@stevedixon9734 Күн бұрын
What the hell. Why is misinformation one of the top results?
@not_a_human_being 2 күн бұрын
so what then, God made us?
@b1crusade384 3 күн бұрын
People say evolution is a theory. Well, Creation is a theory too. We cannot duplicate. It does not explain a lot of things like dna mutation leading to huge changes in animals and other things.
@classicrockandfurriesrule4743 4 күн бұрын
Darwin invented Evolution because he was into Bestiality . .
@Adam-ox6zy 5 күн бұрын
And the *simplest* single celled organism needs about 200 genes to operate and replicate properly. So where did the digital info come from that needs to be there at the beginning for very simplest functioning eukaryote to exist? And don’t special plead and say that there was a simpler eukaryotic cell but it’s no longer in existence and oh btw we have no proof of it existing, but just trust us brah. Spoiler: information comes from a mind, a designing intellect.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
Sorry, in many cases, NEW gene sequences DO arise from mutations that impart anti-biotic resistance to these pathogens and that IS Evolution. Like all the videos in this channel, this is creationist lies, bullshit and science denial.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
The only explanaton of any biological process that the authors of these videos will ever accept is "god did it". They do not value real science and will dredge up any excuse to deny that science in order to advance their creationist agenda.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
The only explanaton of any biological process that the authors of these videos will ever accept is "god did it". They do not value real science and will dredge up any excuse to deny that science in order to advance their creationist agenda.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
The only explanaton of any biological process that the authors of these videos will ever accept is "god did it". They do not value real science and will dredge up any excuse to deny that science in order to advance their creationist agenda.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
The only explanaton of any biological process that the authors of these videos will ever accept is "god did it". They do not value real science and will dredge up any excuse to deny that science in order to advance their creationist agenda.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
The only explanaton of any biological process that the authors of these videos will ever accept is "god did it". They do not value real science and will dredge up any excuse to deny that science in order to advance their creationist agenda.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
The only explanaton of any biological process that the authors of these videos will ever accept is "god did it". They do not value real science and will dredge up any excuse to deny that science in order to advance their creationist agenda.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
The only explanaton of any biological process that the authors of these videos will ever accept is "god did it". They do not value real science and will dredge up any excuse to deny that science in order to advance their creationist agenda.
@oystercatcher943 8 күн бұрын
13:02 headlines are not written by the scientists! Your assertions and emotive language are an insult to science
@oystercatcher943 8 күн бұрын
So I don’t exist then? Prompty disappears in a puff of logic
@omarhossam789 9 күн бұрын
Thank you soo much I pray to God that he guides you and shows you the truth and increases your knowledge, wisdom and loyalty to spread real facts may God give you a fortune of happiness, beautiful kids and wealth. Please, never give up your message of truth no matter how hard life becomes and know that God is with those who are patient.
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
These frauds do not have a "message of truth". They are pushing creationist propaganda and science denial. If you seek truth, look for evidence, not the bullshit in the bible.
@lincwayne3435 10 күн бұрын
Wow, this video is upsetting a lot of faith-based people. Just a side note: information has no mass. Therefore, it is not subject to time. Something you might want to think about, if you care about where you are when time is no more / after the universe / in eternity, etc...
@yeabsiramussie1501 10 күн бұрын
U really really really love the way that you explained 😘😘 Keep on
@bozman247 11 күн бұрын
Truly appreciate these videos and the work that goes into them. Thank you!
@santkumar-qb7nr 11 күн бұрын
Darwin,s Theory is revolutionary scientific observation of animate kingdom to man kingdom for acknowledgeable to reach out humans of this world .
@EthelredHardrede-nz8yv 7 күн бұрын
It was revolutionary back then and Wallace came up with too. It is not present theory but was correct enough for that time. Present theory is better and this video was made to people about it.
@Apollos2.2 12 күн бұрын
These are great little videos! Breaks it down nicely into bite size chunks! Please keep it up 👍
@ZubairKhan-sp8vb 12 күн бұрын
Just Amazing work!! I wish you great success and better reach!!! Kudos to all the people researching and doing diligent work.
@phigou 17 күн бұрын
I didn't understand many things since it's clearly not my field, but I only have one question : what are you defending ? I mean, after watching 3 or 4 of your videos on chemical evolution, I can't help but see a pattern and wonder why you're always bringing other theories down. You're always (and only) proving things wrong and pointing to incoherences which, in itself, isn't a bad thing... but what are you trying to build here ? What do you propose *instead* of these theories ? Science is about adding knowledges together, making sure they fit by try and error. Sure, stepping back and pointing when things go in the wrong direction is always good, but systematically tearing apart every theory WITHOUT PROPOSING ANYTHING INSTEAD doesn't sound like science to me. You're often saying "we're supposed to believe..." but what do YOU want us to believe watching your videos ? sounds like creationism and/or obscurantism to me...
