@Katerina-oo4ju 21 сағат бұрын
Today, I came across this wistful boy who said he embraced the doctrines of grace. His name was John MacArthur. He was so precious and sophomoric.
@Dirkkkkk Күн бұрын
Impressive, appreciate your efforts in guiding the flock to one of the Lord’s great pastors and scholars. May it and all you do continue to bear fruit. Godspeed.
@sincerelygideon 2 күн бұрын
Robert Shaw’s The Reformed Faith is by far the best exposition of the Westminster Confession. Sproul and Dixhorn, being modern guys, leave a lot out that is there in the confession. Shaw is better in my opinion. Look for it at Reformation Heritage Books.
@bradrob2863 3 күн бұрын
@Back2theWord 2 күн бұрын
@@bradrob2863 Thanks for sharing! Really loved this read.
@Adrian_Mason 5 күн бұрын
I thought the Ephesians 1:13 Holy Spirit is the Seal and John 13:35 Love one another the Sign? of the New Covenant.
@Back2theWord 5 күн бұрын
Good question. This author used signs/seals/sacraments kinda interchangeably in some places and if he said why I missed it or just read it wrong. Straight up biblical data as I read it would say the Holy Spirit is given to us as the seal and the guarantee of the New Covenant. Love one another will be the mark of Christ’s church and how people will know we belong to Christ (but is not a sign or sacrament in my reading). But the entrance into the community of faith under Christ is baptism which is also a sign. So, two sacraments or ordinances in the NT (as I read it with my historically baptistic interpretation): by baptism we enter the community of faith (this is done once), and the Lord’s Supper is the covenant renewal and reminder that looks forward to the marriage supper of the lamb (and is done often by a localized body of Christ when gathered). For full covenant theology folks. The question is how much continuity/connection they draw between the sign of circumcision in the OT and baptism in the NT. Both signs of entrance into the community of faith. The closest thing we have to the Lord’s Supper in the OT is the Passover meal. Which Jesus augments in the upper room with his disciples in the Gospels into a sign/ordinance/sacrament of the New Covenant in his blood.
@Adrian_Mason 5 күн бұрын
@@Back2theWord Thank You 🌟
@TrustworthyExpert 5 күн бұрын
I thought the Lord's Supper was the sign of the new covenant? keeping of sabbath was the sign of the covenant of the Law, circumcision was the sign for abraham's covenant?
@Back2theWord 5 күн бұрын
For Covenant Theology folks as I know it. The Lord’s Supper is the ongoing renewal and sign of the New Covenant. And Baptism is the one time entrance into the New Covenant community of faith. So both are sacraments/signs. Sabbath keeping is part of the eternal Moral law of God, thus not ceremonial or civil law, which is why most strict CT people are sabbatarians. But I don’t remember ever hearing them call it a sign of the covenant. But maybe I am wrong. Regarding Circumcision: Yes it was given to Abraham. But I think they would say it was bigger than just that covenant as it is the sign of entrance into the covenant community in the OT as a whole. And remained such until Christ when that sign of covenant entrance was switched to baptism.
@joeg9208 5 күн бұрын
Thanks pastor Joe for these reviews. After your studies, do you think progressive covenentalism or covenant theology fits your theology best?
@Back2theWord 5 күн бұрын
Still a work in progress for sure. Still trying to understand a few things, and since Wellum’s stuff on Progressive Covenantalism is still ongoing I am not sure on all fronts. But today if I were to stake a claim, I think Progressive Covenantalism or “New Covenant Theology” which I believe Dr. Jim Hamilton holds to are much closer to how I interpret passages consistently than the polarities and full expressions of either Reformed Covenant Theology or Dispensationalism.
@rickperez1336 5 күн бұрын
Thks for the review! I am also doing a deep dive into Covenant Theology. I have completely moved away from my Baptist Dispy upbringing. My biggest question is how to reconcile Covenant Theology with a New Covenant emphasis on personal profession of faith for baptism. Dr Wellum’s book has been very helpful!
@Back2theWord 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment and I will have to think on that question. I too am trying to work through where I exactly land on these framework things and have really enjoyed reading Wellum's work and others who are doing good work on these topics.
@2006EagleScout 6 күн бұрын
Thanks man! I need to buy volumes 3 and 4
@Imsaved777 7 күн бұрын
Neither one but thanks anyway.
@vickijenkins8752 10 күн бұрын
You are an inspiration to many. God is using you to spread His word.❤
@Back2theWord 10 күн бұрын
Thank you! 🙏
@valeriesjourney17 12 күн бұрын
@julioalvarengamartinez8829 15 күн бұрын
it looks like or its similar to Dispensacionalism just saying brother
@peterjennen99 16 күн бұрын
Hey Joe, I'm still waiting to have that conversation about the Word.
@Brian.Rollins 17 күн бұрын
Thank you, Brother. I really appreciate your labors here. Like many others I'm sure, I find myself highly interested in purchasing, but also fearful of spending that much money. Your review was extremely helpful. I'll probably take the plunge while they're still available.
