お時間ある時に添削お願いしたいです😭 Q Should companies in Japan take action to reduce plastic waste ? POINT ・cost ・environment ・exbeed packaging ・reuse I agree that companies in Japan should take action to reduce plastic waste.This essay will explain the two main reason for my argument in terms of environment and cost The first reason is that plastic garbage is bad for environment.In many case, if there are a lot of plastic waste, environment is likely to get worse and worse. However, by decreasing them, environment can become better. The second reason is that activities of Japanese companies will lead to cost saving. For example, decreasing plastic trash can provide a good opportunity to cut down cost. If it wete not for these efforts, we would be in trouble. For these reasons, I believe that companies in Japan ought to take action to decrese plastic garbage. 123語 なかなかに稚拙な文章だとは思いますがよろしくお願いします🙇
@ファービィー-i1c3 күн бұрын
I agree with the opinion that 〜〜 . のあとにThis topic is worth discussing because it has a significant impact on our lives. I will explain my opinion with two reasons.という文から理由を書き始めるのは減点されないでしょうか?
お時間あるときに添削お願いしたいです😢 𝗤 Do you think that it is desirable for stores to stay open 24 hours a day ? ・Customer needs ・Profit I think that it is desirable for stores to stay open 24 hours a day. This essay will explain the two main reasons for my argument in terms of customer needs and profit. The first reason is that the customers can buy what they want anytime. In many cases,if the shops close at night, customer satisfaction is likely to getworse and worse because of havig less time to go shopping. However, by being able tobuy things anytime, Buyer's needs can likely be met. The second reason is that profit might be generated all day long. For example, 24-hour operation can provide a good opportunity to purchase probucts by customers. If it were not for Open 24 hours, the shop could not have such an opportunity. For these reasons, I believe that it is preferable for store Open 24/7.
@risukobetsu6 күн бұрын
-1. 採点結果 Structure: 3/4 内容の構成は概ね論理的で、序論・本論・結論が明確に分かれています。しかし、文章間のつながりや説得力を強化するために、結論部分を少し拡充することが望まれます。 Content: 3/4 提示された理由(顧客ニーズと利益)はトピックに沿っています。ただし、具体例がやや単純で、もう少し詳細な説明や具体的な数値データ、または反論を踏まえた議論を加えるとさらに良くなります。 Grammar: 2/4 複数の文法エラーがあります。例えば、“havig” は “having”、“tobuy” は “to buy” です。また、冠詞や前置詞の使い方にも修正が必要です。 Vocabulary: 3/4 語彙の使用は適切ですが、“get worse and worse” や “might be generated” など、より自然で洗練された表現に置き換えられる部分があります。 Total: 11/16 -2. 文法や表記のみを直した機械的な修正をした英文 I think that it is desirable for stores to stay open 24 hours a day. This essay will explain the two main reasons for my argument in terms of customer needs and profit. The first reason is that the customers can buy what they want anytime. In many cases, if the shops close at night, customer satisfaction is likely to get worse because of having less time to go shopping. However, by being able to buy things anytime, buyers’ needs can likely be met. The second reason is that profit might be generated all day long. For example, 24-hour operation can provide a good opportunity for customers to purchase products. If it were not for being open 24 hours, the shop could not have such an opportunity. For these reasons, I believe that it is preferable for stores to be open 24/7. -3. 2で修正した箇所 a. “havig” → “having”: スペルミスの修正。 b. “tobuy” → “to buy”: 単語の間にスペースを追加。 c. “Buyer’s” → “buyers’”: 所有格の修正。 d. “probucts” → “products”: スペルミスの修正。 e. “store Open 24/7” → “stores to be open 24/7”: 文法的に正確な表現に修正。 -4. 島田が書き直した英文 I think that it is desirable for stores to remain open 24 hours a day. This essay will explain two main reasons for my opinion, focusing on customer needs and profit. The first reason is that customers can shop at any time they need. For instance, if stores close during the night, customers who are busy during the day may have fewer opportunities to shop, leading to dissatisfaction. By staying open 24/7, stores can better meet the diverse needs of their customers. The second reason is that continuous operation can maximize profits. For example, by remaining open all day and night, stores provide more opportunities for customers to make purchases, which ultimately leads to increased sales. If stores were not open 24 hours, they might miss potential revenue opportunities. For these reasons, I firmly believe that it is beneficial for stores to operate around the clock. -5. 4で修正した箇所 a. “desirable for stores to stay open” → “desirable for stores to remain open”: 表現を自然に改善。 b. “two main reasons for my argument in terms of customer needs and profit” → “two main reasons for my opinion, focusing on customer needs and profit”: 簡潔かつ自然な言い回しに変更。 c. “what they want anytime” → “shop at any time they need”: 語彙と流れを改善。 d. “get worse and worse” → “may have fewer opportunities to shop, leading to dissatisfaction”: より具体的かつ自然な表現に変更。 e. “profit might be generated all day long” → “continuous operation can maximize profits”: 自然で的確な言い回しに改善。 f. “For these reasons, I believe that it is preferable for stores to be open 24/7” → “For these reasons, I firmly believe that it is beneficial for stores to operate around the clock”: 結論を強調する表現に変更。 -6. コメント 全体的に論理構成がしっかりしており、基本的な語彙と文法を理解していることがわかります。しかし、スペルミスや文法エラーがいくつかあり、採点に影響しました。また、内容の具体性や説得力をさらに高めることで、より高得点を目指せるでしょう。 いかがでしたでしょうか?英検のライティング問題パターンごとのテンプレ、覚えておくと使いやすい表現、アイディア出しの方法など直接指導を受けたい場合は、島田まで連絡をくださいね。英検の傾向はどんどん変わっていき、採点基準も微妙に変化しています。最新の情報や最新の指導を受けたい方はご連絡ください。
no prior experience 過去に経験がない forwardだと位置が前方の、などの意味でこの文脈には合わないんですよね。また無理やりforwardを入れたとしても、将来に向かってるので、過去とは逆で文脈に合わないかな。 知らないと解けない表現問題だと思います。
@Amino_yuneo13 күн бұрын
大問3の23番について質問です。 試験場では①か③で迷ったのですが、家で単語帳2冊見てもrecognize A for B という表現やrecognizeの後ろにforが来る表現が載っておらず、recognizeで辞書を引くとめっちゃ下の方に載ってました。 おそらく消去法で解くしか無かったと思うのですが、①と③が不正解の理由が聞きたいです。
@risukobetsu12 күн бұрын
she was recognizedと受動態になっている時点でもしrecognize Oと前置詞を伴わない表現だとしたら、そこで文が完結してしまい先行詞the workと繋がることが出来なくなります。