Can We Talk to Whales?
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The Life of a Harvard Ethnobotanist
Harvard's Allston Expansion
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Wing Heart
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Customizable Soft Robot Heart Pump
Violinist Sumire Hirotsuru ’16
Creating Beta Cells
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Out, Damn'd Spot!
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@rodfaragini7110 3 күн бұрын
Listen to everything Avi speaks about. His take makes one think
@skyerandbuzz8814 3 күн бұрын
Where can I see the full video?
@peterelliott2914 3 күн бұрын
BYD has confirmed a $1 billion vehicle plant in Turkey so actually no tariffs for them in Europe. No doubt Mexico will be the next one planned. A tariff war is only likely to hurt the US.
@yodamaster202 3 күн бұрын
Our sience is so slow.
@klvfu 4 күн бұрын
2024 and here again. It’s always an inspiring speech!
@Jonathan-ru9zl 7 күн бұрын
Living Legend
@Jonathan-ru9zl 7 күн бұрын
Beautiful and adorable
@cspicer4611 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your intellectual gift with us all. 🙏🏼
@niosanfrancisco 7 күн бұрын
American decline is REAL.
@holyngrace7806 9 күн бұрын
Prof. thank you for the presentation. It brings back so many memories. Even my first days in computing on a DEC DP 11-5. Wonderful.
@1redcougar175 9 күн бұрын
Chinese friends? You think China is our friend? You a card carrier professor?
@1redcougar175 9 күн бұрын
There is no such private companies in China, all are controlled one way or another by the party!
@Darkmatter321 10 күн бұрын
THe US' problem is that it has developed a huge inferiority complex, therefore it can not see itself competing with anyone, much less China. It is also stuck in the 1950s mentality, when it was a real super power and could bully other nations. It certainly could still bully nations like Syria, Afghanistan and some nations in Africa. But it's learning really quick that China is a different story all together. While the US was busy waging multiple wars all over the place, China was busy educating its citizens, building infrastructure, creating prosperity for its citizens, and building healthy and respectful relations with other nations. IMO if anyhone nation deserves our respect, and should be emulated, it's China.
@888YangJi 11 күн бұрын
I am shocked, there is an adult in America.🤨🤨
@NT-ro6rz 12 күн бұрын
BYD is opening a plant in Mexico and they have stated that they plan to sell to Latin America
@NT-ro6rz 12 күн бұрын
Our government is run by AIPAC and the politicians that they put into office can’t comprehend this
@sneakymove 12 күн бұрын
I hope Havard intellectuals could figure out or do a forum about " how to collaborate with China while avoiding political suicide" for politicians and law makers in US. If this is not resolved, US will never ever think about improving relation with China. Currently being anti China helps their political career as seen in Western world. And pro-US countries like Philipine, Japan and South Korea. Luckily Australia woke up, and New Zealand is always sober.
@thuptenrikey2720 12 күн бұрын
US is not qualified to judge China. US' support to Israel to masscare unconditionally the Palestiinans disqualify US to judge any nation on this planet.
@asianamericanadvice6016 13 күн бұрын
The Trump policies regarding China were much better in clean energy. Trump allowed for free import of bifacial solar panels. Allowing for the massive surge in building solar farms. Biden has reversed that and slapped additional up to 200% tarriffs on solar panels as well as the 102% tarriffs on Chinese made EVs, massive tarriffs on EV and utilty batteries, a ban on certain polysilicon for solar panels, etc. Meanwhile US military still buys thousands of item types from Chinese companies like electronic and chip components and shipbuilding. Buy American only for your military. Let American companies and induviduals buy Chinese EVs and solar panel to strengthen our energy supply, stop carbon killing our world and cut inflation. A 12K dollar EV can cut costs for a low income family by 10K's of dollars.
@asianamericanadvice6016 13 күн бұрын
It is indeed a fear of China. I have personally encountered this.
@MM-sr6fw 13 күн бұрын
The Chinese are “paranoid” about them……hahaha. Yes, the Chinese have long memories, they study history and they can think.
