Bacchic Rites in Ancient Rome
14 күн бұрын
The ecstatic experience in the West
The Fireplace of Ecstasy
28 күн бұрын
The telesticmania of the Maenads
@voltrevolt8731 3 күн бұрын
“There is a crack in everything / that’s how the light gets in” -Leonard Cohen
@astridgeerinck452 3 күн бұрын
@guillermobrand8458 4 күн бұрын
a contribution to culture Conscious Action explained Based on the information they capture with their senses, living beings with brains manage a utilitarian mental representation of the conditions that currently take place in their relevant material environment. This Mental Correlate is a kind of “photograph” of what is happening in the Present in the relevant material environment of the Individual, a Mental Correlate that we will call “Reality of the Individual”. Life experience, stored in the brain, allows us to give meaning to what is perceived. At the same time, as Pavlov demonstrated, life experience allows us to project eventual future states of the individual's relevant environment, generating expectations of action. Information from the Past, the Present and an eventual Future is managed by the brain. It is evident that the brain makes a utilitarian distinction between the Past, the Present and the projection of an eventual future. Human language allows us to incorporate into the mental correlate events and entities that are not necessarily part of what happens in the world of matter, which gives an unprecedented “malleability” to the Reality of the Individual. For the unconscious, everything is happening in the Present. When a child, whom I will call Pedrito, listens to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, said entity is integrated into the Reality of the Individual. In turn, for the child, this entity is “very real”; he does not need his eyes to see it to incorporate it into his mental correlate of the relevant environment. Thanks to our particular language, authentic “immaterial and timeless worlds” have a place in the Mental Correlate of the relevant environment. In the first four years of life, the child is immersed in an ocean of words, a cascade of sounds and meanings. At this stage, a child hears between seven thousand and twenty-five thousand words a day, a barrage of information. Many of these words speak of events that occur in the present, in the material world, but others cross the boundaries of time and space. There is no impediment so that, when the words do not find their echo in what is happening at that moment in Pedrito's material environment, these words become threads that weave a segment of the tapestry of the Reality of the Individual. Just as the child's brain grants existence to the young Little Red Riding Hood when the story unfolds before him, similarly, when the voices around him talk about tomorrow and a beach with Pedro, as happens for example when his mother tells him says: -“Pedrito, tomorrow we will go for a walk to the beach”- the child's mind, still in the process of deciphering the mysteries of time, instantly conjures the entity Pedrito, with his feet on the golden sand, in the eternal present of childhood. Although over time a strong association between the entity Pedrito and his body is established in the child's brain, a total fusion between said entity and the child's body can never take place, since for the Unconscious the bodily actions of Pedrito They only take place in the Present, while the entity Pedrito is able to carry out actions in authentic timeless and immaterial worlds. The entity Pedrito is what we call the Being, and we know its action as Conscious Action.
@guillermobrand8458 4 күн бұрын
a contribution to culture The Age of Life The ability to carry out actions differentiates inanimate matter from living matter. In turn, every action involves the management of Information. We do not know what Matter is or what Life is, and we assume that all life forms that currently inhabit the planet descend from a common ancestor (LUCA), an organism whose complexity is evident if we consider that it is attributed the ability to reproduce. Due to the above, it is reasonable to assume that “seeds of life” existed prior to LUCA. Assuming that the “seeds of life” emerged together with the Big Bang is a bold postulate, and as such requires a solid empirical foundation. When observing Evolution considering the information that our ancestors have managed, and that currently managed by humanity, it is possible to distinguish seven evolutionary milestones; Its analysis allows us to postulate that Life goes back to the origin of the Universe, and the existence of an “evolutionary pattern” is evident, which turns out to be the Golden Ratio. Evolutionary Milestones -Emergence of ”Seeds of Life”(1) (thirteen thousand eight hundred million years ago). -Emergence of LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) three thousand eight hundred million years ago -Emergence of the brain (five hundred and fifty million years ago). -Emergence of what was the precursor of human language (2) (twenty-seven million years ago) -Emergence of the language that characterizes us(3) (around two hundred and twenty thousand years ago). -Emergence of “the information age” with the transistor (1950) -Evolutionary Singularity(4) proposed by Ray Kurzweil, who postulates that humanity will access a Singularity as a result of the exponential growth of information management (year 2045). Evolutionary sections Among successive evolutionary milestones we can distinguish the following six “Evolutionary Tranches”, with the duration indicated (in years): Tranche 1: 10,000,000,000 (13,800,000,000 - 3,800,000,000 = 10,000,000,000) Tranche 2: 3,250,000,000 (3,800,000,000 - 550,000,000 = 3,250,000,000) Tranche 3: 523,000,000 (550,000,000 - 27,000,000 = 523,000,000) Tranche 4: 26,780,000 (27,000,000 - 220,000 = 26,780,000) Tranche 5: 219,905 (220,000 - 95(5) = 219,905) Tranche 6: 95 (95 - 0 = 95) The particular variation experienced by the Evolutionary Sections over time suggests using the logarithm of said sections (LT) to analyze their behavior over time. The logarithms in question are as follows: LT1 = 10.0000 LT2 = 9.51188 LT3 = 8.71850 LT4 = 7.42781 LT5 = 5.34224 LT6 = 1.97772 The lines between two successive logarithms have the following slopes (P) P1 = -0.48812 (9.51188 - 10.0000 = -0.48812) P2 = -0.79338 (8.71850 - 9.51188 = -0.79338) P3 = -1.29069 (7.42781 - 8.71850 = -1.29069) P4 = -2.08557 (5.34224 - 7.42781 = -2.08557) P5 = -3.36452 (1.97772 - 5.34224 = -3.36452) After searching for an “evolutionary pattern” we will determine the variation between successive slopes, which is given by the Ratio (R) between them, that is, P2/P1; P3/P2; P4/P3; P5/P4, and is the following: R1 = 1.62538 R2 = 1.62682 R3 = 1.61586 R4 = 1.61324 The above values differ from the Golden Number (1.61803), a number also called the golden number, the number of God, the extreme and average ratio, the golden ratio, the golden mean, the golden ratio and the divine ratio, by 0.45%; 0.54%; 0.13% and 0.30%, respectively. In turn, the average of the sum of the ratios is 1.62032. This value differs from the golden ratio by 0.14%. The results obtained allow us to postulate that Evolution follows a pattern that is a function of Information and the golden ratio, and that Life goes back to the origin of the Universe. Knowing the evolutionary pattern, it is possible to project the duration of an eventual seventh Evolutionary Tranche, which turns out to have a duration of 2.99 hours. The above allows us to postulate that humanity will have to face a Singularity, with an uncertain prognosis. (1)The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the putative common ancestral cell from which the three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, originated. The complexity that LUCA is assumed to have does not give rise to affirming that it arose by “spontaneous generation”, it being valid to postulate the pre-existence of “seeds of life” prior to the emergence of LUCA; It is postulated that the origin of the “seeds of life” dates back to the moment when Matter arose in the Universe, that is, around thirteen thousand eight hundred million years. (2)“We find that the anatomical potential to produce and perceive sounds differentiated by their formants began at the latest by the time of our last common ancestor with Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) about 27 Ma ago”; " Which way to the dawn of speech?: Reanalyzing half a century of debates and data in light of speech” (Science magazine) (3) The last change in the position of the hyoid bone in humans, which would have allowed access to the language that characterizes us, took place approximately two hundred and twenty thousand years ago, and its data is based on archaeological evidence and anthropological studies. There is no scientific source that records this change on an exact date. (4)Due to the exponential growth of information technologies, Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Technological Singularity will occur in the year 2045, at which time technological growth will be so rapid and so profound that it will be impossible to predict what its consequences will be. (5) It is the time between 1950 and 2045, the latter year in which Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Singularity will take place.
@Nicola56 5 күн бұрын
Yeah baby 😍🙏🌳🛖
@jotilochun80 6 күн бұрын
@PirateRadioPodcasts 10 күн бұрын
Aye, psychedelics have limited therapeutic use. Prohibition fueling BLACK MARKET cartels, & drug gangs, is another issue. Bottom line? The WAR on CONSCIOUSNESS has been taking place since time immemorial.
