@lyutsin21 24 күн бұрын
Yiddish has a maximum of 12 romance words. Some of these romance words are only in Western Yiddish which went extinct when its last speaker died in 1977. Yiddish has too few so called romance words to count as having a "romance component".
@lisaschuenemann2833 3 ай бұрын
Yiddish :-) to hear & understand = it's possible in combination with my own native language German
@peggylanton6384 Жыл бұрын
It was an excellent overview. Enjoyed it very much .
@peggylanton6384 Жыл бұрын
Who are the Sorbian people. Does he mean Serbian?
@Manfred19840804 7 ай бұрын
Sorbs/Wends. A slavic exclave whose homeland is within Germany.
@skellagyook 6 ай бұрын
They're a Western Slavic people, closer to Czechs. (Serbians are Southern Slavic.)
@westhoboken8167 Жыл бұрын
@jayr.7209 Жыл бұрын
Satan is the great deceiver and the Talmudists fear the TRUTH. Gog and Magog will be destroyed.
@melok05 Жыл бұрын
Hermosa voz !
@eaglegold3303 2 жыл бұрын
This was fun to watch 😀.
@yany9163 2 жыл бұрын
ער האָט אַ ביסל מאָדנע אויסגעדרוקט 1939.
@zolausvjzov3431 2 жыл бұрын
Я думаю,что 1939 год говорят немного не так,
@nancylbf5961 2 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this !
@claudiabloss3144 2 жыл бұрын
Es wolt mir geton a ris in hartsn mer nit tsu hern keyn Yiddish vort
@WorkingMan234 3 жыл бұрын
My great-grandfather went to Birobidzhan to see what life was like there in the 1930s. He came back home to his family, and they decided not to settle there. It would have saved many of their lives if they did.
@michelleyb.9709 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for acknowledging all those who made this video possible! Such a nice gentleman. There is something about Yiddish - just hearing " Shayna madela" made me feel so loved. I hear Duolingo is now on offering Yiddish, so maybe there will be a resurgence of this endearing and lovely language 💕
@mikedintelman3013 4 жыл бұрын
Miss ya Fima.
@fredrikrugby 5 жыл бұрын
It's sad to see most of the Yiddish interviews are done with old people. Where are young people using Yiddish and expressing themselves in Yiddish? I'm trying to learn it a little bit. Hopefully one day I can do an interview myself.
@ronkalinovsky6898 3 жыл бұрын
כ'װיל דאָס אױך, אָבער איך װיל לערנען מײַנע משפּחה 'ס דיאַלעקט טױטן פֿון ײדיש און איך װײס נישט װי מען קען דאָס הײַנט טאָן. קענט איר מיר העלפֿן? אָב ס'יז פֿאַר אײַך אַבי נוציקע אינפֿאָרמאַציע, זײ זענען געװען געקומען פֿון מערב־ און צענטראַל-אוקרײַנע...
@franceslock1662 5 жыл бұрын
I agree the movement when davening is an intrinsically driven expression that is suppressed by social expectations and pressure in modern shuls. The unique styles of movement to each group (Ashkenazi, Mizrahi) are so interesting.
@lcapone124 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this, it was awesome to get to know more about Molly. I discovered her from her reoccurring roll as Mrs. Bronson on "Car 54, where are you?" (1961-1963), and I absolutely loved her. She was one of my favorite characters on the show, she was so funny in it. Thank you very much for sharing this, it was a great talk, I'm glad to know more about this wonderful woman and actress. :)
@marcgreen007 5 жыл бұрын
א מחייה צו הערן דעם אינטרוויאו
@misslauren319 6 жыл бұрын
Beautiful and it’s a shame many children don’t get a decent education like this women did
@avremke24 6 жыл бұрын
איך האב דעם ווידיא עטליכע מאל איבערגעקוקט, און יעדע מאל האב איך עס גענאסן. זי רעדט אזוי קלאר, אזוי היימיש, נישט געקוקט אויף איהר ליטווישן אקצענט. וואס איך האב געפונען פאר קאמיש איז... אויב זי איז אויפגעוואקסן אין לאדזש, פארוואס קלינגט זי נישט אזוי ווי שמעון דזשיגאן און ישראל שומאכער?, וועלכע קומען אויך פון דער זעלבער שטאט ווי זי
@ARTofYIDDISH 6 жыл бұрын
װי עס איז באַשריבן אין איר אינטערװיו, האָט לילקע זיך געלערנט ייִדיש פֿון אירע עלטערן און זיי האָבן זיך געהאַט געלערנט אין לערער סעמינאַר אין װילנע. צוליב דעם האָבן זיי אַלע גערעדט מיט אַ ליטװישן דיאַלעקט אין דער היים כאָטש זיי זענען פֿון לאָדזש און, װי איר האָט באַמערקט, װאָלטן געדאַרפֿט טאַקע . רעדן װי דזשיגאַן און שומאַכער האָבן גערעדט. מיר זענען זייער צופֿרידן צו װיסן אַז איר האָט אַ הנאה פֿון דעם אַלץ!.
