B52 Crosswind Crab Landing
2 жыл бұрын
How Fast Does A Plane Take Off
2 жыл бұрын
Red Arrows Formation Take Off
2 жыл бұрын
Madeira Airport A320 Take Off
2 жыл бұрын
Plane landing at Madeira airport
@finlayclarke2685 7 күн бұрын
G-EZIH's final flight, stored at Kemble for just over a year before being scrapped there in August 2022. RIP
@747heavyboeing3 Ай бұрын
Excellent video!!
@747heavyboeing3 Ай бұрын
British airways has had excellent paint schemes over the years.
@billb7876 Ай бұрын
Not a patch on the Britannia's last flight into Kemble though lol
@nicholastroiano2689 2 ай бұрын
J e t t s s 2 s s y h h f t e e e e e e e s 2
@andriyriccardotonna1812 2 ай бұрын
Saw this Aircraft in Malta in 2018. SHE WAS MAJESTIC 😭
@nicholastroiano2689 2 ай бұрын
2 s k 7 e e 7 e
@Oskarminepro 2 ай бұрын
Fantastic video any idea why it was there ?
@VoreIsTrashAndStupid 3 ай бұрын
A380: I’m the boss now,
@SwiftVidsShorts 4 ай бұрын
Why is the plane not getting scrapped
@ronaldwilliford301 5 ай бұрын
What!! A COOL 😎 Landing!! Super pilot and Crews Right On 👍
@EdWhisenantAviation 6 ай бұрын
Nice catch 👍😎
@EdWhisenantAviation 6 ай бұрын
Outstanding footage - Huge Like 👍😎
@Erectiledisfunction-v3f 6 ай бұрын
Woah 😮
@RetiredPlum. 8 ай бұрын
One of Two that's ever grown out of Kemble .. Lot of others left in the back of scrap mans truck.
@EdWhisenantAviation 8 ай бұрын
Nice crabbing it in 👍😎 Love the B-52 and your footage 👍😎
@EdWhisenantAviation 8 ай бұрын
Love the Bone 👍😎
@Shin_Master_Zero 11 ай бұрын
Sadly all of the hard work and the effort which was in that plane is now gone. I heard that they may fix a new one but it's not confirmed or anything.
@Baseloiter 11 ай бұрын
That’s gorgeous have you got a filter on ? It’s a canon cinema camera isn’t it
@CharlieGolfAviation 11 ай бұрын
No filter! Can’t remember which camera exactly this was but would have been either Canon C70 or Canon R5C - cinema camera either way!
@EdWhisenantAviation Жыл бұрын
Love the B-1B and these night shots 👍😎
@davidlibby5740 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic memories of my 747 flights to the Caribbean and Seychelles on the seventies. Beautiful flights and brilliant service with British Airways. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧
@Cyberbobxxxx Жыл бұрын
@EdWhisenantAviation Жыл бұрын
Nice On-Board Footage 👍😎
@allgood6760 Жыл бұрын
One of my favourite... I fell in love with the Buccaneer when HMS Eagle visited NZ in the early 70's and I been interested ever since 👍✈️
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@มดแดง-ฃ3ข Жыл бұрын
ตกลงเราจะไม่เอากำลังเต็มรูปแบบมาวาง มันเพียงของเก่าเท่านั้นเป็นบริษัท
@EdWhisenantAviation Жыл бұрын
I really love the B-1 Bombers, great video - Wishing you a Happy New Year 👍😎
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Happy new year Ed!
@scottishglaspro757 Жыл бұрын
AA flew to St Athan last month for scrappage, AB is due to leave end of Jan, not sure where to be scrapped at
@AviationLBA Жыл бұрын
St. Athan too. Leaving tomorrow morning.