@josephszot5545 10 күн бұрын
My # 1 question how much more advanced in understanding this whole existence are whales and orca then we human species?
@josephszot5545 10 күн бұрын
The brain is an info collection point and control center for consciousness to function and experience the human condition.
@Patrick.639 11 күн бұрын
Very interesting ideas and felt like a quick overview of topics that deserves lots of deep dives!
@josephszot5545 13 күн бұрын
The Creator leaves clues, simple every snowflake a unique intricate design, makes no sense except as a small clue of the Creator's presence.
@KrissieNICOLSON 14 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing such a beautiful resource!
@Jean-Luc-sh2pg 20 күн бұрын
"Right?" "Right?" No.
@lashivanaty6804 20 күн бұрын
Thank you! 🙏 This video showed up to articulate what I couldn’t accept and I couldn’t see in wondrous ways but only feel in dreadful ways. I love your poetry ❤❤❤
@nagassem4235 22 күн бұрын
A lot of confusions....
@paulgibbons2320 22 күн бұрын
What did they do to me?
@devins3767 24 күн бұрын
What is this? I was just trying to watch reruns of the A-Team.
@TFSXForesight 25 күн бұрын
Two of my favs in one delicious conversation!
@mamborickyclassicalmusicac4733 25 күн бұрын
wonderful.... Chalice and the Blade a must reading for all college students
@henvestments0-1productions28 26 күн бұрын
Universe=AI being synchronized self regulating system AI defeats defaults the defense mechanism of consciousness being locality instead being Omni verse ever present
@PirateRadioPodcasts 26 күн бұрын
Fascinating testimony! thx matey .......
@Gez734 26 күн бұрын
Jedi's, the both of you. Beautiful content. Incredible wisdom :) Deep gratitude xxx
@josephszot5545 26 күн бұрын
I believe space was completely empty, but GOD (total consciousness) and (total energy) decided to create in this space. Without consciousness) there is no awareness or knowledge! Without energy nothing can be created or even happen! So this force had to be the Creator. This GOD is so powerful only has to will something (think) and it is. God controls every aspect of being. So a second to GOD COULD BE ETERNITY! THIS ALL IS A SINGLE THOUGHT IN THE MIND OF GOD ALMIGHTY!
@carolyncoarsey691 26 күн бұрын
We are blessed to have Rupert on earth at this time. I share your materials and sites with everyone. ❤
@Gez734 26 күн бұрын
So much clarity
@theaquariancontrarian3316 28 күн бұрын
10:15 so once a hoe always a hoe? With my experience i think this is true.
@glengrant3884 28 күн бұрын
@glengrant3884 28 күн бұрын
@cocobololocoloco Ай бұрын
God bless Rupert's cotton socks.
@paulbendall1238 Ай бұрын
The consciousness asks itself by its conscious state that it is hard to comprehend consciousness when the consciousness thought said it. Do you see your stupidiy from within the conscious asking it ...aka ..........ohhhhh! tis me the consciousness....i forgot.
@paulbendall1238 Ай бұрын
Chasing the tail you forgot is yours.
@PravdaSeed Ай бұрын
🌍☸️☯️🕉️🌍 Rupert you have Have been holding mirror Infront of a Donkey and explaing the shape & formes That although Donkey L👀K Like a Horse But common sense talking to US that there is NO way by any "kind & form "of education to make a Horse race FROM a Donkeys... iF what they See & hear can Not make form of Perception in their " Inherited Software" (western). therefore Your magnificent Effort is : transparent ‼️they don't see‼️ Over 90% right now ( in west ) don't have Any Common sense @ ALL. 🧞 Thanks Rupert You are the king Of MORPH 🧞 Do you remember TMK was saying: "Find the others " 💞 In this+8 Billions G👀D luck if we Can find even 8 million.‼️‼️ With books & Apps or even We inject ‼️ common sense. Donkey never Be a Horse ever‼️ They are happy To kick others.