@musicfromtheheart646 6 жыл бұрын
he is my uncle
@vivat_in_aeternum7721 7 жыл бұрын
I speak pretty good German (even though I am not a native) and to me, it sounds like German with a tendancy to replace "a" sounds with "oa"
@Davidmp 7 жыл бұрын
Yakov has been my teacher at the Workmen's Circle for many years. I am very happy to see this video on KZbin. ביז הונדערט צװאַנציק יאָר!
@berkale 7 жыл бұрын
שמעון לעלטשוק -- 1941=1918גיט א קוק אין דעם לעקסיקאן פון דער נייער יידישער ליטעראטור, אדער אין חיים ביידער'ס לעקסיקאן פון יידישע שרייבער אין סאוועטן פארבאנדזיין קורצע ביאגראפיע אויף רוסיש קען מען לייענען דא,_%D0%A1%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%91%D0%BD_%D0%90%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
@ARTofYIDDISH 7 жыл бұрын
!אַ האַרציקע דאַנק פֿאַר דעם
@renedupont1953 6 жыл бұрын
The correct Yiddish expression is A HARTSIKN DANK.
@ruthkeusch375 7 жыл бұрын
This is an outstanding film which I sit and cry and sing along. I grew up in Brighton Beach and went to a Yiddishe Shule as well as regular school and also continued and was a Yiddish teacher. I now live in a senior facility in /tel Aviv . I have a Yiddish group twice a month and am thrilled to have found the movie which I will show next week. Ruth Keusch
@ARTofYIDDISH 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Ruth, we are so happy that you have found this interview to be inspiring and useful. Yes, please do share it with others. Miri Koral, Director CIYCL
@katharinahuth4242 7 жыл бұрын
Shalom a zer shejne Yiddishe lidele Shalom Rinah
@galantxxx 7 жыл бұрын
Wunderbar um diese liebe Frau zu zuhören! :-)
@johnz9047 7 жыл бұрын
Als Österreicher ist es unglaublich zu hören, wie sehr Jiddisch unserem deutschen Dialekt ähnelt. Denn Grund hierfür habe ich vor kurzem herausgefunden: 1. Es gibt grob gesagt zwei Jiddische Varianten; a) West-Jiddisch und b) Ost-Jiddisch. 2. Da Östereich eine der Regionen war, wo sich diese vermischten (Zentral-Jiddisch), können wir das heutige Jiddisch so gut verstehen. Denn im Gegensatz zum West-Jiddisch, das viel mehr mit "Deutschland-deutschen" Dialekten gemeinsam hatte, dominieren im Ost-Jiddisch die südost-deutschen Dialekte (auch als österreichische Dialekte bekannt ;-) ) mit starkem slawischen und natürlich hebräischen Komponenten. Dann bleibt da noch die Frage: Warum gibt es quasi keine Sprecher des West-Jiddischen mehr? Antwort: Der Großteil der West-Jiddisch sprechenden Juden (ca. 90 %) wurde im Holocaust ermordet.Der starke Bezug zur jiddischen Sprache wird auch daran ersichtlich wie viele hebräische Wörter durch das Jiddische in unserem Dialket (besonders dem Wienerischen) Einzug genommen haben. Da dieses "Zentral-Jiddisch" sich in Aussprache, Grammatik, etc. so schwer von unserm Dialekt unterscheiden lässt, ist es für Laien schwer zu bestimmen, ob es sich bei einem Wort, einer Phrase um Hebräisch handelt.ein paar Beispiele: Beisl (Gasthaus): von Hebr. beit masn (Glück): von Hebr. mazal Hawara (Kerl): von Hebr. chaver g'schlaucht (erschöpft) : von Hebr. schlacha ...For me as an Austrian it is unbelievable to hear, how similar Yiddish is to our german dialect. Recently I have found out why: 1. To dumb it down, there are 2 main varieties: a) Western-Yiddish and b) Eastern-Yiddish. 