@faizanrana2998 13 күн бұрын
@mikeshen9293 13 күн бұрын
Dear professor, US has to Dominant everything! Most American agree with this.😂😂😂
@huntingtonjimmy2999 13 күн бұрын
This Harvard professor seems to have overlooked the fact that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) consistently employs unfair economic practices and wields political power against countries like South Korea and Australia. From a political and economic standpoint, the CCP’s rise has been accompanied by ambitious actions. For instance, consider how it treats democratic Taiwan and poses a threat to America’s national interests
@samliew6610 14 күн бұрын
So sad to see the US Neocon warmongers have sore losers mentality when come to competition. You just proofed to the world 🌎 that US is NOT a democratic and free country as always claimed. All lies and propaganda.
@Truthstelling 14 күн бұрын
Next big thing is electric commercial plane from CATL which has already developed a "condensed" battery with energy density of 500wh/kg
@AnthonyBoeyKumToh-tl4ud 14 күн бұрын
I used to admire US democracy and tech. Not anymore...sorry. As for China, they are making great strides in their development. But they need to have better relations with their neighbours. I certainly don't like being coerced or bullied. If they stop all that, they can become a great nation and leader.
@youspoontube 13 күн бұрын
China is very respectful of the sovereignty of its neighbors. Everything is negotiable in a civilized manner as it should be.
@luning7621 14 күн бұрын
Sorry, the zero-sum thinking is American only as American auto makers received the same subsidies as their Chinese competitors in China.
@thx1138sixnine 14 күн бұрын
Professor Kirby starts with framing that implies our policy dysfunction results from policy choices by both nations: " happening as a result of the policies of both countries" in a sentence closing with " and in particular those in this case of the United States" ... implies a false narrative of both side-ism. Cognitive distortion: His assertion that protectionism is mutual [Washington and Beijing when in point of fact our100% tariffs are not mutual in the least He pejoratively calls China paranoid for believing our government is deliberately attempting to deny China technological advancement when in fact that is the avowed policy of our government. Pathetic: our national policy attempting the "Tanya Harding" strategy of knee capping China instead of competing honestly.... and sadly also the cognitive dissonance evident in the false framing of mutual responsibility when our self destructive clean energy policy of containment is a bed of our own making.
@youspoontube 13 күн бұрын
Agreed with your take. But if the professor said it, I doubt he could remain in Harvard for long.
@Canigoback-ve7xp 12 күн бұрын
The Professor's talking points are exactly China's talking points. There is no difference whatsoever. No mention of the incredible open, generous, and gracious support of America for China over the last 30 years. Not even a thank you from China. Just hostility, hacking, spy balloons etc. China took full advantage of American diplomats and played them for fools over the last 3 decades. China is where they are because #1), the hard work and intelligence of the Chinese people and #2) because of American support technologically, open markets, keeping the south China Sea open for commerce, etc.. Americans can't even buy property in China while China certainly can. Reciprocity in hundreds of ways has been non-existent. So America is finally waking up.
@gwoodlogger4068 14 күн бұрын
China doesn't need the US or EU market.
@helios4u2 15 күн бұрын
The United States imposed its dominance not by becoming the best in everything but by preventing others from becoming the best. Every time a country tried to compete, the Americans rigged the competition and when that was not enough, they destroyed the competitor through corruption and war. This evil empire, worthy heir to the British empire which has used the same methods for 200 years, is coming to the end of its existence simply because its methods no longer work. Indeed Russia and China are too smart, too big and too powerful for the methods of the CIA and the American military-industrial-financial complex to succeed in destroying them. It remains to be seen whether the diabolical leaders of the USA are ready to go as far as nuclear war to destroy these competitors. Except that this time, the Americans risk annihilation. When Americans are beaten by their own rules, they change the rules, accuse their competitors of cheating when they are the ones cheating. Accusing China of being able to spy with 5G technology or TIKTOK while the USA has been spying on the whole world for decades says a lot about this evil empire which fortunately is collapsing.
