavs anymore you can become Greeks, or Albanians, or Turks, or Vlachs or any other non slavic nation and tribe of the southern Balkans you choose. National self determination must be respected.
@MMM-ep8lc 16 күн бұрын
unless you're a romanian nationalist playing a slavic history scholar
@Kanasubigi896 Ай бұрын
typical westerner who is completely ignorant on the history of the balkans and shoving his nose in everything
@shadowbear2595 2 ай бұрын
Top 10 fake videos
@nikoivanovski5579 2 ай бұрын
anadolian gysys who want to be calle grreks are totaly crazy
@antoniototev1105 2 ай бұрын
Meto, if you say again « you know » it will be just the 56784227896533679th time!!!!
@antoniototev1105 2 ай бұрын
If the Bulgarians are the Moesians( Byzantin sources) and some other tribes , and therefore they are local Balkan populations, it should be the same for the rest of the « Slavs ». Plus we know that Roumania was I habited mainly by Bulgarians before the 1856 when the language was latinised too.
@yiorgosmav 2 ай бұрын
UMD is a fraud. Macedonists are flat earthers. Argie....what happened to the US congressional resolution? What happened to the state proclamations? You can't resurrect dead Bulgarians and make them ethnic Macedonians.
@Krasavetz 2 ай бұрын
Бахри педала
@MichaelaAguilar1975 3 ай бұрын
Patriot of Kosovo and Patriot of Albania could be both ethnic Albanians. Patriot of Cyprus and patriot of Greece could both be ethnic Greeks Gotse, you are lost in space.
@kameliamarkova7341 3 ай бұрын
What shame! The british journalist is on the wrong side of history!
@MichaelaAguilar1975 3 ай бұрын
Macedonians have equql rights in Greece. Maybe propagandist minority of Slavs from Macedonia, Greece have problems because they make propaganda ehile they are not the real Macedonians. The real Macedonians are not Slavs, but Hellenes
@tanaspeev2574 3 ай бұрын
This guy is simply "fortune teller". Lats of theories without any evidence.
@Se2n67g9r 2 ай бұрын
Your desk theoriticians that only read government approved of those times papers are more believable to you? He makes sense. Archeological findings don't come with stickers saying "this burial site is of slavic origin". It's nameless and up to interpretation. That's why you have names like "corded culture" that surpass any countries of today. Even more confusing is that so called historical writings are nothing more than CNN of the times , meaning they RE-wrote history according to particular currents. It's all up to interpretation.
@vangelisskia214 3 ай бұрын
"Modern slavs, both Macedonian and Bulgarian CANNOT establish a link with antiquity as the Slavs entered the Balkans centuries after the demise of the ancient Macedonian Kingdom" “Macedonia Redux”, Eugene N. Borza, in The Eye Expanded: life and the arts in Greco-Roman Antiquity, ed. Frances B Tichener & Richard F. Moorton, University of California Press, 1999
@antoniototev1105 2 ай бұрын
You should read the work of G.Tsenov, Tchilingirov and lately P.Serafimov. They quote enough sources and facts. Forget their identity, read the history sources/facts they speak about. The link of the Balgarian with the antiquity is given by Tsetsa, Malala, Herodotus. Bulgars were called Myrmidons at the time of the Troy war.
@vangelisskia214 2 ай бұрын
@@antoniototev1105 Yea, whatever pal...🤣
@unseen23221 28 күн бұрын
So you are here again bashing other people just because they think different than you? What kind of life do you live? like what is this LOL you are the single most pathetic human i have ever seen, somebody should give you an award for being pathetic.
@simeonsimeonov5205 27 күн бұрын
There was not Slavs before 16-17 it is a scientific term, what are you talking about Slavs and history! There are enough sources about Bulgarians throughout the antiquity! Are we inventing a new history?
@vangelisskia214 26 күн бұрын
@@simeonsimeonov5205 I expect your reliable sources which mention Bulgarians in antiquity... Let me save you some time. There ain't any...
@vangelisskia214 3 ай бұрын
"Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Persians, Chinese and Japanese could be cited as examples of ethnic continuity, since, despite massive cultural changes over the centuries, certain key identifying components-name, language, customs, religious community and territorial association-were broadly maintained and reproduced for millennia.“ Anthony D. Smith (1998). Nationalism and Modernism: A Critical Survey of Recent Theories of Nations and Nationalism. New York: Routledge.p. 191
@unseen23221 25 күн бұрын
You have never read this, you just copy paste things.
