@starsetmetzger430 3 күн бұрын
This is actually crazy to see now, I am currently in my first year of college and turning 20 in January. I have been a long time fan of yours and your playlists always seem to pop up at the best moments! Keep up the relaxing and good work and I hope your 20th birthday is amazing!
@ParadiseGrind 4 күн бұрын
As someone who's lost most of his 20s with layers of bad habits and depression, I wanted to say: For all the new adults, if your earnestly follow your heart, going out into the world will be a vibrant time of discovery and experiences. But if depression or insecurities are holding you back, you're not broken. Your problems are like a puzzle and you're just missing a few pieces that would let you see your way out. If you wont seek professional help, turn in and seek the answers in yourself. There are answers and once you find them things will start to fall into place. I lost years before I found the path out, but I want you to know you don't have to <3
@cactus_kid686 5 күн бұрын
I’ll listen to this playlist in 2 years when I’m 17 remind me to chat
@princehenry571 7 күн бұрын
my 19th birthday is tomorrow so this is perfect ily
@ItsZain0114 10 күн бұрын
Someone help meee I been looking for the artist by the name on the description for like an hour but I can't find them anywhereee😭😭
@niy._. 10 күн бұрын
@ni-kikkeut 11 күн бұрын
i was so scared of turning 18 and then my birthday came around, its already been six months to that and now that im sitting here closer to being 19 than 18...its just bittersweet I've grown so much as a person, as much as i miss being younger i also am very happy with how I've grown this year and be comfortable in my own skin, learn more things maybe growing up is not that bad :) thank you for another playlistttt you got an immaculate taste!
@gnashing_teeth 11 күн бұрын
I'm 22 and I still feel 19. I didn't get to enjoy that year unfortunately..
@itsokie4274 11 күн бұрын
im turning 18 in april, and its so scary, it keeps me up at night sometimes
@LilithsSounds 11 күн бұрын
I’m 17 and 10 months old… autism took away about 15 of those years as I never grew up normally, it’s uncomfortable knowing I won’t be a teen or will ever truly experience that feeling. I’m scared…
@Wanderlust 11 күн бұрын
@antoniodecarli2851 11 күн бұрын
I'm in the last year of "being a teenager", and I think I can be happy with how I grew up. I remember when I was younger, from 11 to 13 years old, I was terrified of talking to people. I learned to talk to people then, but until a few months ago I was still terrified of relating to them. I was afraid of their judgments. I never left the house, because I didn't have the courage to ask anyone out. I just had an old friend, a great friend who I still have today, who is waaaay more extrovert than me. I remember one time, I was 15, and this friend of mine took me to a party, and I had a panic attack. As I saw all those people, I froze, I couldn't move, I felt a blockage in my throat, and if I tried to speak, I realized I couldn't, and I became more panicked. My friend had to take me out. It was night, and we were on our bikes, there was no one on the street. I spent the entire journey home crying, panicked, and both of us in silence. It hasn't been too long, 1 year and a half, but a few months ago I took courage and decided to organize a small party at my house. Few people, of course, but it was already difficult for me just to write them. They all came, and they were all happy with the party. I'm still afraid of talking to people, of course: you don't change, but you can evolve. I continue to leave the house very little, but now I know I can improve, and above all that every time I am afraid of talking to someone, I will know that that fear will be senseless. Friends, throw yourself into life. To people like me, know that whatever you make of yourself, there will be people like us who will understand you. love you, Bye :)
@yoongisteef 11 күн бұрын
it sucks that you had to deal with that as a kid anxiety can so easily stunt young ppl and their personal growth, its unfortunate :/ but im happy youve overcome some of it even just a little lyt <3
@Beachvibes238 12 күн бұрын
I really needed this, thanks a lot bae
@umbra1948 12 күн бұрын
This playlist came while I’m still attending my first year at community college. I still feel nothing like an adult at 18 years old. It’s unbelievable how quickly I went from graduating to attending college. I didn’t mentally change all that much in such a small window of time. Just a single summer of freedom before life just… Went on. I actually find that to be kind of beautiful, looking back on who I was then and who I am now. What I used to think about and do and enjoy and hate as a younger teenager. Everything that changed and everything that stayed the same. It’s a different kind of nostalgia, but it’s one I appreciate just as much. It helps keep me connected to my past younger self and the life they had. The way they felt about and towards the world we live in. The world felt way more different back then, and it had so many of those special moments where there was this kind of peace as I just took a step back and enjoyed my life, listening to music, or looking at other people’s incredible art and other media creations on Pinterest and other popular platforms that inspired my own imagination to grow and expand with its ideas and thoughts, or