Freewill Choices Made  - McKee Moment
2 сағат бұрын
One and Only Burgers - Food Reviews
7 сағат бұрын
Pizzeria Uno Deep Dish - Food Reviews
16 сағат бұрын
Yom Kippur  - McKee Moment
16 сағат бұрын
Scotty P’s - Food Reviews
21 сағат бұрын
Which Wich? - Food Reviews
Күн бұрын
Spaghetti Dinner - Food Reviews
14 күн бұрын
No Negative Downline - McKee Moment
Oktoberfest McKinney - Food Reviews
@DTH1661 4 сағат бұрын
Shabbat Shalom, John. I pray you and all the family are well. Thank you for the upload, brother. Chag sameach. Sabbath blessings to all. David (UK)
@Bouncer83 2 күн бұрын
Paul is a deceiver. Peter was sent to the gentiles.
@YHWH101 3 күн бұрын
Description: Messianic Apologetics editor John McKee reviews a difficult concept from Psalm 82:1-8, where the One Creator God, is seen to call human mortals “gods.” How does this affect Yeshua the Messiah’s words in John 10:34-36?
@boiledwater62 3 күн бұрын
This guy is getting his verses and chapters mixed up
@mikpiotto 5 күн бұрын
Why are you fasting?
@MessianicApologetics 5 күн бұрын
Yom Kippur
@zavaughnkirkland5892 5 күн бұрын
It's a tale as old as time. If biblical characters themselves can do legal loophole with scripture, then what about us? I think you hit the nail on the head by mentioning the Hamas terror campaign upon Israel. Living among Babylon had to be an oppression of nearly unimaginable magnitude. We can't get on a plane to make aliyah if we want, however they would probably have their sukkas burnt down by trying to keep specific mitzvot.
@Naphoon69 5 күн бұрын
mint mate
@eliyahukonn3245 7 күн бұрын
You f-ed up right away. Yom Teruah, Einstein. Rosh Hashanah is the 1st of Aviv. Got a Tanakh, look it up.
@Amysusie-q 7 күн бұрын
Probably not the best thing to break a fast with 😅 might hit your stomach kindof hard…Hope you had an easy fast 🙏
@BansheeHives 7 күн бұрын
I ordered, "an overview of the Apostolic Scriptures," and it has not arrived in 3+ months. Where can I contact for issues? (I'll delete this comment once you respond to not "dog" your channel!)
@MessianicApologetics 7 күн бұрын
@@BansheeHives I am sorry to hear this. Please send us an email with all of the necessary information, and we’ll look into it this week. [email protected]
@helenagreenpine1496 7 күн бұрын
Thank you! Also a good one is Isaiah 58:3 uses the same 'afflicted our souls'.....'anah nephesh' as fasting (tsum)..... ‘Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and You have not seen? Why have we afflicted our souls, and You take no notice?’ “In fact, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, And exploit all your laborers. *Acts 27:9 :)
@mjrjolt 7 күн бұрын
Even though I wasn't confused on this matter, I appreciate your insight into the matter of fasting on Yom Kippur.
@helenagreenpine1496 7 күн бұрын
What about Kabbalah? That is a tradition and clearly non-biblical. Also, this strategy works only if you are 'allowed in' to the tribe....non-Jews are told both that they must not 'appropriate' Jewish tradition and at the same time must follow Jewish tradition and not create their own (this is called a double-bind and I think it is a form of abuse). There is always local tradition. For example, the Karaites do not acknowledge the Talmud and they've developed their own local traditions. If it's not clearly laid out in scripture, you can look to tradition AND the Holy Spirit will guide you if the tribe (against God's will) rejects you.
