@Yara-cm8mh 14 күн бұрын
Really dislike this review, so many nitpicks feel biased and, your review feels more like - you saw backlash for this game -then decided to hard lean on public opinion by aggressively tearing it down, even for the smallest reasons A lot of your points Abby’s faction controls a extremely large area, Ellie finding them as she follows their trail isn’t much of a coincidence, she left to track them down not long after they left
@ThePatrikable 15 күн бұрын
Tlou2 is the best game ever made. Period.
@metallicasnake 19 күн бұрын
I will say for myself that Part II is and will always be a grotesque failure in every possible way. There is nothing that can convince me otherwise. It was absolutely wrong and to me will always be wrong.
@davidjackson5966 23 күн бұрын
Honestly lou2 is all about perspective but the main problem is narrative bias, lou1 established joel and ellie and lou2 took that away so there’s bias towards joel since he was established before abby so now she’s got a steep hill just to never reach to joel’s level
@wolfgoat1961 25 күн бұрын
While it can feel like a great coincidence and forced about how fast Abby found Joel. To plop her in the story, the reason they make you play as her is on a psychological level to show you the humanity of different people and their own stories and lives. Abby isn't this ruthless killer who would have killed Tommy and ellie, she came for what she needed or thought she needed took care of business and left. It was dumb but to her wasn't necessary and she probably figured she couldn't be tracked or if she was she'd be okay. The writers were trying to get us to understand that in a world like that there is no true right or wrong. We act on our beliefs and opinions. Driven by mostly ego and pride. In the end when ellie doesn't kill Abby it's to show the growth and the cycle of hatred and revenge being broken. The story for part 2 pails in comparison to part 1 but was still a great game and awesome sequel thought I do agree with the possibility of it being able to had been better written at some points.
@lunaluceat 25 күн бұрын
been watching the catalogue of ur other, i suppose analyses of videogames, n i gotta say there's one thing missing.... BLOODBORNE.
@Risingacee 25 күн бұрын
Abbie needed a lobotomy
@BallCant 26 күн бұрын
Yes it was. Next.
@bboi1489 Ай бұрын
I really dont get how the fireflies finding Joel after 4 years is "unrealistic". After all, Joel found Tommy after an even longer period of time. Another thing worth noting is that the fireflies weren't even expecting to find Joel, they were looking for Tommy, which is why they're all surprised when Joel introduces himself.
@MrKU808 Ай бұрын
This commentator gives context for things he does not like then seems to forget what he just said. He’s fairly well thought out but it’s odd to hear the contradictions.
@boladeaco84 Ай бұрын
Travesty is this Flop account
@yohanbarczyszyn4941 Ай бұрын
I'm sorry, but this isn't a "critique", it's a 2 hour description.
@markjeheaton2691 Ай бұрын
It’s a Shame they did not have Zeno morphs in it that would be Fun
@Fredthefed Ай бұрын
I tear up every single time I watch Sarah die. This time it was the little hand prints from where she was reaching for Joel. Man. Truly a game that will never be topped.
@benjakes5354 Ай бұрын
Your point about the difficulty level of stealth and combat is so whack. You can’t just hand wave away changing the difficulty by saying it “breaks immersion” because that is one, a very weak reason as it would take two seconds to change it and two, isn’t even relevant. The only way it would break immersion (and it barely would) is if you paused mid game and changed it, so why wouldn’t you just change at the end of that play session or the beginning of the next? You can’t critique a game on something if you haven’t given it a fair shake. If you bashed the combat plainly on the basis that it was too easy then try a harder difficulty this is actually just such a brainless take. It’s either that or just lazy.
@DiegoHernandez-fd3du Ай бұрын
I just did this mission, and it was pretty cool. It's that kind of mission I like to act like darth vader and darth sidius
@FabianMarquez-sy7jw Ай бұрын
Fc5 holds up gameplay wise and graphic wise fc3 does not. Even though its a better game than fc5 game play matters
@closelaugh185 Ай бұрын
"the Samurai leaders only personality trait is being a samurai" uhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah....???
@ibelieveinlove9943 Ай бұрын
It wasn’t. Super Mario Galaxy was Game of the Generation.
