@まぁまぁ-b4h 10 күн бұрын
ずっと右側で眠たそうにしてる馬鹿誰❓ 腹立つわ❗️こんな議員を1人でも減らせ
@keijinakamura7514 19 күн бұрын
敗戦をもたらしたA級戦犯の責任は消えない。靖国えの合祀は戦死者家族にとって、許されることではない。彼らは結果的に超A級戦犯である。 現代社会に過去の常識は通じない。このような石原氏の発言は敗戦の忘失で日本自身による戦争裁判をやらなっ方結果である。この敗戦の責任を放置したのが現在の日本の衰退の原因未調査と責任追及放棄につながっているのでは。
@OkadaHideo 23 күн бұрын
@白蛇hm 29 күн бұрын
@Sinya-p9z Ай бұрын
@白蛇hm 29 күн бұрын
@wildcardunit 4 ай бұрын
@wizard11036 5 ай бұрын
@akina-sama_hiroki-sama 7 ай бұрын
菊地凛子さんが普通に英語話せるのも凄い😅 まなちゃんも同じ様に言うって意外と難しいのに発音良くて凄い!
@midori244-o7u 7 ай бұрын
菊地凛子さん朝ドラブギウギから大好きになりました。 素敵な方ですね 愛菜ちゃんも賢くて可愛い🩷
@Exse1635-n2p Жыл бұрын
まだ言ってる...。 極東軍事裁判で有罪だと裁判官が判断しているわけですので、何故それを往生際悪く、まだ「自分は悪くない!!」と言い続けられるのでしょうか? 日本は欧米や東南アジアに対して行った非情な言動についていい加減反省したら如何でしょうか? 本当に自分が日本人である事が恥ずかしいし、諸外国に申し訳ないと思います。 日本は今からでも常任理事国と国連から脱退するべきです。
@cdec25 Жыл бұрын
原爆投下や大空襲で民間人を大量殺りくしたり、沖縄の民間人に対しての艦砲射撃で放して 殺りくしても、東京裁判で扱われることがなかった。
@中山貴与美 Жыл бұрын
可愛いし しっかりしてるし 英語も出来てるじゃん❤
@tera-n5n Жыл бұрын
@sawako9852 Жыл бұрын
@パンダとカップケーキ Жыл бұрын
@調布のちゃん Жыл бұрын
@もゆげ Жыл бұрын
@ふぁにー-k3x 2 жыл бұрын
菊地凛子はガチの実力派女優やけど その幼少期を演じてる愛菜ちゃんも今や天才女優・タレントよなー
@asuka-dd5im 2 жыл бұрын
貴重な音声をあげてくださってありがとうございます。 水木一郎さんに国民栄誉賞を!! 信じられないです。悲しいです。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 水木一郎さんは仮面ライダーでは 「仮面ライダーのクリスマス」という歌を歌っていますが、テレビでは流れることはなかったそうです。
@chocolatp8575 2 жыл бұрын
@HKandy94 2 жыл бұрын
貴重な音源ありがとうございます! アニキが亡くなったのが 未だに信じられないし信じたくないです…
@ねこまんま-r6x 2 жыл бұрын
菊地凛子さんもっと子供感あると思ったらめちゃめちゃ気遣いできる大人だ 、、、、、
@wasp3421 2 жыл бұрын
@m.h1693 2 жыл бұрын
@osamuimamura3610 2 жыл бұрын
@user-kohaku 2 жыл бұрын
サインをしてますねぇ! なんてかわいいんでしょう! ↑同感です!
@横堀中 2 жыл бұрын
@瑞穗リイサ 2 жыл бұрын
@ドリブルリタ 2 жыл бұрын
一回目のカメラ目線の決め文句の所。 吠えた直後、2人は普通に動いたのに マナさんは相手のOKが出るまで ポーズ固定で動かない、流石プロだね!
@ポニョポニョ-j8h 2 жыл бұрын
@パンドラの箱-q1w 2 жыл бұрын
@MrHryuuu 2 жыл бұрын
@みっちゃん-x7u 2 жыл бұрын
女優に成るべくして生まれた天才 凄い才能です。世に送り出した親が先見の目があると言う事かも!?
