@lobstermania4025 2 күн бұрын
Just had 3-4and fused yesterday Oct 8 24. Still in hospital for one 2more days
@bds1367 2 күн бұрын
@@lobstermania4025 the road to recovery starts now. Take it slow and you will get there!
@lobstermania4025 2 күн бұрын
@@bds1367 just weined I Off the drip and got my catheter out. Sometine later to I'll be released. Flipppi g over in bed us hard
@lobstermania4025 Күн бұрын
@@bds1367 thank you! Just got homehopfully the initial pain does Not after a few day6 It
@bds1367 Күн бұрын
@@lobstermania4025 the beginning is the toughest part, but it will be a distant memory soon enough.
@lobstermania4025 Күн бұрын
@@bds1367 my w8fe and I were in prepared in every thing. Making my meds easy to get them. Putting them 8n a basket. But at least I slept pretty good. Icing right now. Thanks for the support
@pathagen614 27 күн бұрын
Post op almost 4 weeks. I have the same sensations as you. I look forward to seeing your progress. Be well!
@bds1367 27 күн бұрын
@@pathagen614 best wishes to you too!
@wandawhite7284 Ай бұрын
I am at 6 months. Same surgery. I feel like I have had a set back, I was feeling great, walking, hiking, I was released from all restrictions, now I'm afraid I have injured myself. Pain, numbness is my right leg. I go back to the Dr on the 17th.
@bds1367 Ай бұрын
@@wandawhite7284 I had some similar experiences. I thought I ruined the fusion at one point. You are still actively recovering and my guess is that you aggravated something and your nerves are angry! Possibly your body’s way of telling you to slow down. Getting it checked out to make sure is a good idea - but I’m guessing things will look okay. Keep me posted!
@VernelleFranklin Ай бұрын
Its all In my legs num week In both legs can't sleep barely can stand up come the 17th of this month I'm going for a mri hope its not to bad to where thay would have to put strews in my back only thing that I'm really afraid of is being here by myself....
@bds1367 Ай бұрын
@@VernelleFranklin I hope the MRI provides clarity and they can go from there. Keep us posted on things. We wish you the best and hopefully you can get some relief. If you do need surgery, maybe they can provide extra help afterwards?
@gggongaga2949 Ай бұрын
Hi, ran across this just now!! 9.5.24- I'm 75, wasted too much time on 'conservitive' treatment! 😮 Finally got 2nd opinion! Tlif L3-L4 L5- (Fusion) w heimlamectomy L2-L3 left side! Rough recovery- back is amazing!! NO more slumping! 7 weeks ago! Only problem is severe nerve pain dwn left leg! Plus, sudden unexpected edema of both lower legs. The Dr did say the team did all they could to decompress, however the nerves are very damaged & may take 6-8 months to dissapate! This has caused extended bed rest w feet above my heart- antibotics, lasix, decadron taper 2 x-- I am getting lil bit weak, but walking as much as I am able to. PT in 3 weeks- can't wait! So happy & encouraged to find your video! Thank you SO much! Youngsters - if you begin having severe lumbar pain w pain dwn ur legs-- may I strongly suggest you not put urselves thru all the facet injections, branch blocks, more PT-- Etc-- find a highly rated Orthopedic Surgeon- don't be stubborn & tell urself it will get better!! Don't be like me in other words 😂 I know I'm going to be much better-- & I'm looking forward to life again!! 🎉
@bds1367 Ай бұрын
@@gggongaga2949 sounds like you are doing ok - keep us posted on your progress! You still have much recovery time (and improvement) ahead!