@unseen23221 25 күн бұрын
And this is nonsense, for one person who claims that todays greeks are geneticly pure which is autistic in thesis on its own, there are 1000 of historians antropologists who say that the modern Greeks are modern 19 century invention.
@vangelisskia214 25 күн бұрын
@@unseen23221 Ouga bouga
@vangelisskia214 25 күн бұрын
@@unseen23221 🐵🤡
@unseen23221 25 күн бұрын
​@@vangelisskia214 Why do you pretend that you know things, when you are faking everything?
@PaleBlueDott 3 ай бұрын
Pseudoscientific propaganda which attempts to distort historical truth for political gains. Shameful.
@АлександърГрозданов-д3м 4 ай бұрын
Хаха и тоя Сръбски Професор ,ви учи на история😀😀😀😀😀
@Sss-h3k 3 ай бұрын
Македонец е бе тјурко монгол сталинистички
@ЈанеСандански-л1и 4 ай бұрын
Браво момци МАКЕДОНЦИ! Само напред! ❤
@uncleduzz 4 ай бұрын
Its very funny how the English interviewer doesn't even have an idea about the issue and what he is trying to talk about but anyway interrupts the Bulgarian PM who is trying to explain to him basic things... 😅 it is amazing how insolent can be western journalists
@cihansuslu7363 5 ай бұрын
@bluefanclub430 5 ай бұрын
Politics as usual
@ЈанеСандански-л1и 5 ай бұрын
Bravo Macedonian ladies! Keep up the fight for Macedonia and share our history to the world! 👌
@IlianNachev 6 ай бұрын
There are no incidents happening in Bulgaria with Macedonians. In Bulgaria, nobody makes a difference between Macedonians and Bulgarians. As a matter of fact, hundreds of thousands of Macedonian Bulgarians from Aegean Macedonia ran into Bulgaria proper during the wars and settled there. All of their descendants today are well aware of their Macedonian Bulgarian heritage and make no difference between the two, just like their ancestors who ran from the Greeks and settled in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, the Yugoslav propaganda has damaged the population from Vardarska Macedonia (republic of North Macedonia) to the point where they believe that their cousins in Bulgaria are their biggest enemies. This is a tragic situation, but it won’t last forever.
@NovicaTom 6 ай бұрын
Bulgaria praising Adolf Hitler after the bulgarian Nazi ocupation of Macedonia
@mydogsbutler 8 ай бұрын
Very credible how you ultra nationalist frauds hide how most of your ancestors used to self-identify as Bulgarians. Love how you promote "United Macedonia"... aka trying to encourage fanatic element in your country to see Macedonia Greece as belonging to you. You stand for "human rights'... not racist ultra nationalists.
@mydogsbutler 8 ай бұрын
The head crypto-Nazi of UMD speaks. Macedonia, alexander the Great's homeland, is Greek Herr Gobbles. You former self-identifyign ethnic Bulgarians can keep ancient Paeonia.
@nikolastefanov8645 9 ай бұрын
@tsvetomirivanov4661 9 ай бұрын
THERE ARE NO "MACEDONIANS" in Bulgaria. There are though BULGARIANS in north MACEDONIA ! Fuck this idiotic interviewer
@flexparachute 9 ай бұрын
What a shame, this guy was supposed to have studied in Harvard but it sounds like he studied in Pernik.
