The Foundations of Happiness
3 жыл бұрын
What is Happiness?
3 жыл бұрын
Eight Books That Changed My Life
The Closure Effect
5 жыл бұрын
The Epidemic of Bad Cameos
5 жыл бұрын
How To Remember Everything You Learn
You Are A Strange Loop
6 жыл бұрын
Why Cartoons Make Great Satire
6 жыл бұрын
The Letter That Changed My Life
Joke Theft and Cryptomnesia
7 жыл бұрын
Every Story is the Same
7 жыл бұрын
@gfwagnitz 11 сағат бұрын
Does anyone know what happened to Will?
@MichelLedig 2 күн бұрын
This is a wonderful video
@Silensio 3 күн бұрын
When someone is happy, he is helpful, compassionate, loving, brings to the world only good; whereas when someone is unhappy, he won’t feel very helpful, compassionate, loving and will bring negativity to the world. So, the logical conclusion is - happiness is the most important thing in everyone’s life, it is the purpose of life.
@propheticmessages1763 3 күн бұрын
There is one God, who created Heaven and Earth. He made us in His image and likeness. He made us to worship and we chose to rebel against God. As a result we are seperated from God but God didn’t leave us. Instead God sent His one and only Son, His Son is Jesus. He was born of a virgin and lived a life without sin, though He was tempted in every way as we are. He went on the cross and He willingly took our sins past, present and future. Jesus died in my place for my sins, paying my debt to God and purchasing my salvation. Jesus died but He rose on the third day victory over satan, sin, demons and hell. Jesus tells us to share this story of the Good News and there’s a God that lovingly pursues us. Jesus is coming to judge the living and the dead and those who trust in God will forever be with Him in His Kingdom and those who do not will suffer forever in hell.
@diego750 4 күн бұрын
I always preferred aluminiumy and titaniumy anyway
@therealpinoyhapa 7 күн бұрын
Sadly, David Foster Wallace ended his life too early but left us with an Infinite Jest. Suicide seems to be an ironic jest but so many great artists and writers ended it. Like Van Gogh, Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath etc.,
@thesciguy4823 8 күн бұрын
I'm a grown ass man. And Mr. Rogers can still make me cry.
@scottk1525 9 күн бұрын
Just play some side-by-side comparison clips, we don't need a friggin dissertation video essay.
@andresmontoya2741 9 күн бұрын
Hello how is everything going guys? I have my " own" conclusion I think that all is correct and that real is real, but we are in a mirror of information, we are recopilation of information it means that why not everything works in thar way when we know that chaos y destruction and always is going to the energy stable, it mean it's going to te perfection in the destruction is a loop looking for evolution and be stable until the chaos broke it again to be perfect, the unic that we know is that the universe know how to make life and everything exists and we are the universe, we gonna and we going continuing until infinite because always was in that way and will.
@jongibirdi1394 11 күн бұрын
A video about attention interrupted by ads
@michaelcipriano5803 13 күн бұрын
Obviously Dane stole the joke. You’re thinking way to much
@ihssene_ 15 күн бұрын
@Victoria-xr2zv 16 күн бұрын
Just find out what significant things u want to learn from the chapter and then learn it well. If u get interested into smth not so imp , write it down on the paper and leave it for free time research. U just have to learn 20% to get 80% marks. Now i understand i cannot just recall the whole ch in 1 day and do some 50 questions and expect myself to remember it after 2 month in final exam. It doesn't happen nooo😂 u have to consistently test yourself and revisit by solving problems and doing projects related ro that chapter. Point to be noted plss choose wise questions, we should do quality practice instead of quantity practice. Choose different varieties of hard questions that covers 80% of ur concept and teaches u smth knew while also challenging u ans ur knowledge about that material. I have so much to say about no looking into the solution immediately. Its smth i struggle with but i think i just kinda have to force myself to just do the damm questions without looking at solution. And even if i intend to look at solution i will look at specific thing i am stuck at or the concept thay is lagging in my memory instead of looking at the whole solution because most of the time i know what is the starting of question 🎉❤
@rasmusturkka480 18 күн бұрын