@lennysmileyface 19 күн бұрын
Calling chemical evolution impossible is pretty short sighted and unscientific. You can that as it stands that it is improbable based on current evidence. That doesn't prevent new evidence in future. Or do you think abiogenesis should be abandoned?
@mungelomwaangasikateyo376 19 күн бұрын
This guy is an idiot So what do you suggest? A space daddy came to make life?
@Travisharger 20 күн бұрын
When investigating a death, would you also seriously include the possibility that a ghost did it? Or nah?
@mungelomwaangasikateyo376 20 күн бұрын
I needs me a wand like that
@RickMason-yj7pv 20 күн бұрын
Neanderthals and archeopterix were both known to Darwin later in life. He would have shot down creationists if he had studied Gregor Mendal's story on legumes.
@jannyjt2034 21 күн бұрын
So there are several complexities to living organism. 1. The chemical reactions 2. The physical reactions 3. The information that causes the reactions.
@Romans1v20 22 күн бұрын
Great info!
@danielhanawalt4998 23 күн бұрын
From some of the comments it seems there are those who see things one way. Only science has the answers. Never even consider the possibility science, as much as we know of it, could possibly have missed something or got something wrong, even though it's done so before. What if God exists and created everything? Wouldn't it be reasonable and logical that creator would know about science and math that we don't? Even much of what we do know we don't really understand.
@danielhanawalt4998 23 күн бұрын
I'm left handed...therefore I must be a penguin. lol. Good one. How hard can it be to understand just how little we understand? Does it not seem reasonable to think science can be wrong? If it couldn't be wrong we wouldn't see this video. Evolution would be proven, creation disproven, case closed.
@danielhanawalt4998 23 күн бұрын
I can see how in the past we could have gotten things wrong. New discoveries are showing us how little we know much less understand about our planet and the universe. How can anyone say evolution has been proven but not creation? Seems logical to think there are things beyond our understanding. Like...FAR beyond. In a galaxy far far away...Some can believe in aliens and movies and TV shows, but get their heads around intelligent design. Movies and all that are written quite recently, but there's a book that was written thousands of years ago. Some of the writers of the Bible described things they saw that sounds like UFOs. Which comes back to how little we know and understand. Very interesting video you have here. Entertaining and informative as well as humorous. Even humor is part of our code. Amazing.
@BrianBrawdy 23 күн бұрын
@ChrstphreCampbell 24 күн бұрын
I don’t really have a problem with Evolutionary Displacement- because you’re assuming that where you’ve found The Fossil is where it always existed, along with The idea that as soon as one animal evolves into animal (B, then animal (A immediately dies off ( as an entire species ) a lot of these transitional species exited simultaneously. So The fossil you found might have exited for millions & millions of years over a period of several evolutionary steps, but because fossils are so rare, The one you found, was at The end of its evolutionary species period. I’m more interested in species life spans, Not individuals, but how long was a species’ life span was, since each species life span is only about a million years, that means that humans evolved from rats in only 66 steps ? Of from flat worms in only 530 steps. Also all of The funky animals 500 million years ago, were just as functional & ‘evolved’ as any animal alive today.
@maharanagguj6191 25 күн бұрын
-450 dgree temperature made me off.. I studied physics as minor, and chemistry long ago, I never heard that kind of temperature..