@gggongaga2949 22 күн бұрын
@@bds1367 TYVM! I'm determined - I'll get thru this!! And be better, I'm positive! I haven't come this far to quit now! Happy I found your site - your progress is inspiring! 💪👏⭐🏆
@tohouraj6 Ай бұрын
Everybody's body is different. I just had the same surgery. I'm rushing nothing, don't push it. Take it slow
@lwarteman Ай бұрын
I am 60 & had L4-S1 TLIF on 2-14-24. I have been a personal trainer & fitness instructor for 25 years. My neurosurgeon said I was free to do Whatever I wanted after six weeks. He did not send me to physical therapy. I teach fitness to 60+ year olds 3 days a week. I have had the same roller coaster experience as you with pain. I have never been on any meds except right after surgery. I use massage therapy, ice, CBD cream & aspercreme or diclofunac to manage pain. If I only walk, I usually have little to no pain. I have to be careful what I do in exercise class & I am only using 1# dumbbells if I use any at all. I have been doing squats but it sometimes causes a considerable amount of pain. I hope at the 1 year mark I can play golf again. I did some water aerobics this summer which was better than land. When I hurt I rest. But I definitely push the envelope because I don't like the alternative of becoming a couch potato. Good luck to you.
@wandawhite7284 Ай бұрын
I had the same surgery 2-27-24. I am going through the same things. It's such an emotional roller-coaster. I go back to the Dr the 17th. Hopefully I will get some good news.
@kristyrowe9221 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your update. 12 weeks post alif/plif. Taking one day at a time. So grateful for no more leg pain. From time to time I feel it and regress as you said. But so far not like what it was!!
@bds1367 Ай бұрын
@@kristyrowe9221 that is great to hear - and you still have lots of time to improve still! Keep me posted!
@tessprimm1678 Ай бұрын
Love the shirt. I wish they would up their clothing line like Nitrate 😂.
@bds1367 Ай бұрын
@@tessprimm1678 yeah Nitrate went all out on their stuff!
@mirhaider8190 Ай бұрын
Or if you have an enlarged prostate which most men will have at some point in their life.
@BrianSherman-TheTVGod Ай бұрын
Yeah, excellent band...love the first two discs and EP too. Already have this pre-ordered!
@bromvall 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!!
@bds1367 2 ай бұрын
@@bromvall thank you for making this awesome music!
@bromvall 2 ай бұрын
Cool shirt 😁
@MarvaArmstrong 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update. From time to time I'd searched your page to see how you were doing after 3 years. We had the same surgery, but different approach! Mine was the (XLIF). Currently I'm at 18 months post surgery. Doing good , no back pain unless I over do it. Just get achy. Still on Gabapentin, I tried to taper down but my right thigh nerve pain can get a little intense . I can totally agree with you about knowing your baseline and not giving so much thought to some details that's taking a while to get there . We can truly say we are better now than before the surgery.
@bds1367 2 ай бұрын
@@MarvaArmstrong I’m glad to hear you are doing okay 18 months post surgery. Sounds like some of our symptoms are similar. I wish you the best and continued recovery. Please keep me updated!
@kaeschpi 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear that after three years, your symptoms are manageable without neurontin. I have not tolerated this drug (it was pregabalin in my case, but the two drugs are similar) very well so I'm not using it. My L5S1 fusion was 9.5 months ago, and it was the fifth lumbar back surgery overall (the previous ones included three microdiscectomies / nerve decompression surgeries at L5S1 and another at a higher level). While my back is feeling quite good (I never had very strong back pain anyway), I'm struggling with nerve pain / symptoms in the leg and/or foot. The symptoms seem to get better, but at a very slow pace. My surgeon and neurologist believe that the problem, in my case, is excessive scar tissue surrounding the nerve root, irritating nerves when I move. In addition, some permanent nerve damage may be present in some of the nerve fibers. I was advised that any surgical intervention to remove adhesions is very likely to generate even more scar tissue / adhesions and therefore not likely to help. My observation is that the more I stand and sit on any given day, the more the nerve becomes irritated, and hence the more pain I feel. Also, when overdoing it with leg stretching, the nerve seems to get triggered. In consequence, I feel I have limitations at work (need regular rest) and cannot do very long train/plane/car travel, although it is slowly getting better. I do have a question to you: Was scar tissue removal ever discussed by your doctors? Is it likely a factor contributing to your ongoing symptoms? Do you observe a correlation between standing/sitting/stretching intensity and symptom intensity? Good luck and best wishes!
