@user-hs4ze4td4r 9 күн бұрын
Love the Netherlands but their healthcare could be better. German myself, I was most satisfied by the private system in Germany with 80% state subsidy that I benefitted from as the child of a teacher employed as such in the category of a "public official", and by the Swiss healthcare system. Both systems are not cheap. Especially the Swiss one is a burden on many with little income. But both left me much more satisfied than healthcare in the Netherlands. It's not that I crave antibiotics. In fact, I myself believe in immunity. As I'm from a region bordering the Netherlands, my values and ideas are not very different. But the problem with Dutch healthcare is that it's relatively difficult to get an appointment at the GP in reasonable time and that many GPs won't give you the medical checkups you need. Without an out-of-pocket ultrasound screening in Germany, I would never have found out about a gallstone with the Dutch system. And if you struggle with a GP for some reason, it may be difficult to find another one in your area. You will quickly end up feeling like you have to exaggerate your symptoms in order to get what you need and you may still not get it. Also, on some occasions, the Dutch system works very much with a one-treatment-fits-all approach. Paracetamol is not without side effects if you rely on it too much. I once had breathing issues in the Netherlands and got a diagnosis of asthma and was prescribed an asthma inhalation. Turns out that it was a mix of muscle tenseness, psychological conditions and climate factors that probably made these breathing issues so bad at the time and that the inhalation only worsened it in the end. German and Swiss doctors would realise the complexity of my health issues but Dutch doctors didn't. I also took notice of poor hygiene in Dutch clinics and witnessed how someone got very ill for many months due to an infection that was the result of lacking hygiene during a surgery. Of course, I may have been a bit unlucky with my personal experiences and impressions of Dutch healthcare, however, I have read into it and found that even experts criticise the Dutch system in comparison to for example the Belgian system, and that exactly in regard to issues I witnessed myself. I feel like the Dutch often don't want to see or admit the lacks of their healthcare but I would really advise them to do so. Even if means that more taxmoney has to be spent on Dutch healthcare, I would strongly advise the Netherlands to modify their system to one with a bigger focus on early diagnosis, proper hygiene, free choice of doctors, and personalised treatment. I'd understand if you'd remain careful to not overuse radioactive screenings, however, in many cases, there are so many ways to arrive at a solid diagnose with more harmless investigations.
@irinakypriou9939 2 ай бұрын
Which country has better work life balance ? Netherlands ? France ? Sweden ? Germany ?
@TheFashionninja 4 ай бұрын
NL is so organised!!!
@a3iaanautlaw161 5 ай бұрын
they not open the dutch are minority in their own country,.! social they are dumb.!
@sjaakzwart6001 5 ай бұрын
There is no 'we the dutch'. On average we are pretty direct and open and our English is ok and our borders are wide open. The population is still growing fast while the natives dwindle in numbers: our culture is being eroded fast; so enjoy while you can. In 50 years we are all light brown and probaly muslim. With thanks to our leftists friends who are destroying Holland for the last 50 years. Our country is more divided than ever, almost till breaking point, like all western countries; DESTROYED BY DESIGN. Happy great-reset, my normal-friends.
@Theguzm4n 5 ай бұрын
I see so many comments explaining how Dutch people are, like they are experts About the Dutch culture. Let me tell you just be normal and yourself and do not take Any advise from onze “culturele experts”
@aritmiasonora 5 ай бұрын
Let's stop thanksgiving the well-fared class despite the other side of the public opinion! Post-colonial Diaspora should not re-adapt its free will over the "mercifull welcoming host", as this paradigm is dangerously verging Europe towards totalitarism - while legitimating racism and femminicide -. Netherlands is rich thanks to multicultural submission, and should refuse its social priviledge covered in blood. Natural rights have always been existing, regardless the geographical illusion of displacement. Don't be stigmatized under any coercitive context!
@qualitytraders5333 5 ай бұрын
We Dutch don't socialize. For instance in the office we have friendly colleagues but no friends. Our friends are mostly family and neighbors. We invite those for drinks at home. We also have drinks or other activities with colleagues but in a "neutral" venue like a café or bar. As a foreigner don't expect to be invited in their home or expect them to accept your invitation. We're like Scandinavians. We will tolerate speaking English for 15-30 minutes and stop the conversation telling you we have things to do.
