The Mog NEVER Stops
Ай бұрын
What actually attracts women
Low vs High Testosterone Men
"Men are trash" - Psl Gods
5 ай бұрын
Tallest Pslgods
7 ай бұрын
Normies vs Chads
8 ай бұрын
Weak men Vs Alpha Males
8 ай бұрын
Geomaxxing for white guys
9 ай бұрын
@goofyahheggman 5 минут бұрын
This guy looks like micheal storen at 4:24
@1bluepink9 17 минут бұрын
let me clarify what Andrew is talking about, when you young you dumb and stupid and you have to workhard through you young age to be at a point where you capable enough to do more and attract more bassically. if your handsome in your 20s guess what! that a unfair advantage, trying to make money and become handsome are 2 very diff things the guys who your including in the videos are probably talking about it in a Money or a social hierarcy point of view.
@abnormal. 43 минут бұрын
Pls post more consistently
@Diego-uo3gi 47 минут бұрын
6:46 music name sir?
@AArya_Oh Сағат бұрын
The only truth is this time is never gonna come again
@Mr-Rocket-1 Сағат бұрын
0:22 Hot boys
@Anidruh Сағат бұрын
Im 16, 6'0 Indian, decent facial features hidden under a bit of fat and a decent frame. Is it over for me?
@jamesmoore3624 2 сағат бұрын
Here is the brutal truth. Becoming 18 and isolating yourself for a decade and doing nothing but "grinding" is a sure way to drive yourself into a depression. Try having no real friends or any fun for 10 years slogging away, sure way to make yourself miserable.
@anirbanchatterjee4957 2 сағат бұрын
Hey psl God if you are watching this comment then I am probably dead after watching this video I am heart broken 💔 Recently I confessed my felling towards a girl and called me ugly and Said that she would marry a pig rather than getting into a relationship with me she said that I look like a 40 year old dad while I am 16 right now And you are right that old fathers and mothers give ugly baby's birth my mum married at the age of 30 and my father at 50 that is why I look ugly 😭 Bye for telling me the truth PSL GOD
@空k7oto 2 сағат бұрын
@Blkpll 3 сағат бұрын
That pointy chin of the first dude is fk gross
@etherealenergy9471 3 сағат бұрын
Yes, and no the face is the first thing I notice as a woman, but not into men with unhealthy lifestyles where they don't take care of their body. Nice slim fit body is ideal not overly ripped were it looks like they can smash you at any moment. Most of the time those muscles turn into fat the moment they stop working out.
@Parcother 3 сағат бұрын
when your in 20s and you look like 40 its over for you😭
@etherealenergy9471 3 сағат бұрын
Some people think Alain Delon is actually a woman. I do think that the most attractive like Alain and Michael Hutchence have somewhat feminine features.
@samnkzzz 3 сағат бұрын
just wait until you're 30 when you're at your peak physical attractiveness bro!
@dimajo3057 4 сағат бұрын
Out of all the "incel" content videos out there (your video might not quite fall into that category) this is by FAR the best. Here is something everything can actually benefit from, has the chance to grasp to some degree, and its so important to understand. My life is good at 31, ive got plenty of things going, with friends, girls etc. BUT the little montage made me realise that i definitely dont have that spark that i used to, that "we will make it no matter what" attitude and hopefullness about the world. Hearing Rehabroom explain that, really hit me, it is too true.
@fredof4413 5 сағат бұрын
i was fat baldcel in early 20s wigmaxxed and leanmaxxed to finally hitting a 'peak' at 28 but that is very much exception it feels good but my time is already running out boyos dont look back guys do whatever it takes wear lifts use wigs subtle makeups whatever frauds it takes go to university and hit on as many girls as you can during your first week before they're all ran through thank me later!
@sky_walker118 5 сағат бұрын
I am 21 year old but look like a 15 💀. Whats goona happen with me in future
@AnalExpedition 5 сағат бұрын
I am a prophet and I’m telling you the answer lies in head size. A few years from now everyone will be talking about it.
@Blkpll 5 сағат бұрын
A few of these 9 women are actually 7
@davimedina5165 5 сағат бұрын
What if you're a guy that doesn't like travelling, socializing or dating ?
