D C S... OH-6 ..1.2... UPDATE IS HERE
DCS ....AC-130...GREY??
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D C S , ,OH-6A .. 1.1 UPDATE
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Ай бұрын
D C S  .   ..OH-6A ... KILLER EGG
Where am i
Ай бұрын
D C S        .Tiny George MOD
2 ай бұрын
D C S ...  AH-64  . APKWS
2 ай бұрын
D C S  coms menu scroll controls
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
D C S   UH-1H  cockpit  .W.I.P
3 ай бұрын
4 ай бұрын
D C S     . .ASMR
4 ай бұрын
5 ай бұрын
5 ай бұрын
D C S... A-10A .....WEAPONS MOD
7 ай бұрын
@grantdodge7087 7 күн бұрын
Looking good! Ive had trouble installing the 130 mod..... looks like i need to try again! Ya know, for when the Nam map hits and we need to resupply Khe Sahn 😏
@RibshackTV 11 күн бұрын
We've got your notes; who needs class?!?! 🤪 Kewl vid - keep 'em whirlin'! ❤️
@LEAD-DISPENSER 11 күн бұрын
i don't know if id copy me but its working lol
@crazyhorse18 12 күн бұрын
@Not-today-wb9do 12 күн бұрын
do we like it?
@LEAD-DISPENSER 12 күн бұрын
we do lol .server slots are still a bit thin on the ground so i actually haven't used it other then to fly around an apkws some targets but when they catch up it will be very cool
@RebelNine 13 күн бұрын
One day… I might manage such good control of the Kiowa as you have! 🤣😎🫡
@LEAD-DISPENSER 13 күн бұрын
Thanks i just fly a lot its just practice.everbody is capable of it you will nail it like it was driving a car :)
@trottheblackdog 14 күн бұрын
Check your nuts for cancer, you spending all that time in front of those transmitters
@RedFail1-1 15 күн бұрын
I'll wait for Mover to fly it and let us know if it's at all close to accurate yet. When I tried it I felt like I was flying a bowling ball on a string. Every pilot who has flown the real thing said it wasnt right, so I knew something was off. Not keen on getting frustrated again so I'll wait.
@LEAD-DISPENSER 15 күн бұрын
Makes no difference what its like in real life i just fly what we have an it fly's well as shown here . admittedly i do probably have more practice then a lot of players you cant cater to everybody's skill level but with practice you can fly anything after all its just a video game
@chronichurdle1802 15 күн бұрын
You know its getting real when you have to turn shadows off for VR
@LEAD-DISPENSER 15 күн бұрын
i turn them of for videos so its not a mess to watch as i'm running a reverb g2 an mirroring in 1440p on 32 inch screen and recording .We don't all have 4090s .im on a 1080ti feel free to donate a 4090 if you want shadows
@chronichurdle1802 14 күн бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER im just saying its relatable lol I have an RX580 and I get 25 fps on lowest> Feel free to donate a 1080ti :)
@MeliokFR 15 күн бұрын
Taunting an Apache during Taxi is priceless 🤣
@LEAD-DISPENSER 15 күн бұрын
i mean be rude not to lol
@RossOneEyed 16 күн бұрын
The 1.2 is such a joy! Thanks for all the work you have done...and are continuing to do.
@LEAD-DISPENSER 15 күн бұрын
This is not my mod I'm just showing of the update . the link to their discord is in the description
@ascherlafayette8572 16 күн бұрын
What is the FM based on?
@LEAD-DISPENSER 16 күн бұрын
i believe its made from scratch .the link to their discord is in the description you would find a lot of answers there
@Hammergaming-on2wk 16 күн бұрын
the link only shows 1.0 and 1.1 not 1.2
@LEAD-DISPENSER 16 күн бұрын
click latest little green box on the right on a pc
@Muldvarp_ 16 күн бұрын
landing page has been updated and shows correct version now
@davido1953 16 күн бұрын
great, I'll give it another shot...it was impossible before...tried it, don't understand why it gets within 15 feet of the ground and then dies, straight down
@iridiumcaptain 16 күн бұрын
You weren't entering a vortex ring state, were you?