just thinking about everything in life that was passing by like a thinker at peace with the way things were for me at the moment. How life just kept going on. Where I just appreciated the present moment and _lived_ it. How I was a part of that, how I got to experience and witness it myself while still being an individual person along with everyone else with their individual identities and lives. I was able to meditate on my state of mind and the thoughts I had and think of the good in life. The beauty and peace in it. The joy from reading a story from a book and feeling every emotion as I went farther and farther in until the cathartic end. A catharsis I always felt with nearly every book because I just loved to read that much. The observations and wisdom I learned from my teenage years combined with the authentic experiences and joys from my past life are something I will look back on and treasure for a long time. I hope others can find the joy and wisdom they gained during their teenage years and feel the same gratitude and love for those aspects of their past, if nothing else from it was good. Keep the valuable parts of your journey with you forever and always feel free to appreciate them, no matter how long or short it is, as you go forward into the beyond and face whatever next big thing life has planned for you. You are ready. You’ve got this. We’ve all got this. *Keep going.* I’m still learning Vietnamese, so I’m not great at it. Still, just to try: “Từ người này sang người khác, hạnh phúc sẽ gặp chúng ta.” (From one person to another, happiness will meet us)
@yoongisteef 11 күн бұрын
im rly glad youre in a good place and i hope your vietnamese goes well !! thank you for the kind words <3
@vinshay1497 12 күн бұрын
I'm turning 18 in 4 days. I am in no way mentally prepared for it. maybe I am associating too much meaning into me turning 18 but I can't help. 2024 has been such an ass. this really is the final goodbye to my childhood. and I have no track of wherever the hell all my teenage years slipped into. this music makes me so overwhelmed and so not-overwhelmed at the same time. thank you for another wonderful music collection congratulations and good luck for uni! take care! <3
@JojoDaYoyo 12 күн бұрын
Never fail to deliver a good playlist!
@yomi1046 12 күн бұрын
you never disappoint with your playlists ❤
@Lonelybuthappy 12 күн бұрын
Yeah thats true my last year and im so saddd
@jeske7452 12 күн бұрын
Title is very relatable. I’m in my last year of highschool and I’m turning 18 in like two months, it sucks
@Nontakuu 12 күн бұрын
Your comeback make me happy!❤ Playlist so supportable for me, because I turned to 20 this year, and I can't believe what I survive. Now that's first time of many years when I want to live. It's so unusually fot me, that the real new era. Also I want to hug every person here, if you here you are enough strong❤
@chrysosodes 12 күн бұрын
ahh i didn't realise you were the same age as me but ig that makes sense because so many of your playlists are really relatable ( i deadass also just started uni LOLL) anyway happy 20th birthday and i hope u have an amazing time at uni !!! and thank you as always for the playlist 🫶
@miraie_dono631 12 күн бұрын
Everyone always says that high school and the first years of university are the best years of our lives. But this year I turned 20 and in a year I will graduate from university. And all the memories I have of these “best” years of my life are how first people around me died from the virus, and now from missiles. You know, it's so scary. I'm not sure I'll live to see tomorrow, but I still keep dreaming about the future. I think this is the adult life my parents always told me about. You don't know if you're going to live to see tomorrow or not, but you keep going into that unknown future. This is what it means to be brave. Even though my youth was pretty shitty, I will still continue to fight for my “best” years. Because we are the ones who choose which years will be the "best" for us. Despite all the pain, we have to turn those days into something beautiful. I don't know what I'm doing in this world and where I'm going, but the only thing I'm sure of is that I will continue to live. To everyone who has turned 20 or is about to turn 20 this year, I wish you good luck and, most importantly, don't be afraid. Your life is still ahead of you) "...Today all the world is for you: Forests and hills, valleys deep. So hurry to live, please, hurry! So hurry to love, please, hurry! Don’t miss out on it, don’t oversleep! ‘Cause you on this Earth are a human. And whether you want it or not, That smile of yours is unique to you, That torment of yours is unique to you, Your eyes no other person has got." Vasyl Symonenko "You know that you are a human?.."
@yourlocalpossum4744 12 күн бұрын
New yoongis playlist real!? wooo! hope you have fun in uni!
@errorissinsan 13 күн бұрын
just in time for my 20th birthday
@PROTUNIKS 13 күн бұрын
@Xenitsu-gv4hn 13 күн бұрын
@valnoe58 13 күн бұрын
So cool to have a new playlist 😊 do you have the insta of the artist who did the drawing? I think it’s really beautiful
@yoongisteef 12 күн бұрын
im not sure if they have an insta but i believe their name on twitter is congming33
@liza_6271 13 күн бұрын
@emd4361 13 күн бұрын
I'm coming up on years where I have to adult, so the title hit close to home. Glad I have another awesome playlist to listen to, though!
