The Tomb was beat in 21 Minutes...
12 сағат бұрын
14 сағат бұрын
16 сағат бұрын
Terminus but it's in World at War...
Why Zombies Chronicles 2 is Dead.
BO3 Origins was beat in 31 Minutes...
@Rigged2Explode 3 сағат бұрын
13:52 ayo chill the fuck out yo, you sitting there playing with th- 'rah'
@FuzzyBallzTiger 4 сағат бұрын
Not gonna lie thought this was vanguard till lex said it wasn’t 😅😅
@ijahzii 6 сағат бұрын
Nice vid lex, do you think that we Weill ever get primus or ultimas operators in the store?
@chinamadman 6 сағат бұрын
Bro really using the speedrun thumbnail now💀
@Dtox78 8 сағат бұрын
Dude if they would have kept that original stair case area by the gondola it would have made the map so much more bigger than needed
@T-Sizzler645 12 сағат бұрын
It looks like a custom WAW zombies map.
@zghd02 12 сағат бұрын
32:09, any fnaf players recognize this? it sounds so simmilar
@zghd02 12 сағат бұрын
oh. i shoulda finished the part...
@mangyshelf 13 сағат бұрын
Lex, what pc do you use?
@ElijahCastillo-k9o 15 сағат бұрын
I feel like people forgot that blackout on bo4 had alcatraz island. Wouldnt that be more similar to this or is rebirth island the definitive comparison?
@orandy.darling 15 сағат бұрын
bo6 is trash bring the right zombies/multiplayer 😀big fan lex sence 2020
@iffyfoil5670 16 сағат бұрын
I remember playing rebirth for the first time and making it up to the infirmary and shitting myself with flashbacks and the realization it was mob of the dead.
@ImKudah 16 сағат бұрын
Bo4 was full of cut bo2 content
@danielduked 16 сағат бұрын
Love you Lex. ❤
@Kuro1kazuchi 17 сағат бұрын
I lose braincells listening to Lex talk.
@1stHimmy 19 сағат бұрын
Liberty balls is ass cheeks, that map made for camo grinders and time pass
@Julian7469 19 сағат бұрын
I think jason blundell said they built mob in its entirety and they had to scale it down to what we actually got. I forgot where that was said and its REALLY cool to actually see that for bo2, its kind of wild.
@JasonFrausto-l7l 19 сағат бұрын
They should’ve used chaos bosses since it’s a chaos themed map with the sentinel artifact
@psycholaw4394 20 сағат бұрын
'Where are we going' make more sense now
@BrownBreachBear 20 сағат бұрын
So Botd is just a remaster of the og motd
@celoms3525 21 сағат бұрын
Tranzit route B is pretty confirmed
@Jack-Negus 22 сағат бұрын
Wow, I always though New Industries and the Catwalk were strange things to add in BoTD but it makes sense why they would now.
@TheCrispyChip 22 сағат бұрын
Im just happy the map runs at a really good fps! I can max out m ssettings again xD ANNND you HAVE to for the stupid symbol part of the EE.
@STE4LTHYP1CKL3 22 сағат бұрын
I don't understand why EVERY map needs 2 boss zombies. What was wrong with just normal zombies and a panzer every few rounds? Or brutus? Or margwas? I mean I wouldnt even be opposed to the idea of no boss zombies on a smaller map like this
@MegaAdams00 23 сағат бұрын
When they announced this map coming out this early, your expectations should be it won't be as good as the previous map lol. If you had high expectations then it's your own fault. Ice staff is fine, bosses go down decently easy so the 'spam' doesn't bother me, map looks pretty sick, and it's a fun time. Death perception i agree is just a why. But you know if they bring double tap back, there going to save it til the final dlc. My money's on mule kick next and double tap last. The bugs are annoying yes, but I'm a destiny player so I'm used bugs here and there lol
@LonePandaz 23 сағат бұрын
Where not taking account for the money so yea it is probably the fastest but with saved money if you had started with zero then I’d bet that would change…yea ima hater but good for him
@Novsev9069 Күн бұрын
Imagine grief on this version it would’ve been crazy. it would’ve been so big it probably could’ve been 4 teams of 4
@daspongebob21 Күн бұрын
A map already dropped? The swords map just dropped
@fade6858 Күн бұрын
In BO3 Chronicles we trust.
@CCrohny Күн бұрын
Whoever was playing is so bad man, he opens a new area and then just never goes down.
@luissilva-santisteban3960 Күн бұрын
lex its actually crazy to me that despite how irrelevant zombies has largely been for years you still find a way to drop content 🙌🏽
@PluuuumE Күн бұрын
Pap camo is cool
@maxthebabe Күн бұрын
This version of Terminus is way better I can't lie
@kevintorres8848 Күн бұрын
This gives revelations vibes but ain’t better cuz the boss fight here trash
@kevintorres8848 Күн бұрын
I’ve done revelations 20x this map already done it 2x this the clases map to it except for the staff wish it had a better womderweapon and leave the staff for another map with 4 cuz like 1 staff ain’t it
@sorabruh8769 Күн бұрын
Were the dog symbols more resembling the story the retriever is after? It looked like it had indigenous vibes whatttt :O
@Cauliy Күн бұрын
This is fucking crazy
@NukeTheOG Күн бұрын
Heaventh has a video that explores the map more in-depth, he even goes to the golden gate bridge
@fattyboss1015 Күн бұрын
New zombies so dry the old ones are still wet
@connoriquada5429 Күн бұрын
Insane how blood was always there and we just didn’t know it. This could’ve been insane. Makes me sad with how underwhelming blood actually is.
@EasyPeezy1327 Күн бұрын
This would’ve been crazy. Happy still but between the origins cut areas and mob cut areas, our favorite maps could’ve had that much more to them
@SpicyP3020 Күн бұрын
Bo2 build system was so garbage holy
@finalnukes Күн бұрын
looking back botd was hated because it wasn't like motd, little did we know that botd layout was the original plan. Obviously there were bound to make changes on both versions its just interesting.
@DoublePointzz Күн бұрын
Damn. We got the time crunched version 100%. If they decide to faithfully remaster motd for cod 2025 100% we would love to just see these features added in
@FoevaHustling 13 сағат бұрын
More like the old gen compatible version
@yourneighbour3309 Күн бұрын
We need this!!!!!
@yourneighbour3309 Күн бұрын
So crazy!!!!!
@ziggytheassassin5835 Күн бұрын
So botd was probably closer to their initial vision...
@CCrohny Күн бұрын
BOTD definitely would've been received better if it was capable on the BO2 engine + isn't being compared to MOTD
@psycholaw4394 20 сағат бұрын
Laout wise, maybe. But the story and cast is what really sold the original mob of the dead
@SweatyTesty 17 сағат бұрын
Same with tranzit Bo2 zombies was very ambitious
@santi3256 Күн бұрын
My main problem with Mob of the dead is the layout, this layout would probably felt much better.
@Lifesucks360 Күн бұрын
Jason blundel wasn’t lying when he said that motd was supposed to be a bigger map. Also cool to see how they were going to have the catwalk and new industries areas back then
@redheadamazing6334 Күн бұрын
I love botd and motd so seeing this was an absolute joy 🫶
@madeabstract Күн бұрын
This mf can sell a mansion to a ant how lucky he is. I cant get more than a shieva from the box
@NathanSmith-zl6uq Күн бұрын
damn they created rebirth island 8 years before it was in cod warzone