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@Saber23 30 минут бұрын
Islam will win the world alhamdulillah
@joelalexandreseabra-melanc2338 Күн бұрын
The sad thingh about certain Christians is the simple fact that they forget that JESUS CHRIST, the Enigmatic, Marvelous and Powerful Master of Nazareth, of Galilee, said: "My Kingdom is not from this world!". Europe has never been a Christian continent according the principles of the Holy Bible - and that is what causes 'the confusion' on the subject.
@pr4495 3 күн бұрын
Indira Gandhi made India more Hindu? The lady who slaughtered Hindus in 1966 just because they asked for beef ban? The Indira Gandhi who knew of genocide of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh and didn’t do anything? The Indira Gandhi who rewrote the constitution that eliminated the few rights Hindus had from the original constitution? That Indira Gandhi?
@patriciaoconnor4741 4 күн бұрын
Does anybody notice India is not doing well with being Hindu or Muslim their cusoms are barbarian
@patriciaoconnor4741 4 күн бұрын
Isn't anybody even curious about Christ and all that goes with it
@patriciaoconnor4741 4 күн бұрын
I listened about others beliefs what's wrong with that why can't anyone listen with respect on otheres beliefs and if they want a change its their choose
@patriciaoconnor4741 4 күн бұрын
Why is everyone afraid to hear words about anothe religion WHY
@patriciaoconnor4741 4 күн бұрын
Why is everyone afraid to hear words about anothe religion WHY
@patriciaoconnor4741 4 күн бұрын
Its only talk evangelizing christians have a right to free speeches
@niakoch9390 4 күн бұрын
Dicrimination of religious groups is not ok.
@OjitPandita 4 күн бұрын
I can just summarize this here: The world needs DHARMA/SANATHANA DHARMA/DHAMMA "more" and Religion "LESS"
@jackreacher8858 4 күн бұрын
Look up nominally in Dictionary it means ' in name only ' ! Dear , dear me , hardly a religious firebrand huh ?
@simonlee4951 5 күн бұрын
He is wrong at 5:25. Romans 13:1 exhorts Christians to submit themselves to government authorities. To say that charismatic christians are pushing for total all embracing implementation of Christian values in government is incorrect.
@TheSiprianus 5 күн бұрын
'Live and let live', yet you only applied it to the economic lives of Singaporeans. You saw how free worlds prosper economically, but you don't want to get held responsible for your corruption. Give as little as civil liberty and political freedom to citizens because you and the people you like are the ultimate source of truth. All citizens are your mere guinea pig.
@jasonlim4193 5 күн бұрын
A true world leader, a generational talent on par with if not superior even to the greatest western leaders
@vesogry 7 күн бұрын
So some Buddhist retard whose country was built by Christians from the UK warns about Christianity and morons in the comments have an orgy of joy. It's fascinating.
@anuraagt 7 күн бұрын
He really was wonderful. Masterful, and so incisive, simple and elegant. Lovely.
@MGee-ok3zu 8 күн бұрын
LKY would cry-up now its PM is a devout Christian!
@Daniel-tj6ux 7 күн бұрын
No one ask christard
@MGee-ok3zu 7 күн бұрын
@@Daniel-tj6uxwell, country without Jesus will be dead! Now the Singaporean are occupied by the mainland Chinese!
@kenirawadi4689 8 күн бұрын
Wow the pagan have not yet learnt anything. Phropets were sent to fix these people but they do not want to learn until now. The last phropet has been sent, so if you still mess up this time, there will be no more chance for you.
@kenirawadi4689 8 күн бұрын
The most dictatorship regime in the South East Asia.
@chuahchangman3331 8 күн бұрын
Faith is a personal journey and no one can convert except God. Religion should never be institutionalized and every country should run on secular principles in the sense that all should be treated equally, no matter the faith one profess.Making any religion as the official religion is a grave mistake as humans are fallible, and that status can be abused daily.
@AusterlitzDavout-uk9ou 9 күн бұрын
BS ! That was NO christiamity , but RADICALISM !!! Any BELIEF or RELIGION , IDEOLOGY , with MIXED w RADICALISM, is DANGEROUS !!! DON'T be FOOLS ! Lest you FORGET !!!
