A DISPATCH FROM THE FIRE (w/Sonali Kolhatkar)
Matt Taibbi: Regimes of Censorship
@bettyannbakos3866 8 минут бұрын
I think Trump should change his tune, start trying to get along with the world, and even join Brics, or at least ask. Let's turn over a new leaf. And spend time rebuilding and rehabilitating the USA 🇺🇸 🙄
@raewynannbenten1385 10 минут бұрын
Ppppssst………that’s the sound of the USA imploding folks.
@SCS-1964 16 минут бұрын
We are in deep doo doo folks. The American working-class citizens "seventy seven million of them" have just voted for Nautzees, billionaires, rapists, fascists, convicted-criminals, global warming deniers, insurrectionists, GQP-Anon nut jobs, anti-vaxx nut jobs, anti-science, anti-women, anti-union, serial liars and they really think there will not be any consequences for it, or it is not going to be that bad "they tell me". That is so sad to hear from kkkonservatives. The worst part is our whole conservative media promotes and glorifies said rapists while the whole system in my lifetime has glorified skkkum like all the kkkonservative right-wing Christian kkkonfederates, it is not at all surprising to me where America is today. Billionaires are "The Enemy Within". Radical right-wing is as radical reich-wing does.
@tomhoornstra1379 19 минут бұрын
In the past The Netherlands owned New York. We want it back, right now.
@pierrevaillancourt1371 26 минут бұрын
as canadian i really ask myself how you can live with yourself as an american
@pierrevaillancourt1371 27 минут бұрын
Canada hates americans treators
@Randall-j9c 33 минут бұрын
I'm impressed with both men; their ability to articulate their thoughts, plus the capacity to deconstruct what we're seeing in current American politics is vital. I feel more hopeful after this. Excellent presentation.
@ranar1036 38 минут бұрын
In three days of taking office Trump has already proved, like his predecessor, that he is not fit to be President.
@kevinpoole4323 43 минут бұрын
Can You Imagine a Glut on Ignorance makes the United States Weak. California on Fire the 5th Largest Economy Burning.And Ignoring this Catasrophe,Thus be to tyrants. We the People must Challenge the Misdirection,The Dred Scott Descion to Determine citizenship for the guest Worker Population.America is in a Death Spiral.
@pedrothewise2584 44 минут бұрын
such a big mouthed big headed colony.
@kevinpoole4323 53 минут бұрын
Gentleman Leaders Brilliant Analysis.
@xc.b3075 54 минут бұрын
Another great program. Like another commenter mentioned, I'll be adding this book to my queue.
@kevinpoole4323 56 минут бұрын
Cant Win Wars and Kicking out its Workforce. Take Bread out of the Mouths of Children, Hateful.
@MsJNix 57 минут бұрын
Out of control bully describes Trump perfectly. He is an experienced actor who has many Americans fooled.
@johnkowalski5756 59 минут бұрын
This is what sex, drugs and rampant hedonism ultimately leads to. The US has been a dictatorship for decades now. It just gives the outward appearance of a "democracy."
@BuceriasRodHardy 59 минут бұрын
Sorry, the Orange Turd is going to do exactly what he said he's going to do whether you believe it or not.
@kevinpoole4323 Сағат бұрын
The Democrats are not 🚫 Stopping This onslaught.
@emilschattner3407 Сағат бұрын
The huge problem this world is facing, far too many Americans which are very poorly educated and cursed with an extremely unhealthy world view, elected a mentally sick person to be their president. Unfortunately this tragedy will have unimaginable dire consequences, which may bring the survival ability of our planet beyond any recovery. Intelligent and logical people all over the world need to band together and act immediately with any means available to reverse this unbearable situation, before it is too late. Independent nations don't have the luxury anymore to stay neutral and say it isn't my business what America and Donald Trump does, look at Canada, Greenland and Panama for proof! Who will be next ? Inaction will assure civilized guidelines and international laws are doomed, and total submission to a terrifying Trumpian America, or even extinction may become a real possibility.
@kevinpoole4323 Сағат бұрын
Homelessness Decay of Our Urban Frontier Racial Strife is Excascirbated ,China Russia are All independent Races,We have Mixed Cultures. They Want a White 🌍 Global Conclave.