2. As Austria was a region, where these main variaties mingled and formed something like "Central-Yiddish", we are able to understand current Yiddish so well. Contrary to Western-Yiddish, which has (had) far more in common with "Germany-german-dialects", Eastern-Yiddish is dominated by sout-eastern-german dialects (some call it Austrian ;-) ) and strongly influenced by slavic components and Hebrew of course. Remains to be answerd, why there are hardly any Western-Yiddish speakers any more: The majority of these was killed during the Holocaust. The striking connection to Yiddish is also particularly obvious regarding the amount of Hebrew words that entered our dialect (especially the Viennese) thanks to Yiddish. As this "Central-Yiddish" is hardly distinguishable from our dialect in reagard to intonation, grammar, etc, it is particularly difficult for a layman to determine whether a word, a phrase stems from Yiddish-Hebrew.some examples:Beisl (tavern): from Hebr. beit masn (luck): form Hebr. mazal Hawara (bloke): from Hebr. chaver g'schlaucht (exhausted): from Hebr. schlacha ... Quellen: (sources)Vorwissen, deren Quellen nicht zitierfähig sind, weil vergessen. :-) (pre-knowledge from which I cannot cite, for I have forgotten about it )
@ARTofYIDDISH 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching and for your comment. Western Yiddish had died out long before the Holocaust due to an eastward migration. A wonderful book, Words on Fire written by Dr. Dovid Katz chronicles the eastward migration.
@shuairan1982 7 жыл бұрын
John Z Swiss guy here, same for me. I understand nearly everything without the subtitles. The german dialects spoken in Switzerland are much closer to the medieval versions of the german language than the standardized "official" german that in Switzerland is only used in books, documents, official speeches etc.
@haroldgoodman130 7 жыл бұрын
Yiddish lebt. The ultra-orthodox only speak Yiddish and since they have the highest birthrate amongst Jews, Yiddish continues to grow annually. However, secular Yiddish speakers continue to decrease overall in spite of the efforts of secular groups and schools. The few thousand people who learn Yiddish in schools will not make any real difference since few of them speak it as their primary language.
@aarfeld 7 жыл бұрын
There is a small revival of Yiddish among young people today, scholars at a few universities, and students at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Mass., and through the Arbiter Circle in New York.
@פראנקפורטער 7 жыл бұрын
דער־אָ שמועס איז טאַקע אַן אוצר - אַ שײנעם דאַנק פֿאַר דעם! װי קען זײַן אַז נאָר צװײ פֿון די הײַנט 323 מענטשן װאָס האָבן זיך אָנגעקוקט דעם פֿילם האָבן געגעבן אַ קװעטש „געפֿעלט מיר“?! י
@פראנקפורטער 7 жыл бұрын
יישר־כּוח אײַך פֿאַר דעם דאָזיקן שמועס! נאָך שענער װאָלט כאָטש געװען איר זאָלט ברענגען דעם גאַנצן שמועס אָן קירצונגען. די ענגלישע אונטערקעפּלעך דאַרף מען אַדרבא נישט, װײַל ס'איז סתּם אַ מחיה זיך צוצוהערן צו פֿרױ מײַזנערס געשמאַקער רײד. י
@Huvve1980 7 жыл бұрын
Interesting language. How many speak yiddish today?
@ARTofYIDDISH 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your interest. Estimates are from a half million to one million. This is in comparison to about 10 million prior to World War 2. It is on the U.N list of endangered languages.
@DCFunBud 8 жыл бұрын
Such a lovely lady. What a loss to have that world extinguished.
@ARTofYIDDISH 7 жыл бұрын
We totally agree. Thank you for taking the time to listen in.
@BlackMonk66 8 жыл бұрын
I was wondering what Judy Bressler was doing these days. I always liked her voice.