@BobanTasevski-t5r 9 ай бұрын
Ima samo 3000 bugari vo makedonija a na 250 000 makedonci se pravi genoocid vo bugarija
@BobanTasevski-t5r 9 ай бұрын
Ima samo 3000 bugari vo makedonija a na 250 000 makedonci se pravi genoocid vo bugarija
@g.tsvetkova 10 ай бұрын
Книгата „Светът за македонските българи“ се базира изцяло на публикации в Европа и Америка. Читателят ще види сканирани съобщения и репортажи, анализи и илюстрации от английските Graphic, Illustrated London News, Black&White, Sphere; американските Harpers Weekley, Christian Herald; френските Le Monde Illustre, Pelerin, La Vie Illustee; италианските Illustrazionne Italiana, Tribuna Illustrata, Domenica del Corriere; германските Illustrirte Zeitung, Gartenlaube. През цялата 1903 г. - преди, по време и след Илинденско-Преображенското въстание - репортажите и анализите на водещите новинарски списания на английски, френски, немски, италиански информират за въстанието на македонските българи и техните страдания след неговото потушаване. ➡ Ето какво пише в анализа си англичанинът Брайлсфорд, който публикува книга и етнографска карта на Македония: „Беше 1893 г., когато група влиятелни македонски българи се събраха в една къща в Ресен и основаха „Вътрешна организация“. Двама от тях още са водачи на движението - Дамян Груев, учител в Солун, който изостави сигурна кариера и добър доход, за да стане конспиратор и нелегален, и Христо Татарчев, преди доктор в Солун, чиито изискани маниери и светски познания го направиха дипломата на комитета, изпратен да ръководи дейността му от София… Моментът, за който българското население се подготвяше от десет години, дойде по време на празника на пророк Илия - неделната вечер на 2 август 1903 г… Македонските българи, макар и да са достигнали нормите на моралността и цивилизацията, не трябва да бъдат съдени по тях, а по техния кураж и тяхната решимост да се борят за нещо по-добро. С историята на тяхната десетгодишна борба те са заслужили нашите симпатии“. ➡ Кратка и ясна е оценката на шведския писател и преводач Алфред Йенсен: „Македонските българи - народът, с който най-много имах досег по време на моето пътуване - ми направиха добро впечатление. Те говорят на западнобългарски диалект“. ➡ Ето какво пише и Артър Смит (американски кореспондент): „По това време в Македония се вихреха три бунта срещу турците - български, гръцки и сръбски. От тях българският бунт беше най-важен и бе най-познат на света. Това не е нещо учудващо, защото българите несъмнено съставляват мнозинството на македонското население… Изначално трябва да се запомни, че няма специфичен македонски народ… Македонският българин е същият като българина в самата България“. *** Македония иска да отхвърли Османското иго. Днешните македонци принадлежат към множество различни народности. Сред тях има гърци, турци, румънци, албанци, българи, сърби. Най-вече българи. И именно те в сегашното движение представляват македонския елемент. La Macédoine veut secouer le joug ottoman. Les Macédoniens d’aujourd’hui appartiennent à nombre de races. Il y a des Grecs, des Turcs, des Roumains, des Albanais, des Bulgares, des Serbes. Bulgares surtout. Et ce sont eux qui, dans le mouvement actuel, représentent l’élément macédonien. NATIONAL ILLUSTRÉ, 1903 *** Македонското въстание, така дълго подготвяно от агитаторите, най-после е в пълен разгар. Само българите от областа са въстанали; гърците са пасивни, а албанците - активни на страната на турците. The Macedonian revolt, so long worked up by the agitators, is at last in full swing. It is only the Bulgarians in the province who have risen; the Greeks are passively and the Albanians actively on the Turkish side. THE SPHERE, 1903 *** Битолският вилает се превърна в център на въстаническото движение и сега там са съсредоточени повече от където и да е другаде онези български чети, които бродят от живописното Островско езеро до Шар планина. Il vilayet di Monastir diventò il centro del movimento insurrezionale, e ivi più che altrove vi sono ora concentrate le bande, quelle bande bulgare che scorazzano dal pittoresco lago di Ostrovo fino al Tchar-Dag. L`ILLUSTRAZIONE ITALIANA, 1903 *** Не е изключено въстанието да обхване цялото българско население на Македония. On pense que l’insurrection serait bien près alors de comprendre toute la population bulgare de la Macédoine. L`ILLUTRATION, 1903 *** Македонските българи трябва да бъдат оценявани по техния кураж и тяхната решеност да се борят за нещо по-добро. С историята на тяхната десетгодишна борба те са заслужили нашите симпатии. The Bulgarians of Macedonia are to be judged by their courage and their determination in striving for better things. The history of their ten years` struggle is their title to our sympathy. MACEDONIA ITS RACES AND THEIR FUTURE, 1906
@suzanacottam924 10 ай бұрын
Great job New York - for embracing the Macedonian culture! 👏
@MrNektarios1973 10 ай бұрын
After the great epidemic of the sixth century AD, the region of Macedonia had remained almost empty of population, for this reason the Byzantines allowed the entry of the first Slavic tribes and their settlement there. Is it possible that the speaker does not know the epidemic of the sixth century AD and its disastrous consequences? Does he also not know about the extreme weather phenomena of the period that followed the epidemic? He pretends to be an expert and does not know basic facts of history. Typical example of Skopje propaganda.