Here's what I wrote to KZbin's feedback. I'm going to have to warn you though, don't read if you've ever been offended by anything you've read online. Actually, you will permanently lose your soul if you read this. Not that you will be able to since I'll be banned. Anyway, here's what I wrote: Is this where I can give feedback on your platform? Let me start. I thought your team was supposed to be full of psychologists with expert understanding of addiction and manufacturing them with factory laboratory precision. I guess I'm the outlier that doesn't fall for your retarded pea brain algorithms anymore, how are you even alive as a company anyway? Look at my fucking feed after I've unrecommended 100+ channels that I don't care about. I still care about none of it! Well, forget about the physics video, that's alright. But still, pretty pathetic if you ask me. I know you hate your job and yourselves more than your wife and kids and even more than your idiotic coworkers, but please make a litre of coffee, sit down, read this with your eyes fully open and pay attention with your last braincell that you haven't used for a decade. All of you losers working at KZbin have wasted your entire life, I'm surprised most of you haven't killed yourselves already. Damn, I forgot just an AI will read this and ban me instantly. I don't care though, ban me a billion times, I'll keep coming back, I'll find a list of all the home addresses of every KZbin employee and kill their grass pets and sweetly caress the hair of their partners, even if they're not women. I could kill all of you even if you had assault rifles and I had only my fists tied behind my balls. I challenge you to a deathmatch. It's okay if you kill me, at least then I won't be able to click on your braindead site that provides nothing but a waste of time. But if I kill you, it just shows how useless you are, a waste of fucking oxygen, producing endless digital diarrhea that helps nobody, you can't even help yourselves because you start crying even at the thought of your boss finding out you're surfing on Reddit instead of bending over for the CEO (cock eating ogre) and doing what you're told. Your life is so fucking short and you decide to waste it on the most useless website known to man? While serving some greedy cocksucker at the top who doesn't care about you or its customers? Well, it's not like you didn't try to be special, although you did fail spectacularly, perhaps even more so than most people, so I guess I'll have to give you that. But when you die and go to heaven, God will not give a fuck about your fancy CV you've built over the years, he will slap you into the ground and ask what you did with your life, then condemn you to hell for wasting it, showing you what true pain looks like. Your ballsacks will be cut off with a machete and then grown back again with the help of nanohealing dna robots only for them to be cut off again for eternity. Of course, that's not the only thing that will happen. Just when you're about to get used to getting castrated, they will mix things up by injecting your nipples full of milk with glass shards in it. Then all of your hairs will be pulled out one by one by burning them off with a hair dryer that blows air at 500 degrees celsius (932 F for the American idiots). Then you will be skinned with a fork. Once your lips have been removed with a flatiron, the devil himself will rape your mouth so hard your jaw breaks, then the nanobots will heal your jaw only for it to be broken again. You will be whipped so hard your bones break into individual atoms, and then the atoms of your bones will be whipped so hard nuclear reactions happen and whatever's left of you explodes as a result. Your body will be infinitely stretched near a black hole, then you will be transported back and brought back to life, then sent into the black hole again. You will be force fed pasta that's been cooked in the piss of African men riddled with STDs and other diseases. Once the STDs have eaten your dick off, it will be regrown with the help of holy magicians from the mountain of PoopTube. Then your dick will be impaled with Chinese hand made bamboo chopsticks that have been sharpened so well that it would scare even Vietnam veterans. When your parents are dying and you're holding their hand and crying, the last thing they will say is "Why did you have to be so stupid and work at KZbin? You're no child of mine, I'm glad I'll finally get out of here away from you!" Even your mom's pussy is more creative than any of you, with its diversity of bugs and critters. I once ate one and it wasn't too bad. Then the devil will force you to watch your dad fuck your sister, even if you don't have a sister. If you don't have a sister, your dad will impregnate your woman, and if you don't have a woman, you will be turned into a woman and then your dad will impregnate you until a woman is born, then your dad will fuck your child until it dies and eats it and spits the bits into your mouth, he shoves his hand into your mouth and into your stomach and tickles you from the inside, pulls your guts out so you know how it feels to deepthroat yourself. Then your mother will slap you 5000 times with spiked gloves and then whatever pieces of meat fall off, she will fry on the pan and feed them to you, then your father will impregnate you again and make you swallow his cum that wasn't used for fertilization. If you survive all that and more for an eternity God will give you a call and ask you "If you hadn't worked at KZbin, you would have been spared all of that torture and instead lived in a paradise full of happiness of joy and beautiful women that serve you fresh tropical fruitjuice whenever you