@bds1367 2 ай бұрын
@@kaeschpi I talked to my surgeon about scar tissue but he never suggested trying to remove it as he didn’t feel it would help for the reasons you laid out. I also know I have permanent nerve changes but essentially have to live with it. I should have said this in the update, but I definitely notice a difference if I sit for long periods. Standing is a little better but that can irritate things as well. I just make sure to move around when possible. That’s when I feel my best. You are said you are slowly getting better and I think at 9.5 months you still have some improvement ahead! This nerve stuff really does take time as you know. Please keep me updated and I wish you the best!
@JC-js1wz 2 ай бұрын
I love this whole album. Amazing talent with Jimi's amazing vocals. He's absolutely amazing in concert, you can't the difference between live and studio sound. Not many artist can pull that off. I listen to this album quiet often along with Jimi's solo albums.
@bds1367 2 ай бұрын
@@JC-js1wz I hear you there. His solo stuff is great too. And his early album with Cobra!
@JC-js1wz Ай бұрын
I haven't listened to Cobra, but i will have to check it out.​@bds1367
@jawad1403 3 ай бұрын
A three tire version is safe to balance. Riding a bike requires quick foot on the ground and this one has those covers on top. So three tire one yes. Two tire version big no. And I actually like this concept.
@marathoner43 3 ай бұрын
"I See You In Everyone", Track 9 on Vital Signs, is one of my favorite Survivor tunes of all time.
@bds1367 3 ай бұрын
@@marathoner43 very underrated for sure!
@JC-js1wz 2 ай бұрын
I agree, mine as well!!!
@BiddyLamb 3 ай бұрын
It’s been a year for me this month! Shaved bone, a rod and six screws! I walk seven days a week and do a 15 minute low back yoga stretch class every day as well, also one 50 mg tramadol! Probably 12000/13000 steps daily! Before I get out of bed I do some stretches and that definitely helps with the soreness first thing in the morning! I can still feel the weight of the hardware but it is getting better! The recovery for this surgery is long and hard, you just have to keep moving! My limitations are standing too long or sitting too long! It’s a balance! Stay positive, you do have set backs but as I said it’s a long recovery physically and emotionally! You’ll get there! Just keep moving! 😊
@mdodge1960 3 ай бұрын
Hello, thanks for telling us your experiences. I had an L2 to S1 fusion a year and a half ago and then a revision of the fusion four weeks ago. Within a couple of weeks after my fusion I knew that I was still having nerve issues, issues and problems with my right foot, but it took me a whole year to get the surgeon to see that there was still a problem. I also have good days and bad days. I also have strange feelings and my leg and buttocks area that are not consistent from day-to-day. It’s interesting that today is a bad day and I found this video of yours. It helps me somewhat to know that I’m not the only one that has these inconsistent strange symptoms in my leg and buttocks area hopefully within the next year the symptoms will dissipate more and I’ll have more frequent good days. Right now I’m having two good days and one bad day. I am able to ride my bike go to the gym and do weights on the machines and do small yardwork projects around the house, but i can, overdo it easily. Sleeping is a big challenge for me. It may be because of the revision laminectomy that I just had four weeks ago, but I’m not able to sleep on my back and I have to change positions from side to side in order to make it through the night. Thanks for your story.
@bds1367 3 ай бұрын
@@mdodge1960 it does sound like we have quite a few symptoms that overlap. I really hope that your symptoms improve with time. Glad to hear that you’re out there exercising and doing your thing. I really think that helps. And I get it - it’s tempting to overdo it because it feels good to get back out there. But hopefully you’ll be able to do more and more as you recover. Please keep me posted and good luck!
@vallita1951 3 ай бұрын
Four months lates, and I am still in pain in my rigth leg. My life depends of Tylenol and gabapentin. Everybody advised me waitb6 months, a year and I will see bettercresults. To be honest sometimes I feel so hopeless butvthe good thing is I am in PT.
