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4 жыл бұрын
@sehardorairaj3674 2 сағат бұрын
Only by the blood of Christ that all demons fear!!! Only his blood inour life protect us from all.
@rolandmedford5410 20 сағат бұрын
If Sadhguru had more knowlledge of Jesus' teaching he would have pointed out to that woman that she was misquoting Jesus' words when she said that He said that the meek shall inherit My 'Kingdom'. What He said was "Blessed are the meek because they shall inherit the EARTH" Gods Kingdom is not to be inherited by anyone. Christians will inherit the earth. Jesus died, arose and ascended into heaven, and as is written He will come agaain in Glory to that which he departed from. Meanwhile His Kingdom upon this earth grows, but His heavenly Kingdom is not up for inheritance. God cannot die. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is everlasting and the Kingdom He rules over is for ever and ever Amen.
@swamydasvijay3689 Күн бұрын
You sadu guru you are stupid. Jesus is God.
@BlueFish-dw2tg Күн бұрын
SadGuru says people worship Jesus because Jesus said "father forgive them for they know not what they do"... Wrong..., People worship Jesus because he conquered death and proved he was god and not a slave to death. While all men are slaves to death even Rama and Krishna died like normal men. Would SadGuru rise up from his grave after death? And this guy thinks he's qualified to spew nonsense on Jesus. The Christians believe and worship jesus because he is divine and his tomb is empty, it's that simple.. this guy couldn't even understand this and he claims to be wise.. laughable. He's just fooling people and making money. Non Christian Scholars find proof in Jesus' existence, death and sightings of Jesus after his death so maybe SadGuru should read some scientific journals instead of spewing nonsense.
@harishahimas6217 Күн бұрын
God the almighty is kept Jesus his side and adore him as his son.
@Theendoftimekaliyuga Күн бұрын
So apparently christ is the manufest form of God in many religions and philosphies "the universal man" was the first creation and through him the entire universe was created, krisna is the manifestation of the unmanifest God, now if christ exsisted this way long before actualkg being born in the flesh the why couldnt him and krisna be the same, why woukd it not be that he woukd have looked different and had a different name (especially since its two fifferent cuktures with two difderent languages) why cant the same infinite eternak being that manifested here to soeak to arjuna be the same one who was born to mary the virgin, theres a differenc as well between god manufestin in a ohysicak form and god being born as an actual man, however i see no reason they could not be the same, of course krisna gets way deeper and more scientific and philosphical , but Gid knows the level of understanding and intellect of who he is speaking with furthermore it coukd be due to the fact that they spoke sanskrit and thus could discuss things that hebrew speaking peoole woukd have no concept of forget the names just think God in a manifest form
@joelmathew9155 2 күн бұрын
What nonsensical video. Jesus is the only God.
@roymarteen7022 2 күн бұрын
Bhishma - If any Christian will read the Mahabharata and understand the righteous life of Bishma- alive after pierced by 1000 arrows and giving advise for days and then comparing Jesus dying with 4 nails. No one prays to Bhishm
@alphat7615 2 күн бұрын
Jesus lived educated died in India
@muralisivadas 2 күн бұрын
This KA_CHING guru will say anything for fame and money. He is a fake, a guru lives a life which is free of material wealth, but this guy, its all about money
@bapayanypanin 2 күн бұрын
This guy is just talking about the earthly intelligence and knowledge. Jesus is talking about heavenly things.
@mohanpatnaik3464 2 күн бұрын
Dear Brother - I bumped into your response in this video and was very surprised at your total lack of knowledge of the Bible and the person of Jesus Christ who came into this world to die for the sins of whole world including you and me. I would have been fine if you haven't answered the question than doing so with a narrative which has no basis nor true. Prayed for you this morning that you will read the word of God (Bible) and study the life of Jesus (not just what he thought but what he did and why he did) so that you will gain wisdom and understanding of the Truth that will set us free. Jesus preached to the multitudes and in the synagogues openly and not in isolation. Regarding turning the cheek, he said this not to his disciples but to multitudes during his sermon on the mount (mathew 5-7) and does apply to each one of his followers even today. While it is difficult (or even impossible) to live out the teachings of Jesus in today's world, Jesus made it possible through the helper in Holy Spirit who he promised after his resurrection. In fact, Jesus said, we cannot do anything apart from him. You have a choice to reject Jesus but do not have a choice to accept him as one of the many God's as he give that option when he said 'I am the way, the Truth and the life' and no one can come to the father except through me. Happy to meet you and share more about Jesus if you are interested. May the Love of Jesus and the precious blood he shed on the cross may redeem you and bring you to saving grace of God.
