peuple en volkanikally active regions like iceland can harness to employ der geothermal heats' energies to boil water into steams to power der movable turbines en magnetikally artificial fields to drive disruptively changing magnetik flux to generate elekt~trick powers thru der principles auf elekt~tro~magnetisms to merely engender renewable, green, clean et virtually free~auf~charge powers to supply der energies' needs auf heatings, lightings, cookings ( crook~kings,?),et loco~mo~tional mechanikally kinetik forces, etc,?
@hanniyoung-nd9kq Жыл бұрын
der folks / peuple en goldman's ( aktually une zoologist hymn~sell~f, no ideas how he hath gott into interesting in~vest~men~t ban~king hymn~sell~f,? ) hath humerusly wisecracked, " blud, thou art der most folliest bloke ich hath ever seen, ya know, blud, " knowledge " ist " powers ", der jewish ageold wisdom auf alchemists' can transcend " trash " into " cash ", ya know, they hath harnessed der very playfully wayful uses auf animals' egestional scheisse dung ( shit) en those remotely agrarian villages where farmers merely employ those underground excavated et enclosed chamber to fermentate organik livestocks' scheisse dung to make biofuels ( biogas like methane thru microbial decompositions auf livestocks' organik matters, namely scheisse,!) fur powering their heatings, cookings ( crook~kings,?) et lighting purposes en those hard~to~access remotely distant rural countryside agrarian farms,? ich curiously enquired : hath scientists made une innovational robotik device which eats scheisse shit and churns out cereal grains,?
helllo sir i'm interstend in PEMFC source and i hope you can send me like a SVG files or clear pents
@潔能講堂3 жыл бұрын
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