@MessianicApologetics 7 күн бұрын
This teaching was only intended to argue, in a general sense, for how tradition has *a* place in the halachah of today's Messianic people. There are details to be sorted through, and many of them involve case-by-case and local congregational matters. Everyone's experience in Messianic Judaism is different. There are Messianic Jewish congregations and synagogues which are welcoming of non-Jewish Believers, and others not so much. The majority of Messianic Judaism rejects Kabbalah, so that is largely an issue only for the fringe. Most Messianic Jewish leaders, seeing non-Jews come into their congregations, do not want to see them dressing up and thinking they are Jewish, when they are not. This does not automatically mean, for example, that outward elements such as the kippah and tallit are off limits. On various wide congregational matters, such as the Fall High Holidays right now, there is likely to be a wide amount of similarity with what Jewish and non-Jewish Messianics will do--because it will be almost entirely observed in the venue of the corporate assembly. On more personal or familial matters, there will be (significant) variance. When I had one sister marry (2015), she had a Messianic-styled service, which the Messianic Jewish rabbi performed, even though the bride and groom were non-Jewish. When I had another sister marry (2024), even with her having been Messianic since 1995, she had a Scottish wedding, with "Jesus the Messiah" being as Messianic as it got.
@julietipping5259 8 күн бұрын
Blessings to you and your Family John. That Burger looked yummy. 🙏🇬🇧
@thomaskielbania6781 8 күн бұрын
Shalom homie! I’m a day behind you but keep you in prayer and look forward to the blessings Yah gives to us this Feast! Planet eh????
@answer5145 8 күн бұрын
Thank You SIr !
@thomaskielbania6781 9 күн бұрын
Nice job, I like how you started it with the question, a test if you will. Shalom brother!!! Praise Yah
@joelbrooks3198 10 күн бұрын
The Demiurge wants animal sacrifices. Not the Supreme Creator.
@Barbbfly 11 күн бұрын
Is Rosh Hashanah tradition or biblical plse ?
@MessianicApologetics 10 күн бұрын
Here is a teaching we put together a few years ago about this:
@davidgleason6323 11 күн бұрын
The creation of Adam and of B’hema… both of which, as Jeremiah reveals, would receive His Spirit. Doesn’t Peter (2 Peter 3:5) even say the world itself was already old before the flood? Indeed, man and beast, into one new man, by the Spirit of God. This is also the rhesus blood type vs the pure line without the rhesus monkey type. Let us not also forget the resurrection will occur beforehand, only the wise will understand it is occurring and that the 8 billion souls arriving onto the earth in the past generation is no coincidence.
@rmac1199 11 күн бұрын
I have been studying the Bible and ALL of the CONSERVATIVE Biblical scholars since 1998. YOU are the ONLY ONE I have EVER Heard postulate anything Over 6500 year
@MessianicApologetics 11 күн бұрын
It is possible that we have different definitions of "conservative," and that our experiences may be different. I would recommend you consult some of the perspectives offered by R.K. Harrison's Introduction to the Old Testament (1969). This is a conservative staple. He did not adhere to the James Ussher chronology.
@rmac1199 11 күн бұрын
@@MessianicApologetics We absolutely have a different term of conservative. Wicked with college is an anglican leftist liberal theological seminary. My view of conservative theologians is anything anywhere near that is heretical.
@MessianicApologetics 11 күн бұрын
It may be that what I regard as fundamentalism, you regard as conservative. And, what I regard as conservative, you would regard as liberal. (Which I guess would mean that what I regard as liberal, you would regard as hyper-liberal?)
@rmac1199 11 күн бұрын
@@MessianicApologetics To me the challenge is, ANYTIME Academia gets involved in ANYTHING....They screw it up. From Project Management, Information Technology and Building Construction to the Bible. Academia inserts itself as far superior and more intelligent then starts telling us 1+2 doesn't equal 3. Or that yes that is what Moses wrote but that isn't what he meant. Or Paul and John wrote those, but it isn't what you think. Now there are sometimes where that is true. For decades I thought Peter really heard a rooster near the Sanhedrin where Yeshuas mock trial was being held. That is, until I learned (THROUGH SCRIPTURE) that unclean animals (like chickens) would be no where near the temple. So then I did historical research to find "The Cock Crow" Yeshua spoke of, was the horn blast between the 3rd and 4th watch, too make sure the soldiers on post were awake when the centurion arrived to relieve them with the next guard watch. So I follow the scriptural precept that scripture interprets scripture. Isaiah 28:9-12 “Whom will he teach knowledge?And whom will he make to understand the message?Those just weaned from milk?Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept,Line upon line, line upon line,Here a little, there a little.” For with stammering lips and another tongueHe will speak to this people, To whom He said, “This is the rest with whichYou may cause the weary to rest,”And, “This is the refreshing”;Yet they would not hear. Much of this problem has to do with the heretical teaching of theologians who thought they knew better than Yahweh...Who actually wrote the Bible through the Holy Spirit Indwelling and leading the authors.