@gvijaychandu8720 9 күн бұрын
Christanity n Islaam are Great dangers for the whole World...
@dudleyfoster8263 9 күн бұрын
Pretty Brutal!!. Here is a thing, If religion doesn't teach kindness and calmness, where would we be ( war, wars, and wars) I am not saying there won't be any wars if we practice Christianity and Why?? " there will be an opposing force ( they will come with a weapon " not the intelligent one " if you know what I mean - stop brainwashing to turn your country into non-believers -back to the dark ages --
@ray-h5p 9 күн бұрын
Jesus says, whoever denies me before men, I will also deny before my Father in heaven. Every sins can be forgiven except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. No matter how wise a man is, he is still a mere mortal.
@lyhuyanh 10 күн бұрын
Buddism is the purest form of human being and of the universe.
@Kawai_0097 10 күн бұрын
Indian Hindus terrorist misleading the title!He didn't talk about islam or Christianity dangerous but in hindus opinion opress that!
@biggur5 10 күн бұрын
Abrahamic religions are the root of all evil and the cause of EVERY world conflict today!!! Except for the ukraine Russia conflict. Follow peaceful religions like bhuddism, hinduism, sikhism, zoastriumism.... But christiianity and islam is the work of evil
@Useid866kh 10 күн бұрын
Very true, one of my relatives were converted into Christianity 8-9 years ago, from last few years they stopped coming to our Hindu festivals whenever we or other relatives invited them, but they were trying their best to convert us though. later I found that it was the church or church's father who strictly told them not to go any hindu festivals. I don't why this kind things happened, we do celebrate Christmas, every year I go to church. Maybe secularism doesn't work, I also need to do same thing just like them.
@RA21M 10 күн бұрын
During his tenure Singapore population was only 2.5 Million people. Was controlled and managed by Christian UK
@RA21M 10 күн бұрын
Without powerful Christian nations. Islam will eat Singapore
@RA21M 10 күн бұрын
Lucky Singapore was colonized by Christian UK, All the advanced countries are Christians. Europe, US, Canada, Australia. The first men on the moon? Christians, Who invented the Airplane? Christian, Computers, Cars, TV, Internet, Rockets, etc etc. If there were no Christians The Muslims could have killed all powerless Hindus and Buddhists. Singapore is a very small country 5 Million people doesn't represent the whole world. Too overrated.
@MsHeaddy 10 күн бұрын
Would’ve been nice if there had been a discussion of Jesus with this man.
@MagnusWolf 11 күн бұрын
What dangers of Christianity? Please let me know. Why is Christ dangerous?
@Akshay13134 3 күн бұрын
Because you Christians always consider yourself as superior in reality your religion is also just a belief like othe religions but you people once get converted to that religion you look down on other people belief
@laurence7426 11 күн бұрын
We don't have a religion nz it's self choice it you want to believe that ok the best way .
@Rob-oh2px 11 күн бұрын
Japan banning Christianity good bri ging in islam bad,Europe for Europeans not Israelis and others,you can't have peace of you trust others I like some non Europeans but would not have them in ones in our,all races should look after themselves,only Europeans do stupid multi culturalism,it's in south America and Africa but it was forced on them by non whites I may add,just stupid
@Rob-oh2px 11 күн бұрын
Don't trust his compliment on Kennedy though
@Rob-oh2px 11 күн бұрын
Theres nothing spiritual or holy about idlam and christainity,gods a threatening me me me me me bully,he if you biw to fear takes all your energy happiness and soul,it means his evil grow,meditate find who you are we can become individual gods with great happiness and wisdom in this or next lufe,this one can set stage for next minimum,dont give allah and god just bullies taking what you got,have a brain dont be sheep ,its your life not his,he never invented anything he bullied to his power bit by bit,the stronger he gets the worse our lives will become
@vswarup 11 күн бұрын
A political leader with deep insights of religions and secularism
@KeniLeeBurgess 11 күн бұрын
Organized institutional religion is very similar, if not exactly similar, to nationalism. They appropriate for themselves and are not content until they appropriate all. To say, my God is the only creator of everyone, and everything is the greatest of all forms of greed. We do not allow countries to practice their own form of government, what makes people think people will allow others to practice their own form of religion. Initially, evil comes dressed as goodness.
