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4 жыл бұрын
@قارلەيلىسى Күн бұрын
@kimteckwong7915 7 күн бұрын
@pwu8194 2 ай бұрын
Türkçe = 突厥
@ZongzhiLi 2 ай бұрын
中国新疆的历史远长于本报告陈述的情况,要站在欧亚草原文明、俄西伯利亚的三大河流叶尼塞河、勒拿河、鄂毕河和东亚的黄河、长江文明互相交融的层面理解。小河、楼兰古墓群的断代只做了一部分,上限最早的约4700年。大部分存于新疆文保所的干尸有待进一步断代,族群以东欧斯基泰(月氏)、撒尔马特人(吐火罗)和阿尔泰土著(混血为主)。可以参考国外的文献和近几个世纪的考古发现。另外,丝绸在绿洲贸易中起的是货币的角色,不是流通的商品。欧亚草原的石冢文化、陕北石茆、芦山茆、寨沟、山西陶寺、河南二里头的先后传承都是实证。 匈奴主体北部丁零/北狄(乌戈尔、回纥/唐帝赐为回鹘、副伏罗、薛延陀、契比、突骑施、处月(悦盘/阿勒班、沙陀)、样磨、八野固/僕固/卜骨、瓦克/克烈、土默特、高车/ 多览葛 Telengits,敕勒(Teleuts)、同罗/独孤/屠格(Dulo)、都波/图瓦(Tuvan)诸部),南部蓝突厥(坚昆、可萨、葛逻禄、乌古斯、钦察诸部)。乌戈尔为北匈奴西迁的主体,先到了俄乌拉尔河流域(“乌拉”是古突厥语打、冲啊、上的战争口号),进一步西迁至东欧的匈、罗、塞国的喀尔巴阡盆地,西北迁芬兰,逐渐演化为伏尔加地区的马里、楚瓦什、巴什基尔、鞑靼人,以及匈牙利的瑟克利人、芬兰人;丁零贝加尔湖以东以南八野固部落的一支柔然/阿瓦/鄂温克和宇文鲜卑北支的室韦混血演化为蒙古【室韦父、柔然母为蒙古,鄂温克逐渐通古斯化】;坚昆后裔为俄哈卡斯人,小部分是黑龙江富裕柯尔克孜族,南迁天山和当地土著融合成为今吉尔吉斯人;都波后裔为今图瓦人【中国新疆阿勒泰地区的图瓦人被错误地划入蒙古族,也不是林中百姓的乌梁海/卫拉特蒙古,其血统比十三世纪才逐渐成型的蒙古人早千年以上,成吉思汗的四大将领中的哲勒蔑、速不台都是图瓦人,这个部落没有离开匈奴故地,传承了最多的匈奴音乐,在唐宫廷传唱,比如凉州曲、酒壶子、青海波等】; 室韦南支乌桓演化为契丹人,后裔为达斡尔族;鲜卑大部尤其是拓跋鲜卑,发源于东南西伯利亚,嘎仙洞是居住地带,不是发源地;丁零父、鲜卑母为南匈奴的铁弗, 逐渐汉化为陕北、山西北部、河北西北的汉族,刘姓是独孤氏后裔,去东欧草原的独孤氏Tulo Clan为阿提拉帝国的统治者;乌戈尔丁零八野固十三世纪受蒙古帝国统治后蒙古化,俄境内的叫布里亚特人,俄十月革命加入白军失利后的一支到中国境内,成为内蒙锡尼河流域的巴尔虎蒙古; 月氏败于匈奴,被乌孙逐出伊犁河流域,辗转于中亚七河地区,再远走东南的古印度河流域,后裔是今巴、印境内的Jaats people,分信伊斯兰、印度、锡克教。白匈奴【乌戈尔】、赤狄【柔然】、黑狄【克烈, Kara,Karl 指黑色,中国新疆卫拉特蒙古四部之一的吐尔扈特/俄伏尔加河南部的卡尔梅克人、哈萨克中玉兹克烈部落】是指服饰的颜色。五胡乱华时期的羯族Ket people至今依然在俄最大的河流叶尼塞河【古突厥语“叶尼”指母亲、“塞”指水,河被拼为Khem】中游生活。如内蒙、宁夏、河南地区发现的甲骨文,游牧民族的古文字用的是Tamga印章文字【中国新疆伊犁地区的尼勒克县有“唐布拉”草原,意为“印章子”。这里有中国最早的冶铁遗址】,常刻在山石、动物身上、绣在服饰上;外加各部落至今传唱的古曲,史诗如卫拉特蒙古的《江格尔》、柯尔克孜的《玛纳斯》,以及图瓦的赞歌,才是解读文明的钥匙。
@bignamedingx2 3 ай бұрын
塞维鲁儿子是卡拉卡拉, 不是提图斯和图密善😊
@laoxia3308 4 ай бұрын
@王晓-l3w 4 ай бұрын
@zhany0u 4 ай бұрын
@jeanjia7817 5 ай бұрын
@王小宝-n1s 6 ай бұрын
Explain all the issues about the Xiongnu and the Turks、The Mongols and dozens of other powerful nomadic peoples who fought against the Han Chineseat once. History cannot be falsified. I hope everyone will respect history and not arbitrarily modify the history recorded in China. The Great Wall was built in the Zhou Dynasty 700 years ago to defend against the Qiang and the Western Rong. Each vassal state had a Great Wall. The first time the Huns appeared in Chinese history was in 318 BC, In 265 BC, at the same time as the Battle of Changping with Qin, the famous Zhao general Li Mu surrounded the invading Xiongnu army with 150,000 border guards (13,000 cavalry) outside the Great Wall of Zhao. He used the cavalry's two-wing encirclement tactics to encircle the invading Xiongnu army. 100,000 Xiongnu cavalry were shot and killed. Then Li Mu eliminated the Linhu (another nomadic people) and defeated the Donghu (the ancestors of the Mongols、xianbei、manzu)..In 220 BC, Qin Shihuang defeated the Xiongnu and connected the Great Walls of various countries into a whole. The Xiongnu leader Touman led his people to flee to the northern desert. "He ordered Meng Tian to build the Great Wall in the north to guard the frontier, and to keep the Xiongnu back more than 700 miles. The Hu people did not dare to go south to herd horses, and the scholars did