@rafaelgabrielgarlinidal-bo9496 4 күн бұрын
It is foolish to say God only presented himself for one people and to tell only one truth to these people. Religions are like fingers pointing to the same things. Hindus and Christians can benefit best by complimenting things they can agree on rather than trying to impose which truth is the truthiest
@gohleeshen1059 4 күн бұрын
Saying so much but means nothing. Worship the quality??? Humble urself bro, inspite all the verbose explation ,you are a confused weak man. Pity you by making fun of the slapping anology. Humble yourself ,only then you can see the wisdom of Jesus s teaching. God willing.
@nonyabiness 4 күн бұрын
Sadguru is vague and general. He is not worth looking up to.
@ivanracine431 4 күн бұрын
Think is a idiot. Son like joe Biden 😂😂😂😂
@devkaranmeena5036 5 күн бұрын
Muslims want to convert to Islam, Christians to Christianity, only Hindus practice peaceful coexistence , with no emphasis on conversion.
@bivaschaudhuri7023 5 күн бұрын
The ultimate goal of spiritual practice is moksha or nirvana means liberating knowledge which will set you free from bondage and illusion and help unlock the mystery of universe. For path and process of this realization Hindus are free without prophet or conversion. There are festivals throughout the year to enjoy and library of life time to guide. It’s way of life.
@bivaschaudhuri7023 5 күн бұрын
God isn’t a person or power. It’s energy and intelligence according to science. We’re part and parcel of same energy and intelligence which govern this whole universe-Dr Deepak Chopra
@Sonofthe1655 6 күн бұрын
The meaning behind turn the other cheek, is to ensure you don't act out of anger.
@yandavadivya3683 7 күн бұрын
Jesus came to this earth to show true love, not to lead a successful life. His sacrifice, to save us from eternal separation from God, revealed that true success is measured not by personal achievements, but by the good we do for others. Jesus is the only one Like that! no one is like him... there is no doubt.!
@MrCoursair77 7 күн бұрын
It doesn’t matter what this guy thinks…. He is made of dust and he will perish like the rest of everyone else…..
@Iamdeepikabisht 8 күн бұрын
🤲🏻 👋🏻
@Thatindianguy123 8 күн бұрын
As a hindu I'm asking do you Christians think of lord krishna as a your saviour. And as supreme personality of godhead
@Larisa-tj6yr 9 күн бұрын
Enlightened (Dvija) person should know that the story about Jesus was created by the emperor Constantine and the church. The crucifixion has an allegorical meaning that was used spiritual people and in India there’s story about Krishna’s Crucifixion to tree, and Tree like Cross has sacred meaning (Prometheus crucified on mountain. (Any Enlightened Person should know this) The real Jesus lived one hundred years before Biblical Jesus and wasn’t crucified but was killed by stones. The Bible was written by Gnosticism and then modified by emperor Constantine and the Church, and these inconsistencies were already found. This happens with any religion and the original may exist in Akashi (Ether) or in sacred place like Shambala. The Bible is not understood by Church and was used as weapon of power to use people’s mind. The Church put his teachings upside down. Jesus was against any church or synagogue because these places with time were converting into orthodox mindset. Jesus was against any orthodoxy in any religion because orthodoxy creates slavery of mind, and he stated that person has to pray alone only. But people are doing the opposite. Jesus, Krishna, Moses, Nanak, Mahavira, Gautama, or any Mahatma cannot save anyone and cannot be involved in someone’s life. Every person has to go his path by himself only and unite with God. Mahatmas can help but its person’s responsibility to go through the Path alone and complete it by himself only. The saying “If someone hit your left cheek then give your right cheek” is not understood correctly and Sadhguru didn’t explain it correctly as well, and was kind of mocking it which is very sad especially for the person who claim to be Enlightened. In our everyday’s life we all the time give another cheek. We’re not fighting with managers, with gangs, corruption, mafia, bandits, evil people at work, at home, in every place. Women the most abused and discriminated, and all the time give their cheek to be hit. In India like in many other countries women have no power and rights, and no protection at all. Look at world - everyone gives another cheek to be hit. There are many paths to God (Spirit-Father that is called Atman in India’s sacred books) that is inside and outside of person. In India these paths are called yoga and in Bhagavat Gita Krishna talks about 12 yogas, and the ultimate Yoga is Bhakti - love to God. Love conquers all and the Universe is created by Love. Love is the Ultimate Engine of Universe Life. Mahabharata is the war between Evil and Good - Adharma and Dharma, so that’s why Krishna was trying to explain this to Arjuna, so he has no doubts about fighting against Evil even though it would mean killing own relatives. Kurukshetra War is the same as World War Two - no difference. So people have to stand up and fight with Nazi, and this fighting was Love for Humanity, Compassion, Devotion, Sacrifice. The same is Kurukshetra war - Arjuna was fighting against Evil but at the same time he was a Bhakti - look at his devotion (Love) to God => Krishna. There are many stories in Upanishad and sacred books where cruel emperors killed saints, and saints didn’t move a finger to stop these killers even though they could do that - there’s no death for saints. Jesus didn’t move a finger to protect himself because death doesn’t exist for him because he is Mahatma. He was teaching the Ultimate Yoga that is the Divine Yoga => Love (devotion) to God, Spirit, Father, Mother.