@PabloYeezus Ай бұрын
Mario Galaxy was great but not enough to be a masterpiece imo
@mailpaper7754 Ай бұрын
The story they had would've worked better if built differently. Have the beginning be Abby's story and the Joel and Ellie flashbacks, then in the middle of the game kill of Joel and have that be when Ellie sets off for revenge. They also need to villainize Abby more, they treat her like some great person and want you to like her, after she brutally beat and murdered Joel and went off to kill tons of others and feel no remorse for it. At least we saw Ellie's decline when she killed people, especially the pregnant woman, Abby discovered Dina was pregnant and said good right before getting ready to kill her, why are they wanting us to like Abby and hate Ellie when the make Abby act like a villain and Ellie like a broken down person???? Its so stupid.
@inxine Ай бұрын
i generally dont cate if they add lgbt ppl, as they do infact exist, however, they need to be written as people and not tokens. that would be woke.
@zvezdkaa Ай бұрын
abby isn't horribly written, her character is one that the player has to dechipher themselves. just how with joel. she's complicated like many of us are. TLOU has a pattern of not enjoying on the nose references to their characters traumas, thoughts etc and abby is no different. many things you claim make no sense in her story are just due the fact you haven't taken much time to look into the bigger picture. there are many good analysis's on abby like the ones by TLOU explained which clear things up ways more that i recommend many abby haters check out. she was needed in the game, without her it would lose the entire purpose it tries to serve of how there are no JUST good or JUST bad people. that there's always a second story, another perspective. if you can't understand this then you're just a terrible writer.
@nonononononononononononononope Ай бұрын
Also complaining about characters dying too fast because you wanted more time with them… yeah man that’s how people die in gunfights.
@nonononononononononononononope Ай бұрын
Man you really missed the point with Mel and Abby. Makes me question your education you had to list in here. Actually you’ve missed a lot of the points behind people’s interactions in this game. Like it’s just pretty wild but I guess to each their own.
@basicsimp8798 2 ай бұрын
Yes. Next question.
@mytyak07one11 2 ай бұрын
Funny how artreus decides to leave straight away haha
@HeWhoIsNamedPatrick 2 ай бұрын
They should have had Abby become apart of Jackson community as a spy where you get to control her to get to Joel who is doing work around the town. When she takes her chance Ellie shows up and is watches Joel get shot. Then she takes off to Seattle to join the WLF where salt lake crew is waiting. The rest of pt2 plays out
@mytyak07one11 2 ай бұрын
Ngl the way I experienced it is “Abby was pushed very hard as a good character, her gameplay and supporting characters were so much better” I had the same dilemma towards the ending, but I didn’t care id still choose to bash Abby’s skull in! Why because first game left a bigger impact! Joel could have been made crippled, anything but being killed off! Abby was given everything to help her case, which btw were all pandering cases, “she killed Joel, a grey protagonist from first game ? Here a trans boy to make you like her more” Joel all the way! We are all Joel! Both are justified but a better writing could have made Abby’s perspective so much better 😂
@barbraphillips3728 2 ай бұрын
Aw Ellie’s little “hey there” at 1:31:21
@boardmike82 2 ай бұрын
I'm grateful you notice all these things and share them so i can enjoy them as my ignorant ass just blasted through without paying much attention. Great work sir.
@Rehny420 2 ай бұрын
getting critic on the story of a game bevor its realease is in any case bullshit
@Grizzlytactics91 2 ай бұрын
Hard disagree on the woke stuff. Even by that definition let's actions were woke. And to answer your question on the Witcher 3, my answer is yes. Id hate it. But I forgolive the last of us 2 for the lev thing for one reason. I don't believe she's actually trans. She just shaved her head and changed her name to a boy because she wanted to be a soldier. Not married off at fkin 13. Which is fair and completely understandable and in some ways rational. Only men can be soldiers so she wanted to he a man. Not some child bride to some weird kid diddler.
@Grizzlytactics91 2 ай бұрын
One complaint people don't mention is how stupid the theater was to hide out in. There's a literal horde of infected across the street. They didn't think to get a little further??