@Blkpll 6 сағат бұрын
Huge jaws 🤮
@Blkpll 6 сағат бұрын
Great message but your text flashes so fast every time I couldn’t read finishing reading and had to pause so frustrating
@PatrickCody-b7x 6 сағат бұрын
I had girlfriends in kindergarten and gradeschool and after that i was ugly to girls and now i am 33 and single for life
@Grand_Rizzard104 6 сағат бұрын
"Now, sitting on his bed in the grip of this numbing hangover, rainwater spilling its lazy courses down the window beside him, his grief came for him fully, like some gray matron from Ward Nine in purgatory. It came and dissolved him, unmanned him, took away whatever defenses remained, and he put his face in his hands and cried, rocking back and forth on his bed, thinking he would do anything to have a second chance, anything at all".
@PAJEA8328 6 сағат бұрын
"I can't breathe... i can't breathe....999"
@unknow629 7 сағат бұрын
Jon eric hexum and others aging like vine
@rlae3584 55 минут бұрын
hexum is literally dead dude what are you talking about
@Waterfromtree 7 сағат бұрын
Jfl if u guys actaully believe shit like the value of men lies in their genes are women age better and im black pilled but yall are just defeatist dorks Jfl
@NeroAngelo616 7 сағат бұрын
Looks matter when it comes to attraction, but money matters when it comes to survival.
@koushikprasad9771 7 сағат бұрын
You forgot, Sylvester Stallone the rambo
@NeroAngelo616 7 сағат бұрын
I dunno, ITV is a fucking loser..
@JH-wj3ci 7 сағат бұрын
What do you recommend for guys who want to be able to have family and are young still? I'd like to see proposed solutions- a guy needs to have money
@Forever-iz2dv 7 сағат бұрын
I don't care for as long as I love myself
@NeroAngelo616 8 сағат бұрын
Also with age comes the prime exclusive window to physically demanding job opportunities, be it sports to military and everything in between. They offer one hell of a life experience.
@JohnReah2 8 сағат бұрын
A mans life is only as long as his youth is. Im 23 and i realized this about two months ago in July. Im trying to improve my looks as fast as possible as i do have potential at 6'4 but balding and skinnyfat. Once at chadl1te im gonna try and do everything i wanna do s3xually before my 27th. Then at 27 settle down.
@fukmo034 8 сағат бұрын
This doesn't work for everyone, some of us are broke.
@NeroAngelo616 8 сағат бұрын
666th comment. Listen, I'm 32, had a virgin to 10 year LTR with the same woman throughout my 20's. My life has fallen apart but I'm phoenixmaxxing. Cest la vie. Snakes and ladders. What else am I supposed to do? Not looks and lifemaxx? There's a specific military role I want which specifically closes when turning 33 and I'm currently injured, and this is before watching this video but time is not on my side. Ambition matters and relationships make men weaker. And I still aim to model, currently at MTN. Hell, my dad looks younger in his 70's compared to everyone from his time. He was in his late twenties when he got with my mom at idk, 16/7/8. I recently saw some mates whom I haven't seen since lockdown and one whose aged a bit at being the same age honestly admitted I haven't aged one bit. Maybe I owe a lot of credit to my skull.
@RainorSantiago 8 сағат бұрын
Thx for this video psl god mindset.You change my perspective and mindset by watching youre videos.and because of your knowledge im allowing myself to question the beliefs that many people are imposing on me and now im very grateful by listening to blackpill videos.I quit school becoming healthier and living with my families btw im 18 lived in phillipines and still no gf.
@WK_MERCURY 9 сағат бұрын
Lol this video is doomer fuel. Is there really a demand for content that makes dudes suicidal?
@Mr.MReturns 8 сағат бұрын
I think you missed the point of this video. The lie red pill gurus sell young men is that they should be workaholics/gymcels during their late teens and 20s. The reality is those years are the years you should form and strengthen your relationships and learn to experience love. You're not gonna peak at 30 just because guys like Scamza and Fresh&Fit say so.