@yahqappu74 9 күн бұрын
This stupid charlatan just goes on beating round the bush...
@Larisa-tj6yr 9 күн бұрын
The saying “If someone hit your cheek give another cheek” is not understood correctly and Sadhguru didn’t explain it correctly as well, and was kind of mocking it which is very sad especially for the person who claim to be Enlightened. In our everyday’s life we all the time give another cheek. We’re not fighting with managers, with gangs, corruption, mafia, bandits, evil people at work, at home, in every place. Women the most abused and discriminated, and all the time give their cheek to be hit. In India like in many other countries women have no power and rights, and no protection at all. Look at world - everyone gives another cheek to be hit. There are many paths to God (Spirit-Father that is called Atman in India’s sacred books) that is inside and outside of person. In India these paths are called yoga and in Bhagavat Gita Krishna talks about 12 yogas, and the ultimate Yoga is Bhakti - love to God. Love conquers all and the Universe is created by Love. Love is the Ultimate Engine of Universe Life. Mahabharata is the war between Evil and Good - Adharma and Dharma, so that’s why Krishna was trying to explain this to Arjuna to fight Evil. Kurukshetra War is the same as World War Two - no difference. So people have to stand up and fight with Nazi, and this fighting was Love for Humanity, Compassion, Devotion, Sacrifice. The same is Kurukshetra war - Arjuna was fighting against Evil but at the same time he was a Bhakti - look at his devotion (Love) to God => Krishna. There are many stories in Upanishad and sacred books where cruel emperors killed saints, and saints didn’t move a finger to stop these killers even though they could do that - there’s no death for saints. Jesus didn’t move a finger to protect himself because death doesn’t exist for him because he is Mahatma. He was teaching the Ultimate Yoga that is the Divine Yoga => Love (devotion) to God, Spirit, Father, Mother. Enlightened person should know that the story about Jesus was created by emperor Konstantine and the church, and has an allegorical meaning - like Krishna Crucifixion to tree. The real Jesus lived one hundred years before Jesus in Bible and wasn’t crucified but was killed by stones. The Bible is not understood by Church and Church put his teachings upside down. Jesus, Krishna, Moses, Nanak, Mahavira, Gautama, or any Mahatma cannot save anyone and cannot get involved in someone’s life. Every person has to go his path and reach God. Mahatmas can help but person has to do it by himself.
@looserSatan 10 күн бұрын
Hahahaha your God is a cow😂😂
@andreaslambrou1145 10 күн бұрын
Shame of you. Jesus is my God ❤
@navinprakash1802 11 күн бұрын
Sadhguru if you don’t know Jesus the you are spiritually still blinded…Jesus is truth and true living god a the creator of everything…sorry to say but you have grow old but still now aware of the lord of lord Jesus Christ you are still blinded by satan it seems …
@jadabloomholmes7154 11 күн бұрын
Jones Elizabeth Williams Ruth Thomas Shirley
@kimjong4470 11 күн бұрын
Jesus ain't god
@tarasparushkin6635 11 күн бұрын
We all do with our mother, if mother slaps we show the other. HAI IM GURU NOW:D
@harshithapeddada6406 11 күн бұрын
Its beautiful Sadhguru now i understand really well, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@dayasubramaniam2929 12 күн бұрын
Jesus said I AM the way. No human can say that
@MetalMike9508 12 күн бұрын
"Getting nailed is not a successful life." Agree to disagree, guru.
