@felixyung Ай бұрын
Nice playlist 💃
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
You can find the link to this playlist in the description of the video :)
@Steven_Snary-TBR Ай бұрын
You still trying to survive 350-520 as a D (CE)? It will never work, your sprint base score is too high. ZRS is based on your seed score. I can win 30 race in a row and stay in E. As long as I keep my seed score low. But if your seed score is high it works as a multiple to your race score. Try to create an avatar and win purely based on race craft without using any 30s power. You will notice your wins only adds 5-8 points each time.
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
I gave it up to be honest....and wait on some changes. This is simply nonsense....this is not racing at least for me. Competitiveness is gone....I do not care about winning but at least stay in a group and see some potential for improvement....but to this level I will probably never improve in some reasonable period...
@Steven_Snary-TBR Ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 it is not a competitive race when you ride ITT alone in the back. Maybe you can't compete with the fellow riders to see who gets dropped last? If that is a thing.
@duncannash2121 Ай бұрын
ZRS has taken the fun out of racing. Getting beaten by minutes on every course with any incline. But on flatter courses at least I can ALMOST stay with the pack. Winners often producing 1.5 W/kg more than me and I’m in the level below you! Roll on ZRL back to old categories, I may get beaten (often) but at least on some courses I can think I can see the front of the race.
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
I have to agee with you. The current set up is desperate.....
@remycassin2116 Ай бұрын
I was in your race ! What are the odds :)
@GregHilton Ай бұрын
So I’ve not tried any ZRS races yet, but how/where are you getting dropped? I see when I race against you in ZRL you hit 185bpm and 1106w max in the last race, and you can just ride away from me when you chose to (I’m 269 ZRS) but in this one from flicking to the end max 156bpm and 578w so a big difference but maybe a different power style needed to hold the pack??
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
I got your point but it is a bit different here. Full gaz from the pen average speed around 42 km/h on flat.....I am simply cooked in 10 min and on top this was not my best day.....in ZRL we are in D cat always below 40km/h on flat and the power distribution is a bit different. But I agree that I could give more probably over here but this would not change the result at the end much because I am currently racing with guys 3,5-4w/kg which is simply too much....
@GregHilton Ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 yeah just looked at the results !! Wow, 3.7 w/kg for 11th place, although the winner must have drafted nicely on 2.9 w/kg. I am clinging onto hope that as it is results based the guys at the sharp end will quickly ramp up their ZRS into another bracket as they come back indoors after summer riding outdoors!
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
@@GregHilton Since I am trying this races for almost a month....it seems that the ZRS number is calculated in very bad way. I am now in 350-520. Dropping every race...right now I am 363 so may be 2 races and I will drop to the lower group. But the demotivation is brutal....dropped every race....riding alone all the time. The problem is that everyone need to do so many races to drop/raise to his correct ZRS that many riders will simply not manage it. Because someone is racing may be once per month. And also in the lower group 180-350 there are B riders with over 3,5w/kg....so simply it seems that this system is not working from my point of view. But may be it is just my feeling because I was used to be competitive in the races and now I am not able to manage 10min with the main pack....
@drumtoe Ай бұрын
I want to avoid these races as much as I can, but I don't think I have much of a choice anymore
@hllamasiv Ай бұрын
Perfectly played ghost! Just a little push at the end you had it!
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
No push at the end....because I would be dead 😀 wanted feather but tried to play the Ghost....
@drumtoe Ай бұрын
wooooooooooo. so close, but that's exactly what i would have done with the ghost
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
Yep....tried to play that shitty power-up 😀
@drumtoe Ай бұрын
Looks like these are going to be zone 2/3 rides. ZRS looks real fun, ugh!
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
They made a mistake/error/very bad job in categorizing people in this new racing score system. Overall this system is not fair to D riders at all. The idea I need to make several races to be categorized correctly is simply stupid...Seems I will need to do more than 10 races with this new system to at least drop to the lower group and see if this one is OK for me. If not than another 10-20 races to drop even lower....do not get this point....means more than 2 months of racing just to drop somewhere where I will be competitive...Please give us back the old one...even if I will be upgraded to C....still gives much more sense....
@jfloresdrums Ай бұрын
Dude! It really is no longer fun! I had a similar experience last week with 20Bs 7 Cs and then myself. It was utterly u enjoyable.