@davido1953 16 күн бұрын
@@iridiumcaptain i dont believe so...i fly the huey all the time but this thing is still porked
@LEAD-DISPENSER 16 күн бұрын
glad your giving it another go i thing you'll find v 1.2 easier it is a lot more forgiving now
@davido1953 16 күн бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER it is better, I didn't crash on takeoff but I did crash on landing...there must be some secret to the settings I'm not getting
@hueyfoo 16 күн бұрын
@@davido1953 Same here. The 1.2 is much better at least on take off for me. But it comes to landing as soon as I enter the translational lift this thing just spins out of control and crashes.
@astralnut6313 16 күн бұрын
I love that thing. Thanks so much for the mod!
@LEAD-DISPENSER 16 күн бұрын
this is not my mod I'm just showing it of head to their discord in the description im sure they would love to hear your kind words :)
@Mailman_NOB 16 күн бұрын
superb...where is dl link?
@LEAD-DISPENSER 16 күн бұрын
links in the description now thanks i forgot
@grantdodge7087 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for the announcement! This loach sure is a challenge to fly- but its OH soooooo sweet when you get it right!
@LEAD-DISPENSER 17 күн бұрын
it is a lota fun :)
@jchuhn 21 күн бұрын
This helo SHOULD be a cinch to fly. Unfortunately it is more trouble than it is worth IMO.
@LEAD-DISPENSER 21 күн бұрын
yes not everybody can fly it no sas or anything like that i have no trouble with it but i fly hellos in dcs a lot
@jchuhn 6 күн бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER what kind of collective, cyclic, and pedals are you using? Just curious. Thanks. (-:
@DENVER4245 22 күн бұрын
@rocksteady-radio 29 күн бұрын
@poochies0316 Ай бұрын
I’m proud I’ve mastered the beast !
glad to hear that:)
@davido1953 Ай бұрын
still can't fly it
practice is all it take a gentle hand an stick time stay with it you'll get it . just stay low an hover around until you get a feel for it the biggest mistake people make is trying to fly before they can ground handle .anybody can fly it fast or moving low an slow is where its at the rest will come
@SkyDawg91 Ай бұрын
Either looks pretty good, but maybe the light grey could be a bit darker? In the Tobsen/Eightball OH-6A mod, the grey on the instrument panel looks white 90% of the time, especially once it's being lit up by sunlight, and I think that the light grey you have here would be subject to the same thing.
sorry late reply was moving house no internet unfortunately that's a dcs thing an if you shade it to much it starts going pink its really weird
@SkyDawg91 Ай бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER lol that is bizarre!! I’ve been curious about learning how to texture things lately. Wouldn’t know where to begin though. I guess KZbin! Lol
@hueyfoo Ай бұрын
I've managed to take off and do some rocket run but one big problem though. I cannot bring her back to land in one piece. How do you shoot the minigun? I switched from rocket mode to gun mode. Pulled trigger. Nothing happened?
so the bottom rotary dial on the front panel needs to be 2 clicks to the right also the guns have a 1 second delay on the trigger pull its really quit sh&t but that's how it is so if your just quick bursting the guns wont have a chance to fire
@grantdodge7087 Ай бұрын
I stand with you on the gray. Also, i was thinking the blank areas on the dash in between the instruments would be a perfect place for picture frames, like in the A-4's cockpit 😉 (i bet it would be a pain tho)
its not to hard to put a photo an get it to pop out a bit using shadows but what pic that's the hard part 🙂
@LEAD-DISPENSER 8 күн бұрын
check out the latest short just for you 😁kzbin.infoP0O4KOx-JPA
@grantdodge7087 7 күн бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER NICE DUDE!! Such a cool flex man. I cant wait to give it a shot
@johndieterle7328 Ай бұрын
What controls are you using and what are your curves, etc settings? Great vid and skill!