@twoFrenchBunnys 11 күн бұрын
Maybe, it's these last six thousand years that count, even if there were more yours that did not calculate.
@davidgleason6323 11 күн бұрын
The creation of Adam and of B’hema… both of which, as Jeremiah reveals, would receive His Spirit. Doesn’t Peter (2 Peter 3:5) even say the world itself was already old before the flood? Indeed, man and beast, into one new man, by the Spirit of God. This is also the rhesus blood type vs the pure line without the rhesus monkey type.
@alecepting1371 11 күн бұрын
Lots of signs, like the one you mention on apostasy, but those are more subjective. In other words, how far does the apostasy have to go? How many wars do there have to be? The answer is as it says in the song "Blowin' in the Wind". Yet, there is a definitive answer. The Lord acknowledges these things in Mt 24, but the key moment is what He says in v14: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a testimony to all nations; and then shall the end come." Now in referring to nations, it goes back to Babel, meaning people groups defined by a common language. Indeed Rev 5:9 speaks to this:"...You were slain, and with Your blood You purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation." So how far are we in getting the Gospel into every language? According to Wycliffe Bible Translators, we are down to 99,800,000 people out of 8,200,000,000 who do not have a gospel translation project started in their language. In other words, 98.78% have the Gospel in their own language or at least a translation project started. And it doesn't mean the Gospel has to be in written form. There's a group at JAARS, the technical support arm of Wycliffe, called Vernacular Media Services, which uses audio and visual means to present the Gospel. And another spinoff called the SEED company which uses nationals to do the translation for ethnic groups in their own countries. Finally, there is an effort to use Large Language Models (Artificial Intelligence) to accelerate the translation process. So that final push to get the Gospel into every language is just around the corner.
@sandrawesseln9619 11 күн бұрын
No. It’s 2024.
@PutMesije 12 күн бұрын
I would love it if you had a debate with Mr. Solberg from Defending the Biblical roots. He persistently stuck to the Hebrew roots and as far as I can see, he invites some miki maus rabbis and pastors to show the Hebrew roots as the biggest heretics. I understand that in the body of the Messiah, no one agrees with anyone, but we all agree on one thing, consciously and unconsciously, and that is that anyone who wants to live according to the Law will be persecuted. No one challenges Solberg for his disobedience and pushing the Law of Moses under the carpet.
@ZUL8R_DAVE 12 күн бұрын
“Grace to you and peace from G-D THE FATHER and our Master Yeshua the Messiah, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us [In the FUTURE Age To Come] out of THIS PRESENT EVIL AGE, according to the will of our G-D and FATHER-” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭ THIS is the IGNORED CHRONOLOGICAL CONTEXT for everything Paul then says next… No different than people ignoring the Chronological Context of everything in Hebrews, by mentally skipping over the Chronological landmarks Hebrews 2:5,9:9, and 10:1 are communicating… Because of the “Prophetic Past Tense” of the Greek and Hebrew Verb tenses that are NOT like English… Look at Isaiah 53:5 and ‘he WAS pierced’ and ‘he WAS crushed’ when the crucifixion happened 700 years later…
@kennethdurfee6319 12 күн бұрын
I used to wonder if it was possible that the animal sacrifices in the millennium were for peace offerings or Nazerite vows, or other "non-sin" animal sacrifices. After reading Ezekiel 43-46, it seems pretty clear at least some of the animal sacrifices are for sin. I don't understand it, but I believe it.
