@PremiumGerman Күн бұрын
There is extended release nicotine. Nicotine patches and pouches are both kinda xr
@yungjoshx 8 күн бұрын
im 4 months nic free and im just craving it fr i dont really see any benefits to quitting
@kingcreed348 13 күн бұрын
I experienced the opposite than most. After quitting im always tired, etc. But i am sleeping a little better. The worst part, is i legit miss it. Because when i quit, i didnt want to quit. It was for religious reasons. Limb numbness i got a good bit,but i have nerve damage anyways, so. And same, my peepee works better now 😂
@RackyanHD 13 күн бұрын
it does go away
@SeanMacadelic 13 күн бұрын
14:00 This is all I needed to hear. I have had debilitating anxiety for the past few years that I 100% know are amplified by nicotine. I’ve been vape/nicotine free for 2 weeks now. And I can honestly say I can feel the fear of what’s around the corner IS BEING diminished. Like physically, going around a corner was/is hard. I don’t know what kind of interaction is going to happen; when I cross the threshold. But I feel like I’m getting closer to normal now. Like I think I will get better at managing spirals with time. I would literally say every day “time for my daily, existential crisis.” I think that is over tbh.
@Wormed101 15 күн бұрын
I have adhd and have been doing nicotine for 15 years. I've quit multiple times, even lasting 6 months a few times. I honestly just have no drive to do anything when I'm off of it. Never wanted to be prescribed Adderall or any of that stuff, so I decided yesterday that I'm going to start zyns again. Literally was able to work out again and be way more productive in everything, and not feel like any task I need to do feels like the end of the world. I'm going to stay on it for the foreseeable future. Some advice, stay away from smoking and nic salts. That stuff gives you way too much nicotine too fast. I feel the zyns or other brands like that give me a slower release and helps more for me at least, and the withdrawals aren't as horrific.
@megalou6567 19 күн бұрын
Loving all your content on this subject . I am 17 days into quitting vaping . Feeling so much better in a lot of ways but also kinda blank mentally . Hanging in there
@megalou6567 19 күн бұрын
So I quit cigs almost 3 years ago . But immediately picked up vaping . I just quit vaping for the 3rd or 4th time . Today is day 17 no vape . It feels so nice. I still reach for it sometiems and it takes me a second to remember I quit . I do feel so much better and I’m gonna try hard to stay quit this time
@IsaacSpree123 21 күн бұрын
10:50 not a scientist but im pretty sure its because nicotine causes blood vessels to shrink in diameter
@Muhluri 24 күн бұрын
16:28 ironically I occasionally use nic gum when I need to work. The difference is that I only use the gum once a week. Also, I only take 2mg per day. Meanwhile people who vape are inhaling 10x more on a daily basis. When you do it every day, it loses its benefits
@billiehicks1864 26 күн бұрын
Dang I just quit vaping been almost a week and I feel bad cause I stopped vaping but have used other bad habits like drinking and herb to compensate getting over the hump! Happy I javent vaped definitely really wanted to but man I feel like I can relate to you and all of your personal issues related to the topic 1000% like I am soo similar to you and your issues and how I've felt and experienced things!❤
@HadesConstantineNightingale 27 күн бұрын
I have ADHD, diagnosed at 6. I smoked for 20 years. Quit. Now I medicate my ADHD with nicotine patches. Nicotine patches are a great way to balance an ADHD brain.
@adamelallam6146 28 күн бұрын
recently quit sorta cold turkey, I just let my last 2 vapes die slowly and told myself I would'nt buy another, and for whatever reason, I'm 7 days with no nicotine now and I hardly had any withdrawls at all, I've been a heavy smoker since 14, I'm 22 now, and I've tried quitting before and it felt like agony, I really have no clue what happpened but, I really feel like I flicked a switch, vaping just suddeny felt so undeniably cringe to me, it just gave me the ick bad. I'm not exactly sure what I've discovered but if I suddenly get some suprise symptoms I've got some 2mg lozenges, Ill update here if I relapse lol.
@adamelallam6146 28 күн бұрын
forgot to note, I also had a zero nicotine vape that I disposed of day 2 as I did'nt like the juice coating my lungs similar to a vape, but I beleived it played a huge role in nullyfying the signifigance of nicotine in my brain simply because the zero nicotine vape offered 80% of the "relief" an actual nicotine vape would, seriously I'd reccomend this to anyone if you're having cravings.
