Palestine Protest for Gaza 1/20/2012
@kaziahmed1424 3 жыл бұрын
Wtf is going on here??????!!!!!!
@gamerknown 3 жыл бұрын
Eating on mic :(
@pauldavidking9083 8 жыл бұрын
Why would the fact that he currently "teaches" mean his points or arguments are more valid? If a university hires you, does that NECESSARILY mean a higher level of credibility, particularly in politically contentious fields? I mean, professors have been hired that think the holocaust didn't even happen.
@fredbazoo 9 жыл бұрын
The place sounds like a lunatic asylum. ...What a low class audience.
@eliezerbetlevi5148 10 жыл бұрын
And this are University people?....What a shame!
@Peristerygr 10 жыл бұрын
I suppose that is the reason of no troll found. Populists "care" about popular stuff!;)
@ymirfrostgiant 11 жыл бұрын
Finkelstein should have just said. "There were essentially three questions there, and let me answer them in brief: do I teach full time? No. Do I think it says anything about my "character"? No. Is it a relevant question? No. Can we have the next questioner please?" If he wanted to it could have been a good chance to talk about celebrated academic frauds like Dershowitz, but again, not relevant to the topic.
@Peristerygr 11 жыл бұрын
You shouldn't stop taking your pills!
@Peristerygr 11 жыл бұрын
What happent Zionistic trolls? Nothing to comment? Yea, now start spoute insults and completely made up scenarios against her! And against myself! Or complete nonsenses since I just got you!
@sasabe121 12 жыл бұрын
what a joke.
@waterhead001 12 жыл бұрын
Everytime I see a Muslim Woman dressed like the young lady in this video, I get nervous that some bigot is going to verbally or physically attack her.
@waterhead001 12 жыл бұрын
I would like to see a debate between Dr. Finkelstein and Dennis Prager.
@fsalhin99 12 жыл бұрын
"700 000 Jews were expelled from Middle East" 1 Jews were NEVER expelled from middle-east before they tried to take control of the states 2. There are still hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Middle-east 3. Last time i checked there were 25,000 Jews in Iran alone and most of them are unwilling to go to Israel and completely support Iran govt's official stand on the Israel-Palestine 4. Examples from the history will not Justify the acts of terrorism committed by the Israeli govt 5. GO FIGURE
@deletednumber1 12 жыл бұрын
7 years old palestine kid throw a rock 'kill that terrorist!' A Israeli tank grinding 7 years old kid 'what a hero!' yeah FUCK LOGİC ! keep going brothers
@blmetal65 12 жыл бұрын
An intellectual giant
@blmetal65 12 жыл бұрын
the IDF commandos afraid of the big burly the crazies jihadists armed with kitchen knives & sling
@ihs51 12 жыл бұрын
Dr. Norman Finkelstein is a remarkable human being and he dare to speak the truth. Shame on the Muslim world esp their leaders who "boot lick" the zionist and the West for their own survival. Those who critized him knows that he speak the TRUTH. PEACE NOT WAR.
@moovershaker 12 жыл бұрын
@Jack72824 Don't avoid the issue. You are well aware we were not discussing whether or not Finkelstein is able to remain calm under pressure. I just presented the facts as they relate to the points that you raised. The fact remains that Finkelstein does support the targeting of civilians, and anyone researching Finkelstein with a 'liberal and open spirit' will reach exactly the same conclusions that I did. Your outlook is at best simplistic and your argument has neither truth nor credibility.
@Jack72824 12 жыл бұрын
@nevernohijab How could I or anyone else destroy the reputation of Dearth O' Wits? He's a plagiarist, a merciless advocate of torture, and a shameless, vicious, relentless bully. That's his reputation, and he created it all by himself. Suchar is weak and venal, as we saw when Dearth O' Wits bullied him so publicly and so relentlessly four years ago. What "reputation" did Suchar have before that humiliation?
@Jack72824 12 жыл бұрын
@nevernohijab Your assertions are nonsense, and nothing more than the repetition of Israeli government propaganda. Your blithering about "23 vaast territories" is not only absurd, it is dishonest; you know perfectly well, as does the rest of the world, that the Palestinians ' home is PALESTINE. Unfortunately it's been illegally occupied by a brutal invader for the last 44 years.
@Jack72824 12 жыл бұрын
@nevernohijab Someone (probably Alan Dearth 0' Wits) wrote that for Suchar, who was and is a notoriously weak and venal man.
@Jack72824 12 жыл бұрын
@moovershaker "Obsessive demonization"? Anyone watching this in a liberal and open spirit would not think that; Finkelstein is meticulous, scholarly and fair-minded throughout this. Even when those angry, spluttering Israeli state supporters shout, boo and interrupt him, he remains polite and considerate. After all, as he points out to the fury of the disrupters, people watching can judge clearly which side has truth and credibility.
@moovershaker 12 жыл бұрын
@Jack72824 Well Finkelstein's obsessive demonization of not only Israel, but also of non Israeli Jewish organizations involved with fighting antisemitism, inevitably leads to a rise in antisemitism. On the the second point, yes I'm afraid he does support attacks on civilians, sometimes referring to it as 'Belligerent Retaliation'. He doesn't hide it - so I guess you and 'everyone else' will just have to do some research.
@Jack72824 12 жыл бұрын
@moovershaker What you're saying about Finkelstein is almost completely wrong. He's not anti-Jewish, and doesn't support attacks on civilians at all. You're a shameless liar, but I'm sure everyone else has worked that out by now.