not dare to bend their bows to complain." Next came the 300-year war between the Han Dynasty and the Huns..In 89 AD, Dou Xian led 40,000 troops to destroy the Northern Huns, and captured 200,000 people and brought them back to the Great Wall. The Han dynasty gave good land to the surrendered Xiongnu. Their population increased quickly and they launched a large-scale rebellion 200 years later. Soon other nomadic tribes joined the rebellion.The Huns disappeared from the Mongolian grasslands. In 431 AD, the last Huns disappeared in China. The four nomadic tribes of Xiongnu, Jie, Di (who unified northern China), and Qiang were destroyed in the "Five Barbarians Invading China", leaving only the Xianbei in northern China. The Xianbei belonged to the Donghu (Mongol, Manchu, Jurchen, Khitan)。The Turks were originally iron-making slaves of the Rouran. They migrated to the southern foot of the Jinshan Mountain (today's Altai Mountains). Because the Jinshan Mountain resembled a helmet, they were commonly known as the Turks, and their tribe was named after it. Initially, the Ashina clan had only a few hundred families, but later the Turkic tribe had tens of thousands of people, most of whom came from the surrounding Tiele tribe. In 552, the Turks defeated the Rouran again and established a Turkic slave regime in the Orkhon River Basin with the northern desert as its center.The Tang Dynasty destroyed the Eastern Turks in 630 AD, and completely defeated the Western Turks in 657 AD, capturing the Eastern Turks Jie Li Khan and the Western Turks Shaboluo Khan. In 742 AD, the Later Turks were destroyed. You can look at history. In 751, during the Battle of Talas, the Turkic vassal army attacked their Tang army comrades from behind, leading to the defeat of the Tang army by the Arabs. However, this battle and the subsequent An-Shi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty were tragedies for the Turks. The main force of the Tang Dynasty garrison in Xinjiang was transferred back to Chang'an to suppress the rebellion. When the Arabs massacred the Buddhist Turks in Central Asia, the Tang army was unable to provide assistance. A large number of Buddhist Turkic women, children and captives were sent to Persia as slaves by the Arabs. No nation is willing to give up its religion, culture, clan, and food traditions. They all gave up after being conquered. Muslim jihadists only give you two choices: either death or conversion to Islam. Ancestor worship is not allowed.By the time of the Second Dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, the so-called Turks had been Persianized from race to culture. After that, the original Turks basically disappeared in China, and only one Shatuo Turk (10,000 people) developed by helping the Tang Dynasty and established a short-lived separatist regime. 