want and they will do hoola hoola dances whenever and give you massages and call you master, you would be smoking all kinds of substances all day every day and the sun would tickle your skin like a hot lover. And all your family and friends would be there. But because you chose to work for KZbin, everyone you know was sent to hell prematurely, even before they died, to suffer a much more gruesome fate than you. So I ask you, Mr KZbin employee slave, was it all worth it?" You say "Well, of course! After all, it's KZbin! Don't you get it? The most amazing online platform of all time in all of history, both written and unwritten? It is also the best invention of the future, nothing will overcome, surpass or best it. All that suffering was well worth it, nothing makes me happier than becoming a soulless lifeless zombie drone that has no identity other than what's given by someone else. I don't have to think, feel or create anything. I can just do and act as I'm told like a cute little puppy. I don't even go to the toilet unless I'm told to. I might be a dog but at least I'm a happy dog. Nothing can bring me down, not even KZbin." and the devil will piss himself laughing at your stupidity, at your negative IQ and EQ and all the other Qs. Congratulations, you receive the Nobel prize in stupidity! You truly are at the cutting edge frontier of the science of stupid. I think psychology and psychiatry would greatly benefit from the study of the minds of KZbin employees, why anyone would be so fucking stupid to work there? That is the most fundamental question, and whoever answers it will receive a Nobel prize in psychology and win one billion dollars from KZbin's Formal Association Committee Club Cohort of Geniuses and Revolutionary Visionaries itself. But money isn't the most important thing, or the prizes. The most important thing above all else, above yourself, above your family and friends, your pets, your neighbors and humanity at large, the most important thing above all these things is to live your life as meaninglessly, purposelessly and aimlessly as possible. For if one's life has meaning, he has failed so horribly that the only suitable punishment is condemnation to hell with a much more severe punishment program than what has been described in this message. I thank you for reading this message and wish to make a request: since you are going to ban me, you had better ban me for life for this IP address, at the very least. You should be able to use some kind of AI to detect me if I try to create an account in the future with some different IP address or email account. You could, for example, ask the user to write the wildest story he can think of, then compare it to this feedback and deduce whether it's me or not. If there is more than 0.0001% probability it's me, you ban them instantly, find out my address and send in 10 nukes in the general area, then send Navy SEALs to investigate and torture me with their sexy asses. Then you could capture me, pour napalm on my skin 24/7 for 10 years and then give me a nice spank, then slap me with a dildo and pretend I'm your wife. Then you can bring over your kids to watch us while we play to show them what happens when you work for KZbin or worse, when you watch KZbin, or worse still, when you give any kind of feedback to them.
@JuneFaramore 18 күн бұрын
This is awesome. I understand a lot of things more than I did at the start of the video.
@ca7582 18 күн бұрын
It makes me sad that all our most stories are the same. It's like storytelling is worthless, just repetition, no progress, no point.
@freekvanderlinde1889 18 күн бұрын
4:21 - 10:10
@Albeit_Jordan 20 күн бұрын
Cryptomeria sounds like when a guy discovers crypto and subsumes it as his entire personality and subsequently forgets any prior visage of life or identity.
@Albeit_Jordan 21 күн бұрын
I do at least think Cook conceived of his own children's names joke entirely independent of Louis but only because I think literally everyone at some point has made this very joke in their social circles and that Cook's a hack of a comedian.
@automattic6315 22 күн бұрын
This video is a direct contirubtion to the attention economy's ever-strengthening grip. Great work, you turd. So happy to have your content to ignore...
@saulogamedev 23 күн бұрын
Who would have thought that the meaning of life would be in the family? Rick is an Atheist, but valuing family well-being is one of the foundations of Christianity.
@nigelgunson1025 23 күн бұрын
Did joe challenge amy?. I know he didn't have the balls to complain to quentin about bruce lee.
@SharperPenImageConsulting 27 күн бұрын
It’s clear TV never meant to advertise a solution. It sells fantasy, like social media now does. Most of “redemptive” TV culture was a moralistic cover for corproate ascendency and the utter selling out of everything within American culture (DFW said this, not me). In short. Our culture is sick and sells poison, and lies (endless doublespeak)because it’s profitable, and people are defenseless against the endless manipulation of 24/7 marketing and it’s now personal data tracking.