hi so i have a virpil warbrd base with a 12cm extension an a F-18 grip from my old warthog set up i have a winwing gemini base an F-15E grip for throttle an i use that as my collective just like holding a jet ranger at the top instead of around the grip like a huey so it works fine for me . i don't use any curves at all i personally think curves are a bad thing i have lowered the saturation on my pedals to 80% .. sorry i have vkb m5 pedals as well
@tommywang9441 Ай бұрын
Sir where do you download this mod
so go to my AC-130U download video an there are links to my mods that don't make it to the ED user files in the description . in this comment section there are 2 links 1 takes you to download vid also found by just going to my home page and the second takes you to my how to gunship video /also on my home page . the how to vid is a little outdated as far as preparing the mod as i've done that for you now but still holds for how to aim as such
@radioredoctober Ай бұрын
Super Cool : )
@gregsutton2400 Ай бұрын
great vid and great help in your comments.
@Dasbutt-on2wx Ай бұрын
i like how it is with black top . but not the brown i think the grey look is for an older cockpit
My take on the mod was to make it a AC-130U so an older look is ideal if i could get steam cockpit i would be much happier i don't like the glass cockpit at all but its all we have
@wetbehind-br8uh Ай бұрын
il like the grey better as well . will you update the downloadable version as you go or when its done
il probably continue with it till im happy with it then update the download folder then still don't really know what i'm going to do here yet :)
kzbin.info/www/bejne/i3maqp6nmtCkr6s . .this link is fixed now goto video scroll down in the description down load as a zip put in your saved games folder . note this cockpit is not ready for download .the link is for my first attempt at editing the mod. thank you an enjoy
@suecobandito8954 Ай бұрын
Like what you’ve done with the place. The flight deck looks much better and detailed. Muted gray or black matte. Spectre is a killer after all. Dark and sinister is where I might go. Nice work. I did the cannon sight mod in GIMP. Left the cross yellow. Did you draw a new sight or just make it black?
so the sight in the practice video i did is my most recent 1 an seems to work the best if you "fly the box" so to speak ie keep the target in the center of the box the plane just kinda finds itself in a nice stable pylon turn this makes it easier to range the gun .also you can use the box to see in your nose up or down ..if you download my copy from the ac-130u download video you will get the black box an hollow dot sight
@Not-today-wb9do Ай бұрын
I liked the updated 1 way more then stock an i like the grey slight more then the update .lol not much help 😂
i like the gray myself but just what to do with everything else lol
Not today tower, not today lol
i know lol who does he think he is lol .. i know there's no other planes its my server normally id wait lol
@Artiglio1977 Ай бұрын
Nice short 😉💪🏻
@stiffstarch Ай бұрын
What are your curve settings?
no curves
@hueyfoo Ай бұрын
It's an unflyable aircraft I've found out.
It is completely flyable im am in fact flying it in this video🙂 an the update video i've done
@hueyfoo Ай бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER Well let me re-prhase it. I was able to hover and take off (with great difficulty, of course) and about a mile or two from where I took off @ speed around 60knots then the heli just pitches up and the the master caution beeps and the next thing I knew was I was in a big fire ball (crash and burn). This pattern repeats a few times then I finally threw in my towel!!!
@@hueyfoo sounds like a control binding issue nothing in the flight model would cause that .there have been a few cases of binds being doubled up an this has been rectified in the update 1.1 do you have 1.1 . if you were interested in trying again id say take a look in your controls an see if axis are on 2 separate controllers if not well you had a go :)
@hueyfoo Ай бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER That was what I thought at the beginning but I thoroughly checked all the bindings, specifically the axis-command.
@stevenacton359 Ай бұрын
Pilot body??????????????????????????????????
i actually don't know if thats coming or not i assume it would be ?
@wetbehind-br8uh Ай бұрын
timing is everything nice👍
@Dasbutt-on2wx Ай бұрын
@Winchester1six Ай бұрын
Damn this is sweet! Well done.
@grantdodge7087 Ай бұрын
Sometimes... i forgor!