@chriskelly125 Ай бұрын
I just recently learned that people with ADHD self medicate with nicotine/tobacco. I also just learned that lots of bad things happen when you have unmanaged ADHD. I quit smoking at the beginning of 2023 not knowing any of that. I knew I had ADHD but I never seen it as a problem, apparently because I spent most of my life with it mostly managed by cigarettes. Then I decided to quit smoking. To make a long story short, I went off the deep end. Wife called crisis and a month later I’m still unmanaged. That’s mainly because the VA diagnosed me with CUD and, more or less, refuses to treat the ADHD and instead only one of the peripheral symptoms, unless I forgo stimulant treatment and pot. Anyway, the moral of the story is, if you have ADHD and you want to quit smoking, then do yourself a favor and be sure you’re managing your symptoms, preferably, with a stimulant since that’s what you’re giving up.
@EsotericMindsets Ай бұрын
I wanna hear the 2 year update, did you cave in since this video ? How did you handle it ?
@audrey-yr4qn Ай бұрын
Thank you for this video
@rykris1220 Ай бұрын
Anyone else realize that nicotine was making them more paranoid? I quit and the paranoia that I’ve had for the last 2 years using it is just gone completely
@rykris1220 Ай бұрын
I quit 2 weeks ago now This may help people, I had really bad brain fog for 3 days because your mind is desiring nicotine Throughout this process I have been taking alpha brain black label, and whether it’s a placebo or not it absolutely helped me get through it I still have thoughts of taking a zyn or Rogue but they’re not strong enough to overpower me mind
@peterware5173 Ай бұрын
Vape is poison toxic shit .
@j.mad414 Ай бұрын
day #4, tough! got used to puffing here and there, and everywhere especially at wrk! reaching to my pockets still, or my tool box! muscle memory i suppose! God willing i will stop vaping completely!
@iLLFXdrUms Ай бұрын
My god the anxiety bro! Honestly I had no idea it was the nicotine…I was looking at my diet because I’d notice after I ate for some reason I’d often get a big rush of anxiety. Looked at everything but nicotine. Then after having enough of the anxiety I started researching vaping and anxiety…boy was I surprised. Shortly after discovering this (8 years of vaping total) I quit cold turkey. Which is also a complete miserable experience. I’m 9 days nicotine free and it’s been a challenge. I’m just starting to have normal days where I’m not anxious, and just jittery all the time. I’d say around day 7-8 it became a little less intense. Leading up to that was a challenge though…regardless so far very worth it just because of the lessening of anxiousness. Worst feeling ever in my opinion.
@brantmkw4783 Ай бұрын
Great video man, thanks for sharing. Great perspective
@Plsfuckoffwiththestrongshit. Ай бұрын
As an ex vaper, id like to ask have you ever bought vapes and after a few days you get used to the taste of it and it just tastes absolutely disgusting.... or its burns while charging... how much has that caused your anxiety and irritation worse if it did ?
@ThomsonBR42 Ай бұрын
Nicotine is known to act the same as ADHD stimulants to the point that many pharmaceutical companies have tried to create synthetic nicotines that aren't as addictive, none of them have worked.
@ThomsonBR42 Ай бұрын
The dosage makes the poison. The ADHD studies on Nicotine cap their daily test dosages at 10mg and different formats of concentration (freebase vs salt) also affect the bioavailability. Over-doseing causes counterproductive effects.
@ChristopherDonnerArtist Ай бұрын
Good for you my guy! Im getting off Zyn. I've only used it for 3-4 months. Not worth it even slightly!
@maliciousmusicyt2658 2 ай бұрын
In all fairness if you’re in America, you probably have a pretty good chance of being shot in a grocery store. Don’t beat yourself up to much about the paranoia. In a side note, nicotine has a lot of studies showing it does help correct ADHD. They have a hard time separating the “addictive “ molecule from it. Which is a big reason why they don’t move it forward as a “medicine”
@lickmycrit836 2 ай бұрын
I keep craving it after quitting. It sucks. It makes my depression, anxiety and go nuts
@qryto5939 2 ай бұрын
I quit, best decision of my entire life. Way more energy, clearer mentally, physically & way less impulsive decisions. Small things are way more enjoyable and it's nice being free, not having a rope holding me down.