@mirjanaobednikovska7661 4 ай бұрын
What covid back then? You are delusional translating something you don't understand. And this is sure some fake channel
@gocestojanovski3723 2 ай бұрын
You must be Egyptian Greek. People like you with zero knowledge and respect for others, we don't need you stupid comments. The Macedonians have been on Macedonian land for over 8500.
@ΚώσταςΖωγράφος-θ5σ Ай бұрын
Είναι κόπανος και αγράμματος, εκτός αν το κάνει επίτηδες.. ,
@jovan-noble-guy749 10 ай бұрын
Bravo, se iznenadiv kolku ubavo ženata-sviračka ja ispea pesnata. Wow (sehr gut)
@jovan-noble-guy749 10 ай бұрын
What did I just see, after all the other videos I saw. 🤐 I guess moving to a different country (which I did last year) allowes me to follow diaspora channels (which I haven 't done before) unlocks new content, like this *dark humour* Short. 😬
@jovan-noble-guy749 10 ай бұрын
Fantastic, super fantastisch.
@wizard617 10 ай бұрын
Wow… the professor here has presented us with exaggerated contradictions…NO SLAVS … NO BULGARS…NO KUBER… NO CREMATIONS…NO GREEKS…etc. It sounds more like the ramblings of a denialism and a person who wants to impress. At least he pointed out that the Cyrillic alphabet in Preslav so at least not all of it was sequel of half-truths and outright manipulations. I do not know how useful was this to the UMD agenda.
@smitsos1 11 ай бұрын
To say that Greeks are artificially linked to Ancient Greece implies that the ancient Greeks became extinct because they were completely supplanted by Romans. This is not a cogent argument but a political argument that seems to have taken root in North Macedonia. It’s true that people calling themselves Greek today called themselves Roman 200 years ago. There’s no doubt about this. Even the Turks called them Rum. However to say that the eastern Romans were not related to the Greeks is not a very strong argument. The eastern Romans were a syncretic concoction of Roman governance, Judaic religion and Greek language & culture. Genetically, and I don’t want to emphasise this as genetics do not make nations, they were primarily the descendants of the Ancient Greeks. It doesn’t matter what name the Greeks used to identify themselves in the medieval age, they have self identified as Greeks since the 1800s. It’s a silly argument to say that language doesn’t characterise people. Even in modern times, English speaking countries share a close relationship and a common sense of identity even though their genetic make up is quite different. Language is not just a tool of commerce and governance but a fundamental way of thinking about the world and of oneself.
@tonimakedonski8981 10 ай бұрын
I am a Macedonian from Macedonia and I am of Slavic origin. Why do you think that these are the political views of the people of Macedonia? I don't agree with him either! This professor questions the entire world historiography! Trust me I'm totally confused too. For me, language is one of the main attributes of ethnicity.
@leksandars.4017 2 ай бұрын
The professor explained that slavic and greek are cultural and linguistic ethnicities, the dna is the same - we are all native from the land, apart from the pontic greeks who migrated and certain cuman and bulgar tribes that are low in number
@antoniototev1105 2 ай бұрын
The real Greeks, the Danaens arriving from Africa circa 1400-800 BC melted in the « Thracian sea » assimilating the Pelasgian culture. No Greek ethnic group today, just cultural.
@smitsos1 2 ай бұрын
​@@antoniototev1105 You're just stringing words around pretending you understand what you're talking about. Danaans, Achaeans, Argives and Myrmidons were names of bronze age Hellenes. If you read the Iliad you would know this. The Pelasgians were centred around Athens and the Peloponnese and were probably pre-Greek inhabitants. We don't know much about them. The word had several meanings and by the time of Herodotus was used almost in the same way we use the word, Aborigine or Native. When defining Greeks throughout the ages one has to be very concise about what one means by Greek. You seem to be implying there is no genetic continuity between modern and ancient Greeks which recent DNA studies are showing otherwise. Geneticists are discovering that Modern Greeks are closely related to Mycenaeans and Minoans (refer to Prof. Dr. Johannes Krause - Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology - see link) But I don't find this interesting or significant as the Greek peninsular has always been populated. The invasions added to this population rather than supplanted it. It's only modern nationalists, particularly from the Balkans, who deny this continuity. Your assertion that the Danaans or a Hellenic tribe came from Africa is not correct. There is no evidence of this. To have a proper discussion on this topic one must define the term Greek. If you're suggesting that the Ancient Greeks are not the same as the Modern Greeks, this is a silly argument. The first lesson in formal historical studies is that 'the past is another country". Every first year student of history knows this. This is a common characteristic of all modern people. The NAZI idea of a pure and unchanged race and culture has been conclusively debunked many times so it surprises me that people still consider it a fact. But this is how nationalism works - an appeal to tribal emotionalism.