@weisionggoh579 11 күн бұрын
Yet he sent the Israelites to train the Singapore army. Maybe he is secret believer?
@AJ-yw7hf 11 күн бұрын
3:16-3:40: So, LKY thought Freedom Of Speech & Freedom for people to Think For Themself & choose for themself what religion to belong to (if any) is "not very helpful"??? Sorry, but you either support Freedom of Speech or you don't. Civilized society lets people have discussions with other people on politics & religion or whatever. Otherwise, that would just mean you're afraid that hearing what an evangelist has to say might make some people freely choose Jesus & that they might choose to belong to a religion that's not the same as yours or choose to have a philosophy different from yours. However, Mr. Yew was Right about "Live & let live" in terms of keeping government separate from religion. He was Right that it's wrong for anyone to try to force their religion on others by law or by government. Here's the thing: The founder of Islam is Mohammed, & Mohammed DID teach to force others to be Muslim, or else kill them, or make them be a 2nd-class citizen. The founder of Christianity is Jesus (Yeshua) & Jesus did Not teach people to force others to follow him. Not only did he NOT teach people to kill anyone, but he's called The Prince of Peace for very good reasons. He taught people to even "Love your enemy." Islamic cultures are violence-based & overly honor/shame based & misogynistic. They have so-called "honor killings" where a parent murders their own daughter for so-called shaming them, just for holding hands with a boy or even being seen in public talking to a boy! I'm Not saying all Muslims are like that. However, consider the important differences between Mohammed & Jesus that I mentioned. Also, at least about 25% of Muslims in Muslim theocracy countries actually think it's okay to KILL someone who wants to Stop being a Muslim! Christianity, when it is *really* following Jesus, is wonderful. The problem is just those who think of themselves as (who identify as) Christian but who are politically-corrupted or who are Not following Jesus when it comes to letting others choose for themself. I mean those who mix politics with religion or who want to, in some ways, force Christianity on others by law or by government. They are Not actually being Christian on that point because they're Not following Jesus on that. (In the United States, those who think of themself as Christian who want Christianity in government are people in the Republican party. The Democratic party is the one that wants separation of church and state.) Political Islam is the major problem in the world when it comes to any religion being a problem. That's because of the force & violence aspect of it.
@AJ-yw7hf 11 күн бұрын
@KKohl 11 күн бұрын
The big difference is Christianity doesnt preach violence but love
@ahfez 12 күн бұрын
But now the Hindu majority in India burned mosques, and churches and prosecuted Muslim and christians. Is that what you call a religion of tolerance? Hindus in Muslim-majority Malaysia and Indonesia weren't treated like that.
@jaitiwari6819 12 күн бұрын
A most sensible comment on the dangers of religious groups who try to foster their beliefs on others.
@DOA011970 12 күн бұрын
Of course, it would not be good for Singapore if the people were to be saved from the eternal punishment that awaits the people if they rejected in their personal choice, The Lord Jesus Christ of the Born-Again Christians. In the eyes of this man, Lee KW, it is better to point out to the people of Singapore the idols of the Buddhists and the Hindus. And the population? They praise this man for his "wisdom."
@alburaq3290 12 күн бұрын
India should've sent Muslims to Pakistan. Rise in Hindutva is a direct response to Islamic terrorism. Hindutva is a defense mechanism against Islamic agenda of global domination and Christian agenda of preaching the gospel and converting everyone.
@SuperVinod7 12 күн бұрын
After India 🇮🇳 got Independence, GOI became Accomodative... J. Nehru is a disaster 1st PM of India.. For vote bank of Islamists, Christians.. Rampant Convertions by SoniaG family.. Followed Britishers. NEast, Kerala, Kashmir is 95% majority Hindu's in 1950's but today Christian majority.. This what USA 🇺🇸, UK 🇬🇧 wanted.. Hope Hindu's will fail Cong /USA 🇺🇸 /UK /islamists /missionaries agenda.. Vote to BJP... to STOP
@SuperVinod7 12 күн бұрын
Hinduism 🚩 don't force anyone to follow or forcefully convert other religions... But other religions Christianity, islam r agenda based...