@alexfinns6162 Жыл бұрын
@northoltflightwatch Жыл бұрын
Awesome footage
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
@andrewsewraviation3991 Жыл бұрын
Another impressively amazing video! Despite the circumstances, keep striving with your passions and dreams that you are looking forward to achieving in the future! Your spectacular content means a lot for me and the community! I have my confidence in you that you’ll continue succeeding in no time! I’m excited for more great content from you and I wish you all the best for a prosperous YT journey now and in the long run! 😃
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@EvoBlue66 Жыл бұрын
Another much Outstanding upload/footage! Many dignified anticipations for you had an cheerful, and convivial moment of making this marvellous upload, and as consummately, persist onwards perpetually as conventionally, with the impeccably distinguished contents as limitlessly and ceaselessly, for all the imperishable, hardships you foist and exploit upon, through to innovating them! As for a worthwhile, and fore-mostly, it will always be a abysmally gargantuan honour, and considerable fidelity, for I shall relentlessly emphatically pageant all the support and the assistance to conducting you for the bests forever to ceiling others esteems and indefatigability as well the best of the intentions for the greatest sanguineness, to lead and elevate others motives and desired passions, as necessary for the bests of one’s upcoming futures! As a monumental succour hand it’s a immensely sincere rapture for I shall always prevail my foremost parts of offering a everlasting sustainable support and the vehemence, as well with granting one all the esteems/incitements, and to being along side to assisting and helping others for the better of their futures, and upcoming’s! As a compatibility to bestowing one sempiternal amounts and tons of it all, to fulfilling one’s desired goals/dreams, and milestones to achieving in a brief period of time, as I shall sporadically divulge, to maintaining many commendable and blissful cogitations and tons of positive hopes for one and for one’s astonishing initiatives, all to triumph in multifarious heaps of viewers/subscribers/ and tons to be looked above, and be inspired and fond of one’s hard labours to master such imposingly exquisite, and outdone contents as ceaselessly, and evidently having many elevated propensities regarding the futures and imminence, for your channel/contents to being vastly famed and forever viable for its ahead comings, as well to be known for your extraordinary and unique passions/talents, for a considerable majority of it all! Despite the legions shall I recite, I shall be indefinitely to irrefutably, admitting it undeniably, and infinitely, for always, and forever, your contents are really prospering, and certainly abundantly are hastily, proliferating for improving a supplement and a ton as the time merges onwards, and that your efforts resulting for a everlasting but tenable denouement, that never fails to impress many! As many may cognizant of these comments may be frantic to read, and as fathomless they are to some, and to comprehend, but as incessantly, eternally as a much devoted and zealous viewer, I shall do my furthermost and dependable foremost parts and roles; to exhibiting and distributing others hard worked contents, and bring one the most support and helpfulness as possible to impacting others, and to seizing their milestones momentarily instantaneously! For as a regular, as sempiternally, I shall forever prevail onwards to being present and offering a sustainable, equitable, and everlasting support that shall be always unceasingly illimitable, and shall upsurge one’s endeavours for the bests of the promising ahead comings, for as in the long runs, it may induce many to stimulate grand heaps of sophistications, indefatigable strengths, and a grand tenacious grip to have an endless persistence to always sustaining onwards for the bests, as well a tremendous finesse, for all the bests for one’s abilities to innovating the most exceptional of contents, and for continuing onwards with one’s desired passions as to the best of one’s abilities, *_for no matter how tough of situations come forth, I shall always be present, and hoist another’s hardships, and labours, and ascend their fortitudes to nothing but, the best of and the positivity that shall merge and guide them towards their attainments for one’s desired dreams and goals one’s covets and wills to,_* And once again, it’s all really impressibly superbly done as inevitably as it is, if not, trillions times better as for every single time, as it intends to get! And many elevated and highest of uplifting anticipations for the brightest oncomings for your great contents, and to you as a whole talented, unique/engrossing, and diligently astute individual, to being destined for your desired goals, and dreams for all the desirable milestones one desires and covets to becoming fulfilled and achieved within an short period, instantaneously! And as frequently as I shall admit multifariously, for it’s truly a colossally prodigious honour, and a tremendous privilege, to be offering you an ongoing unswerving relentless support, and also beyond to contributing it, to be further and invigorating all encouragements, motivations, and to be conducting one towards the best of possibilities and opportunities, for one to aim and strive for, and to accomplish as the greater outcome, to their achievements! As also would like to advise, and suggest many to having great fun and being calm and having confidence with their endurances also to uplift best of their self esteems and commitments, as to target for their bests, but more then so, to being affirmative, and having a limitlessly adventurous, and embolden spirit and great abundance for the passions one strive for, and innovate! Also many elevated inclinations to having monumentally high integrity for the oncoming futures of your magnificent channel’s contents, betterments and benefits, and wellness! And again, for every time, it’s really an inevitable result that continually improves better than the previous, and tons as much more as you progress to doing your best, and to