@izmedjuredova Сағат бұрын
A man that is proposing Marxism is accusing Trump of lunacy? When will you trotskyists come to your senses?
@paulheydarian1281 Сағат бұрын
Love the clickbait image! All it needs is a cartoonish drawing of the U.S. flag on both sides of the donkey cart.
@kevinpoole4323 Сағат бұрын
Port Control The Chinese are Winning.
@kevinpoole4323 Сағат бұрын
He gives a Speech to the World Economic Forum Balance of Power has Changed Drastically.The Panama incident Is Policy Is Adventurism. Hawaii was Grabbed as such. Stolen Lands Greenland. The Election was Stolen by Starlink,The indoPacific is Gone.Bread and Circus The End.
@ralphbernhard1757 Сағат бұрын
Why is anybody surprised that an empire keeps on voting for an imperialist? "If the USA gets a cold, the rest of the world gets the flu". GEOPOLITICAL ANALYSIS *Honestly, what more is there to say? USA: "If I get a cold, the rest of the world is going to suffer worse." This must be the most pathetic acknowledgement of subjection I've read my entire life.* If your global neighbor gets an economic "cold" and you can't simply send them a get-well-soon-card and continue with your own life unaffected, you are already in an internationalist/globalist entanglement. "When the USA votes, the rest of the world looks on in awe and anticipation". GEOPOLITICAL ANALYSIS *Honestly, what more is there to say? USA: "If Americans vote an imperialist into office, the rest of the world is going to have to deal with it." This must be the most pathetic acknowledgement of subjection I've read my entire life. If your global neighbor votes in an imperialist and a convicted slimeball into office, and you can't simply send them an "oh what a pity"-look on your face and continue with your own life unaffected, your safety assured because there is a GLOBAL BALANCE OF POWER, you are already in a globalist entanglement.* It was not difficult to predict, that an imperialist system in which the sane half of its population has little power to change anything, will vote another establishment billionaire slimeball into power... ----------------------------------------- One of the most common counter-arguments to criticism of the American "forever wars" these past 250 years, is that "The USA isn't an empire, because it never sought territorial gain." True, but one doesn't have to change any borders if one has already reached the top of the mountain, looking down at the minor powers one will play divide-and-rule with. *During the Era of European Imperialism, and carrying on seamlessly for the past 100 years or so, the world has been global Apartheid with a two-tier "us/them" system of everything: from concepts such as "wealth" to "justice" and "control", and with "gardens for a few" and "jungles" for the rest around the perimeter, and any deep changes can be vetoed by those who hold the true power.* With the silent consent of the USA/collective West during the First Cold War (1947-1990), the REGIONAL HEGEMONY in South Africa was allowed to play their divide-and-rule games (aka "Apartheid") in a region of their world which was Southern Africa constituted as being South Africa, Rhodesia, Namibia (own sphere of direct/indirect influence) and the outer regions of Botswana, Zambia, or Mozambique, _and that the borders need never change in order to play the "games" of divide-and-control/rule._ It was CONTROL of their own borders, and control OVER the neighbors, which they sought. Notice that the borders never changed, but Apartheid/divide-and-rule flourished anyway. According to the same "logic" it should be fairly easy to brush away any criticism of the actions of the Apartheid state South Africa and its "forever wars" during the Apartheid era, with a flippant "The RSA never sought territorial gain." All historical European global empires, incl. the British Empire, were of course "Apartheid empires" since they had two/three tier systems as default settings and they had different sets of "rules" for "me and for thee" as rules-based ordering others around, and considered this state of affairs perfectly OK. Of course, imposing such "rules", paid off handsomely in the upkeep of the "gardens & pools". They practice divide-and-rule as a matter of policy, from their "gardens", as "my rules trump your rules", just like South African systems of power did in Southern Africa, not only *inside* the own borders, but beyond. Apart = separate = divide. Divide the "jungles" in the rimlands, to keep the "gardens with pools" nice and luxurious... Divide-and-control/rule. *A globally operating HEGEMONY can likewise play the same divide-and-control/rule games everywhere on the globe and that the borders need never change in order to play the "games".* The previous HEGEMONS had the clout to practice divide-and-rule as a matter of policy, just like Washington DC systems of power did in the USA, not only *inside* the own borders, but beyond. *To play games, the borders need never change. All it needs is POWER, a set of rules for ordering everybody else around, and a position of impunity from any setbacks.* The attitude is then that somebody else can pick up the tab. Today, our easily-deceived Western leaders in the self proclaimed "good West" (not strategists) tell us that there will be peace, as long as everybody adheres to the belief system that *"the borders may never change".* Everybody who changes the established borders is "evil" (unless of course, it is the own capital cities, or their proxies doing so: then it is "justified" by finger-pointing somewhere else). The own two-tier "us/them" system says so, so it must be "true."