@Theguzm4n 5 ай бұрын
This man is just a grumpy, and is quite gay. You see were Nice people and will make friends everywere. Thats Why you don’t have to worry. Just don’t be like this guy.
@xxxx-qo9dh 5 ай бұрын
Talk for yourself, not everybody is like you
@steffanfockenssf 5 ай бұрын
Im 38 dutch, and dutch arent great (Bonders) we do know how too party (hense our agenda,s) 🎉
@ericnijkamp7926 5 ай бұрын
Amsterdam is as dutch as NYC is American.......NOT......next to that ,this vid about Holland is a lie.... !!!
@RickJoystick 5 ай бұрын
Die blonde in de duimnagel is echt knap joh
@imsendingsignals113 5 ай бұрын
And real Dutch people hate Amsterdam
@rimboeglitch590 5 ай бұрын
@maik1982 5 ай бұрын
dutch people pay so much money each month for healtcare because there are millions immigrants here that get healtcare for FREE! so not fair
@jozina1 5 ай бұрын
.... That's not how things work.
@jorenram7335 5 ай бұрын
The real dutch people work. Indeed not for the money, the goverment has blessed us whit the highest tax rate in the world. And our goverment, instead of be there for the working people, they love to make working people poor and give the basic rights to people from outher countries for free.
@diarmuidcooney9347 5 ай бұрын
Dutchies just stick with dutchies
@xxxx-qo9dh 5 ай бұрын
You couldn’t be further from the truth with your comment
@G1CAAAAEO 5 ай бұрын
03:43 lol they try to marginalise non-Amsterdam people again by gaslighting that 'true tolerance' can only be found in Amsterdam and that al those 'backwarded intolerant people' live outside their urbanised area. Fun fact though is that a lot of Amsterdam people are quite intolerant of ideas which aren't broadly shared within their city. Their definition of tolerance is agreeing with a set of majority held inner group (read extreme progressive) ideals.
@paulinebrus7580 5 ай бұрын
I am Dutch and I really do not like smalltalk. Or say hi to strangers on the street. Not everyone is the same. Like in every country. But inviting new people/friends to you home is a great advice.
@Mr.deBest 5 ай бұрын
nou hallo zeggen op straat tegen een vreemde is makkelijker dan een vreemde vragen of die bij je thuis wil komen. zou gewoon beginnen met hi. en als je geen zin heb, na dan toch niet
@paulinebrus7580 5 ай бұрын
@@Mr.deBest dat is het precies. Ik heb er gewoon geen zin in ;) 't is niet dat ik het niet kan ofzo haha. En dat is in contrast met wat er in de video gezegd wordt, dus vandaar dat ik het beschreef
@androsmartina1207 5 ай бұрын
I am dutch and i tell you. DO NOT FALL FOR PROPAGANDA SHIT
@irinakypriou9939 2 ай бұрын
Why ?
@Notyourbro404 5 ай бұрын
The Dutch are miserable 🤣🤣
@mariellanelson3414 5 ай бұрын
The Netherlands is a miserabele country, just like the weather 😂, that is why.
@geozantrox666 5 ай бұрын
I am italian and lived in nl for two years in the past. After that moved back to italy, but kept working abroad mostly with dutch and many other european nationalities but also extra european. I do not agree with most points: the dutch are some of the most money oriented cultures i know and the one the most focused on work and efficiency. Among all the ones i know, is the one i find nearly impossible to become real friend with. True that you are very multicultural and open minded, which is good. Yet you remain cold and formal and always keep a distance. You are also used to move out of parents and go your way very early. Of course in this us italians are the opposite,for both traditional and economic reasons. This also makes you even more individualists. I owe the dutch all my professional life and career and probably will continue working with you. But i would not live in nl again
@lexburen5932 Жыл бұрын
one distinction between small talk in the netherlands, and the usa is, is that if we small talk we mean what we say, and we say what we mean, while in USA and other country's people tend to talk around things, wich makes communicating less efficient difficult and unpleasent
@ritassali1360 5 ай бұрын
I doubt your statement Dutch people aren't straight at all.
