😊大谷選手は多分サポートしてくれる人がいるので問題ないはずでしょう。無論LAの被害に遭った方々はたいへんでしょうし、当然1部ドジャース関係者が被害を被っていても、おかしくないでしょう。ただ我々LA在住以外で、山火事に無縁の方々には他人事でしかないはずです。地球上ではすべての人が幸せに暮らしているかは、はなはだ疑問です。 だからできる範囲で、人それぞれ対応すればいいと思います。メディアの報道は、どうしても興味深い内容を優先して報道してるので、テレビをよく見てる方は影響されやすいのは仕方がない気がします。冷たいと思われるが、人それぞれ問題を抱えて生きているので、それなりの対応で仕方ない気がします。なおこのチャットは「気まま」ってことで、山火事の件で盛り上がるのも特に問題ないでしょう。Ohtani probably has people to support him, so he shouldn't have a problem. Of course, those who were affected in LA must be in great pain, and of course, it is not surprising that the Dodgers are also affected. However, for those of us who do not live in LA and have no connection to the wildfires, it should be a matter of concern to others. It is highly doubtful that all people on the earth are living happily. So I think that each person should respond to the situation to the extent possible. Media reports inevitably give priority to interesting content, so I feel that those who watch a lot of TV can't help but be easily influenced. It may sound cold, but each person lives with his or her own problems, so I feel that we have no choice but to respond in a certain way. In addition, this chat is “at will,” so I don't feel it's particularly problematic to express various opinions about the wildfires. ※Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
🍀地球は間違いなく、生物学的でないが、生きってることでしょう。日本に住んでる限り、地震は避けられないようです。詳細は知りませんが、今回のLAの火事は、かなりの悪条件が重なった中で起きた出来事のようです。私の住んでる当地は、いつ大地震が起きてもおかしくないといわれてます。もし大地震が起きたら、能登半島以上のダメージがあるのは間違いないでしょう。でも7万年前に人類(ホモサピエンス)が絶滅の危機があったようですが、何とか生き残り地球上にいくつもの類人猿がいた中で、唯一謳歌してることを考えると、生き残れた原因は今現在戦争があるものの、友好的(助け合い?)なDNAがあったからだとの説があるようです。今年になり中国でも地震があって多くの犠牲者が出てるようです。 大した話でないですが、今朝素敵な通勤途中の女性が、重たい荷物を運ぶのを見て、手伝ってくれました。こんな心がけの優し人がいる限り、人類は不滅でありたいです。 大谷選手も開幕に間に合わせるために、一生懸命準備してるはずです。なお私、地震の後の神戸にレンタカーで乗り込んだ記憶があります。数週間たった後ですが、高速道路は1部崩壊、中心街のデパートは見事に破壊されてたのを、目の当たりに見ました。今でも鮮明に覚えています。「天災は忘れたころに…。」です。なお大谷選手はけして天才ではないです。日々の努力、準備をお怠らないからでしょう。The earth will definitely be alive, albeit not biologically. As long as we live in Japan, earthquakes seem inevitable. I don't know the details, but the LA fire seems to have been caused by a combination of very bad conditions. Where I live, it is said that a major earthquake could happen at any time. If a major earthquake were to occur, there is no doubt that it would cause more damage than the Noto Peninsula. However, it seems that 70,000 years ago, human beings (homo sapiens) were in danger of extinction, but we managed to survive and are the only ones enjoying our existence among the many apes on the earth. There is a theory that the reason they survived is because of their friendly DNA, although there are wars now. This year, there was an earthquake in China, and it seems that many people were killed. This is not a big story, but this morning a nice lady on her way to work saw me carrying heavy luggage and helped me. As long as there are kind-hearted people like this, I hope humanity will be immortal. Ohtani must be preparing hard to make it in time for the opening of the season. I remember driving into Kobe after the earthquake in a rental car. It was a few weeks later, but I saw firsthand how the highway had partially collapsed and the department stores in the city center had been completely destroyed. I still remember it vividly. “Natural disasters strike when we forget...” I am sure that the disaster was not a natural disaster. Ohtani is not a genius. It is probably because he makes daily efforts and does not neglect preparation.