@bds1367 3 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear about the pain. But I will tell you that 6 months is still early. I felt I was actively recovering for a year or more…heck some recent changes I made even 3 years out have helped.
@patrickbowen5398 3 ай бұрын
I am currently at the 4-week mark post-op following my L3-4-5 spinal fusion surgery --- the one symptom I am experiencing is hip pain and groin pain. Is this something you experienced at this stage post-op from your surgery? Thanks .
@bds1367 3 ай бұрын
I did develop some hip pain a few months after the surgery but it resolved over time. I think your body goes through stages where odd stuff happens as you heal! You are early in the process with lots of recovery and improvement ahead. Keep me posted! But you are through the hardest part already!
@patriot2118 3 ай бұрын
By any chance do you get pain in your neck when it’s cold?
@bds1367 3 ай бұрын
I get pain when I overdo things or have bad posture but I haven’t noticed anything pertaining to cold.
@kaeschpi 3 ай бұрын
Did you feel any improvement between 2.5 and 3 years? I'm almost 8 months out of L5S1 fusion and I'm still struggling with nerve issues. I'm slowly building up core training and a little bit of cardio, but nerve pain is with me every day, as are a certain amount of numbness in my foot and tingling. The pain level is perhaps decreasing a little bit on average, but it's up and down from day to day. This is certainly a very slow and long process.
@bds1367 3 ай бұрын
You are definitely still recovering at 8 months. I felt that I physically improved over the first 1-1.5 years and then kind of settled in to where I am now. However, since incorporating walking/hiking almost every day, my body feels looser and better overall. I will always have numbness and tingling in my feet but it turns into more of a psychological thing. I’m now used to it - and finally finding the right shoes has helped tremendously. No more crocs!!
@bds1367 3 ай бұрын
And I continue to have good and bad days relatively speaking, but now my bad days don’t feel nearly as bad…
@patrickbowen5398 4 ай бұрын
Hi, thank you for your videos. I enjoyed watching them. How are you feeling today? I just had a Laminectomy and an L3-4-5 spinal fusion. I am now 3-weeks post-op. Recovery is slow. But I keep moving. Thanks again for your videos. They helped a lot.
@bds1367 4 ай бұрын
You are welcome! Looks like you had a similar procedure. At three weeks I’m sure you still have some pain but hopefully it’s improving. It WILL get better! I’ll be doing a three year update video this week. But I’m doing reasonably well. My back feels pretty good - just some residual numbness in the feet but I’m getting used to that. It doesn’t stop me from being active…just have to be a little more careful!
@patrickbowen5398 4 ай бұрын
I just had my own L3-L5 lumbar fusion - I had to stop the NORCO 5-days post-op due to severe constipation.
@bds1367 4 ай бұрын
I wish you a good recovery! It does take time but you will get there.
@sacredsounds4234 4 ай бұрын
Do you feel this in the hamstrings at all?Seems like it would be focusing more on the quads?I give you props for getting back out there after surgery.Stay safe.
@bds1367 4 ай бұрын
Definitely focuses on the quads…you can really feel it. It’s a more intense overall than a normal bike!
@mirhaider8190 Ай бұрын
Super intense. So I got the elastic convertion package. Totally worth it.
@bds1367 Ай бұрын
@@mirhaider8190 nice!
@JosePalma-hg1wl 5 ай бұрын
Hi am also at 4 months post l5 s1 fusion Today i went to fallow up apointment with my surgeon no bone growing forming yet how many months did it take for you ? For bone growt star forming ?
@bds1367 5 ай бұрын
I think it was around 6-7 months when the X-ray started to show that the fusion was forming. It takes 12-18 months for it to fully fuse if I remember correctly. So 4 months is still pretty early I would say. Good luck! Wishing you a successful recovery!
@rachelvanraub 5 ай бұрын
@bds1367 5 ай бұрын
Good luck to you! You will get through this!