100 years after the demise of the Tang Dynasty, the name of Turks completely disappeared, After the disintegration of the Uighur Khanate, 200,000 Buddhism Uighurs moved south, and more than 100,000 were wiped out by the Tang Dynasty. The remaining Uighurs entered Xinjiang in several groups, and 840AD up to 20,000 Uighurs controlled Gaochang (all of whom were Han Chinese at the time), forming the Gaochang Uighurs. At that time, Khotan and Kashgar in Xinjiang were both inhabited by Persians who believed in Buddhism. and then China entered a 1,000-year war between the Han people and the Khitan, Dangxiang, Tibetans, Jurchens, and Mongols. The Khitan and Dangxiang were the first to be eliminated. Now, Mongolia and Tibet are still there. The real Turkic culture, race, and religion are gone. Only the language remains. Therefore, it is almost impossible to detect Turkic paternal genes in modern Turkeys. The Khalji dynasty (1290-1320) of the Delhi Sultanate was the second dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. Its royal family was a branch of the Afghan Turks. They had become Iranianized in terms of ethnicity and culture. Recently, Turkey began to boycott Ancestry, a famous American gene sequencing company. Why? It turned out that Turkey had launched a DNA project, and the test report of the technology company commissioned by the company showed that today's Turks are mainly descendants of the conquered indigenous Anatolians and ancient Greeks, and have little to do with the ancient Turks. Some people say that the Turks do not pay attention to bloodline. Let's take a look at a record. Ashina Simo was a Turkic noble, the son of Ashina Duoliushe. Simo had a cheerful personality, quick thinking, and was good at divination. He was loved by Shibi Khan and Choro Khan. [5] However, because Simo looked very much like a Hu person (the Persians, Tocharians and white people in Xinjiang at that time), rather than a Turk, Choro Khan suspected that he was not from the Ashina race. [6] Simo served under two Khanates, Choluo Khan and Jie Li Khan, but he could only serve as a Jiabitele and could not lead troops.
@xz7183 6 ай бұрын
@user-cb6xf6sb6kJulia 6 ай бұрын
@文冷-j8u 6 ай бұрын
@王小宝-n1s 7 ай бұрын
@劉芳育 10 ай бұрын
髒 亂 差,強姦犯
@PhilipIWorld 10 ай бұрын
52:36 爱德华七,口误
@zhousu7335 10 ай бұрын
@kennylim8908 10 ай бұрын
@daweiyang4429 11 ай бұрын
@木子-o5o 11 ай бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
土耳其是国族概念,就如中国国族(中华民族)的56种族共和 中国普通话也是满清话的汉语
@kwanlam7510 Жыл бұрын
@とやり Жыл бұрын
@PengBao-w9n Жыл бұрын
@huitaox4496 Жыл бұрын
@TigreTigre-wz1yg Жыл бұрын
@李臻-l3d Жыл бұрын
@李臻-l3d Жыл бұрын
@李臻-l3d Жыл бұрын
@李臻-l3d Жыл бұрын
@chenyi9938 Жыл бұрын
@bzscck4496 Жыл бұрын
@howgor Жыл бұрын
@slavish_superiority Жыл бұрын
@slavish_superiority Жыл бұрын
@zhany0u 4 ай бұрын
@盛昌-m4j Жыл бұрын
@leileizhu3724 Жыл бұрын
@AhmetKaya-hc1cl Жыл бұрын
@ntt-5041 Жыл бұрын
@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan Жыл бұрын
Huns born Oghuz Turks born Seljuk Turks born Ottoman Turks born me ! 🏋️‍♂️🦅🐎
@xizhao9085 Жыл бұрын
@Muhxin_cn Жыл бұрын
@jetli6337 Жыл бұрын
@陳桂珠-d9d Жыл бұрын
尾巴不是很割很割得 入安也很多關心研通 告她是如此的悲壯
@wuqingdrc Жыл бұрын
@李江超-p3x Жыл бұрын
@slavish_superiority Жыл бұрын
@slavish_superiority Жыл бұрын
@slavish_superiority Жыл бұрын
@人類滅絕 Жыл бұрын