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
Categorization is wrong....categories are wrong....such a long development on Zwift side and such a boolshit...
@MrBlack76687 Ай бұрын
Same experience here, high C with 400 zrs, within the new bracket I just get stomped and lose 3.5 minutes, while finishing 20ish in a 30 people race. Of the riders finishing before me, 1 A, 14 B and 4 C riders...
@drumtoe Ай бұрын
If zrs works the way it's supposed to, the Bs will move up quickly. But us heavy Ds will struggle. I'm currently 425
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
I am not sure....I think that this is simply broken...today is the same...majority of the racers are B cat....and average 20min 3,5w/kg....this is impossible to follow even on small climbs....
@GregHilton Ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 Hopefully it will sort itself out over time, I do agree with Zwift that something had to change, the old 4 CAT system didn't work either!
@hllamasiv Ай бұрын
I was in this same racing score level, did two races and it brought me back down to under 350, but let’s see how long it keeps me there. Not a fan of riding races by myself with the new scoring
@duncannash2121 Ай бұрын
Great close finish. After all that climbing to have 4 together at the end. The sprint was almost in slow motion! I spent most of the ride after the grade alone, picking off a couple on the downhill.
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
I spent also.most of the time after the grade alone....until like last 5km when I catched the leading group of 3....
@drumtoe Ай бұрын
Crazy catch on the descent. Crazy finish too.🎉
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
This race was brutal....beaten on the finish line...but my tactics was clear....do not loose more than 1 minute on the Grade to be able to catch the guys on descent....this worked perfectly in this case! But I was quite empty for the sprint due to that chase race...
@C.Connell78 Ай бұрын
Thank you for posting - I have a dual recording of the issue over the course of a race.
@blackiec 2 ай бұрын
Ahoj Petře, díky za video. Právě přemýšlím, že si na zimu pořídím nějaký trenažér. Zvažoval jsem Tacx, který ty nahrazuješ. přijde mi, že, pokud ho pořídím s těmi pohyblivými lyžinami, tak je je to lepší volba než Wahoo Kickr Move. Proč jsi opustil Tacx? Ten rám je dobrý tip! Škoda, že je tak drahý. Svoje kolo do trenažéru dát kvůli karbonu nemůžu, tak jsem zvažoval koupit nějaký levný kolo z bazaru.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Ahoj, možná bych se zeptal, proč nemůžeš dát na trenažer svoje karbonové kolo? Je to bežný standard a moje Merida Reacto Team na sram redu tam byla doteď, což jsou 3 roky na zwiftu a skoro 20tis. km. Musíš to je sem tam umýt od potu, ale jinak žádný problém není. Tacx i Wahoo mají své pro a proti, každá značka nabízí něco co ta druhá nemá. Můj Tacx NEO 2T pomalu dosloužil, prasknuly modré spodní plasy na obou stranách. Sice to v Garminu vyměnili, ale pro změnu to polámali, když dotahovali šrouby, tak půjde na opravu znova. Obecně se říká, že Wahoo je lepší na závodění. Sám mohu potvrdit, že sprinty s vyššími watty jsou na wahoo prostě lepší. A hlavně u NEO 2T jsem byl schopen doslova na chvíli přetočit ty elektro mageny, což se mi u Wahoo nestalo zatím...že bych přetočil řemen. Já jsem Tacx opustil, ne proto, že bych byl nespokojen, ale nový NEO 2T by byla blbost a ten nový 3m vlastně nemá nic nového. Takže mě zaujal Zwift Ride a wahooo. Tím, že Zwift teď s wahoo spolupracuje, tak mají nějaké výhody, jako třeba virtuální řazení. Díky tomu je celý systém tišší a můžes si v apliakci měnit, jaké chceš převody atd. Za mně super. Má to ještě svoje mouchy, ale další softwarový update by to měl vyřešit. Kdybys chtěl více info nebo pokecat, tak mi napiš na pitr(zavináč)email.cz můžeme si předat kontakt a zodpovím co budeš potřebovat 😁
@blackiec 2 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 No měl jsem za to, že se obecně nedoporučuje dávat karbonové rámy na trenažer. Zkusím zjistit jak je to u mého kola. Každopádně děkuji za vyčerpávající odpověď. Já budu trenažer využívat hlavně přes zimu pro trénink vytrvalosti, takže nějaké přetočení ve sprintu moc nehrozí. Jen jsi mi potvrdil, že tacx 2T je stejné jako 3M. :) Ještě chvilku popřemýšlím do čeho jít. Wahoo je o něco dražší než 2T (s bonusovým vybavením), tak jsem spíš nakloněn 2T. Kdybych byl na pochybách, ozvu se. Děkuji za nabídku.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Wahoo teď má na zwiftu i jejich stránkách akci a wahoo kickr move vychází stejně jako Tacx neo 2T s motion plates. Teda myslím, že cena je +/- stejná, podobná. Ale neuděláš chybu s ani jedním z nich. Je to jen volba, kterou značku preferujes!