@akasidina1708 5 ай бұрын
​@@ritassali1360they are
@xxxx-qo9dh 5 ай бұрын
@@ritassali1360we definitely are straight and direct as well. You are actually doubting a Dutch person, doesn’t make much sense to me.
@Dimmabangz 5 ай бұрын
@@ritassali1360you’re not wrong white Dutch people in particular are far from straight forward and have the same weird trait in common that they talk/complain around things before ever being straight forward and this is from young to old people. Not one person can convince me that my fellow Dutch people are not back handed people that will not directly speak their mind but rather poke and ask around about who they want to know something of instead of getting to know the person they talk about and if someone is going to try and convince me of the opposite bro je moeder hè wegwezen kk boef
@cutebear1817 2 ай бұрын
Dutch are not actually direct at all I'm sorry...I find them to be not like this AT ALL. I do not know where this stereotype is from...I spent most time in Zuid Holland. Personally...I feel that Dutchies need a bit of self examination too much pride
@mavadelo Жыл бұрын
I haven't had a watch and/or agenda since I left school a good 4 decades ago. Nobody of my friends has an agenda. I don't know where this "they plan everything" comes from because nobody I know does that. The only thing I ever plan is my vacation. 4:35 might be the best tip in this video. Don't try to emulate our culture when we visit you, show us yours.
@478Sachin Жыл бұрын
Lovely video explaining things in a simplest way! Loving Netherland already ❤
@Jim-zy3ny Жыл бұрын
Juice welcoming the stranger into someone else’s country…. Every single time.
@miniredsatan Жыл бұрын
Shame on this once great aryan country for sacrificing its people and culture to human garbage.
@ChudDin Жыл бұрын
Het lijkt oneerlijk om te praten over de Nederlandse identiteit en waarden en deze tevertegenwoordigen door Afrikanen en andere buitenlanders. Het is ongelooflijk beledigend en vernederend om de Nederlandse identiteit toe te eigenen aan allochtonen. Je bent Nederlands, of je bent het niet. Als dit ooit een discussie is of was, dan zal wat vast zijn omdat u een allochtoon bent, die onze identiteit vals probeert te eigenaren.
@user-uh7po7cz3x Жыл бұрын
Being replaced by migrants is their values. How noble of them to become a minority! It's who they are. Or should I say were?
@johnwilliammcgeejr6945 Жыл бұрын
I love the Netherlands 🇳🇱 and will be glad to come over to live and work together for a better and peaceful Netherlands.
@imsendingsignals113 5 ай бұрын
Please don't
@rngprsnn Жыл бұрын
@dsgarden Жыл бұрын
How to connect with Germans or Dutch: enrol in a kindergarten
@videojeroki Жыл бұрын
i never heard someone saying " oh you what? yesterday, my GP helped me get better!"
@ingabbateantonio Жыл бұрын
Bullshit, pay rent, a rent that is not justified at all, that breaks you, literally, and then we see how respect is seen in the Netherlands.... bullshit
@denisdimitrov5051 Жыл бұрын
As a bulgarian this seems so hipocriticall. You prefer to accept some 3rd world non-educated muslims, pay for their beds and food, BUT refuse bulgarians. You just have expensive standart of living, due to your history. Amsterdam was built on a slave back and you have slave blood on your money, just like the other western "civilised" world. Robbed the whole world and now talk about values... Modern bullshit.
@RFGfotografie Жыл бұрын
Awesome video :) Feeling proud to be Dutch. Though as a typical Dutch men, I am also a bit skeptical about this as it doesn't work that way everywhere. Lucky my job is perfect for me though :)
@edgaracostadavila204 Жыл бұрын
One way to connect with them: invite them to your house. You prepare everything. I am Latin in Mexico we are used to used the agenda for work related things, but not for enjoying life… the last part has been the hardest for me. For me still enjoying life is latin, free your mind, enjoy!!!
@lexburen5932 Жыл бұрын
we dutch people do enjoy life without agenda. But some people are very busy and they need to know where and when they have time, so they have an agenda to make sure they have time FOR YOU. :)
@TheTruth-be7xn Жыл бұрын
The Netherlands is a terrible country. The Dutch are closed cold people. One of the most difficult countries in the world to make friends. Especially the original white people, are very cold.