@MarvaArmstrong 5 ай бұрын
I am 15 months post having a two level XlIF L3-L5 and a laminectomy! I saw your beginning post op post walking with physical therapy in that dreaded hospital gown. I've also saw a few of your progress post, but this one is where I'm at now. My back feels fine, with occasional achiness during the cold wet weather. Did the barometric pressure affect your back? I do still have some numbness and tingling on the front side of my right thigh, still on gabapentin. Not walking as far you, because I'm older, LOL, but walking everyday, Gym 2-3 times a week, One other thing, I faithfully do the physical therapy exercises they taught me everyday! and I was advised to do them the rest of my life! Thank you for your post.
@bds1367 5 ай бұрын
Sounds like you are doing well! I do think that cold weather makes a difference. My symptoms are still a bit variable, even three years out. Unfortunately, I have numbness in both feet but some days are better than others. If I really overdo things I will feel it. But the surgery has allowed me to have a better quality of life. My back itself feels pretty good though stiff in the area of the fusion. I guess that makes sense given the reduced flexibility. But I can exercise, hike, coach softball, etc. for the most part. It’s an ongoing learning process and you may still be recovering at some level. You seem very committed to your workout routine which is great! I wish you continued success!
@michaelschaff2871 5 ай бұрын
Hello, I am at day 4 post op for TLIF at L5-S1. I found your channel last night and I want to thank you for all the time you put into it. There's a lot of accounts of folks describing their experience, but yours is the most relevant, and informative that I have found anywhere. Thank you again! At day 4, I am pretty beat. Got my first shower yesterday, and felt good enough to go outside for a walk. I did about 1/4 mile and felt great, only to find myself in severe pain at bedtime, any pressure on the site was just too much. Made for a long night, but I feel better today. For me, the G.I. stuff has been just awful. Can't wait for that to let up. I am also scheduled for C6-C7, C7-T1 ACDF with C7-T1 posterior cervical fusion in 5 weeks. I am terrified at the thought of going through this again a month from now, but in the account of your cervical spine surgery, I get the impression that it was much less painful, much easer recovery. Would you comment on that please? I would love to hear from you how they compare. Again, thanks.
@bds1367 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! Sounds like your recovery is going well. It’s great that you could go a quarter of a mile already. My recommendation would be to just take it very very slow. I remember wanting to get out there pretty quick and I had to remind myself that I had a two-level fusion. It took a little longer, but I essentially got to where I needed to be. My cervical procedure (artificial disc at C5-C6) was much easier. Yours will be a little more extensive but I think cervical procedures are much easier to recover from than lumbar ones. As you know, lower back issues affect everything you do. Cervical problems don’t feel good, but they don’t have the same impact. I guess what I’m saying is that in some ways I think you’re doing the hard part now! Good luck and keep me updated!
@gabrielledevalrock 5 ай бұрын
❤Thank you so much! I’m really happy to know you like the album. It’s an awesome review! 😀🥰
@bds1367 5 ай бұрын
You are very welcome! Thank you for making such a great album!
@gabrielledevalrock 5 ай бұрын
😃 I had such awesome collaborations that nothing could go wrong 😆 I saw your review yesterday...just by chance 🤗 and was really happy with it. Now I'm writing songs for a new album. Best regards and thanx for your time and attention 🥰
@bds1367 5 ай бұрын
@@gabrielledevalrock I can’t wait for the next album! That is great news!
@LivingMyBestLife517 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your video. I am 5 weeks post-op so your video really helped me to ease up on myself and slow down so I have a good fusion. I heard all these other people who were walking 10 miles a day, and I’m struggling to get 1.5 miles a day right now, safely. You are right - it is variable.
@bds1367 6 ай бұрын
I completely fell into that trap of thinking that I needed to be walking like 10 miles a day based on what some other people had done. I think those are the extreme cases. If you are doing one and a half miles, you are just fine. I wish you continued success in your recovery!
@kaeschpi 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update. I'm 5.5 months post L5S1 fusion and my nerves are still causing intermittent pain in my leg / buttock area. Fortunately it's not constant, but interfering with work/sleep nevertheless. Question: you had mentioned neurontin in some of your earlier videos. Did you use this to treat the numbness / tingling or rather some pain (e.g. burning / stabbing) symptoms?