innovating such remarkably exceptional uploads, despite challenges and obstacles you endure with! As you prosper towards it all in a perfunctory pace, it’s a inevitable true satisfaction and a delightful pleasure, but as well as a monumentally substantially immense honour to remaining present and to keeping you advancing with it all stronger, and along the upcoming times, and preserving you succeed and achieving your goals, as a marvellous and most consistent KZbinr and individual in your journey towards your dreams! As always continue to keep up your very best and continually aiming for the betters onwards and towards your upcoming’s and a desirable, prosperous future that you yearn upon, despite this all to as perpetually, as monotonously repetitive and humdrum, as it may all seem, shall I assure you will perpetually remain lenient and strong-minded, but august and dignified about it all and forever that is, as for a regular juncture, it’s irrefutably all originating in the propitiate direction, and is always recuperating, by ton’s every day and time, and constantly as it goes, once again, a truly an outstandingly splendid work as occasionally, and it’s undoubtably extraordinarily significantly done all in all as occasionally as it is, consistently prevail with it all relentlessly ambitiously, and vastly heaps of all the bestest aspirations, and inclinations as you also tend to enjoy conquering on your desired spirits, and passions, with loads of monumental fun, immeasurable heaps of enjoyments, and many blissful moments, and all desired delectations with a heap of wonderful gratifications, as a definite, I’ll always shall be concluding, for it’s certainly all very much exceptionally well done every single time, and much greatly as so as you continue onwards with it all, and throughout the time! And prevail onwards with it all with great ambition of credences, and a will that shall always fuel you for the bests, and propel you forward for the betters as you progress towards your milestones you venture to, as always wishing the positivity and greatness for your success, and futures, infinitely, It’s much momentously well done, and tends to improve considerably better and just as more, as always it is! For as impeccably, progress onwards with it all, and certainly wishing you the best for the long terms, and as for your futures to be promising and you as a fantastically talented, and proficient individual, to becoming greater and ever better, infinitely onwards with it all, in the futures, and beyond to it all, being exceptional and faithful, about giving others your amazing inspirations to all to endorse and inspire, as well to be appreciated and many others to have you looked above upon, and have great devotional support be granted favourably! As this will also help your contents attain more value, views/subscribers, and much attentiveness, for the benefits to you and the best for your channel to augment greatly. As always it is splendidly done, and continue to improve and persist onwards with inexorably, and have immense enjoyments to it all, as you do so! And as you progress, certainly, hope your journey as a extremely talented and passionate person/KZbinr, continues unabated and bold, many high aspirations for the bests for your upcoming’s, thus yourself, as you are doing so diligently, and pretentiously with it all as frequently as it is! I shall anticipate the best for the upcoming’s for your contents and, certainly hope the best for many others as equally well, as for the burgeoning progresses may forever forth onwards and become more imposing ever so hastily, and may it all receive a boundless and prudently equivalent support from many others in the long runs! As it all progresses onwards to improve and trump, I shall inevitably assure, for it shall all never be unprecedented, and the progress shall be noticed by many in the long runs, once again, it’s much fantastically done, and evermore astoundingly, as it all profits to get! And many high aspirations, you have an enjoyable but blissful upcoming’s for affixing to your passions, and keep grinding for your dreams! As always you deserve them all to be fulfilled in a briskly pace! 🍀🥇💯🤞 ✨ ⭐️🌟 💫✈️👍
@IslandaviationTerceiraAzores Жыл бұрын
Excellent footage
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
@stevendavies3563 Жыл бұрын
Them 757s were 18years old in 2005
@conradmilson6654 Жыл бұрын
In the air as I type this. Good to see it's still in use.
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Super! ✈️✈️
@yes-qe9dn Жыл бұрын
Can u tell me some flight radars that are without wifi.
@ae-eh6ox Жыл бұрын
@rikgale Жыл бұрын
Truly awesome. Thanks you for sharing this with us all!
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Cheers Rik 👍
@benjiashby3172 Жыл бұрын
What a shit video. Fuck all happened for the first three minutes
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comprehensive feedback. I'll be sure to check out your videos to make sure I learn how to film properly then.
@MJB9559 Жыл бұрын
Great video 👍
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Thanks 👍
@kamilam8820 Жыл бұрын
🌺 "Promosm"
@EURAMBLER Жыл бұрын
Good stuff 👍
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Thanks 👍
@andrewsewraviation3991 Жыл бұрын
A very outstanding video and outdone work! I really hope for all your great efforts and dedication that you continually strive to put in your outstanding content, that it shall continually pay off and as always, you deserve a very vast load of more subscribers, positive feedback and much more! As an additional tip to boost with that is to continue gifting your support towards others and many hopefully can do the same for you likewise! I can never get enough to express my gratitude towards your entertaining content and also for my support, and keep up your amazing grind! As always, I sincerely promise that your awesome passions shall continue to prosper forever and that your milestones you wish to accomplish shall be reached in no time, having great patience, perseverance and dedication, despite the challenges! Keep positive and take great care! 😄
@DougBrighTan_o7 Жыл бұрын
Marvellous takeoff on this B-1B Lancer 🤩😎
@TheFalconCrusader Жыл бұрын
Outstanding catch!