@Hamilton111111 12 жыл бұрын
thank you mr. finkelstein for this nice speach from germany!
@TheJonnyx1 13 жыл бұрын
Norman Finkelstein! Thanks for posting. Hope to see Norman speak one day in person. I have watched at least 50 or so of his talks on youtube. He will never be silenced.
@moovershaker 13 жыл бұрын
@BLIDKIN No, I don't think so. I think your argument ran out of steam so you are trying to find a way out. Understandable but I'm afraid it ain't gonna wash. You are what is known as a 'useful idiot'. I don't mean that to be offensive. I believe you are genuinely a well intentioned person but, lets say - a little naive. It's wise to know your subject before entering into debate. I'm sorry to be patronizing - but you kind of brought it on yourself. Good luck to you.
@moovershaker 13 жыл бұрын
@BLIDKIN We are not 'almost in agreement' and you haven't dragged anything out of me. There is no 'blind spot' or inconsistency in either his views or mine. You can not separate the man from his views when those views are of an extreme nature. His overall assessment of the situation 'over there' is absolutely consistent with his overall twisted vision. He is a cheap pseudo-intellectual propagandist and my views are indeed a personal attack. I'd much rather see him exposed - than 'Shut up'.
@moovershaker 13 жыл бұрын
@BLIDKIN Shut him up? see where this leads? What are you on about?! My comment was straight forward so don't change the subject. This has nothing to do with right of free speech. he has the right to say what he likes, and so do I. Some one who supports genuine peace movements in the Middle East (of which there are a few) I would consider a good person. Someone supporting the murder of civillians for political ends, I consider to be a despicable person. Finkelstein falls into the latter category.
@moovershaker 13 жыл бұрын
Yes - a truly despicable man. No wonder even his own Mother - whom he adored, despaired of him.
@loveofkemet 13 жыл бұрын
@ISEL333 Didnt you cease to be the chosen people after straying from God's path? Dont the scriptures make this clear?
@Cwestlov 13 жыл бұрын
@gatecomingdown You obviously weren't there nor did you watch the video because, being that I was actually in the vicinity, I know for a fact he had no trouble speaking after the small difficulties with the mic and that the event went off without a hitch. I'm sorry that a small politically-themed student group (not the AV club) can't control sudden and random technical difficulties in a building they don't own. Maybe you can pray to God that it doesn't happen when you have him, which you won't.
@ahmed337799 13 жыл бұрын
@Cwestlov hahaha were you the organizer of the talk?
@orenab1 13 жыл бұрын
Lot's of bad Karma this guy has.
@derfla5 13 жыл бұрын
@ISEL333 Lets pretend for a fraction of a second that your version of history is the "truth history" as you put it. Does that then justify the apartheid state that is israel? That is all Dr. Finklestein argues. History aside, the actions and policies of israel and america promote worldwide unrest/uneasiness. Are you picking up what I'm laying down?? BTW I accidentally voted up your reply...CAN SOMEONE DO ME A HUGE FAVOR AND UNDO THAT.
@holseyd 13 жыл бұрын
IHH a human right organization that's funny. almost as funny as the never ending delays and now hunger strike of the current flotilla which is dead in the water in Greece. i love gyros and the movie 300. long live Greece may your economic woes pass soon.
@Arkinight 13 жыл бұрын
This is what used to happen at Noam Chomsky's talks on Israel.
@AdmiralPrice 13 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting. Dr. Finkelstein is a boss.
@derfla5 13 жыл бұрын
@ISEL333 Trolling for injustice does not pay. Unless you are involved in some kind of PsyOp. I am an atheist by popular definition. The opiate for the masses created by your alleged ancestors no longer keeps me sedated. believe what you want but KNOW THAT.
@lushfauna 13 жыл бұрын
@derfla5 True, but they justify the religious crap more than you know. They always say Palestine isn't even a country and Jerusalem belongs to us I've heard it from Zio's a dozen times
@derfla5 13 жыл бұрын
It's not about the land. Israel is basically a strategic fort in frontier(oil) land. Poor schmucks got planted there by (american made) UN because some fairy-tales written by their alleged ancestors corroborated their story. The real innocent people are the palestenian arabs who happened to be on this cursed piece of real estate.
@derfla5 13 жыл бұрын
@ISEL333 I learned in religious studies that according to the bible/quran/torah, we humans are all "gods children"...but he lets some enjoy planet earth while others suffer....amazing how that's cool and dandy
@Zatzzo 13 жыл бұрын
are parts 6 and 7 missing?
@Uncle99B 13 жыл бұрын
@russianpaul77 . Nah. Those obnoxious little brats need their butts kicked
@russianpaul77 13 жыл бұрын
@Uncle99B it's tempting, but i believe finkelstein's response to be the correct one. stay calm and rational and let the other side make fools of themselves. getting angry only feeds into their bullshit.
@Uncle99B 13 жыл бұрын
Let these treasonous Israeli Firsters go live there or face prosecution here
@Uncle99B 13 жыл бұрын
@russianpaul77. Somebody ought to kick their rude asses
@Uncle99B 13 жыл бұрын
@AndrewMann552. Of course the questioner and the hostile audience members knew that the Dersh got Fink fired. Why is it they think their dishonesty will carry the day
@Uncle99B 13 жыл бұрын
The usual ridiculous attack by Zionist supporters. Use pressure to get professors who do not tow the Zionist line fired; then question their academic integrity by pointing to their having been fired.
@meshzzizk 13 жыл бұрын
Finkelstein in fine form. Thanks for hosting him and for posting these videos.