@FusionFall20 2 ай бұрын
I will say ADHD is a large factor in what has kept me on nicotine for the past two years. Nobody wants to prescribe me a stimulant because I also have Tourette Syndrome and stimulants worsen tics. However, every non-stimulant medication I have tried has failed me. I had a rough patch at the end of 2022 and relapsed on nicotine but the focus it gave me kept me on it. I will be quitting cold turkey soon after way too much money spent on trying to lower my nicotine from 55mg salt to 3mg freebase. But it's super easy to mess that up when you also crave the inhalation-exhalation fix. I rarely gave myself a day or two break in between milligrams and I am now back on 50mg. Down to my last Vuse Alto pod and last tank of 6mg freebase that I will be using until it is done when this pod is depleted. Not the first time I've quit, but hopefully it is the last. I'm tired of the drawbacks and I'm happy with a small mug of coffee in the morning, anyways, so I'm actually excited this time to quit. I won't be quitting for anyone else but myself. I know I'm late to this video, but I hope your experience with disposables has kept you away from nicotine during the past year. It's far from worth the hassle like I mean who wants to go through 3-4 days of withdrawal and up to a few months of craving when you have finally had enough, anyways? As for alcohol, I agree as it simply just builds confidence when you take too much. I went through over half of last year getting drunk every single night. It gives you confidence in the worst ways possible and makes you feel like anything you are actively thinking about is truly achievable even if it is not. Even if that is using something like nicotine and being able to keep it under control but that is simply just not true, just like you said towards the end of the video. Nicotine is not something to mess with. It amazes me that both of these substances are far more socially acceptable than cannabis, which is what I choose to use personally. But it is strange to me that I could tell a random person that I use nicotine and they'd be like "oh okay whatever" but the moment I'd tell them I use cannabis (which I use both recreationally and medicinally in the evening to unwind and help me sleep as I'm borderline an insomniac when I don't deprive myself of sleep) they may look at me like I'm crazy for doing so. Also, one last side note: that's wild that your friend is the main photographer for Crown! I really gotta get out and go to a DCI show at some point I've kinda stopped following the whole scene since I left high school in 2020 and I always told myself (and keep telling myself) that one day I'll get out to see a finals performance. I miss marching a contra, even if I only got to experience that within high school, and I will always be wanting to relive it.
@user-jr1vf7in8j 2 ай бұрын
don't count the days that you've quit. it's not a competition to see how long you can go. if you truly want to quit, tell yourself that you are NOT a smoker. that's not you; that's not your identity anymore.
@largekuan 2 ай бұрын
relate to much of what you're saying. would love to chat lolol
@marialange9509 2 ай бұрын
Are you able to tolerate dairy,eggs after going glutenfree?where do you choose to get proteins from?
@karenhowk1455 2 ай бұрын
My symptoms were digestive. After 3 years GF I went off my diet and no problems. THEN it manifested in my skin...dermatitis herpetaformis....AWFUL! back on the diet forever!
@Matthewmm110 3 ай бұрын
First of all you are over complicating quitting smoking as usual like everyone, you either are that person or not, you either a addict or not, yeah you will confuse yourself that smoking is better it’s really not, your brain is looking for excuses to run back to your habit.
@WiseWordsofWill 3 ай бұрын
Honestly agreed these old videos were overly dramatic lol
@chrispakdawg9922 3 ай бұрын
I want to quit so bad im fucking petrified 😭😭
@lavellnutrition 3 ай бұрын
From one Celiac to another. I'm so sorry to hear that you went through that. I have three sons and their stories are all unique. I can relate the fact that you kept many of your feeling to yourself. I'm sad that genetic testing isn't more readily available and should absolutely be included in a diagnosis, not just blood testing because you may not have the antibodies left to trace them. I hope everyone tells their doctor that they need genetic testing so you don't left years go by without a proper diagnosis.
@qono1458 3 ай бұрын
"I can quit anytime I want" you are addicted
@austinfinneran974 3 ай бұрын
man i’m only halfway through this video but i just want to say thank you because so many of these things that you’re bringing up describe me perfectly!!!!! however i never realized in the first place that some of these things had to do with nicotine. (btw i am actively trying to quit, i’m barely even a day sober lol but im still trying)
@brabbit7703 3 ай бұрын
Reminds me of the good old days bro said maybe we should come here more often. Kids exploring and chilling and abandoned places is almost a thing of the past unless they have a camera recording it. When kids were kids.