@tube442 13 күн бұрын
What i wonder is that why jesus kept hiding after the resurrection. Why the resurrection was kind of a secret ? Most people has seen him dying according to the bible and it was public but the resurrection and the going up to heaven was not public so even peple who have witnessesd the death must belove some people (like the desciples ) The soul question is if it was this big thing that all humanity is saved why it was not publicized why he didn't show for all the peoples of the city. Because once the salvation was done no one can dare to touch him to kill him so there was no need to hide rather it was crucial to show himself to thr public to save so many lifes at that time am sure if this was the case most of the jews who contrafict him most of the peoples of the city were going to belive Am i wrong
@poncho1710 13 күн бұрын
This man is not who you think he is. He teaches new age noncense that will have you down rabbit hole. Jesus is the only way the only truth. I’m an ex new ager. This man also believes in depopulation. He is fooling you! Please read the gospels and you will find the truth. You are saved by believing on the blood of Christ what he did on the cross. It’s a gift from god! No other religion has a god that sacrificed himself because all other religions are demonic and selfish. God bless !!!!
@arunarodrigues6478 13 күн бұрын
this comment --- "Can't say the same for many Christians, who desperately need everyone else to believe what they believe or be tortured for eternity". this is abjectly not true, the truth is something we must know, this is the objective and if we know something is true, follow it. There is no desperation -- just follow it that is all.
@adriangharineh8476 5 күн бұрын
You seem to misunderstand their comment. They made no claims about what truth is or not. They just pointed out the abject truth that a large number of Christians are incapable of allowing others to exist with their beliefs without responding with, you are wrong you will go to hell unless you believe this truth.
@YaaShooYaa 13 күн бұрын
Jesus is the son of God he didn't treat people the way he was
@MarcoBoscolo-iq1lq 15 күн бұрын
All the books have been doctored to fit the narrative for the Roman Empire ,so I believe yeshua was a good guy and if he was a good guy then good but all these rules are bulshit everyone knows naturally what is right and wrong and all these books make people fanatical and push them into actualy doing wrong,because they get so judgemental then with this they look down on people that have not done wrong but are in a position in life that choices are limited.
@G.I.Sity17 15 күн бұрын
Jesus Handicapped?!ppfff lmao, had no freedom of speech?! He was a fugitive?! Boy watch yourself, Jesus is one with the Father the Creator along with His Powerful Spirit Which He has Sent. All power belongs to him, Omnipresent Omniscient Omnipotent, one Snap of his Fingers and all worldly powers come Crashing down, he had to miraculously feed thousands, he was talking to the masses not lil groups of people, he Came to Die for us, don't leave out he Resurected, it was a redemption plan, watch your mouth.
@adriangharineh8476 2 күн бұрын
Why so bothered?
@G.I.Sity17 2 күн бұрын
@@adriangharineh8476 the disrespect .
@adriangharineh8476 2 күн бұрын
@@G.I.Sity17 What is disrespectful about this video? Actually, before I even ask that, what does it mean to you for someone to be disrespectful?
@G.I.Sity17 2 күн бұрын
@@adriangharineh8476 watch how you speak about the King of kings and Lord of lords. I was specific in my original message.
@noself7889 15 күн бұрын
Praise Lord Buddha☸️☯️☸️
@Die4youtoo 16 күн бұрын
Christ commands us to deny ourselves, to put to death the old self and embrace the new creation in Him. A guru’s worst enemy is Jesus Christ and Christianity… this is one of the major topics on the list when top gurus meet -yep funny but true, they discuss how to combat Christianity…
@Anime-Face. 17 күн бұрын
It has come to our attention that certain individuals have been manipulating and altering the interpretation of the Vedas to align them with the Bible for their own personal gain. This practice is highly concerning and must be addressed.
@NirbhayKumar-sw7tu 17 күн бұрын
Reading all the comment from the christians I can say Hindus understand Jesus much better than 99% of christians. Church has made the teachings of christ into fanaticism. Christians will never understand christ until they completely embrace the world as christ did.
@metrowireless3381 17 күн бұрын
There is no god. Enjoy your fantasy.