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Jo....a postupem času jsem se dostal spíše k rozhodnutí zda nekoupit celé kolo....jako Tacx Neo Bike nebo Wahoo kickr bike.....chtěl jsem jeden z těch dvou...ale zdrazili....a proto Zwift ride....protože cena s novým trenazerem je poloviční.
@rolandhoward8421 2 ай бұрын
Maybe now you’ll discover your pedals have been counting double.. giving you twice the watts! Nice setup!
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Racing on this setup already for 2 weeks. Just did not have time to put the video together!
@Watts-T82_AWC 2 ай бұрын
Hey Petr, hope all is well brotha.......reading the comments here, are you not able to use the move with the Zwift ride? I came here mainly to ask yo u how the wahoo move was, lol. Also, you should do a video on removing the seat as I'm not good at mechanical things haha and the handle bar swap are definitely outside of my skill set, lol. I have also heard ppl say there virtual shifting is delayed, I have not experienced this but I don't get/feel the resistance change get stronger "sometimes" mostly when I'm soft pedal and then need to change gears a few notches up. Clean setup as well.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
No did not tried it atm. Move is not compatible with Zwift ride....but I would expect that sooner or later they will come with some adapter to make it compatible. I will try the movement with my standard bike I used with Tacx and normal casset and we can discuss later. Saddle change is really easy. I can do the video later this week. Handlebars....this is done...so may be once I will have to change the bar tape. The virtual shifting sometimes is strange for me. Once I shift my feeling is like...how to describe it....like I would add resistance on old spinning bike with the wheel. So it does not shift at once but it is adding resistance smoothly. Also what is strange but I am not 100% yet....once I shift during descent on the lightest gear....it is really not like ok the normal bike....it still has some resistance....realized this after the race on Monday....needed to recover after the sprint....shifted....but still a lot of power was needed.....
@Watts-T82_AWC 2 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 interesting with the shifting, i definitely get/understand the resistance change kind of feeling similar to a spin bike. I get that feeling when I shift up into a heavy gear. No rush on handle bars, I can watch GP lama video, just nervous about it lol. Have you tried the index spin wheel on the cog? You will see a number on top of the cog, mine is on 7 which everything feels right for me. Maybe look into that? I’m not sure if it will help or not though.
@petrsliva7894 Ай бұрын
@@Watts-T82_AWC Ok seems that this strange behaviour is caused due to problem with automatic calibration of wahoo trainers. Once I did the factory calibration behaviour of the virtual shifting is much better. You can check what was the problem in video I posted during weekend.
@Watts-T82_AWC Ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 awesome, thank you.
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
Hi Petr, I also have a Tacx with a cassette attached. I had a roller with virtual shifting and it wasn't for me. I also think that with the cassette, my performance is better. Maybe it's something only in my head, because the experience when riding with the cassette is much more natural. I mean, looks like you a riding a real bike. So I would like to know what your thoughts are about the change, thanks.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Hey, I can see quite big difference between tacx and wahoo. During sprints wahoo feels much better because with Tacx I am able to overperform the magnets or how to explain it and this seems not to be the problem with Wahoo. Virtual shifting needs some time to get used to it. It has delay or let say it is not so precise as normal shifting because according to me it increases resistance step by step so you can feel that whole process takes like 1 sec may be. I would like to test wahoo also with my normal bike and cassette. The same set up I had for Tacx. Anyway I am missing some high-end things from Tacx like road feel, descents.....but Wahoo feels much better during pedalling and mainly sprinting for me. This kickr move has also much more side movement than Tacx and this also suits me more. I can not use the back and forward movement but I hope that they will figure it out for the Zwift ride in the future because it should be pretty easy I think.