@uepyon_ 2 жыл бұрын
@かんかんらんらん-e2f 2 жыл бұрын
話してる人を見て、目を見てお話 大人でもなかなか出来ません ご両親に愛されて育ったのでしょう
@小川知里-c6c 2 жыл бұрын
@chiradaisuki 2 жыл бұрын
@南-b4f 2 жыл бұрын
この可愛い姿 一生の宝物ですね。
@津田-z4b 2 жыл бұрын
@mimizukukumagorou4908 2 жыл бұрын
私は石原さん支持層でしたけども、此れは石原さんと私の意見が違う処ですね、 同じ日本人同士の内乱収める為に、秀吉から徳川時代に移行する時でも三成も切腹許されず斬首されてますし、明治維新でも近藤勇なんかも切腹許されずに斬首されているのですから、 此処で今更東京裁判何たらは出鱈目裁判だと何時までも繰り返してたら、ならば戦争回避を望んでいた天皇陛下が処刑されたら良かったのですか?の堂々巡りになりますからね、あれだけの日本中焼け野原にされ日本人の犠牲者出して負けてるのに、誰も責任取らないなんてのでは収まり着かないですから、 最早東京裁判何たらやっても仕方ありませんよ。
@うずら泥棒 2 жыл бұрын
@wmandli2005 2 жыл бұрын
どちらかっていうと、トランプ式な人物だね。 日本の立場を強く守ってる。
@ゴン太ふぇ 3 жыл бұрын
A級戦犯など居ない😤💢 靖国に祀られているパール博士像が物語る東京裁判の嘘を暴いた事実。日本の正義を証明した事実だ😤💢
@nomi254 3 жыл бұрын
そもそも東京裁判のみを取り上げて 論じる姿勢がおかしいんだよ。 それくらい石原はわかってるだろ。 なぜ、日本はいまだにウダウダ言ってるか 負け惜しみを言ってるのか ということを論じろよ 石原
@zuiso-ch2wc 5 ай бұрын
これは貴重な証言でもある。 勉強不足な人間は黙ってた方がいい。
@nomi254 5 ай бұрын
@@zuiso-ch2wc ?僕はかなり詳しいで。 少なくとも、石原より
@nomi254 5 ай бұрын
​@@zuiso-ch2wc 東京裁判そのものは世紀の処刑ショーなんだ だからといって 国家を破滅に導いた責任が免責されるかというのは別の問題だから 厳しく追及されて仕方ないんだよ。 特に、特攻作戦、治安立法、憲兵政治について 当時の時代観念から推察しても やはり異常。 結論、戦争は不可避だった。 東絛だけに責任はない 必然的 とはいえ そういうものを石原は優れた作家だから 一大叙情として情感豊かに表現する才能があるから たちが悪い
@nomi254 5 ай бұрын
結論からいえば 太平洋戦争に燃えてしまう人間は 相対的な程度が疑わしい。 ポエムに燃えているのと同じ 手がつけられないアホ
@nomi254 5 ай бұрын
@@zuiso-ch2wc 愚劣きわまりない蛮行だよ。救いようがない
@vocaloiddownloader6461 3 жыл бұрын
今の司法から見てどうなんだろうね。裁判という名の軍法会議でその軍法自体も後付けみたいだし後世の汚点でしかない。 裁判でナチスの大量虐殺も尋問にあったようだけど無差別爆撃、原爆に至ってはナチスと五十歩百歩だと思うな。
@ハマハマちょうしん 3 жыл бұрын
@うずら泥棒 2 жыл бұрын
@user-kn3bz3vm8f 2 жыл бұрын
@佐橋惠子 3 жыл бұрын
演説会を拝聴する機会があったら、是非麻生さんは、生で見て欲しいです。 生麻生さんの人懐こい笑顔を前にしたら、一発で悩殺されます!
@Youtuber-nq3zv 3 жыл бұрын
@akina-sama_hiroki-sama 2 жыл бұрын
@junjun4919 3 жыл бұрын
① After the Opium War of 1842, China (Qing) continued to trade opium with Britain (Indian opium), the United States (Turkish opium), and France (Indochina opium). The United States has made huge fortunes from this. For example, the media such as NY Times in the United States and famous universities such as Yale University could be established. ② Chiang Kai-shek. Mrs. Soong Mei-ling was the daughter of the Zhejiang conglomerate (the third daughter, the second daughter, Mrs. Sun Yat-sen), and supported wealthy people and wealthy citizens. In January 1924, the First United Front was established under the guidance of the Communist International. Chiang Kai-shek found that the true purpose of the Communist Party in the First United Front was to infiltrate the Communist Party members inside the Kuomintang and defeat the Kuomintang from inside. He said, "The Japanese army is like a skin disease. However, the Communist Party is a heart disease. " (So-called, Chinese Civil War, 1927 to 1937) The Kuomintang received military support from Nazi Germany (from May 1933), possessed modern weapons, and received modern military training. Since Germany cannot manufacture weapons domestically, it is manufactured in the Czech Republic and exported to China (manufacturing costs are an investment from Wall Street in the United States). ③Mao Zedong-The Communist Party is a group like the Mafia and the gangsters, and since it does not have modern weapons, it did terrorism and spying (for example, the Second Shanghai Incident that was triggered by Zhang Zhizhong in August 1937). Under the direction of the Communist International (that is, the Soviet Union), he engaged in activities to engage Japan and the Kuomintang, and to expand anti-Japanese sentiment in China. Because The Chinese Communist Party was defeated by the Kuomintang, it abandoned Ruijin in Jiangxi Province and fled to Yan'an in Shaanxi Province (Long March, 1934 to 1936). ④ Soviet Union. There were enemy nations, Germany and Japan, on both sides of the country, and he was afraid that he would be caught and shot. He instructed the Mao Zedong Communist Party to "Fight the Japanese army and the Kuomintang Army and separate the Japanese army from the Soviet Union." In the Xi'an Incident (December 1936), Chang Hsueh-li caught Chiang Kai-shek. Zhou Enlai acted as an intermediary, the representative of the Chinese Communist Party, who received a command from the Communist International, and instructed Chang Hsueh-li and others to fight the Japanese army in collaboration with the Communist Party instead of killing the captured Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei-ling, acted as a negotiator and agreed to the proposal (So-called, Second United Front). As a result, members of the Communist Party entered the Kuomintang, expanded anti-Japanese sentiment, created an opportunity for a battle between Japan and the Kuomintang, and spy on the front. The Marco Polo Bridge Incident (July 1937), which started the Sino-Japanese War, is said to be the work of a Communist Party spy. Even though it was a second United Front, the Chinese Communist Party itself retreated to the mountains (Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, close to the Soviet Union) and preserved its power by educating members of the Communist Party and agriculture such as leaf tobacco cultivation. The