@bds1367 6 ай бұрын
I use Neurontin for all of those symptoms, but I think it’s best at reducing pain as opposed to the numbness and tingling.
@its_ari5458 6 ай бұрын
Hello friend how you doing now. ??
@bds1367 6 ай бұрын
I’m hanging in there. I got into a nice rhythm with working out but then overdid it and my symptoms worsened. This has happened before so I know I need to rest up and come back later…and remember to not go overboard on the workouts!
@spicewood7790 7 ай бұрын
Had L3-L5 fusion with lamenectomies as well. Made it 8 months post surgery doing great until I had a slip and fall on black ice last spring 2023. Blew out the disks both above and below the original fusion. Now going in for more surgery in a couple of weeks finally, getting L2-L3 and L5-S1 fused. They're going to replace and add new rods to cover L2-S1.
@spicewood7790 7 ай бұрын
Had L3-L5 fusion with lamenectomies as well. Made it 8 months post surgery doing great until I had a slip and fall on black ice last spring 2023. Blew out the disks both above and below the original fusion. Now going in for more surgery in a couple of weeks finally, getting L2-L3 and L5-S1 fused. They're going to replace and add new rods to cover L2-S1.
@bds1367 7 ай бұрын
I hope it all goes well. Please keep us posted.
@SuperLuckao 7 ай бұрын
I hope the original foreigner!!!
@bds1367 7 ай бұрын
The nomination specifically names the original members as well as Rick Wills so absolutely the original members!
@calabis 8 ай бұрын
L3 L4 fusion on Weds...hope it goes well
@pcrytsgiangregorio 8 ай бұрын
I’m at the 2 month mark and already feeling so much better. My right leg doesn’t hurt at all. Before my surgery I was always in so much pain. You mentioned just standing in line at stores or an event , and I can totally relate. My surgeon said that would probably take a full year to recover so I’m patient doing everything he tells me to do. I’m glad I came across your testimony. Thank you so much.
@bds1367 8 ай бұрын
It sounds like you are well on your way to recovery! That is great news. And yes, you will absolutely recover more over the next several months or longer. Good luck and keep us posted!
@observer991 8 ай бұрын
I am a 66-year-old man who had cervical discectomy and fusion of C4, C5, C6, and C7 last February. My surgeon told me that my lumbar needs the same surgery on L3, L4, L5...but he said he would rather not do it because of my age and being compromised from my last surgery and a widow maker 3 years ago. He said that lumbar fusion on that many levels is a difficult rehab for someone my age who is already compromised. However, that was last May when he told me that. Since then, my lumbar has gotten significantly worse, which was confirmed by a CT scan yesterday. The person who evaluated it said there has been significant deterioration since my last scan. I saw the CT scan and I was shocked it could get that much worse in a short amount of time. My reason for asking is to ask if someone who has had a lumbar discectomy would share a picture of their lumbar with me so I can compare it to mine, and maybe giving me a better idea of whether I should consent to surgery or not. I realize I should leave it up to the doctor, but after telling me that he would operate in a heartbeat if I was younger because I need it badly, he said he will leave the decision up to me. If anybody is willing to do that, please let me know and I will give you my contact info. Or if you have a way of posting it somewhere that I could access, that would be great.
@bds1367 8 ай бұрын
Good luck to you - I truly hope things get better. 🤞
@desgoulding7154 9 ай бұрын
Very informative video. I had operation on L 4/5 S1 many years ago now Need Fusion pars fracture spondylitis 70 retired law enforcement having major problems walking now due to dad fall some months ago just wait for operation just uncertain due to age. Thanks for video.
@bds1367 9 ай бұрын
I wish you the best with the operation!