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@chimpy55 Жыл бұрын
Which date was this filmed on please
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
This was on Wednesday evening, 14th June 2023
@chimpy55 Жыл бұрын
@@CharlieGolfAviation Cheers
@PLANEMANIA747 Жыл бұрын
Amazing capture😍
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot 😊
@UnitedAviator Жыл бұрын
As inevitably, it’s a much resplendent video as every time! Many elevated expectations as incessantly, you had an promising, and delightfully congenial moment of making this upload, and as for regular bases, proceed and stride onwards and forever, with the outstandingly fantastic contents as you are, and the substantial hardships you impose on upon and endeavour, through to creating them! As foremost, and majorly, it will always and inevitably be my fathomless competence, and commitments, for I shall endlessly exhibit all the support inescapably to hastening others esteems and determinations as well pertinacity to one’s best of intentions also to gifting the positivity, and uplifting others motives and passions necessary for the forthcoming! As to consistently providing one heaps of of it all, to fulfilling one’s desired goals/dreams, and milestones one wishes to conquer in a briskly pace! As occasionally I shall divulge, to maintaining many commendable and blissful deliberations and tons of positive hopes for one and for one’s astonishing initiatives, all to succeed in countless amount of viewers/subscribers/ and tons to be looked up upon, as to be inspired and being fond of your hard labours to master such brilliantly exquisite contents as continuously, and evidently having many elevated propensities regarding the futures and imminence, for your channel/contents to being vastly famed and much buoyant, as well to be known for your extraordinary and unique passions for a great majority of it all! As many times shall I recite, I shall be inevitably, admitting it undeniably, and infinitely, for always, and forever, your contents are really burgeoning, and certainly are hastily, proliferating for improving a supplement and a ton as the time merges onwards, and that your efforts resulting for a outcome, that never fails to impress many! As incessantly, eternally as a much devoted and zealous viewer, I shall do my utmost and steadfast part; of displaying and distributing others hard worked contents, and bring one the most support and helpfulness as possible to impacting others, and to seize their milestones momentarily in a flash! For as a regular, as interminably, I shall forever prevail onwards to being present and offering a sustainable, equitable, and everlasting support that shall be always unceasingly illimitable, and shall upsurge one’s endeavours for the bests of the promising ahead comings, for as in the long runs, it shall induce many to stimulate grand heaps of sophistications, indefatigable strengths, and a grand tenacious grip to have an endless persistence to always sustaining onwards for the bests, as well a tremendous finesse, for all the bests for one’s abilities to innovating the most exceptional of contents, and for continuing onwards with one’s desired passions as to the best of one’s abilities, once again, it’s all really impressibly superbly done as inevitably as it is, if not, many times better as for every single time, as it destines to get! And many elevated and highest of uplifting anticipations for the brightest oncomings for your great contents, and to you as a whole talented and fascinating, but incredibly intelligent individual, to being destined for your desired goals, and dreams for all the desirable milestones you covet to, to becoming fulfilled and achieved within an short time, instantaneously! And as frequently as I shall admit multifariously, for it’s truly a colossally prodigious honour, and a tremendous privilege, to be offering you an ongoing unwavering support, and also beyond to contributing it, to be further and invigorating all encouragements, motivations, and to be guiding one towards the best of possibilities and opportunities, for one to aim and strive for, and to accomplish! As also would like to advise, and suggest many to having great fun and being calm and having confidence with their endurances also to uplift best of their self esteems and commitments, as to target for their bests, but more then so, to being positive, and having a boundlessly courageous, and assertive heart and great abundance for the passions one strive for, and create! Also many high aspirations to having monumentally high integrity for the oncoming futures of your amazing channel’s contents, betterments and benefits, and wellness! And again, for every time, it’s really an inevitable result that continually improves better than the previous, and tons as much more as you progress to doing your best, and to innovating such remarkably exceptional uploads, despite challenges and obstacles you endure with! As you prosper towards it all in a perfunctory pace, it’s a inevitable true satisfaction and a delightful pleasure, but as well as a monumentally substantially immense honour to remaining present and to keeping you advancing with it all stronger, and along the upcoming times, and preserving you succeed and achieving your goals, as a marvellous and most consistent KZbinr and individual in your journey towards your dreams! As always continue to keep up your very best and continually aiming for the betters onwards and towards your upcoming’s and a desirable, prosperous future that you yearn upon, regardless to as perpetually, as repetitive as it may all seem, shall I assure you will always remain compassionate and strong, but proud and humbled about it all, as for a regular juncture, it’s definitely all proceeding in the opportune direction, and is always recuperating, by ton’s every day and time, and constantly as it goes, once again, a truly an outstandingly wonderful work, and it’s really well done all in all as occasionally as it is, keep it all going relentlessly monumentally, and vastly heaps of all the bestest aspirations, as you also enjoy conquering on your desired spirits with loads of monumental fun, immeasurable heaps of enjoyments, and many blissful contentedness, with amazing endless delectations, as a definite, I’ll always shall conclude, for it’s certainly all very much exceptionally well done every single time, and much greatly as so as you continue onwards with it all, and throughout the time! 🍀🤞 💫 🌟 ⭐ ✈️
@dorisbat Жыл бұрын
@MicksAviation Жыл бұрын
Wow amazing!
@CharlieGolfAviation Жыл бұрын
@stuartjobling9360 Жыл бұрын
Such a sexy aircraft