@ambrosemorgan7022 Сағат бұрын
Richard you have to get over your Trump derangement problem. Can't your wife help you with that. Trump hasn't been in office for a week and he hS cease fire in Gaza and hostages being freed on both sides. That alone is GREAT improvement over Biden. Trump will also end the death and destruction in Ukraine in 100 days. The plan is already taking shape. Trump froze all military and financial aid to Ukraine for 90 days. That's exactly what Putin has been asking for since Minsk one. Putin now has 90 days to grab as much of Ukraine as they can snd wherever the battle lines are after 90 days that's where it ends. Then Putin and Trump have ten days to hammer out s deal before the 100 Day deadline that Trump set. Trump could Go down in history as the best president since JFK oe the Best president ever if he can get the denuclearization deal that he's started working on. I realize how difficult it is to overcome the indoctrination of ridgid discipline for freethinkers that a lifetime of education imparts on the mind but you must make sn effort to set your mind free do that you can see the world as ut really is.
@Fractalsandie Сағат бұрын
you R a Fool! the drug trade is run by the CIA! maybe Trump is speaking to others! Did you READ the CANAL give away!? Alll he needs to CLAIM is the Monroe Doctrine! Once again YOU ARE a fool and clearly uninformed!
@jefferystrong6852 Сағат бұрын
I think it's ironic that the threat of shutting down TikTok, the U.S. is driving young people to Redbook. The kids are learning the truth about the Chinese people by having a direct line to the Chinese society.
@primepreowned1 2 сағат бұрын
Rex Telerson was right. Trump is a Moron. You’re giving him to much credit. He is a Moron by any definition
@stephenaccomando8427 2 сағат бұрын
Prof. Wolf... you are not seeing things through the lens of reality. It's quite simple to "understand" why things are so "weird." It's actually quite simple, politicians shamelessly PANDER to primarily TWO groups... their "base," which for tRump is legions of mouthbreather morons who view everything at the intellectual level of a football game... and the Donor-Class. ... nothing else matters to them. They will all play Kubaki Theater together and exist solely in their own echo-chamber... NOT reality. It's a lunatic asylum that's happy with itself... and just doesn't care about anything beyond the shallow and boorish present, where they are "the winners." Both sides of this Uniparty, indulge EQUALLY in these infantile and Toddler-Class antics...'s idiocracy² 🎯😎🤤🤤🤤
@estherminnaar9607 2 сағат бұрын
Mr Swaggart at his best😂😂Is US blessed with another senile old man?
@winglaileung 2 сағат бұрын
@chw5044 2 сағат бұрын
A great photo with donkeys... genius...
@foppo100 2 сағат бұрын
Hello Professor Richard and Mr Eskow.Trump is calling everybody.Europeans Canadians Mexico China Russia in a derogate manner.What he should do concentrate on the working class in the US who need desperate help.Call the billionaires who run the show in his country.He won't will he.He is lashing out big time our Donald.
@adlerherman9388 2 сағат бұрын
The war on drugs... I know why he hates drugs... When he was in hig school somebody Knowing he is a Moron... Sold Trump a gram of... CHALK ??? 🤫🇺🇸👎🤫🤣🤐😵‍💫🥳🤔😜
@adlerherman9388 2 сағат бұрын
Just calm him down... Make a cash fund Rising to Pay him a ... Porn Star X or maybe 2...??? One Canadian and the other one ??? Mexican... 😜🇺🇸🤔🥳😵‍💫🤐🤫🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸👎😊
@thewolfofwokest7521 2 сағат бұрын
I wish trumps intensely idiotic hubris would allow him to see that many of us know who he is and what he is doing and that many of us see him and biden as the same corporate pigs at the trough while we all get ruined. Someone said it best when they said this is socialism for the rich!