@ryantheniceperson9586 4 ай бұрын
i love you will
@jacobkrutina6366 4 ай бұрын
Just like this is what i have as well with adhd so I am related to you. Another thing is watching something and having to rewind every like 5 minutes, just like what i am doing by watching this video
@hstivggfghyhgfg8359 4 ай бұрын
Fuck ADHD, one of the worst hands in life.
@HybOj 5 ай бұрын
I feel so bad after 30 days being clean it just makes no sense to continue, because why to feel so incredible bad and disgusting. I fight this fucking nightmare for 10 years. I have been clean for 1 or even 2 years and I was NEVER free. Every fucking day was a struggle. So my goal of being FREE never realized, all I got from this plan of stop smoking was just a never ending streak of suffering. And Im just not able to go on as it makes NO sense to go on.
@catkin-z8g 3 ай бұрын
maybe do some hypnosis and eat more fruit.
@HybOj 3 ай бұрын
@@catkin-z8g its getting better in a 3rd month, but I feel like shit many times still, but sometimes I feel ok and forget about it
@fproductions3714 5 ай бұрын
You described it perfectly, I have ADHD too & the first few days of quitting I felt the best I have ever felt in my life, all my senses came back stronger, smell, taste, hearing, awareness, My skin got clearer BUT after that I just felt slumped, stuck to my bed with no motivation & no replacements I did grind gym but as soon as all my friends left I went crazy, then I tried grinding Boxing but my brother stopped sparring with me I felt angry. So all my attempted replacements went to shit & my anxiety went bad bad. So yeah the most I've gone without it is probably 3 days, when I (with ADHD) quit for a couple days I do gain abit of an energy burst & natural male aggression but I had nothing to put my energy to.
@meekoosh 5 ай бұрын
It’s dopamine deficiency
@Apathymiller 5 ай бұрын
Nicotine is a HUGE help for people with mental diagnoses. Nicotine benefits so many people! Especially when you get it from a combustion free product like vaping or pouches. Sounds like you should go back on some. ALOT of Dr's prescribe Nicotine for adhd & psychological disorders.
@tchad49 5 ай бұрын
Dear Will: I am so so sympathetic to your situation. Here's how I see it. Nicotine was clearly helping you control your #ADHD symptoms (#TherapeuticNicotine). This is not surprising. Numerous studies show transdermal nicotine patches reduce ADHD symptoms. If you take nicotine from a safe source, there is no downside. It might even help you reduce your prescription meds, which you know can have nasty side-effects (and ARE addictive). So who convinced you that it was a good idea to stop something that was helping you? I have to assume it's the past 4 decades of demonizing nicotine by researchers and experts in the field of tobacco control. They demonized nicotine for a super good reason, to reduce cigarette use. But this demonization is actually a paternalistic lie. A violation of Truth-Telling, which is a fundamental moral principle in Healthcare Ethics. If cigarettes delivered caffeine, they would have demonized THAT, and no one would care about nicotine. It's just a mild stimulant that increases focus, attention and memory (like caffeine) and, unlike caffeine, also reduces stress and anxiety. In the alternate universe where cigarettes don't kill people, these mild psychoactive effects would be seen as "good for you."
@plumetube5297 5 ай бұрын
Nicotine is not addictive. You eat vegetables you are NEVER nicotine free. Consuming 1 microgram of nic in veggies is equal to being a passive smoker standing in a room full of smoke for 3 hours and absoring that nicotine. Not onenperson on this planet tests negative for nicotine. You have ADHD, it is medically PROVEN that nicotine alleviates symptoms of ADHD. Medical dependance is not addiction. People on blood pressure meds everyday are not addicted, they dependnon it to function. You should stop these videos for now, and educate yourself better. You spread info that harms millions.
@mobtek 5 ай бұрын
Mate I hope you are back on nicotine, I've been using it for 13 years with vaping. It has many beneficial effects, ADHD among them. Just 5% the harm of smoking, maybe less.
@tchad49 5 ай бұрын
Yah. I know dozens and dozens of ex-smokers who quit by vaping who all say the same thing. The puzzle is why ADHD patient advocacy groups don't get this. I have talked with them. They all have the same misperceptions that the general public has. This is because public health has been demonizing nicotine for many decades now, to discourage smoking. If cigarettes didn't kill people, nicotine would not have been demonized, and we would all be talking about #TherapeuticNicotine. if you think about it, it IS just a natural product derived from plants. Like caffeine.