@WK_MERCURY 7 сағат бұрын
@@Mr.MReturns no, you missed the point. This video is saying that if you aren’t attractive enough to experience whatever in your 20’s then it’s never going to happen. But the reality that doesn’t get talked about is that women don’t want bums. They want dudes that got shit going for them.
@joshua.johnson 9 сағат бұрын
I think the biggest thing for all these guys in their belief is that they are in their head. They’re trying to play this 5d game of chess on everything when in reality a lot of their issues stem from their beliefs about life and themselves. There’s no reason someone shouldn’t be able to reasonably believe that you can enjoy life at every stage. It’s already over if you happily and unironically admit to yourself that you are not enjoying life at all and are not going to enjoy life for the next decade before you can actually be ok with your existence. By the time you reach 30, you will have already forgotten about the red-pill game and longterm strategy you were so set on at one time. What’s so sad is that some simple thumb pulling, working out the neck, test maxxing through some simple supplements, finasteride, all this stuff that doesn’t take too much time could save years of this agony. Knowing to retain your seed for love instead of be a pron addict. These simple base things could save the decade of slaving and grinding to get millions of dollars. All the cringe alpha insulting and degradation KZbinrs yelling at your through a screen. When all you needed to do was push on the back of your pallet to get some cheekbones. I’m not against self improvement, just when it involves these 69,420 step slavery methods that make you waste your years and forget yourself. So this video, while brutal, is trying to show a good message.
@icenesINC 10 сағат бұрын
Also, notice how the majority of professional athletes retire in their mid to early 30s, its' cause their prime is behind them.
@brianvesta 7 сағат бұрын
Your sports performance prime is late 20s for most sports.....But a man can maintain the "look" well into their late 40s all depending on having good genetics and staying in shape.....
@ManzoorKhn212 10 сағат бұрын
A woman will choose a rich man over an attractive one anyday, anytime.
@macdonald2k 8 сағат бұрын
For marriage, sure. 😁
@Dondraper87104 8 сағат бұрын
Stop coping lol😂😂 when they do it's to settle for security since chad didn't want to commit
@icenesINC 10 сағат бұрын
My younger cousins are all tall Chads or chadlites and get plenty of attention from girls.
@icenesINC 10 сағат бұрын
statistically, women date men 2-3 years older than them, meaning a 20 year old girl is at most dating a 23 year old guy, not a guy 2-3 decades older than them as red pill copers say, and also those young pretty boys are attractive to no just younger women, but older women as well. I'm 5'4, but I had a lethal face card in my prime and had plenty of older women interested in me.
@golddanny 10 сағат бұрын
wisdom is a comb that you achieve when you get bald
@huskyboydudegaming 10 сағат бұрын
I realized something isn’t being mouth breather affects your jawline (Am I wrong or extremely wrong)
@huskyboydudegaming 10 сағат бұрын
Because I heard a lot of people thinking mouth breathing affects your jawline and teeth
@federico20151 10 сағат бұрын
Bro why do you think that woman prime is 15-20. Bro in all their 20s they are still fertil and can give birth very easy.
@Blkpll 10 сағат бұрын
Can you voice the content instead of just displaying text on screen? Impossible to watch if not sitting still like a stone for the whole duration. Also super stressful having to finish reading the text before it disappears.
@Brightyssta 11 сағат бұрын
5:07 Guys, you gotta be acustic or delusional if you ignore such a clear rejection body language. If you hit a girl on the street and she saw your face but would keep walking, instead of stoping or slowing down a bit, it is already over, specially if she would not make eye contact. If you get all the three, you know ur not that guy at all
@JNerd4468 11 сағат бұрын
Yall the secret to maintaining youth is happiness, had a friend's uncle who was like 62 and looked 20, he was the one that told me being happy is how you look young. Stressing about this blackpill stuff might literally be taking ur youth away so stop worrying. I dont believe that every women is some monster that treats you like trash but if you think that's true and want the world to be a better place take a look at yourself and make that change. How do YOU view women? Do you think they arent human if they don't have good looks?
@iiCounted-op5jx 11 сағат бұрын
Holy copium I have never seen such an insane amount of cope in a single comment
@king_dmj5280 5 сағат бұрын
​@@iiCounted-op5jxTo be fair, stress can age you quite a bit.