@monicacorleone2741 Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who kept on expecting a plot twist?
@MaxMalein Жыл бұрын
He falls into the canal at the end but they've cut that part
@erikabee3498 Жыл бұрын
Yes this is how it goes... somehow. But even the Netherlands, cannot welcome all refugees. We have much poor of our own! And the more refugees come here with diploma' s that are not good enough for the Netherlands... the more those people do hardly any chance to survive in here. And no, it is not the way I wanted it. But still I have to live with it.
@fabiolacanto9014 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful video !!!! Honestly
@ojgfhuebsrnvn2781 Жыл бұрын
The problem with Dutch healthcare that it is impossible to go to doctor since GP just send you home saying "come back if you feel bad" every time. And it's not only my opinion but htere is whole reddit and articles in different languages about it. My mother had thyroiud cancer when she was 8 and thyroid was removed complitely (not partially like it is done novadays). Since then she did checks up every 3-4 month for 40 years. She also had uterine cancer about 10 years ago. Her test results generally unstabble (generally very low calcium and high phosphorus). Because of war she is in Netherlands now and still wasn't able to see any doctor. GP did check only calcium level, it was low, prescribed calcium and said come back when you will feel bad. In the end she decided to go back to Ukraine just for check up.
@srkzn5304 11 ай бұрын
Do you think healthcare in Ukraine is better than Netherland?
@ojgfhuebsrnvn2781 11 ай бұрын
@@srkzn5304 I was writing big answer to you but unfortunately my browser restarted... Basically no, i think healthcare in Netherlands is much, much better but i don't like that being given paracetamol and sent home without normal check is COMMON occurance. It is running joke that in Netherlands paracetamol is the treatment for all deseases. "Lost your limb? Paracetamol. Come back if it will still bother you in a few month." For these 9 month i've met 2 people with small fracture on foot. One had to spend 1 month to be checked properly (she was sent home every time with words "nothing serious, come back if it will still bother you"), another one same story but she returned home. When you get to actual care, it is indeed great and i honestly like it, just this one problem of huisarts not taking things seriously as if their standart assumption is the most optimistic one.
@user-sf7kl9uh7k 8 ай бұрын
​@@ojgfhuebsrnvn2781Well it's a poor joke, your outcomes are among the best in the world.
@srkzn5304 8 ай бұрын
@@user-sf7kl9uh7k what do you mean by outcomes?
@user-sf7kl9uh7k 8 ай бұрын
@@srkzn5304 Really?
@OP-1000 Жыл бұрын
This sounds very acted.
@nova_verse6284 Жыл бұрын
But its true regardless, we maintain a good work life balance..
@ricfig4867 Жыл бұрын
it does depend which part of the netherlands ... in limburg it is completely different
@stevanoutdoor Жыл бұрын
This kinda sums it up.
@joebar2249 Жыл бұрын
HAHAHA we had a new manager from the Phillipines, and the first day at 16:30 people turned down their PC's, to go home, and he asked angry what they are doing??? Going home, it's time... No no no , nobody goes home before I go home... Sorry that may be in the phillipines so, but here time is time...See you tomorrow
@NYtoDCtoNY Жыл бұрын
Te veel over kantoorbanen. Daarbuiten is het toch ook weer wel wat anders hoor. Iets teveel van het goede
@susan6621 Жыл бұрын
Hello, I have followed you on KZbin for a long time. Your video is very good and rich in content I want to reach a long-term cooperation with you Can we talk about cooperation
@iris72 Жыл бұрын
Voila, that's it.
@lp9777 Жыл бұрын
so true!!! ive lived 10 years in the netherlands,the most important things for a dutch is "be there on time or before, speak "DUTCH" properly, always plan in advance, be VERY efficiant at work and always be nice to your collegues at ALL time, in the netherland, if you need help for anything, THEY will help you anytime, for me Netherland is the best country on "how to become sumone" , ik kan ook de taal praten as ik will, nederland is ECHT SUPER TOPPI!!, Bedankt Nederland !!