@ZUL8R_DAVE 13 күн бұрын
The Sinai Covenant and the New Covenant are for two different Ages and they are not in competition with one another at all whatsoever. When Messiah returns and prepares the way for HASHEM and HASHEM establishes The New Covenant and places HIS Torah within our glorified bodies then we will know EXACTLY what to do in The Age to Come, until then, we will perform our part to uphold our end of the Sinai Covenant and Obey HASHEM’s Mitzvot, Chukim, and Mishpatim, that HIS Name be blessed, praised, honored, and exalted for there is no G-D but HIM nor will their ever be.
@graysonbr 13 күн бұрын
Seen them both..... FFOZ has a great perspective on this position btw
@soniawillats4358 14 күн бұрын
I've listened to Dr Ken Johnson, and would have tried to do my own sums, if time allowed. I appreciate your conclusion. There are so many signs we,can relate to e.g. Daniel's 7th week, Rev 13 even... Certainly we appear to be close
@johnmerritt8768 15 күн бұрын
Good overview. Thanks
@julietipping5259 15 күн бұрын
Looks yummy John. Blessings to you and your family 🙏🇬🇧
@EddieFox 15 күн бұрын
Pre trib/post trib? Consider this.... It's amazing, even Christians are not aware of the nature of the apocalypse. Many think it'll be 'business as usual' while the world self destructs to the point that Jesus says, "If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short." It's my main reason for believing Christ's second advent will be in two parts. I really wish someone could explain to me how on earth is anyone going to be working, having weddings and just living their lives during and especially towards the end of the 7 years of tribulation? there’s no way they are going to be doing that. If you’re in the tribulation the second coming of Jesus is not going to take you by surprise like a thief in the night. According to the Bible Jesus returns ....... at midnight when the bridesmaids were completely unaware (Matthew 25:1-13), when folks were busy tilling fields (Matthew 24:40), others across the world peacefully asleep at night (Luke 17:34), when a cruel boss is treating his employees badly, thinking the MD isn't due for a visit (Matthew 24:48-51), while whorehouses were doing normal business, like normal buying, selling, planting and building (like Sodom; Luke 17:28-29), just at a time of normal marrying (Matthew 24:38), the time when folk were ignoring preachers telling them destruction is near unless they repent and turn to God (just like old Noah Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 2 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 11:7 and see 1 Peter 3:19-20). Hmm, sounds like nowadays, eh? Normal life really. Same ole; same ole... So. Now we see Jesus returning in all His splendour and glory with saints and angels to wreak judgement on the whole earth (Revelation 19:11-17) but wait for the description given of the time! After wars (Revelation 6:4), Severe famine (Rev 6:6), a quarter of population killed (Rev 6:8), terror that would make the most ardent 'prepper' crumble in despair; men's hearts failing them for fear (Luke 21:26), a third of earth burned up; trees and grass (Rev 8:7) a terrible meteorite called wormwood poisoning a third of waterways killing everything in them (Rev 8:7). After terrible supernatural creatures locust like creatures stinging like scorpions (Rev 9:3-11) and horses killing a third of the world population (Rev 9:13-19). Even dimensional upheaval, mountains and land twisting and rolling up "like a scroll" (Rev 6:14 and Matthew 24:29). After evil leaders exceeding the brutality of all the world's cruelest despots ruling for years during the most terrible time this planet has ever seen (Rev 13:11-18 and 16:18). Finally out the chaos angry armies assembling against God Himself (Psalm 2; Revelation 16:16). Huge armies gathering at Megiddo to battle. Then Jesus returns, as covered above (Rev 19). Hmm. Doesn't seem to be describing quite the same thing, eh? These scriptures? This is what perplexed me for years until I got to grips with the Bible verses and passages describing His return. Then the light dawned. That's why the return of the Lord is two fold. Jesus comes first for His saints during normal everyday life (John 14:3). Then secondly after all the wormwood etc He returns as reigning King at the height of WW3. (Rev 19). After years of confusion over these distinctly different descriptions of Christ's return I saw how it all fitted together. I hope this helps any readers to go through these passages for themselves like I did.