@boblawther 19 күн бұрын
I think that it’s strange that you view, “Calvinism,” as 3rd tier and “Women Pastors “ as 2nd tier. I think it should be the reverse
@Back2theWord 19 күн бұрын
You are entitled to your opinion and some do place Calvinism in the 2nd tier. For me, Women pastors is 2nd tier because it is not a gospel issue, but it does impact if we can cooperate in missions and planting churches together (since it is a part of ecclesiology and integral to how one would structure the polity of a church). This it affects denominations. To your second point. Biblical Calvinism (decreedal theology) and Biblical Non-Calvinism (whosoever will theology) as long as they are within the streams of biblical orthodoxy are something even people who are holding a true gospel, and agree on what a church is, and can still hold different views. Thus, a third tier issue for me though I know many elevate it to 2nd or even 1st tier because of emotions on the topic or denominational stance.
@bhimadevirai4597 19 күн бұрын
It’s so helpful for me thank you 🙏
@loveisall5520 19 күн бұрын
1) You have great teeth! Hopefully they're as healthy as they are attractive. 2) I still have my little black zippered KJV that I got in kindergarten over 60 years ago. I took at a red ballpoint at some point and colored the lips of the Madonna with Christ in the frontispiece. 3) I grew up as a Presbyterian with KJV and RSV, and a Schuyler RSV with Apocrypha is still a staple for me; I love the quality of their Bibles. 4) I detest vanity Bibles like the MacArthur, the Ryrie, the Scofield, and others of that ilk. If theologians or preachers want to interpret and share their particularly biases with others, I think they should be in separate volumes (like the excellent J. Vernon McGee series). 5) ESV is amazing; I never liked the NRSV when it came out, too mooshy for me. From the first time I saw the ESV it was a fit, and still is. It's my daily reader. 6) I am now Roman Catholic, where the path to the priesthood is normally about 10 years. Young priests will decide whether to become ordered priests or diocesan priests, whether to serve God as a pastor or in some other capacity, such as a teaching or medical worker. For your faith journey, is there an equivalent to our ordered priests? 7) I have 'marking' Bibles and non-marking Bibles. I don't require markings to learn, I guess I'm blessed in that way. 8) Best wishes from the Houston-Galveston area!
@valeriesjourney17 21 күн бұрын
My husband and I were looking into LSB and wanted it to compare to the ESV. I was a NASB 1977/1995 user since 1996. My husband has been using NASB 1997 since c. 1986. Around fifteen years ago, I added ESV to come alongside NASB. A few years ago, I switched to having ESV as my primary with NASB as my secondary study source. My husband has only updated to NASB 1995. This past Sunday was when we first learned about LSB. In our research into it, we watched an interview with Ken Ham and someone attached to Masters Seminary (on Ken Ham's Feb. 16, 2024 video "The MOST Accurate Bible Translation Was Just Released" KZbin channel minute 9:38). Ken stated that "one of the translators of the ESV rejects literal Genesis, rejects global flood, rejects the literal days of creation, believes in millions of years tell." He calls the scholarship of ESV into question because of this which led to the comparison to the LSB translators had to sign a doctrinal statement that which would prevent that people like that ESV translator to be a part of the LSB translation. This has made my husband and I to call into question ESV. What are your thoughts on this? Your video is well explained and taught. Thank you for all of your efforts. 🦋👩‍🦰
@chaseadams8018 21 күн бұрын
Nice! I just got my set last week as well. I am working my way through volume 1. 1-2 chapters a day as they are very short! Debating if I want to read volume 2 or 4 alongside it.
@NMcRae 21 күн бұрын
Good information. Suggestions for video: The and motion and rocking back and forth are a little distracting. You have lots to share. Enjoyed.
@austinbridge 22 күн бұрын
Joe, I want to see your library spreadsheet! I need to start doing this too. 😅
@Edifieth 23 күн бұрын
Really helpful. After reading TR based Bible, LSB Wii be my next for CT reading. Thank you so much!
@Martiin._ 26 күн бұрын
Great content, I really appreciate your work, thanks
@AmericanSentinelK9Productions 27 күн бұрын
@donnawolfe421 28 күн бұрын
Thank you. I'm working on a children's church lesson on this passage. I appreciate your efforts and support. God bless
@freakylocz14 28 күн бұрын
He who believes on the Son has eternal life; and he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. (John 3:36) THIS is what a person must obey at some point in order to be saved (keep in mind that John 3:36 is the end of John the Baptist's ministry before he is arrested): Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching The Gospel of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand. ➡️Repent [which simply means "change your mind"], and believe in The Gospel.⬅️" (Mark 1:14-15)
@Is..4110 29 күн бұрын
How about neither. I'd rather read a real bible...
@VisionOnDuty Ай бұрын
Dope, blessed to have stumbled across this channel!