@prototropo 25 күн бұрын
So this is science? Not if science is resolutely objective, never mythological, religious or superstitious. This video promises science initially, only to eventually, and intelligently but deviously, design a manipulative set-up whereby various trends in biology and paleontology are ambushed by insinuation, taken hostage by unilateral, subjective reasoning, and defrauded by intent, such that deist illogic is arranged to "fix the faults" of contemporary evolutionary theory, allowing religion to replace the godless grandeur of Darwin's default speciation by episodic mutation, ricocheting through the good luck of adaptive traits and the ensuing efflorescence of remorphed populations. But as you can see from the comments, you haven't fooled the passion of secularists for objectivity, for the random boo-boos of evolution, withOUT any designer. Evolution calls on the sheer allure of unlikelihood and the well-understood, dynamic systems of mechanisms that exploit quirks of gear-train stochasticity, epigenetic lollapaloozas, apocalypse cycling, geno-phenotypic synergies and utterly implausible hypercontingent serendipities that in retrospect appear to possess directional morphism and self-reflexive actualization, but introspectively do not. To bring god into the life sciences is almost like recruiting angels to hover above every instance of mating between god's creatures--not to make naughty movies, of course, but so the Lord can get the bacon he ordered, darn it. But actually, religious explanations of creation are all a bunch of hooey. And even though convergent evolution, fantastical organisms and environmental/anatomical/functional coincidences and improbabilities defy our shallow counter-intuitive skills, and our love/hate relationship with irony and paradox, and our barely adequate human grasp of statistical outcomes, evolution absolutely works the way Darwin proposed, along with the proposals of other great scientific souls--Huxley, Wallace, Mendel, Pasteur, Dawkins, Gould, Folkman, Margulies, etc. The paradigmatic primate encephalon works! The god of genetic gitchy-goo doesn't. In other words, instead of embracing the hard work of objective exchange, the Lord's Legions want to slide under the sign that says "Evolution Science Only" like the juvies who jump turnstiles, with your natural selection homework paper under one arm and under the other? Your cleverly cyber-cloaked King James translation of Jesus turning Dimetredon the Sinner into Synapsids for Jesus, disciples for directional circumstance, authoring earth history by theological theatrics, a metaphysical mission impossible. You come not bearing complexity but simplicity--the simple insistence on easy-to-order-salvation-to-go by the hand of some creative-type father in the sky, or first mover?--whomever they be, they be the one who allegedly brought panavision of the imagination to a walkie-talkie new species of great ape about 40,000 years ago. But no sir; that happened, but not that way. And in fact, this eventual insistence on a divine design for the cosmos truly grates against most of us. Why? Because it's dishonest advertising. But more importantly it's deceitful in spiritual intent, if you will. This is a secular space for objective scientific exchange and banter. There is nothing neutral or objective about intelligent design, creation science, or a genesis tradition, with Charles Darwin dressed as Santa Claus & Isaac Newton doing Easter Bunny Drag. If you want to discuss a theologically driven universe you are certainly free to do so: in a brick & mortar church, or your home, or an accurately described study group that meets for brunch before baptism, or a pre-alerted circle of friends in faith, or a well-labeled social-media interest group, or an obviously randy Craigslist "Pray & Lay for Jesus" romp. But since those don't scratch your itch, clearly you're on KZbin yankin' to proselytize a metaphysical ideology or theological worldview, rather than enjoin an honestly presented fair & square dialog in our society's Virtual Town Square, motivated by Human Wonder, Cognition & Reasoned Imagination, bound to Truth From Primary Sources, Empirical Observation and a Rigor of Critical Inquiry, fostered by the Public Interest and united by a reverence for our shared health, welfare and the Common Good. I'm ok if you need god on the right side of your daily existence, of your workaday for yahweh, your righter than righteous political opinions, the redeemer partner on your right for canasta Tuesdays, or the "what if there is no . . ." spark of doubt in the dextral glop of your cranial vault. But what's left is in your side-view mirror, which we need when we're the responsible agent behind a steering wheel, or when we're not so sure we're "right," or when, well, when we're only human--which naturally enough, a lot of us feel deserves to be the "humans-only" time of life--the shared secular space of any liberal, literate democracy. The left side of life is reverent not religious, it's living without directions but living for intentions; the self-directed but other-reflected side--reserved for thinking not praying, for wondering not believing, for daring to know, not settling for hope. The areas of video engagement that KZbin reserves for science, math, history, the history of math, the mysteries of history, incredible engineering (with yep, plenty of math), Medieval medicine, Renaissance art markets, atoms & astronomy, Chopin, architecture, Billie Eilish, lovable cats and deranged dinosaurs is resolutely religion-free, or should be, I think. In America, at least, people are absolutely entitled to practice whatever religion they choose, as devoutly or quietly or extravagantly as they choose. There is nor reason whatsoever to sneak religion into other, nonreligious or unreligious venues or situations. None. You can spend every waking minute adoring your god, privately or publicly, but not impositionally on others, in situations they expect to be unreligious in nature. Because our religious liberties include freedom from, not just freedom of, religion. This secular side of life, including life as lived on KZbin, Facebook or Instagram, may be mired in digital technology and the surface dimensions of one's & zeroes, but it is still the side left for pen & paper, for lost-in-thought inklings and book navigations, for library searches, analog aisles and empirical inquiry. Inquiry is an inkling with ink-wings, floating mythlessly from curiosity to epistemology, epigraphy to equanimity, from mortal coils to moral codes, and deep within both of those from "Aeolian" to "Zephyros." And in-between life's everythings we all deserve a clean, well-lighted place to wonder without god looking over our shoulder, to wander the archives of existence as earthbound, superstition-free, volitionally secular and sapiently great, citizen apes.
@baldbutton1983 25 күн бұрын
Evolutionists: “DNA is nothing like computer code because it’s chemical!” By that logic, the cookie recipe written on paper is not the same as the one written in my phone because one is electronic and the other is paper. Except they both convey the information necessary to make cookies Evolutionists: “YoU dOnT uNdErStAnD dNa!”