@helenagreenpine1496 17 күн бұрын
This was great :) If 'traditionalist' means specifically traditions from Judaism, I think there may need to be another bucket or have 'anti-traditionalist' bucket could be named or thought of differently. I don't think many folks have ill will towards 'Jewish''s just made very very very clear to non-Jews that it isn't our tradition. These folks would also be very careful that in 'adding' to the word to practice (local/family/community) tradition that it does not contradict the word so that would be a secondary reason to be careful about borrowing they are just being careful and not necessarily banking on the supremacy of one tradition over the other (the opposite of anti-semitic as it would be a form of supremacy to say that there is only one tradition)
@igalgerman5662 17 күн бұрын
Very good!❤🎉 Good job!
@HisWill778 18 күн бұрын
Enjoyed the video! Good Job
@williamboo9017 19 күн бұрын
WOW! I ACTUALLY hear about HETEROSEXUAL SIN (So-Called) as in sexual sin. Embracing LGBTQ? Treating us like humans who deserve the right to marry, participate in society, work, and freely express ourselves-along with those (1000's of groups) the 'religiously orthodox' majoritarian old guard consider "heretics". SUCH A BIG thing to ask in America!
@kennethdurfee6319 19 күн бұрын
Thank you for your thoughts on this topic. It is difficult to sit through a Bible study in my church with wonderful people who have no clue about the teachings of Messianic Jewish theology. They are convinced the Old testament has been done away with, or at the least, the covenant God made with Moses has been fulfilled by Jesus and no longer applies to anyone. If I were to speak up every time something was said in error (in my opinion), I would sound like I was constantly being negative. Do you have any resources for how a gentile with a Messianic Jewish theology can approach these situations? There are no Messianic Jewish congregations near me, so I need to learn how to contribute my thoughts in this environment without sounding negative. Perhaps this is a topic worthy of an index card?
@MessianicApologetics 17 күн бұрын
This is probably worthy of a future newsletter article!
@kennethdurfee6319 17 күн бұрын
@@MessianicApologetics Thank You-I look forward to it!!!
@jackienuchols9425 19 күн бұрын
The moral relativism that the religious folk have undertook with Trump has lead to the fall of the influence of the church and made it clear that the left currently occupies the moral high ground that the church will only get back when the false prophet Trump is gone.
@jackienuchols9425 19 күн бұрын
Woke definition :alert to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination.therefore we can say without a doubt that Jesus was indeed Woke.
@thelionofjudah397 19 күн бұрын
Right on!!! They have taken the word woke and assigned their own definition and are trying to tell us what it means! They have bastardized it and used it as a their new culture war item to further divide a country and it's people who are already divided! It's insane.....
@tiandao8503 20 күн бұрын
Look not for the splinter in your neighbor's eye, and ignore the log in your own.
@shaft5 20 күн бұрын
@julietipping5259 20 күн бұрын
Blessings to you and your family John. The Veggie Pizza looks yummy. 😊🇬🇧
@jameschapman6559 21 күн бұрын
You reap what you sow.
@Trini-o1k 21 күн бұрын
The Pittsburg restaurant will be boycotted after what they did. I have a feeling the whole franchise will close. The American people are disgusted at what they just witnessed.
@ZUL8R_DAVE 21 күн бұрын
How can HASHEM simultaneously, require faith in HIS Son for everlasting life, blind Israel to faith in HIS Son, and yet save ALL of Israel in faithfulness to HIS Covenant and Promises WITHOUT the anti-Semitic tradition of delegitimizing LITERAL Israel?
@julietipping5259 21 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom, to you and your Family John. Have a blessed week, especially with the workload. 🙏🇬🇧
@BansheeHives 22 күн бұрын
You need to do John 12:49-50 and Romans 6:22.
@Barbbfly 22 күн бұрын
Good 1
@carlasmith4777 26 күн бұрын
I need to find that spice! We just make it from the skyline can 😊