@blankeyedgirl1638 Ай бұрын
I prefer thc ✌❤
@mikemarxen9576 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your culture and practice of Kawsak Sacha. Very insightful.
@lauryncapps5340 Ай бұрын
This is brilliant! Thank you SO much for sharing
@richardsmith1290 Ай бұрын
Endlessly fascinating subject. Thank you.
@PARISAAH Ай бұрын
I had such an immersive experience! No words to describe it... Thank you!
@OctoBox Ай бұрын
Europe needed "science" to save themselves from constant invasion from the creators of math, gun powder, grain banking, and star navigators. Euroopeans borrowed or were taught math, navigation, borrowed banking, and borrowed (forced to adapt) to ever greater warfare.
@Loveislove-xq3nu Ай бұрын
Wow thanks Darren truly amazing. Connected a few dots for me 👊🏽😁
@37Dionysos Ай бұрын
Thanks for a great talk! Good to hear near the end his view that AI is not and won't become conscious, that seems more like a frightened fantasy-extension of our own egos when we've cut them off from too many actual dimensions of being alive
@francinehorner2792 Ай бұрын
10 percent probably get better in trials just because someone believed their pain, took an interest and attempted to help A bit related to the mice experiment on cocaine/heroin? where eventually the mice were connected and involved in the group and no longer wanted the drug It stands to reason that living in communities that care where healthy representatives appear to really want to help, is offering a human opportunity to connect
@peterpan5906 Ай бұрын
@jermam2482 Ай бұрын
@newdawnrising8110 Ай бұрын
Rupert is one of the few that might be able to set this straight and put this idea out there but ppl are mistaken. They are not conscious. We perceive. Our 5 senses actively receives vibrations and impression continually. But we are not aware till we place our attention on these perceptions. Just like now in this moment you do not sense your right foot. But now that it is mentioned you can be aware of it. So perception is not consciousness. They are the things our attention falls on. Dogs birds and fish perceive as well. Even plants know where the sun is. No consciousness is an intelligence that comes down “from above” down into the body. When this force is present we are conscious, we can be said to be intelligent. When it is absent we are not intelligent at all and live very closely to the level of animals, differing by the case that we spend our days in our heads in day dreams where as the animals are much more aware, awake and present to what is. We are absent and dreaming. Dreaming to be conscious, dreaming to do great things. Dreaming to imagine know things and can solve the worlds problems all while dreaming. Attention is the beginning of learning what consciousness is. Attention is the foundation of perception but all our perceptions are divided. Now a thought, now sensation and now an emotion of irritations perhaps. We need to learn how to collect ourselves and build up this force of attention within. We need this force of attention within the body. This alone can attract this higher force , this intelligent energy that can come down into us. The French called it savior-faire. It is a force and intelligence that gives one the power and strength to be just. Anyway ppl can understand simply that there are different states of consciousness. 4 to be exact. Physical sleep, the waking state, self consciousness, objective consciousness. There are other formulations that basically say the same thing. When approached like this the question of consciousness becomes much more expansive and full of meaning. One can come to see that the source of consciousness and life is a Divine Consciousness that we can know and take part in. This is what scientists fear so greatly.
@mandyshanks2327 Ай бұрын
What course ? I want Rupert’s course.
@mandyshanks2327 Ай бұрын
Long live the angels like sheldrake.
@jordanwhisson5407 Ай бұрын
Of course we do not have free will that is enormously silly I’ll bet you have no ability to prove that either. Time to grow up
@jordanwhisson5407 Ай бұрын
All you’re doing is the same thing lazy religious people do, ‘we are not worthy’. Have measured consciousness leaving or entering the brain. I can of course answer this for you if you like? No you have not, time to do some real work instead of being lazy.
@Fayizah125 Ай бұрын
It's exciting to study Quantum Physics and see the breadth and access of Human consciousness across our limited human bodies. Remote sensing, sixth sense and Intuition are some of those things.
@user-kv7bs7ug8u Ай бұрын
Thank you Rupert Sheldrake .❤
He is so brilliant.