@cnvdh3514 2 ай бұрын
"this would be longer than a feature film" video is over 2 hours long
@UnderTheRugAgain 2 ай бұрын
Start the game as Sarah, and have her die. Then her memory carrying in Joel begins his demise. After playing as Ellie and surviving, he starts getting his soul back. Interesting way to mark these events while also giving the player more empathy for Joel's frame of mind.
@rawleigh729 2 ай бұрын
I actually really like this game I’ve having a blast playing through it right now took me awhile but I finally got it and giving it a chance
@catmoon9154 2 ай бұрын
I feel like if I was in Joel’s position I’d have saved Ellie, but if I was in Ellie’s position I’d have sacrificed myself. I feel like realistically Marlene and Joel should have just sat down and asked Ellie for her opinion on whether she wants to die or not. Of course the second game wouldn’t happen then, but I think it’s smarter than just putting Ellie under and operating her without her consent.
@Clown_the_Clown 3 ай бұрын
No. This game never was and never will be anything other than a straming pile of crap.
@juanmax6157 3 ай бұрын
Id save abby but the fact they didnt have an option is super lame and forced
@ironshard360 3 ай бұрын
If the writers were truly confident in their work they would of given people the choice on what to do with Abby, them forcing mercy shows they didn't have faith in their own story
@ironshard360 3 ай бұрын
I HATE how part 2 insists so much that the Fireflys would have successfully made a vaccine and that Joel doomed humanity, Joel needed a scene defending himself. They were reneged on their deal and planned on killing both of them
@laparkagames9277 3 ай бұрын
2 hours of video for a yes or no answer. Do you think it's a masterpiece or not?
@grae2621 3 ай бұрын
I fell asleep with KZbin playing and woke up just in time to catch Joel shooting Marlene in the head
@Jasjtkekwnf 3 ай бұрын
You didn’t like the game going into this and it’s very obvious
@klaudiagrob 3 ай бұрын
This game is quite good for the first 5 hours, but everything becomes repetitive.
@bluhoneymoon 3 ай бұрын
There’s a lot of things you didn’t pick up on which was quite frustrating, but hey to each their own! I think next time you gotta go in with a clear view instead of letting annoyance cloud your view lol
@bluhoneymoon 3 ай бұрын
ESPECIALLY Ellie struggling on the farm and you not understanding why she’d go back for revenge
@JacobJKL 3 ай бұрын
Well the game was really a message it supports femininism also the leader of the devs is a feminist girl bringing chaos and drama, all the female characters are feminist and all the male characters are being killed off, Ellie acts like she doesn't want Joel in her life and their relationship isn't the same, made Joel out of character and killed him off like he was nothing, development of the game is horrible when your playing Ellie all your just doing pretty much nothing for hours but you barely kill any of Abby's friends, most of the time you just get to where they were and they would already be dead, playing Abby for over 10 hours is a whole different story, waste of time, and doesn't make any sense in TLOU2 story, and the game play was way too long like over 30 hours I was losing track of everything It's like playing 2 story modes in the same place lmao. The most trash and dumbest I have ever played, maybe Part III will be better, but Idk and I won't be surprised if a character like Ellie or someone else gets killed off😂
@obscurelight 3 ай бұрын
Thanks god someone talking about thaay feminism propaganda in the game. Its insane how much they forced it in a way it made it feel disgusting. I thank god and the fella who leaked all the game before the launch. I canceled my pre-order and played the game after it has been thrown by all the ones who finished it. Further proof that naughty dog made turned out to be a disaster game developer , is that since tlou2 , we didn't get any new game , they canceled tlou faction, Neil D ruined Naughty dog since he took the reigns
@JacobJKL 3 ай бұрын
@@obscurelight yeah
@michael04__806 3 ай бұрын
my fav story based game of all time
@yeee1835 3 ай бұрын
The answer is yes tlou1 is a masterpiece, arguably the best game oat
@VioletTheGhost2 4 ай бұрын
5:10 with ellie being gay she has always been since tlou1 idk how people can complain and still claim to be fans of the game. Not only that but also Bill is another lgbt character. Both Ellie and Bill have clearly so much more than their sexuality so genuinely anyone mad at Ellie just now being gay are extremely stupid.