@thomasgresham5253 9 күн бұрын
@evelynunderwood-tq8rd Ай бұрын
@andreacooper1105 Ай бұрын
I pray that you will be delivered from putting your mouth on the man of God. The only one who is RIGHT is The Lord our God. It's obvious your problem is with The Lord our God, because the only one Exalted in the truth of God is The Most High God, Jesus Christ. Not one Book in The Holy Scriptures is titled "Gino" Gino didn't write one Book in The Scriptures, he only points the church to The Scriptures. Put on your listening ears, perhaps The Lord Jesus will open your understanding. Repent! Be baptized and follow and obey the apostles Doctrine. Peace
@JosephBolanos-mq9zo Ай бұрын
That's gay
@andreacooper1105 Ай бұрын
@JosephBolanos-mq9zo You are? There is nothing too hard for God.
@brorow6821 11 күн бұрын
Actually you are the one that needs to be delivered you need to be delivered from believing that SC Johnson or Gino Jennings was and is a man of God they are both false teachers and antichrists.
@elizabethsam3731 Ай бұрын
The reason why people don't have any RESPECT for most of the PASTORS is because their SERCET that they were hidden for many years Come to light because of modern technology and their lives style was being VIDEO TAPE and they didn't know till they are being 🖤 black mail 80 percent of them they have no RESPECT for God and they have the Bible in their hands preaching and twisting and turning the Bible scpture because of their Down Low lifestyle and %And S%%Spending poor people money to pay Black mailers
@Rumblealsojennings2929 Ай бұрын
It’s sad when you box your own self out and lead yourself to hell
@Rumblealsojennings2929 Ай бұрын
These people been phoney and are phoney they don’t even believe in Jesus which is definitely sad😮😮😮😮
@private-nobody6667 Ай бұрын
My father had many battles with the people you speak of (he won every time), and you are correct about the tapes of Bishop SC Johnson. The Spirit of God is not in the tapes. However, they still have some benefit, which is to explain the Godhead and lead people to repentance the correct way. Everything after would have to be either through a man of God or directly from God. The Holy Ghost is in people, not the tapes.
@private-nobody6667 Ай бұрын
I just seen your post today, which is over a year ago. It is an honor to uphold God's word. It is an honor to expose lies that have been perpetrated against the congregation, notwithstanding who it may hurt. Those who do such are warriors for Jesus Christ. You see a lot of that in Paul's Epistles. Paul took no shorts to expose a lie that would hurt the Church. In the same vein, Bishop Johnson did the same. I did not know Bishop Johnson. He died the same year I was born (1961). My father, an undefeated prophet in battle, was a friend of Bishop Johnson. My father shared many stories of their spiritual relationship, as my father was given revelations that Johnson was not given, and they both glory over them. When Johnson moved away from his teachers and guides, it was AFTER his personal experience with Jesus Christ, and after he was given the revelation of the Godhead, which heretofore was never explained in history until Bishop Johnson under the inspiration of the holy Ghost. Make no mistake, it was God through Bishop Johnson who gave the revelation. Bishop Johnson was just a vessel. All glory goes to God. So after the revelation, which was shared with those Bishop Johnson worked with previously, and they did not want to submit to the truth, he went his way and expose the truth of the Godhead to the world. The Lord open many doors for Bishop Johnson, who had a worldwide ministry, in a time when blacks were severely suppressed and murdered. That was the doing of God. So to get back to your point of honor and dishonor: it is not dishonor when you rebuke a lie. Bishop Johnson denounced false prophets in similar manner like Paul. And it wasn't sugar coated. Regarding Gino Jennings, he's a false prophet starting with the Bible he put together, mixing God's word from the King James version with the Apocrypha. That is mixing God with the devil, and that doesn't work. So he's done right there. So in closing, I see your point, but it's misplaced based on the fact that Bishop SC Johnson, when he pulled away and spoke against where he came from, was because of the revelation that was given to him by Jesus Christ that exposed the LIE about who Jesus Christ really is that has been perpetrated for centuries, even to this day. Bishop SC Johnson was that light that came in the evening time as prophesied by scripture. What we see today is many who tried to copy Bishop SC Johnson and they bring no new revelation for this Time to the table. My father, who recently passed, who was battle tested, never lost a debate and he said he could not lose as long as God was with him, brought fourth Revelations given to him by God that are applicable to this generation. I am still looking for a light in this world, and I see so much darkness. Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. And out of all of the men that you had mentioned, based on my own personal research, were men of darkness, except Bishop SC Johnson, that many have copied, but without the Spirit of God; hence, a bunch of false prophets bickering and jockeying for position pursuant to false pride of Satan. Sad and harmful to the people who are being guided to the pit of hell.
@samministry7916 6 ай бұрын
The Man in the Middle
@ljo305 7 ай бұрын
@LovelyPrincessT 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
@kathyjacobs4616 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jesus for the word it was truly an encouragement to me❤
@kathyjacobs4616 3 жыл бұрын
The word of God is for everyone🙌🏾
@samministry7916 3 жыл бұрын