@NoName-yn9bt 17 күн бұрын
Bible is purely copy of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Posted on February 21, 2015 by Kanhaiya Rai (Babu Bihari) Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita on the battlefield of Kuruksetra in 3102 B.C.; just prior to the commencement of the Mahabharata war. This date corresponds to 1700 years before Moses, 2500 years before Buddha, 3000 years before Jesus and 3800 years before Mohammed. So first and foremost it should be clearly understood that the eternal knowledge of the Bhagavad-Gita has not been influenced by Buddhism, Christianity, Hebrewism or Islam; for these religions did not exist at that time and were established milleniums later. That proof of the date 3102 B.C. can be verified by any knowledgeable indologist in India based on the fact that this was the year when the Pandava King Yudhisthira ascended the throne and was coronated as emperor of the Earth. Also according to the Aihole inscription of Pulakesin II, the Battle of Kuruksetra took place in 3102 B.C. with Lord Krishna reciting the Bhagavad-Gita before its commencement. As well precise information of the positions of the constellation at the commencement of the Battle of Kuruksetra have been given in the great historical epic Mahabharata itself, which is based on the 26,920 year astronomical cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes which is the time it takes our solar system to revolve around the central sun. But who exactly is Lord Krishna? Is He Narayana? Is He Vishnu? Is He Vasudeva as referred to in the Taittirya Aranyaka 10.1. 6 ? In the Bhagavad-Gita the Supreme Lord Krishna is addressed by Arjuna with 41 different names. Some of these names are Acyuta, Bhagavan, Govinda, Hari, Isvara, Janardana, Kesava, Madhava, Purusottama and Yogeshvara well as Vasudeva and Vishnu. Although Lord Krishna possesses unlimited names due to His unlimited attributes and potencies it should be clearly understood that the Krishna who is so wonderfully presented in the Puranas is one and the same Krishna who spoke the Bhagavad-Gita and is so marvelously glorified in the Mahabharata. Detailed below are some of the similarities between Bhagavad Gita and Bible pointed out by Dr. Lorinser. Bhagavad Gita: I am exceedingly dear to the wise man; he also is dear to me. (Ch. VII. 17) New Testament, Bible: He that loveth me shall be loved by my father and I will love him. (John XIV. 21) Bhagavad Gita: I am the way, supporter, lord, witness, abode, refuge, friend. (Ch. IX. 18) New Testament, Bible: I am the way the truth and the life. (John XIV. 6.) I am the first and the last. (Rev. 1. 17) Bhagavad Gita: I never depart from him, he never departs from me. (Ch. VI. 30) New Testament, Bible: He dwelleth in me and I in Him. (John VI. 57) Bhagavad Gita: They who worship me with true devotion are in me and I in them. (Ch. VI. 29) New Testament, Bible: I in them, thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one John XVII. 23) Bhagavad Gita: Be assured that he who worships me, perishes not. (Ch. IX. 31) New Testament, Bible: He that believeth in me shall never perish, but shall have eternal life. (John III. 5) Bhagavad Gita: I am the beginning and the middle and the end of things. (Ch. X. 20) New Testament, Bible: I am Alpha, Omega, the beginning and the ending. (Rev. I. 8) Bhagavad Gita: I will deliver thee from all sin; do not grieve. (Ch. XVIII. 66) New Testament, Bible: Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven. (Matt. IX. 2) Bhagavad Gita: What sacrifice, almsgiving, or austerity is done without faith is evil. (Ch. XVII. 28) New Testament, Bible: Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. (Rom. XIV. 23) Source: kanhaiyablog at wordpress (com) website
@Mr11ESSE111 17 күн бұрын
western religions made own pupett from Kesus to deceive stupid sheeps with nonsense tales
@shaunsam1013 18 күн бұрын
I am a Catholic Christian. My brother is a priest, What I love most about the way we see things and that of the Catholic Church is to embrace all religions and know that God exists in all of them. In Catholism even Atheist can see the Kingdom of God. I find it sickening how most Christians believe that if you dont follow Jesus you will be condemned to hell. Here's a newsflash. Your judgement of others and their sincere beliefs will send you straight to hell. No doubt about it. Every person on this earth is a child of God and God will never abandon them. A day will come when regardless of our religious beliefs we will be saved on how we lived and serve our brethren and that is all humanity, not ones preconceived idea that only Christians are your brethren, What a sickening and delusional mindset most Christians live in. So sad