@zhangruyi3153 15 күн бұрын
Professor Kirby - you need to ask yourself the question who started this trade war? No use putting equal blames on both countries when it is obvious that the US wants to finish off China and all the bad things have been started by the US in recent years, not benefitting ordinary Americans. If the US put a sanction or tariff on China, don't think China will sit there doing nothing like a fool. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - we all learnt this in school in our physics lesson. Of course China will do something bad to the US after been slapped a tariff of more than one hundred percent. Not 100 percent, more than 100 percent. And don't tell me that Chinese governments support Chinese companies. The US does the same. Only poor Europe is not doing this because they don't have the money to support their own companies.
@getgal1 13 күн бұрын
Wise words.
@user-ei1ct4gn7s 15 күн бұрын
Hmm ..would rather listen to a business person who has signed the front of a check and has succeeded ... instead of a lifelong teacher who hasn't created a thing ...
@thomasctteo6868 15 күн бұрын
@rushiekh 15 күн бұрын
Japan was pressured by the US into signing the Plaza Accord and thus crippling its own economy.
@xiaoranmo7308 14 күн бұрын
After so many years people still believe this myth
@SW-wf3gy 15 күн бұрын
Russian Military announced in a press conference (showing evidence) US is relocating Ukraine bio chemical weapons labs to Congo to start another pandemic of avian flu there and blame it on Russia and China.
@rosetzu_nagasawa 15 күн бұрын
LACK of Leadership in USA is showing its head. Lame Duck president who can't get anything done. LOTS of complaints and slogans. Build Back Better what? Name one project....
@yifengyifeng 15 күн бұрын
Do whales have dialects or different languages? How do one apologize to a whale?
@yifengyifeng 15 күн бұрын
The chair is huge.
@sttan2631 15 күн бұрын
Hagemony selfish interest is the root.. Talk talk waste of time. World share care is the way
@cwho178ho7 15 күн бұрын
Well better not invest in USA and really will get Rob the the government
@damianrhea8875 15 күн бұрын
The hostility originates from RACISM; for example: during the “Japanese invasion” in 1980’s, the Brits had 4 times more the investments in the U.S. than the Japanese, yet the U.S. felt completely comfortable with their white-skinned kind and kept hush for the Brits.
@slc801 15 күн бұрын
The politicians is the downfall of the US the can’t win against China so they think by demonizing china they can stop them . Cooperation is the only solution for long term success !!
@jimjimlima4333 15 күн бұрын
The explanation is very scientific & systematic approach to explore universe.
@eufinn9943 15 күн бұрын
It's too bad that there are too few wise men like Professor Kirby in the United States.
@vicmigo 15 күн бұрын
He is one of a handful that can see beyond the tip of his nose that cooperation among nations is the best forward to everyone. However, American political elites are a bunch of populists that in the pockets of donors and self interest groups.
@aftdel 15 күн бұрын
There is no difference between China talking points and this Professors talking points. It’s just incredible. Agreed we should enter joint ventures with Chinese EV companies in the same manner they did. Forced technology transfers for market access. And TikTok, besides causing mental issues with young Americans, is a very different product in China vs America. Much more educational and patriotic and nationalistic there. There is no reciprocity with social media platforms with China as US platforms are all banned. America has been enormously gracious and open and supportive of China over the last 25 years, but our diplomats were played for fools. This Professor seems to want that to continue. It would be nice if US academics actually supported their own country, but that just seems too much to ask for these days.
@aftdel 14 күн бұрын
@PrimeroCanale 15 күн бұрын
China is merely reacting to what the US is doing.
@parklilys3108 16 күн бұрын
The US as a technologically dominant power in the world is afraid of technological competition with China. This shows you how backward we are and how wrong path we are led to go.
@laucon11 16 күн бұрын
You either have to be a total shill or total moron to refer to Chinese companies as 'private'. Everything there is CCP.