@suecobandito8954 Ай бұрын
Outback. The Territories.
big rock:)
@stburr91 Ай бұрын
I like this aircraft, but the tail is super twitchy, and there seems to be no weathervane affect, so the tail seems to always be twitchy.
it comes right with a bit of speed but it very pedal sensitive. try dropping the saturation on your pedals worked for me .i went to 70% an now back to 85% as i get used to it
@Not-today-wb9do Ай бұрын
could listen to those engines all day :)
@ph8584 Ай бұрын
not Dcs? why does your link point to base game?
i put the base game link in every video because if somebody watches 1 of my videos an thinks this dcs thing looks like something i'm interested in they can use the link an get it right then an there the aim of my channel is to bring new an help old players to dcs
@andrewbergman9315 Ай бұрын
I hate that sight
im not good with it at all
@andrewbergman9315 Ай бұрын
@@LEAD-DISPENSER it just feels uncomfortable like it's right in your face (VR user)
@@andrewbergman9315 yes i'm in vr as well i use the move pilot controls an set it back a little so it not so bad my biggest problem is the gun fires a second after i pull the trigger my body is already putting inputs in to counter the recoil an it doesn't fire
@Monkmaster1969 Ай бұрын
Take me back 55 years to 1969 in III CORP Viet Nam, only thing missing is the heat, and the bullets being shot at me!
i'm sure you could probably do without both :)
@jimsmith3887 Ай бұрын
wish i could get that thru steam
its a free mod you just put it in your saved games folder
@xxxautopsy99xxx Ай бұрын
In Mar A Lago looking in wat hing Trump looking in thr mirror
lol so close
@suecobandito8954 Ай бұрын
Good video. Your cockpit looks better and liveries different. Yours? Did you use GIMP to modify the aiming LUA? Are you flying as you shoot? Was trying to emulate, but things got wonky. I tried 3 mi. And 4K ft and got some results. Going to see if the nav comp. can make a circle of waypoints of 3 miles from target, for George to fly and set Alt Hold. See what happens. Try taxi in LSGI and use ground beta to taxi. Come out of LSGI once in position on the runway and takeoff checks. Aux pump off after takeoff back on on approach. Powers back up hydraulics/brakes if engine #2 shutdown. After landing LSGI and then shut down the inboards and taxi to parking using the outboards. That way the crew door can be opened right away. Bind the reverse/beta to a button to HOTAS. That way you can use reverse to slow upon landing and back up if necessary. Before taxi click reverse and move throttles to ground idle. Select Low Speed Ground Idle on all four engines. Click between throttle quadrant and flap lever. Taxi as normal. Place the centerline right between your legs inside right thigh. Check using F2. I put a ton of curve and limits on the rudder/NWS. C130 has very narrow turn radius. First mark on the wheel left and right of center. Too tight/too fast turns places too much stress on the nose gear. Usually copilot flies the wings until pilot comes off the wheel. Never land in a skid. Mains can’t take lateral stress. Touch and goes fly the nose wheel off the ground to save wear. Was a Marine KC-130 A/C. We really worked to try not to bang the birds up too much. Thanks. Like your OH-6A stuff too.😊
THANK YOU> yes this is my cockpit an liverie you may have noticed the tail number shes the last AC-130U i released this cockpit before the huey cockpit ,it was my first attempt at editing an aircraft for a game .i used paint.net to do the textures an i just rewrote the weapons an ammo so that it has the right guns ie. gau 12 /bofors 40mm/ 105 / i did new engine sounds from a real AC-130U start up . .i have it up for download .free of course lol an a how to use video on my page i just fly from the back the waypoint /auto pilot that would of put her in a pylon turn was never finished so i just made do .my vids an links to other mods i've done like a sound mod for this an the huey /f 15/a-10 .kzbin.info/www/bejne/i3maqp6nmtCkr6ssi=asrIdPnq4M89rCJQ ... kzbin.info/www/bejne/p3rZkJiias1_eaMsi=4oFak7PKhDk0f5HM
@JimmFozzy Ай бұрын
Holy smokes!! What where do we download this mod!?
@@JimmFozzy so the links in my comment above .1 link is to the download video thats where i store links to mods i've done that don't go in the user files at ED an the other is the how to gunship video that's a little outdated as far as setting up the mod now but still good for how to use it. the set is all done now you'll see what i mean when you have a look