Chinese Communist Party has not had a head-on collision with the Japanese army. ⑤ At the same time, in Japan, Asahi Shimbun reporter Hotsumi Ozaki and other Comintern spies started the Sino-Japanese War. For example, in the case of Hotsumi Ozaki, he developed a hard-line argument against China and a forecast of the war situation on the Asahi Shimbun. He was informed by spies from Europe, the United States, China, and the Soviet Union, so the prediction of the war situation was correct. So he was selected as the brain of the Konoe Cabinet because of the accuracy of his prediction and became a member of the breakfast party. The information on the Japanese government and the military obtained at this breakfast party was lost to the Communist International. ⑥ Richard Sorge. A Communist spy (German, German embassy staff in Japan) who contacted Hotsumi Ozaki and others. He entered and exited the German Embassy in Japan as a self-proclaimed newspaper correspondent and became an embassy member. In order to separate Japan from the Soviet Union, he worked to move the Japanese troops south and gathered information on the start of the German-Soviet war. As he sent information to the Soviet Union that Japan would reduce troops near the Soviet border, Soviet troops deployed Far Eastern troops to the Moscow defense to prepare for the battle with Germany. The United States was supporting the Soviet Union. Japan's southward advance developed into a confrontation with the United States and Britain. He is a spy that Russian Putin respects. ⑦ Nanjing (civilian massacre) case. Since Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang was provided with Nazi Germany's weapons and military training, Japan signed with Germany to stop Germany's support for the Kuomintang. (⇒ John Rabe, a witness to the so-called Nanjing Massacre, is a Siemens employee and pleads with Hitler that "Japan is cruel, so I want you to continue exporting weapons." Chiang Kai-shek want US President Roosevelt to help POOR CHINA because Japanese troops are doing violent acts in mainland China. His wife, Song Mi-age, made a similar plea in a lecture in the United States. That is, the so-called Nanjing Massacre (December 1937). an advertisement for POOR CHINA SUPPORT REQUEST) ⑧ Other poor china plans (plans to advertise in the United States and appeal for China's support = "Japanese troops are cruel") ・ Destruction of the Yellow River embankment by Chiang Kai-shek (June 1938, hundreds of thousands of victims) Chiang Kai-shek tried to make it the work of the Japanese army, but it was discovered by a European newspaper reporter. Japanese troops rescued and fed Chinese refugees, and assisted in the restoration of the Yellow River embankment. ・Destruction of the Yangtze River embankment by Chiang Kai-shek (September 1938) ・Arson of Changsha (a city with a population of 500,000) by Chiang Kai-shek (midnight, November 1938) It is said to stop the advance of the Japanese army. ・ Chongqing bombing (December 1938-September 1941) Chiang Kai-shek built a military factory in the basement of the city, and the Japanese army bombed the factory. International law distinguishes between military and private facilities and prohibits bombing of private facilities, but in this case, the US media dispatched to Chongqing did not matter. ⑨ US President Roosevelt tried to make up for the failure of the New Deal policy with trade with China (he was a Chinese enthusiast because his ancestors made huge fortunes in the opium trade) → Manchuria is exclusively for opium. Initially, US President Roosevelt supported China in the form of volunteers called AVG (American Volunteer Group). ⑩ On July 23, 1941, the president signed a bombing plan for the mainland of Japan called JB.NO.355. ⇒ It was planned to depart from Singapore base in November, but because France lost to Germany, the bomber was sent to the European front in order not to isolate Britain.  July 25, 1941 Freezing of Japanese assets in the United States  July 28, Japanese troops stationed in Southern French Indochina  August 1st, oil exports to Japan were totally banned  Attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 ⑪ Tokyo Tribunal. For the United States, it was a problem whether the United States had obeyed international law. For example, during the Nanjing case (1937.12) and the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan obeyed international law and did not bomb private facilities, hospital ships, etc. The United States carried out civilian attacks ignoring international law, such as urban bombing in Japan (dropping atomic bombs, indiscriminate bombing), attacks on Japanese hospital ships, and shootings on farmers from airplanes. Therefore, even if he wins the war, he is worried that he will lose the trial, and he brought up the story of "Nanjing (civilian) massacre" to overcome this situation. The Chongqing bombing was a bombing of a military facility and was not brought to the Tokyo Tribunal.
@admiral-117 3 жыл бұрын
@一発仕事人-l9y 3 жыл бұрын