@AndrewWilsonStooshie 26 күн бұрын
"kind of like a cell membrane". No. A cell membrane,
@arthurdent6828 27 күн бұрын
Its actually both hilarious and disgusting how deceptive this channel is. What i mean is the attempt to deceptively inject distrust into the science is disgusting yet the fact that this is so evident is hilarious. Anyone who honestly fact checks this will know exactly what im talking about.
@jpw5820 28 күн бұрын
The pompous sarcasm ruins the video, but I think we can all agree that historical science is in question.
@kpb0 27 күн бұрын
The only thing in question is the sanity of people who, without understanding of basic evolutionary biology, try to do spectacular "debunks" using made up ideas that have nothing to do with the actual science. For example there's not a single biologist who thinks that an entire subsequence of DNA responsible for any protein found in modern cells had to spontaneously emerge from non-living matter by chance. If you ask mathematicians about the odds of something assumed to be random of course they will give you absurd numbers and they will be correct! The problem is that the part about assumed randomness of the assembly process is taken out of nowhere. No OoL theory even claims that DNA was the first molecule to be able to undergo evolution. Yet its complexity is so often used by the "debunkers".
@stevencoffland103 17 күн бұрын
​@@kpb0 You can't have DNA or a cell membrane without proteins. The odds in this video for one basic protein is what was calculated. You would need 100's of them for a minimally functional cell. It's a chicken and egg problem in multiple ways. The math is impossible for even the most simple conceivable protein.
@mcmanustony 14 күн бұрын
@@stevencoffland103can you show this mathematics? So far all you have is pure assertion
@EthelredHardrede-nz8yv 7 күн бұрын
@@stevencoffland103 You can indeed have DNA or RNA without proteins. Its been done in labs under the conditions of the ancient past.
@edwardpotereiko 29 күн бұрын
Life is too complex to have evolved. Therefore, it had to be created by something capable of designing such complexity, which, in turn, doesn’t actually need an explanation itself. At least not to us, much less worthy beings. Because logic doesn’t need to work, which is why this explanation should never have been attempted in the first place. And… the intelligent design argument has successfully defeated itself.
@deefromott 29 күн бұрын
great vid
@benmolands4894 Ай бұрын
Bottom line, its not that hard to see bullshit for what it is. Im not even religious and evolution reeks to me. And whats worse is the arrogant attempts to defend it without actual evidence.
@benmolands4894 27 күн бұрын
@PhilipK-xk4by no to the fossils and psychology and ag?? Stay outa the comments.
@arthurdent6828 Ай бұрын
So youre cherry picking the data just as you cherry pick your own book of fables when deciding exactly what it is that you believe, are you? Without intellectual access to the whole story, conclusions drawn are flawed and irrelevant.
@milsob Күн бұрын
If you could respond to him do so. But scientific discourse needs to be done professionally and respectfully. You'll never convince someone of anything if all you do is insult them or their beliefs
@billdavis5483 Ай бұрын
Become a materialist evolutionist and you have a guaranteed job for life no questions asked. Easy street. That's the ticket.
@smokedobbs6121 Ай бұрын
No 4 legged creature evolved into a whale. No such thing as "transitional species". Fossils are proof the animal existed and died not proof for evolution
@walkergarya 6 күн бұрын
Nope. The fossils show a definate progression, one to another in chronological order from a land animal to whale. We also have genetic evidence for this transition. Your denial of this evidence has no value.
@zuzabarbuscakova2924 Ай бұрын
You are devaluating science via internet created by science. Its the most absurd thing ever. Be at least consistent. Act same way all the time. Not only here. Next time you are in the hospital tell doctors i dont believe any of your work and just leave. Or when your kids are sick. Just fuck science completely not partially.
@zuzabarbuscakova2924 Ай бұрын
Showing references you disagree with is useless until you show references of your arguments.
@roysherwin9348 23 күн бұрын
How is it useless?
@zuzabarbuscakova2924 Күн бұрын
@@roysherwin9348 for people who dont understand a subject it looks like his arguments are supported by many references ... which is not true. All his statements are purely his opinion about this topic.
@roysherwin9348 Күн бұрын
@zuzabarbuscakova2924 care to answer any of the arguments that were made? Or is he a liar?
@zuzabarbuscakova2924 Күн бұрын
@@roysherwin9348 how would you react if you saw some claim (without any proof) about your job. Lets say you work in a bank ..you know how money works and someone on the internet makes a video about how its not true. How they steal all our money and bla bla. What would you do?
@roysherwin9348 Күн бұрын
@zuzabarbuscakova2924 It would be personal for me, and I'm sure I would have a strong initial reaction.