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 Thanks for the reply and the information. Yes I completely understand what you said about outperforming the mags. I usually do it when climbing. What resistance were you using with the Tacx? I'm always using 100%.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
@@Lucas_Almeida-BR I am always on the default level of 50%.
@michaelnelson1089 2 ай бұрын
This was worth watching just for the banter! Wish I could ride in this time zone. Hilarious.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Hehe not sure it was only "banter" but agree it was special last night.
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
It was more like bullying. Not nice. The irony is that the first place has only 27kg, kind of umbelivable.
@drumtoe 2 ай бұрын
I wish we had this much talking in my timezones
@Watts-T82_AWC 2 ай бұрын
I came here to say this as well, lol and Petr I don't know how you deal with that and stay calm. I would lose my shit, lol. You got ice in your veins, lol. Side note: you coming to Cat C? Is that what you were hinting at, would be awesome to race against/with you again.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
​@@Watts-T82_AWC since racing score will be used since next week there will be no D cat. anymore 😢 so I will race againts completely different people I think since my racing score is 419....last time there was C and B riders in such a race....
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
Nice Race Petr, thanks for the video! I was done at the end.
@hllamasiv 2 ай бұрын
Great getting to race with you!
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Hard race tonigh....almost dropped during the climb....but I was surprised how big qas the group at the top....not usual I would say!
@GregHilton 2 ай бұрын
Sorry I thought it read 116! Crap eye sight, comment deleted!
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
No problem at all, can happen and here is space for discussion 😉
@AlexMilan4683 2 ай бұрын
It’s ok!!! I can see your video. Good race bro!!!
@Hotshotzwifting 2 ай бұрын
Unlucky at the end . Very tactical race 🤗
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
It was not unlucky, it was just fatigue 😀
@rolandhoward8421 2 ай бұрын
I don’t know why people always start saying people at the front of Cat D races are Cat C riders… Or why people accuse others of sandbagging or weight doping… Everyone should just get on with their own race! Anyway it was a fun race, even when and after I Iost contact with the lead group!
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
I wanted to satisfy one guy with the verification video....but not sure what other proof I should put on the tabel that my weight is according to reality....or may be someone see other problem....I do not know....
@philgaming4358 2 ай бұрын
Thank You for the Clip 👍😉Nice Race
@jdwalker865 2 ай бұрын
Look's like Chau is back.
@ketjuariittaa 2 ай бұрын
Wie and Tani are c (or higher) cat riders 4,5-5w/kg up" that hill".
@philgaming4358 2 ай бұрын
Maybe but CAT D was Proposed. Now I will Ride C. was my First Race this year. Last year I was mid D 😊P.Wie
@drumtoe 2 ай бұрын
I think this is the best video I've seen so far. Big boys on zwift!!💪🏋️‍♀️⚖️
@awazuk1 2 ай бұрын
i can bench press your weight
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Seems like a plan to test it 🤣🏋‍♂
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
Well done! 👍
@drumtoe 2 ай бұрын
Congrats on the win. Us big boys had to work extra hard on the bridge.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
thx my friend
@duncannash2121 2 ай бұрын
That was a perfect push over the top of the hill well done. I was DS for my team and wondered how you broke clear as I missed the attack.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
It was just a luck.....1 sec idea....lets have a try over here! Then they almost catched me.....but it worked at the end
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
In cas of any further quesitons we can discuss on discord if needed.
@Hotshotzwifting 2 ай бұрын
Well done Petr and Thomas , great race and result . ‘ cheat ‘ comment at the start 🤔, I see he didn’t answer your question 😂👍
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. 👍 I saw in your Zwift Power account that you've been getting 1kg heavier on a regular basis. Is that right? 🤔
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Not sure if on regular basis but I really have to make a video to prove my weight....To stop the discussion that I am a cheater. Will do that soon to stop it once for all.
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 I'm not actually accusing you of being a cheater. Only asking about this constant 1kg heavier thing. I'm looking forward to riding against you again. 👍🏻
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
But if you post a video, it's better to film the whole body, not only the scale. Because people could use a backpack or something to be heavier.