@VisionOnDuty Ай бұрын
Just got them for $85 after subscribing to heritage books 🙌🏾
@anthonyaguilar5816 Ай бұрын
Amazing blueprint! Thank you!
@TrojanPiper Ай бұрын
I enjoyed the DeYoung interview. I have them … but….
@sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 Ай бұрын
I saw 42 minutes for a translation review - UGH - but this was wonderful, precise, descriptive & thorough all the way through . . . paused to study info, jot down notes, re listen to what he said along with the diagrams of details . . . Excellent!!! You have restored my faith in the ESV translation, helped me understand the elegant depth of NASB & clarified the reasons for the subtle but important variations between the 3 - it's all about "what are you wanting to get out of studying your Bible" THANK YOU!!!!
@sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 Ай бұрын
Wow, that was quick, thank you from the heart, sir!!!
@timlemmon2332 Ай бұрын
I could never use a "translation" that has Jesus lie to his brothers. John 7:8-10 in some more reliable versions, like the KJV, Jesus says he is not going to the feast yet, but goes later. In other versions he simply says he is not going to the feast, so when he goes it means he lied to his brothers. I know it is only one wors and a very small percentage of the entire Bible, but it makes a massive change to the doctrine of salvation. You see, if Jesus told a lie, he is not the sinless son of God and is unworthy to redeem us and his death on the cross would be meaningless.
@gailknowles3804 Ай бұрын
Don't waste your time comparing false doctrine. We have sound doctrine in the KJV. We don't need the fake ones. However, if you practice salad bar religion, go ahead and pick what you like and leave out the rest. Then read Revelation 22: 18,19 and see what you've done.
What Greek text does the legacy standard Bible draw from? The majority text seems to be the Byzantine text that I prefer over the Alexandrian texts. What are your thoughts?
@alanlloyd3280 Ай бұрын
Hey nice video how about a comparison between PC and 1689federalism?
@benhuremmanuel Ай бұрын
im reading banner of truth's
@benhuremmanuel Ай бұрын
@teresafuller3276 Ай бұрын
Jesus is king and loves you ❤ 🙏 ✝️
@chrismoore709 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this very video. I was so happy to see an unbiased and strongly informative comparison of these two versions. So many videos exist that want admonish one over another that the admonishment becomes sole focus of the content. Again, Thank you. May Jehovah's Blessing Be to You.
@mariagutierrez4721 Ай бұрын
I have The NASB 1995 ESV .I Love The LSB I want to buy it its not the same having it on the You Vision app
@johncrouch8988 Ай бұрын
I don’t think there’s going to be much difference between this new version and the other modern bibles out there. You can tweak and adjust but if the foundation scripts are the same it will change little. 😇
@noutheticcounseling5447 Ай бұрын
According to Crossway their edition release date is July 30, 2024. They are taking preorders now.
@Back2theWord Ай бұрын
Interesting… can you send the link? From what I can see on July 30th they are publishing “On The Christian Life: A New Translation” by Calvin (which I have been planning to get as soon as it releases, and it will have part of Blacketer’s new translation in it). The traditional contents of “On The Christian Life” or Calvin’s “Golden Booklet” as it is some called is a abridgment of chapters 6-10 of book 3 in Calvin’s Institutes. So, if the full Institutes are coming out at the same time then I’m ecstatic! But I think it it just the normal “Golden Booklet” content, a preview or sorts, and we still are still waiting until 2025 or so for the full Institutes. I am however very excited for this release because I think it will preview is some way what we can expect from the full Institutes release (binding, footnotes, style, headings, etc) when it happens.
@msrhuby Ай бұрын
I love the color orange!
@jasoncarper1478 Ай бұрын
The Heritage is probably my new favorite text block. I love it!
@jasoncarper1478 Ай бұрын
I have to agree with you, brother. The ESV v-b-v Preaching Bible is excellent. I do wish it had a higher quality goatskin cover but given the price point and the quality, it is one of the best values in the premium Bible market.
@pattube Ай бұрын
Kevin DeYoung recently did an interview with Todd Rester (PhD, Calvin Theological Seminary) about Petrus van Mastricht's Theoretical-Practical Theology. Rester is an associate professor of church history at Westminster Theological Seminary and more to the point he's also the translator behind van Mastricht's work. The work is projected) to be 7 volumes. Thus far 4 volumes have been released. But in the interview Rester notes he has already handed in draft versions of the final 3 volumes.
@gospel.journeys Ай бұрын
Thank you soooo much! This is a video that I didn't know I needed as I have been called to hear Calvinism "from the horses mouth." Just as for decades I had so many misconceptions about the Bible and unknowingly believed many lies about it until I read it, I feel I need to read his own words rather than rely on what other people say, and be as a Berean to search the scriptures to see if things are true. Part of the move of Proverbs 18: 13 that has been driving me for months. Your prayers appreciated as I thank God for His holy spirit which leads us into all truth. ♥️✝️🙌
@onkarsodhi8261 Ай бұрын
God bless you brother