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Grace OPC
At Grace Church we proclaim the Bible as God’s Word. At the heart of its message is the good news that God sent his Son to die for our sins and rise to bring us new life.
We identify ourselves as Reformed, which means that we embrace the biblical teachings affirmed by the Protestant reformers, which are also summarized in our doctrinal statements, the Westminster Confession and Catechisms.
Grace OPC December 22nd, 6:00PM Worship
3 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 22nd, 11:15AM Worship
3 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 22nd, 9:00AM Worship
3 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 22nd, 11:15AM Worship
4 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 15th, 6:00PM Worship
10 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 15th, 11:15 AM Worship
10 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 15th, 9:00 AM Worship
10 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 8th, 6:00 PM Worship
17 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 8th, 11:15 AM Worship
17 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 8th, 9:00 AM Worship
17 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 8th, 9:00 AM Worship
18 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 1st, 6:00 PM Worship
24 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 1st, 11:15 AM Worship
24 күн бұрын
Grace OPC December 1st, 9:00 AM Worship
24 күн бұрын