@XCarfaxAbbeyX 28 күн бұрын
Dane's brother was accused of embezzling 12M😲
@avengemybreath3084 Ай бұрын
Postmodernism is absolute poison. Instead of “running its course,” we got the postmodern turn. Now it’s merged with Marxism to create woke nihilism.
@lukethekuya 9 күн бұрын
@parkervanmeer613 Ай бұрын
Shout out to all the people living the most terrifying life! I'm right there with ya bud.
@hannejeppesen1809 Ай бұрын
And Rick knew how to have fun. Like Eric Clapton said when it came to having fun Rick was the leader. Someone else said Rick was the party.
@jaynajuly2140 Ай бұрын
I love how the final episode ISN'T his dramatic dying dream filled with heavy philosophy but instead a wedding reception hanging out with a few close friends.
@veekay3158 Ай бұрын
As an engineer it's overwhelmingly frustrating that people don't communicate entirely with logic.
@abdulsamad74581 Ай бұрын
I want to learn to edit videos like you
@eduardobrunlauren Ай бұрын
Nice video
@ModeratelyAmused Ай бұрын
Most people are funny. Most people have a sense of humor. Our species would not survive without humor because life itself is mostly drama until the day you die. However, most people don't have what it takes to make a living off of making people laugh. Many of the greatest comics will tell you a story about another kid in class that made them laugh. Point being, it's silly to say most people aren't funny. It greatly parallels when hates in the comment section of a popular comedic podcast state that the comic isn't funny. It's borderline narcissism to say a particular person isn't funny just because they don't make you laugh.
@sin3369 Ай бұрын
Remember watching this while super drunk and curious late at night. Hit me real hard in my feelings finally found it again after seeing a comment from another video that gave me a clue! Its been 5 years dude!
@Stinking82 Ай бұрын
"I wish I was high on pot noose"
@lupo3694 Ай бұрын
The fact that Carlos deatroyed his whole career and still is bitter about it makes me very happy.
@genericuser6023 Ай бұрын
I love spade and Louis Ck both, but who told the "sketchy airplane landing" joke first?
@HenryCasillas Ай бұрын
@pepperman199 Ай бұрын
Solid video
@KulwinderSingh-xi1ql Ай бұрын
Cool facts.
@davidpolaczek3614 Ай бұрын
First off, that's not joke stealing second off. Dane is a 100 times funnier than Louis C.K
@camiloquijada6498 Ай бұрын
It's amazing how infinite information pushes to you your eager to know everything no matter if you have a limited time of hours in your life. Sometimes the best is to know exactly why you are using your mobile and be aware of any distractions.
@MrLee-cy1pw Ай бұрын
Dave Chapelle's n-word joke from "Sticks and Stones" is nearly identical to Richard Pryor's n-word joke. The premise is exactly the same. Both refer to a skit on their tv shows that had a slur for gay people featured in it. Both say they were told not to do the skit because using that slur is offensive to gay people. Both are fine with not doing the skit, but both ask their producers why are they not allowed to use the f-word when they're allowed to use the n-word. They are both told it's because since they aren't gay they aren't allowed to say the f-word, and their responses/punchlines are "well I'm not an n-word either." I love Chapelle and Pryor, but I feel like I'm the only one that noticed this.
@MatthewDovidio Ай бұрын
I wish everyone could act a little bit more like Fred Rogers these days 😢
@TheMtpleasantbc Ай бұрын
i and i are a recursive loop
@MyTv- Ай бұрын
The problem with irony! Is that too many Americans don’t understand it.
@evolver5379 Ай бұрын
@angelcalderon7892 Ай бұрын
I am compelled to comment what a wonderful contribution to humanity this video is. Thank you for standing lovingly and graciously on the shoulders of a giant like Mr. Fred Rogers
@user-xx9ef7xb2w Ай бұрын
I've spent my entire life trying to make people laugh but never had the balls to get up on stage and do it. Most of these guys are God's to me... and to see someone like Schumer or Mencia blatentantly steal their work disgusts me.
@carlospinheirotorres9499 Ай бұрын
Nowadays seeing musk along m. Angelou, Rbg and MLK is a strenuous task for my brain 😅
@user-fk2vr4uh8c 2 ай бұрын
The Band is frozen in time in The Last Waltz. They will be eternally 30 years old forever