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
Check my old verification video and let me know if that one is OK from your point of view...just search for verification in my videos....I did it for another series long time ago....this could Ok I think...
@Lucas_Almeida-BR 2 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 kzbin.info/www/bejne/nWLSgaeCr7JsjJosi=Y_gghzBmlRcNWIwr
@manonholtman 2 ай бұрын
Oh boy this is insane. So happy I was able to hang on for dear life. Until the climb…. Incredible how fast that group pushed 2 minutes away!!
@petrsliva7894 2 ай бұрын
That speed tonight was really extremely fast. I was not even able to sprint at the end....but finished 6th on zwift but 4th on ZP so there were guys which increased the pace and were not D...
@gertpauwels7347 2 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 The guy in the front did 4,7w/kg over the full race. Nice and hard race.
@manonholtman 2 ай бұрын
@@gertpauwels734729 kg…. Yeah right Mr Pidcok 😂
@Watts-T82_AWC 2 ай бұрын
You have some haters bro, ignore them and keep doing you man. 💪🏾.
@Watts-T82_AWC 3 ай бұрын
Wowwwwww, never seen a race won from the first 30 seconds. Well done on your iTT Petr, not your fault no one chased. This is crazy lol.
@drumtoe 3 ай бұрын
Hahaha. No one wanted to chase?!?! I mean, sometimes it happens like that. Great TT.
@jfloresdrums 3 ай бұрын
Dude just race in C. Youve done all you can in D. Its not even fjn anymore unelss you're racing the big guns hahaha
@drumtoe 3 ай бұрын
Great month!!
@jfloresdrums 3 ай бұрын
Great finish. I just didn't have it in me to beat Mike 😢
@Watts-T82_AWC 3 ай бұрын
Well played attack 🙌🏾. Dismantled that group! 1st place rider is definitely not Cat D, Junior or not. 4.8w/kg average and 95 watts. lol. I saw they hit 16w/kg on elevator climb 👀.
@petrsliva7894 3 ай бұрын
I wanted to attack on the last part of the climb and add some seconds on that last "kick"....but I was almost dropped from the group due to very high pace.....so I put all power which left in my legs to the push on that last small climb. And seems no-one expected this....could not sit and wait till the end because Mike would kick my ass in the sprint 😀
@petrsliva7894 3 ай бұрын
Anyway the guys who finished 2nd in the race Alex was promoted to C after this race 😀
@Watts-T82_AWC 3 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 Smart move and awareness on your part. It worked 100% and secured your placement. Lol. Yea, you certainly caught them off guard.
@Watts-T82_AWC 3 ай бұрын
@@petrsliva7894 Figured, 1st place rider should be a C too, at minimum. I guess I will be seeing Alex in C, lol. Man, I miss you all in Cat D.....we had some fun races. Keep up the good work Petr!
@petrsliva7894 3 ай бұрын
@@Watts-T82_AWC Looking forward to see you in some race again!
@drumtoe 3 ай бұрын
That was sooo close for you and Mike!!
@nikblyth8047 4 ай бұрын
Another lap and you'd have been back in my group. Good ride Petr.
@jfloresdrums 4 ай бұрын
Why didn't you sprint? Tosin and Mike are too much lol
@petrsliva7894 4 ай бұрын
Simple answer....today I was not able even to hold on those 2 small climbes....and at the end my legs were so empty....did a long hard MTB ride on Saturday and still did not recover fully...
@jfloresdrums 4 ай бұрын
Mike best me in much thr similar fashion. Drafted me then took off like a bullet 😂
@drumtoe 4 ай бұрын
Look at you and Mike stalking this field! I'm looking forward to primetime next week
@Watts-T82_AWC 5 ай бұрын
This was a great race, good to see you here as well. I think the new racing score will work out and seems to be fairer than the Cat A, B, C, D system. Lost you guys for a minute on the short KOM, I didn't power up enough, I thought it was over for me lol. See you next time my friend, keep riding hard!
@NealWilliams 5 ай бұрын
Watched this to see what i can expect for my race later today (19:10 EST). Nice Work! Great playlist choice, especially @11:45. Congrats on the podium!