@avflyguy 8 ай бұрын
I'm nearly 76. Surgery has been recommended, but have declined. Not the greatest specimen of health or fittness, but weight is in check, no pain that it's bad enough that I just can't do anything. Just standing for period of time and R leg is weak and atrophy is evident. Stairs are a challenge. I'm just not mentally convinced surgery with a long recovery is in my best interest. Good luck to all that have had it done and reaped rewards and benefits from it.
@danr5239 9 ай бұрын
I agree for sure with everything he says. Especially about the psychological aspect. I’ve been dealing with back pain for years everything I do when I leave the home or even inside the home I have to think about it. I had OLLIF surgery on my lumbar. Which is the most advanced back surgery. My doctor and my physical therapist keep telling me to stop using the walker. Or try to wean off of it. But my brain is telling me I need to have this because I don’t wanna fall again.
@bds1367 9 ай бұрын
I don’t know when you had your procedure but I hope things improve for you.
@behappybehappy2966 10 ай бұрын
Do you know anyone that he/she has 30 years post op? Are they doing well also! Sorry for this question, I'm not offending anyone, just worrying about my case! Thank you for sharing your story!
@bds1367 10 ай бұрын
Great question - I don’t know that I’ve seen any videos on KZbin from anyone who had the procedure that long ago. But I have no doubt that those people exist and I’m sure many of them are doing fine. I think developing adjacent segment disease is one of the biggest risk factors over that length of time.
@behappybehappy2966 10 ай бұрын
@@bds1367Thank you so much!
@Ij-jan 10 ай бұрын
I had my surgery in July and it was a fail. I am in more pain now than I was before.
@bds1367 10 ай бұрын
I’m very sorry to hear that. Is there any way that you could still improve with time?
@fibromyalgiajourney-denisebowe 10 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing! So glad you're doing well. Amazing!! I am 5 months post op.
@bds1367 10 ай бұрын
How are you feeling?
@fibromyalgiajourney-denisebowe 10 ай бұрын
@@bds1367 I'm ok just uncomfortable since I over did it. Hip pain from PT exercises but ice/heat helps. Thanks for asking.
@bds1367 10 ай бұрын
@@fibromyalgiajourney-denisebowe And you are still very early in your recovery process so more improvements to come!
@fibromyalgiajourney-denisebowe 10 ай бұрын
@@bds1367 Yes and Thank you!
@nomadicnewbie 10 ай бұрын
What handlebar bag are you using in this video?
@bds1367 10 ай бұрын
Here you go! Brand: Rhinowalk Product item: X21921
@nordicwilly6650 11 ай бұрын
Very cool. What are your thoughts now that you've had more time to use it? Does the motion feel similar to writing while standing on a traditional mountain bike?
@bds1367 11 ай бұрын
Definitely more of a mountain bike feel other than the fact that the handle bars are so high up! No more crouching over !
@nordicwilly6650 11 ай бұрын
@@bds1367 Many thanks. Did you still ride it a lot? I like the idea of not crouching over as I have hips that pinch when riding bikes.
@bds1367 11 ай бұрын
@@nordicwilly6650 I do - they also have a non mountain bike version…
@bubbafatas2588 Жыл бұрын
Depressing! I am one year in with worse foot numbness leg pain than before same surgery!
@bds1367 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that - it definitely is unpredictable. Im going through a rough patch again now but hoping it will improve. I wish the same for you…
@tbwest Жыл бұрын
2 years so far ,great results
@rlloyd69 Жыл бұрын
I have my postlateral spinal 2-level fusion and laminectomy on Sept 11th, 2023. L3-L5. To hear you are hiking 8 miles makes me so happy. Right now, I can’t walk 1/2 mile before I am in extreme pain. Can’t stand longer than 15 minutes before pain sets in. All I want to be able to do is take my granddaughter for a walk around the block. Lol. If my surgery is half as successful as yours, then I’ll be super happy.
@bds1367 Жыл бұрын
I think it will make a difference for you! The recovery is long and please take it slow. But it’s worth it. I still have ups and downs and residual numbness in my feet but very little pain. I wish you the best! Let me know how you are doing when the time comes…