@SkullyTheHypnoSkull 2 сағат бұрын
Surreal > Zombie
@adlerherman9388 2 сағат бұрын
The ameriCANS HAD Won the Moronic new Wars... Against Themselves...The winners ??? The Moronics ameriCANS !!!🤔😵‍💫🤐😜🥳🤣🤫🇺🇸👎🤫🤫🤫
@FurianXT 2 сағат бұрын
Fantastic, Mr Wolffe is awesome
@angiecheesman3114 2 сағат бұрын
No t our problem. Trump can do whatever😢 he wants but when he threatens my country, Canada, I take issue! ❤❤. Fuck you Trump. fuck you. 😊
@adlerherman9388 2 сағат бұрын
Professeur Wolff... I will bet an arm and I will not loose it .... If you ask an ameriCAN MORON What is the CAPITAL OF TAIWAN ??? HE WILL ANSWER to YOU... " The Capital of Taiwan ? , MADE IN ..." 🤣🥳🤣🤣🤣🤫
@sallyjb6209 2 сағат бұрын
How can this lunacy last for four years??
@pelaubenson1230 2 сағат бұрын
@sallyjb6209...And he thinks he sounds tough too.embarassing himself and the US in the eyes of the world.
@adlerherman9388 3 сағат бұрын
Well, now every Nation in the World except the UROpets Bruxello-Natoites, Ridiculous Barking Midgets Chihuahuas, Vassals kleenex of the USA...know that they .... To protect their own Security ??? Must Run to join the BRICS+++ And collapse the Crumbling ng Roaming Rogue sociophatic Amoral GREEDY Plunderers and Blackmailing Predators USA... The " King "is Naked... To everibody's eyes in the World to sée it... Farewell USA... You are CRUMBLING, FALLING, COLLAPSING...🤔😵‍💫🤐😡🤣🤣🤣🤫
@garyfoxall279 3 сағат бұрын
@charleskesner1302 3 сағат бұрын
Trump never got the memo. China and BRICS are new kids on the block. They will speed up the decoupling process.
@Titahood4life 3 сағат бұрын
Maybe some Mexican woman slapped his face when he made a play on her , cause he’s got such a thing about Mexico?
@adlerherman9388 2 сағат бұрын
Maybe she also kicked his balls...🤣🇺🇸🤫👎
@meganhess9531 3 сағат бұрын
I grew up in Apartheid in South Africa. Look up Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, a neo nazi party.
@michaelmcelfresh7295 3 сағат бұрын
Mr. Eskow, yo do a us a great service by bringing us Richard Wolff with intelligent commentary, but you need to look at yourself on the web. You look like some kind of ghost. I can look beyond it, but I don't think it helps gain clicks.
@adlerherman9388 2 сағат бұрын
No... He is in shock and ... Maybe he was Black and... Now IS chalky with worry...🇺🇸🤣🤣🤫🤐😵‍💫🥳🤔😜
@klikklakis 3 сағат бұрын
Presidential Executive Orders look very much like Royal Decrees of the Emperors and Kings of the Middle Ages. I thought the USA was a democracy.
@adlerherman9388 2 сағат бұрын
Not any more since a few d cades...🥳🤔😜🇺🇸👎
@grachikmurdyan7821 3 сағат бұрын
It’s already social capitalism and it has passed the time. I don’t know where we’re gonna go from here. It’s not starting social capitalism. It’s ending probably from here to go anywhere. It’s billion percent unknown not only for US but the rest of the world too. Hopefully everything will be negotiated peacefully Without threats. Don’t wait to survive for the rest of the world. It’s peaceful win situation negotiations are it works anything else well and into the disaster no country will win you want a solution I have the key. It’s structured already. Contact don’t be snap. Sometimes you find a solutionwhere literally you’re not even willing to look. God bless the rest of the world. Pray for peacemaking for the world no nation no human no law is above God.