@antoniototev1105 2 ай бұрын
@@smitsos1 Hellenes are not obligatorily Greeks. Hellene is everybody who speaks Greek, is Greek Orthodox and identifies himself as a Greek- could be from Bulgarian, Vlach, Arvanites etc origin. Myrmidons are not Greeks, Pelasgians are not Greeks, Achaean’s are not Greeks… Greeks are the Danaens( later giving Dorians and Ionians). Today there is no Greek ethnic group per se. There are enough sources showing us that the Danaens are not European tribes and later, when in power in the southern Balkans they imposed to the Pelasgians to call themselves « Hellenes », even if the Pelasgians were their « teachers ». You need to listen to Florin Curta and read J. Fallmerayer to get a more objective point of view.
@ryanc9107 11 ай бұрын
Ema seems nice.
@tylerbelgrade 11 ай бұрын
"BBC Journalist Grills Bulgaria PM Kiril Petkov on Macedonian Minority". bbc = nazi propaganda.
@greekvvedge Жыл бұрын
@55:30 This is where Curta, for all I respect him, is really out of date. You can in fact date the appearance at haplogroups- and definitely can date admixture events. This is much to the disappointment of Balkanites (of every persuasion) who want to paint themselves as "pure". There is a genetic admixture event in the Balkans that roughly coincides with the appearance of Slavic languages in the Balkans. Sorry, Florin, this is wrong. Also, he's wrong about Greek having post-article.
@mellake7052 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful Macedonia!🤩
@vojomk3 Жыл бұрын
Bi rekol deka ke bese uste poubavo ova prekrasno video ako nebese prisatna edna osoba koja vodi politika protiv sopstveniot narod
@momchilboychev8453 Жыл бұрын
great video and great proffessor and great interviewer! However I did not understand the following - and please help me clarify it - in the 7th century the area of present day Macedonia was empty ( as most of the Balkans ) but in the 8th a full new migrations are comming ( upon assention of the Ist Bulgar state ) and the archeological culture is similar with all different places of the Balkan ( which suprise surprise fall within the boundaries of that emprire ) and even there are similar runic encriptions , bu how came the conclusion NO absolutely present day macedonians have nothing to do with that Bulgars. Another example of that contradiction is following -- Macedonians have a rightfull claim for tsar Samuel ( yes of course they do IMHO - because he lived on that land and his genes are thomb and died for it ) , but in the same time he claimed to be Bulgarian tsar ruling over Serdica ( Sofia ) most of his life ? So what is not clear to me , the video and questions and answers imply absolutely no connetion between present day macedonians and that old tataric short eyed Bulgars, but on ther other side what I understand all material and linguistic evidence suggests a whole Balkan continuum , so are modern day macedonians somehow related to modern day bulgarians in any way ( given all the conditionals of the nations defintions ) , according to archeology or NOT ? What I can see the author denies any connection , but on the other side speaks of evidence that is confirming it :)
@momchilboychev8453 Жыл бұрын
and again , the short imput of mr. Curta of the cathedral that is found in western transilvania and has foundations similar to that one in Ohrid :) , and they were all under bulgarian empire AT THE TIME of their being build and the author does not have an answer how that happened ? :) very interesting food for thought is the whole convensation :) it surely shows that we all NEVER been under common ancenstry and we should deny and separate from each other , yeah!
@naserivic4018 9 ай бұрын
​@@momchilboychev8453 ,,,The answers are hidden in simple things. If we think of history as a mathematical action and remove certain numbers from it, the result will never be correct. Everyone is trying to exclude the Serbs from their national history. If we know, and we should, that Serbs lived in the early Middle Ages from the Baltic Sea to the Middle East, then we should also include Serbs in that math. A lot of things would be clearer. If the Serbian rulers, culture, language and alphabet are thrown out and try to give them other names, then there will be confusion. The continuity of the Serbs is absolutely confirmed; Archaeological, anthropological, linguistic, genetic and cultural in the entire Balkans and beyond. That continuity goes from the Neolithic to today. As Tommaseo said of one nation, "Their language and race is nothing but degeneracy. Nicolo Tommaseo, e Bernardo Bellini - Dizionario della lingua italiana. Vo -lume ljuinto , s.v. Torino 1929 : "Il dialetto croato, comme razzala, e una de-generazione....................