@sickomcflippin 13 күн бұрын
I feel like I’ve begun to notice seemingly how many of the people of our generation, maybe even a little beforehand, feel very lost. I don’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure a lot of us can safely, or unsafely say we are more than a little lost in the world being given us as we move into it as adults. We long for the community we had as children, we fear the future and what it does or supposedly doesn’t hold for us. To be adult is to go into the world by ourselves, we are no longer that sweet child in front of the TV crafting away another old minecraft project of ours. As scary as it is, I am happy we all have a sense of community in this together. Whatever life beyond our childhoods hold, I hope we can hold our hands through this, friends. We will be brave
@hunnnnval1 13 күн бұрын
this is so beautiful :)
@yoongisteef 12 күн бұрын
i dont think our generation has ever had a sense of stability about our futures but that also means we've learned to make the most of the present and build these communities while we can and i think thats rly meaningful for an entire generation to hold that same value
@sickomcflippin 12 күн бұрын
@@yoongisteef couldn’t have put it better myself! We’re still great at getting things done as we go, and I don’t doubt figuring out the rest of life will come to us too if we go looking for it.
@EdgyDiaDia 13 күн бұрын
This is my last month of being a teenager and I’ve been feeling pretty down about just how much life I’ve missed out from being chronically ill and depressed for literally all my teenage years, and it’s really sad how I’ll never get them back At the same time, i see how stressed I was about things that were so silly compared to now so Ik it’ll get better, it just sometimes feels like waiting for a breakthrough that’s never coming
@yoongisteef 12 күн бұрын
i also missed out on some of teenage years for similar reasons but ive heard that your 20s-30s are supposed to be the best years of your life, that breakthrough is gonna come when you least expect it you just have to stick around for it <33
@alissahenderson641 10 күн бұрын
In 5 years everything will be SOOO different and you’ll look back on this comment and feel a mix of emotions but it will be beautiful
@maetrashfire1213 13 күн бұрын
I turned 20 in late late June, but it still hasnt clicked yet... So this is even more bittersweet to dwell on, haha...
@junebugzz9821 13 күн бұрын
@dawnbo 13 күн бұрын
hi ily i hope uni treats you well!
@yoongisteef 12 күн бұрын
thank you !! ilyt !!
@Quanrile 13 күн бұрын
im turning thirteen in a few months and everybody keeps saying they miss their teens and would do anything to redo it, saying that they'd do so much differently than they chose to have done in their younger years. any advice?? 😭😭🙏
@yoongisteef 12 күн бұрын
honestly just make the most of it, it goes by very quick. make memories, be in the moment, enjoy yourself and don't worry so much about small things <3
@Quanrile 12 күн бұрын
@@yoongisteef ty!!!! also love your playlists
@eyedragongaming6371 13 күн бұрын
Im 18 and already scared for both 20 and 21
@vickid4412 13 күн бұрын
THANK YOU i love your playlists!! i will keep this one in mind when it's actually my last year as a teen... :,)
@duaali6408 13 күн бұрын
needed this. I’m a hs senior now and I’ve been reflecting. It’s such a big year and im so nervous to move forward. I’m 18 in almost 2 months and i just hope that me being an adult soon I’ll still keep special parts of myself especially my close ones. Never wanna lose em they’ve shaped me to be who I am today <3
@DennyPink 13 күн бұрын
YAYY I was just looking to choose another playlist from you!! Good luck with uni pookie !!
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
@@DennyPink thank you pookie !!
@milhouse901 13 күн бұрын
crazy good ,
@Jerry_fromwork 13 күн бұрын
I hate thinking about the fact that I’m still only a sophomore but I already reflect on my past self like I have my thirties to hate my past self
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
@@Jerry_fromwork yeah its a bad habit ive been overthinking myself since i was 15 entirely too young to even have life decisions to look back on and regret
@davidvillalpando6081 13 күн бұрын
what a good playlist ❤
@gaynug6366 13 күн бұрын
no shot this comes out only a few weeks after i turn 19 thats crazy
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
im psychic dont tell anyone😳😳
@gaynug6366 13 күн бұрын
@@yoongisteef can you predict my future
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
@@gaynug6366 youre gonna have...18 cats and a hot wife😌
@gaynug6366 13 күн бұрын
@yoongisteef yooooo let's goooo lmao
@LEWIS_sanders_9 13 күн бұрын
I think you always stay a teenager, just do it within you're age group
@gabrieldugarte9569 13 күн бұрын
I will never get tired of your playlists, you have good musical taste
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
i rly appreciate that thank you <3
@thebread5384 13 күн бұрын
This is so real since I'm turning 18 next month Godswilling
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
the big one 🥳🥳 hope you have a good birthday !!
@dalion100 13 күн бұрын
Happy 20th! Hope you have a splendid time at Uni. Hope you are well <3
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
ty <33
@Ahhhhh_cats 13 күн бұрын
@trolledfrog678 13 күн бұрын
This had to come out a month before my birthday….
@yoongisteef 13 күн бұрын
happy early birthday !!
@trolledfrog678 13 күн бұрын
@@yoongisteef aw thanks its In October! Im a spoopy frog